The thesis comprises of a set of articles. As a result, several introductory paragraphs regarding... more The thesis comprises of a set of articles. As a result, several introductory paragraphs regarding whole-school health promotion in general and the schoolBeat approach in particular are to some extent repeated a number of times. With repetition being one of the critical factors of successful communication, this has not been edited. As a reading guide, a short overview of the chapters is provided:
It would be good if we get computers, but even if we don't, computers don't matter that much now ... more It would be good if we get computers, but even if we don't, computers don't matter that much now because now we know if we want we can make our visions become reality one day.
or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are ... more or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User
ABSTRACT De ministers voor Jeugd en Gezin en voor Wonen, Wijken en Integratie willen de kansen va... more ABSTRACT De ministers voor Jeugd en Gezin en voor Wonen, Wijken en Integratie willen de kansen van migrantenkinderen vergroten en hun maatschappelijke achterstand verminderen. Daarom hebben zij ZonMw gevraagd om samen met het Nederlands Jeugdinstituut en het RIVM/Centrum Jeugdgezondheid een programma op te stellen om kennis te vergaren over effectieve methodieken voor deze groep in het jeugd- en gezinsbeleid, zoals sport- en cultuurvoorzieningen, kinderopvang en opvoedingsondersteuning.
In deze bijdrage een pleidooi om in gezondheidsbevorderend Nederland constructief en in vertrouwe... more In deze bijdrage een pleidooi om in gezondheidsbevorderend Nederland constructief en in vertrouwen samen aan de slag te gaan en te blijven met de gezonde burger als centrale doelstelling. Daar doen we het tenslotte voor. Dit vraagt om inzet, om tijd, om zichtbare resultaten en om een brede, toekomstgerichte blik. Omdat een belangrijk voorwaarde voor constructieve samenwerking elkaar kennen is, in deze bijdrage ook een nadere toelichting op de huidige opzet van het Centrum Gezond Leven. In het licht van recente jubilea (RIVM: 100 jaar; Stivoro: 35 jaar en NISB: 10 jaar), is het CGL de jongste loot aan de boom van de gezondheidsbevordering (zie tabel 1). Een loot die zich regelmatig verbaast en verwondert. Maar bovenal een loot die graag samen aan een betere toekomst werkt.
Background. The daily television program dthe Netherlands on the MoveT (NOM-tv), which primarily ... more Background. The daily television program dthe Netherlands on the MoveT (NOM-tv), which primarily targets people aged over 55 (estimated Dutch 55+ population: 4 million), was designed as part of a national campaign for promoting physical activity. The aim of the study was to identify the determinants of exercise participation and viewing NOM-tv. Methods. The method used was baseline test by quota digit dialing in the country (n = 988, stratified age 35+ and 55+), and follow-up after 7 months (n = 362). The main outcome measures are: intention and actual participation in exercises. The determinants are: attitude, social influences, self-efficacy, age, sex, education, knowledge about the health effects of exercise, habits, stage of change in exercising, and perceived barriers. The backgrounds were: marital status, living situation, mental health and vitality. Results. NOM-tv attracted at least 21% of the physically non-active people at baseline to viewing and increased knowledge. The best predictors of intention to participate were: attitude, social influences, self-efficacy, age and gender. Actual participation was best predicted by age (higher), gender (female), intention, knowledge, and the (lower) number of perceived barriers. Conclusions. NOM-tv is a successful (high number of viewers) and relatively cheap way of getting inactive, older people-especially women-to exercise.
ABSTRACT Ongezond gedrag onder de jeugd neemt toe. Dit vraagt om structurele aandacht van zowel h... more ABSTRACT Ongezond gedrag onder de jeugd neemt toe. Dit vraagt om structurele aandacht van zowel het preventie- als het onderwijsveld. In Nederland zijn talloze gezondheidsbevorderende programma’s beschikbaar. Over de kwaliteit ervan is weinig bekend. De schoolSlag-checklist is ontwikkeld om hierin inzicht te geven zodat instellingen en scholen ook op basis van kwaliteit keuzes kunnen maken ter versterking van planmatig en vraaggestuurd schoolgezondheidsbeleid. Om de kwaliteit van deze checklist te kunnen verhogen is onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de validiteit, betrouwbaarheid en bruikbaarheid van de checklist. Voor het bepalen van de validiteit van de checklist hebben 32 experts op het gebied van preventie en onderwijs hun mening gegeven op de vraag of de geselecteerde kwaliteitscriteria voldoende terugkomen in de schoolSlag-checklist. 60% was van mening dat de kwaliteitscriteria (effectiviteit aangetoond, planmatigheid, efficiëntie ondersteunende instelling, efficiëntie school, onderwijsgerichtheid, participatie, aandacht voor de omgeving, kwaliteit van begeleiding ondersteunende instelling, diversiteit) voldoende vertegenwoordigd zijn in de schoolSlag-checklist. Op basis van dit onderzoeksdeel is de schoolSlag-checklist 1.2 samengesteld. Voor het bepalen van betrouwbaarheid en bruikbaarheid hebben 35 onderwijsgevenden en 33 GVO/preventiefunctionarissen 4 preventieprogramma’s beoordeeld met de checklist. De bruikbaarheid is gemeten met een vragenlijst. De schoolSlagchecklist werd door 62% van de respondenten een waardevol instrument gevonden terwijl 64% het een duidelijk tot zeer duidelijk meetinstrument vond. De resultaten van dit onderzoek gaven geen aanleiding voor aanpassing van de schoolSlagchecklist 1.2. Conclusie: de schoolSlag-checklist 1.2 is een valide, betrouwbaar en bruikbaar instrument voor het bepalen van de kwaliteit van schoolse interventies. De praktische toepassing vraagt nu aandacht.
Registration or recognition systems for bestpractice health promotion interventions may contribut... more Registration or recognition systems for bestpractice health promotion interventions may contribute to better quality assurance and control in health promotion practice. In the Netherlands, such a system has been developed and is being implemented aiming to provide policy makers and professionals with more information on the quality and effectiveness of available health promotion interventions and to promote use of good-practice and evidencebased interventions by health promotion organizations. The quality assessments are supervised by the Netherlands Organization for Public Health and the Environment and the Netherlands Youth Institute and conducted by two committees, one for interventions aimed at youth and one for adults. These committees consist of experts in the fields of research, policy and practice. Four levels of recognition are distinguished inspired by the UK Medical Research Council's evaluation framework for complex interventions to improve health: (i) theoretically sound, (ii) probable effectiveness, (iii) established effectiveness, and (iv) established cost effectiveness. Specific criteria have been set for each level of recognition, except for Level 4 which will be included from 2011. This point of view article describes and discusses the rationale, organization and criteria of this Dutch recognition system and the first experiences with the system.
This ‘cohort profile’ aims to provide a description of the study design, methodology, and baselin... more This ‘cohort profile’ aims to provide a description of the study design, methodology, and baseline characteristics of the participants in the Corona Behavioral Unit cohort. This cohort was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the regional public health services. The aim was to investigate adherence of and support for COVID-19 prevention measures, psychosocial determinants of COVID-19 behaviors, well-being, COVID-19 vaccination, and media use. The cohort also examined specific motivations and beliefs, such as for vaccination, which were collected through either closed-ended items or open text responses. In April 2020, 89,943 participants aged 16 years and older were recruited from existing nation-wide panels. Between May 2020 and September 2022, 99,676 additional participants were recruited through online social media platforms and mailing lists of higher education organizations. Participants...
TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 2020
SamenvattingDe school wordt door veel organisaties beschouwd als een goede ingang om de gezondhei... more SamenvattingDe school wordt door veel organisaties beschouwd als een goede ingang om de gezondheid van de jeugd te bevorderen. Scholen hebben echter primair een onderwijstaak. Om gezondheidsbevordering toch in scholen te integreren, zijn sinds het begin van deze eeuw tal van initiatieven ontwikkeld, zowel regionaal als landelijk. Regionale innovaties met een stevig draagvlak kunnen verdergaande veranderingen doorvoeren met een grotere impact op de gezondheid van de jeugd. Landelijk beleid kan dergelijke veranderingen niet afdwingen en is genoodzaakt tot compromissen. Van belang is dat landelijke en regionale partijen elkaar blijven inspireren.
Sinds de ontwikkeling van de schoolSlag-werkwijze in 2002 en de landelijke 'vertaling' naar de Ge... more Sinds de ontwikkeling van de schoolSlag-werkwijze in 2002 en de landelijke 'vertaling' naar de Gezonde School neemt de aandacht voor planmatig schoolgezondheidsbeleid bij GGD'en in Nederland toe. Mede om deze ontwikkeling beter te stroomlijnen heeft het RIVM Centrum Gezond Leven (CGL) samen met partners de mate waarin GGD'en in Nederland scholen ondersteunen bij het vormgeven van structureel schoolgezondheidsbeleid in kaart gebracht. Dit onderzoek beschrijft welke activiteiten GGD'en in 2008 uitvoerden ter ondersteuning van scholen bij het vormgeven van schoolgezondheidsbeleid en welke belemmerende en bevorderende factoren ze binnen dit proces ondervonden. In totaal hebben medewerkers gezondheidsbevordering van 26 van de 30 in 2008 bestaande GGD'en een vragenlijst ingevuld en zijn bij zes van de 26 GGD'en verdiepende interviews afgenomen. De meerderheid van de GGD'en blijkt activiteiten uit te voeren die bijdragen aan structureel schoolgezondheidsbeleid. De ervaringen van de GGD'en zijn wisselend. Grote tijdinvestering en beperkt draagvlak bij GGD'en en scholen worden benoemd als belangrijkste belemmerende factoren voor succesvolle implementatie van schoolgezondheidsbeleid. Kansen liggen in het verbinden van onderwijsdoelen met publieke gezondheidsdoelen.
The attention and need for evidence of school health promotion in the Netherlands are growing. Th... more The attention and need for evidence of school health promotion in the Netherlands are growing. This chapter examines the extent to which the School Beat approach being implemented in secondary schools in Southern Limburg, and what are the success factors, shortcomings and bottlenecks of sustained school health promotion? Eighteen health promoting schools were followed during a period of 4 years. A multi-method research approach was used including questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical framework of this research builds on the Diagnose Sustainable Collaboration (DISC) model which was developed by Leurs (Remediaal 4(1):3–8, 2003).
Objectives. The number of healthy school interventions of unknown quality overwhelms schools. Qua... more Objectives. The number of healthy school interventions of unknown quality overwhelms schools. Quality is a construct that is differently interpreted by teachers and health promoters. The schoolBeat checklist for quality assessment of healthy school interventions incorporates the quality perceptions of both professional groups. To support quality improvementsand thus effectivenessin school health promotion, this study evaluates the schoolBeat checklist. Methods. Twenty-nine healthy school interventions were assessed in the Netherlands, each by two health promoters and two teachersindividually and at a consensus meeting. Generalizability coefficients were calculated for the nine specific quality criteria. Results. The mean consensus score differs from the mean average individual score for two out of nine criteria. To obtain a threshold Generalizability coefficient of 0.70, the number of assessors required per criterion ranges from 1.6 to 10.8, with an average of 4.7. Conclusion. Quality assessment procedures of healthy school interventions using the schoolBeat checklist require about four experienced assessors from each professional domain to facilitate reliable quality scores based on individual assessment only. Publicly available quality scores enable the inclusion of high quality interventions in school policies in order to increase the impact of school health.
Background: Collaborations are important to health promotion in addressing multi-party problems. ... more Background: Collaborations are important to health promotion in addressing multi-party problems. Interest in collaborative processes in health promotion is rising, but still lacks monitoring instruments. The authors developed the DIagnosis of Sustainable Collaboration (DISC) model to enable comprehensive monitoring of public health collaboratives. The model focuses on opportunities and impediments for collaborative change, based on evidence from interorganizational collaboration, organizational behavior and planned organizational change. To illustrate and assess the DISC-model, the 2003/2004 application of the model to the Dutch wholeschool health promotion collaboration is described. Methods: The study combined quantitative research, using a cross-sectional survey, with qualitative research using the personal interview methodology and document analysis. A DISCbased survey was sent to 55 stakeholders in whole-school health promotion in one Dutch region. The survey consisted of 22 scales with 3 to 8 items. Only scales with a reliability score of 0.60 were accepted. The analysis provided for comparisons between stakeholders from education, public service and public health. The survey was followed by approaching 14 stakeholders for a semi-structured DISC-based interview. As the interviews were timed after the survey, the interviews were used to clarify unexpected and unclear outcomes of the survey as well. Additionally, a DISC-based document analysis was conducted including minutes of meetings, project descriptions and correspondence with schools and municipalities. Results: Response of the survey was 77% and of the interviews 86%. Significant differences between respondents of different domains were found for the following scales: organizational characteristics scale, the change strategies, network development, project management, willingness to commit and innovative actions and adaptations. The interviews provided a more specific picture of the state of the art of the studied collaboration regarding the DISC-constructs.
The thesis comprises of a set of articles. As a result, several introductory paragraphs regarding... more The thesis comprises of a set of articles. As a result, several introductory paragraphs regarding whole-school health promotion in general and the schoolBeat approach in particular are to some extent repeated a number of times. With repetition being one of the critical factors of successful communication, this has not been edited. As a reading guide, a short overview of the chapters is provided:
It would be good if we get computers, but even if we don't, computers don't matter that much now ... more It would be good if we get computers, but even if we don't, computers don't matter that much now because now we know if we want we can make our visions become reality one day.
or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are ... more or visit the DOI to the publisher's website. • The final author version and the galley proof are versions of the publication after peer review. • The final published version features the final layout of the paper including the volume, issue and page numbers. Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal. If the publication is distributed under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the "Taverne" license above, please follow below link for the End User
ABSTRACT De ministers voor Jeugd en Gezin en voor Wonen, Wijken en Integratie willen de kansen va... more ABSTRACT De ministers voor Jeugd en Gezin en voor Wonen, Wijken en Integratie willen de kansen van migrantenkinderen vergroten en hun maatschappelijke achterstand verminderen. Daarom hebben zij ZonMw gevraagd om samen met het Nederlands Jeugdinstituut en het RIVM/Centrum Jeugdgezondheid een programma op te stellen om kennis te vergaren over effectieve methodieken voor deze groep in het jeugd- en gezinsbeleid, zoals sport- en cultuurvoorzieningen, kinderopvang en opvoedingsondersteuning.
In deze bijdrage een pleidooi om in gezondheidsbevorderend Nederland constructief en in vertrouwe... more In deze bijdrage een pleidooi om in gezondheidsbevorderend Nederland constructief en in vertrouwen samen aan de slag te gaan en te blijven met de gezonde burger als centrale doelstelling. Daar doen we het tenslotte voor. Dit vraagt om inzet, om tijd, om zichtbare resultaten en om een brede, toekomstgerichte blik. Omdat een belangrijk voorwaarde voor constructieve samenwerking elkaar kennen is, in deze bijdrage ook een nadere toelichting op de huidige opzet van het Centrum Gezond Leven. In het licht van recente jubilea (RIVM: 100 jaar; Stivoro: 35 jaar en NISB: 10 jaar), is het CGL de jongste loot aan de boom van de gezondheidsbevordering (zie tabel 1). Een loot die zich regelmatig verbaast en verwondert. Maar bovenal een loot die graag samen aan een betere toekomst werkt.
Background. The daily television program dthe Netherlands on the MoveT (NOM-tv), which primarily ... more Background. The daily television program dthe Netherlands on the MoveT (NOM-tv), which primarily targets people aged over 55 (estimated Dutch 55+ population: 4 million), was designed as part of a national campaign for promoting physical activity. The aim of the study was to identify the determinants of exercise participation and viewing NOM-tv. Methods. The method used was baseline test by quota digit dialing in the country (n = 988, stratified age 35+ and 55+), and follow-up after 7 months (n = 362). The main outcome measures are: intention and actual participation in exercises. The determinants are: attitude, social influences, self-efficacy, age, sex, education, knowledge about the health effects of exercise, habits, stage of change in exercising, and perceived barriers. The backgrounds were: marital status, living situation, mental health and vitality. Results. NOM-tv attracted at least 21% of the physically non-active people at baseline to viewing and increased knowledge. The best predictors of intention to participate were: attitude, social influences, self-efficacy, age and gender. Actual participation was best predicted by age (higher), gender (female), intention, knowledge, and the (lower) number of perceived barriers. Conclusions. NOM-tv is a successful (high number of viewers) and relatively cheap way of getting inactive, older people-especially women-to exercise.
ABSTRACT Ongezond gedrag onder de jeugd neemt toe. Dit vraagt om structurele aandacht van zowel h... more ABSTRACT Ongezond gedrag onder de jeugd neemt toe. Dit vraagt om structurele aandacht van zowel het preventie- als het onderwijsveld. In Nederland zijn talloze gezondheidsbevorderende programma’s beschikbaar. Over de kwaliteit ervan is weinig bekend. De schoolSlag-checklist is ontwikkeld om hierin inzicht te geven zodat instellingen en scholen ook op basis van kwaliteit keuzes kunnen maken ter versterking van planmatig en vraaggestuurd schoolgezondheidsbeleid. Om de kwaliteit van deze checklist te kunnen verhogen is onderzoek uitgevoerd naar de validiteit, betrouwbaarheid en bruikbaarheid van de checklist. Voor het bepalen van de validiteit van de checklist hebben 32 experts op het gebied van preventie en onderwijs hun mening gegeven op de vraag of de geselecteerde kwaliteitscriteria voldoende terugkomen in de schoolSlag-checklist. 60% was van mening dat de kwaliteitscriteria (effectiviteit aangetoond, planmatigheid, efficiëntie ondersteunende instelling, efficiëntie school, onderwijsgerichtheid, participatie, aandacht voor de omgeving, kwaliteit van begeleiding ondersteunende instelling, diversiteit) voldoende vertegenwoordigd zijn in de schoolSlag-checklist. Op basis van dit onderzoeksdeel is de schoolSlag-checklist 1.2 samengesteld. Voor het bepalen van betrouwbaarheid en bruikbaarheid hebben 35 onderwijsgevenden en 33 GVO/preventiefunctionarissen 4 preventieprogramma’s beoordeeld met de checklist. De bruikbaarheid is gemeten met een vragenlijst. De schoolSlagchecklist werd door 62% van de respondenten een waardevol instrument gevonden terwijl 64% het een duidelijk tot zeer duidelijk meetinstrument vond. De resultaten van dit onderzoek gaven geen aanleiding voor aanpassing van de schoolSlagchecklist 1.2. Conclusie: de schoolSlag-checklist 1.2 is een valide, betrouwbaar en bruikbaar instrument voor het bepalen van de kwaliteit van schoolse interventies. De praktische toepassing vraagt nu aandacht.
Registration or recognition systems for bestpractice health promotion interventions may contribut... more Registration or recognition systems for bestpractice health promotion interventions may contribute to better quality assurance and control in health promotion practice. In the Netherlands, such a system has been developed and is being implemented aiming to provide policy makers and professionals with more information on the quality and effectiveness of available health promotion interventions and to promote use of good-practice and evidencebased interventions by health promotion organizations. The quality assessments are supervised by the Netherlands Organization for Public Health and the Environment and the Netherlands Youth Institute and conducted by two committees, one for interventions aimed at youth and one for adults. These committees consist of experts in the fields of research, policy and practice. Four levels of recognition are distinguished inspired by the UK Medical Research Council's evaluation framework for complex interventions to improve health: (i) theoretically sound, (ii) probable effectiveness, (iii) established effectiveness, and (iv) established cost effectiveness. Specific criteria have been set for each level of recognition, except for Level 4 which will be included from 2011. This point of view article describes and discusses the rationale, organization and criteria of this Dutch recognition system and the first experiences with the system.
This ‘cohort profile’ aims to provide a description of the study design, methodology, and baselin... more This ‘cohort profile’ aims to provide a description of the study design, methodology, and baseline characteristics of the participants in the Corona Behavioral Unit cohort. This cohort was established in response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the regional public health services. The aim was to investigate adherence of and support for COVID-19 prevention measures, psychosocial determinants of COVID-19 behaviors, well-being, COVID-19 vaccination, and media use. The cohort also examined specific motivations and beliefs, such as for vaccination, which were collected through either closed-ended items or open text responses. In April 2020, 89,943 participants aged 16 years and older were recruited from existing nation-wide panels. Between May 2020 and September 2022, 99,676 additional participants were recruited through online social media platforms and mailing lists of higher education organizations. Participants...
TSG - Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen, 2020
SamenvattingDe school wordt door veel organisaties beschouwd als een goede ingang om de gezondhei... more SamenvattingDe school wordt door veel organisaties beschouwd als een goede ingang om de gezondheid van de jeugd te bevorderen. Scholen hebben echter primair een onderwijstaak. Om gezondheidsbevordering toch in scholen te integreren, zijn sinds het begin van deze eeuw tal van initiatieven ontwikkeld, zowel regionaal als landelijk. Regionale innovaties met een stevig draagvlak kunnen verdergaande veranderingen doorvoeren met een grotere impact op de gezondheid van de jeugd. Landelijk beleid kan dergelijke veranderingen niet afdwingen en is genoodzaakt tot compromissen. Van belang is dat landelijke en regionale partijen elkaar blijven inspireren.
Sinds de ontwikkeling van de schoolSlag-werkwijze in 2002 en de landelijke 'vertaling' naar de Ge... more Sinds de ontwikkeling van de schoolSlag-werkwijze in 2002 en de landelijke 'vertaling' naar de Gezonde School neemt de aandacht voor planmatig schoolgezondheidsbeleid bij GGD'en in Nederland toe. Mede om deze ontwikkeling beter te stroomlijnen heeft het RIVM Centrum Gezond Leven (CGL) samen met partners de mate waarin GGD'en in Nederland scholen ondersteunen bij het vormgeven van structureel schoolgezondheidsbeleid in kaart gebracht. Dit onderzoek beschrijft welke activiteiten GGD'en in 2008 uitvoerden ter ondersteuning van scholen bij het vormgeven van schoolgezondheidsbeleid en welke belemmerende en bevorderende factoren ze binnen dit proces ondervonden. In totaal hebben medewerkers gezondheidsbevordering van 26 van de 30 in 2008 bestaande GGD'en een vragenlijst ingevuld en zijn bij zes van de 26 GGD'en verdiepende interviews afgenomen. De meerderheid van de GGD'en blijkt activiteiten uit te voeren die bijdragen aan structureel schoolgezondheidsbeleid. De ervaringen van de GGD'en zijn wisselend. Grote tijdinvestering en beperkt draagvlak bij GGD'en en scholen worden benoemd als belangrijkste belemmerende factoren voor succesvolle implementatie van schoolgezondheidsbeleid. Kansen liggen in het verbinden van onderwijsdoelen met publieke gezondheidsdoelen.
The attention and need for evidence of school health promotion in the Netherlands are growing. Th... more The attention and need for evidence of school health promotion in the Netherlands are growing. This chapter examines the extent to which the School Beat approach being implemented in secondary schools in Southern Limburg, and what are the success factors, shortcomings and bottlenecks of sustained school health promotion? Eighteen health promoting schools were followed during a period of 4 years. A multi-method research approach was used including questionnaires and interviews. The theoretical framework of this research builds on the Diagnose Sustainable Collaboration (DISC) model which was developed by Leurs (Remediaal 4(1):3–8, 2003).
Objectives. The number of healthy school interventions of unknown quality overwhelms schools. Qua... more Objectives. The number of healthy school interventions of unknown quality overwhelms schools. Quality is a construct that is differently interpreted by teachers and health promoters. The schoolBeat checklist for quality assessment of healthy school interventions incorporates the quality perceptions of both professional groups. To support quality improvementsand thus effectivenessin school health promotion, this study evaluates the schoolBeat checklist. Methods. Twenty-nine healthy school interventions were assessed in the Netherlands, each by two health promoters and two teachersindividually and at a consensus meeting. Generalizability coefficients were calculated for the nine specific quality criteria. Results. The mean consensus score differs from the mean average individual score for two out of nine criteria. To obtain a threshold Generalizability coefficient of 0.70, the number of assessors required per criterion ranges from 1.6 to 10.8, with an average of 4.7. Conclusion. Quality assessment procedures of healthy school interventions using the schoolBeat checklist require about four experienced assessors from each professional domain to facilitate reliable quality scores based on individual assessment only. Publicly available quality scores enable the inclusion of high quality interventions in school policies in order to increase the impact of school health.
Background: Collaborations are important to health promotion in addressing multi-party problems. ... more Background: Collaborations are important to health promotion in addressing multi-party problems. Interest in collaborative processes in health promotion is rising, but still lacks monitoring instruments. The authors developed the DIagnosis of Sustainable Collaboration (DISC) model to enable comprehensive monitoring of public health collaboratives. The model focuses on opportunities and impediments for collaborative change, based on evidence from interorganizational collaboration, organizational behavior and planned organizational change. To illustrate and assess the DISC-model, the 2003/2004 application of the model to the Dutch wholeschool health promotion collaboration is described. Methods: The study combined quantitative research, using a cross-sectional survey, with qualitative research using the personal interview methodology and document analysis. A DISCbased survey was sent to 55 stakeholders in whole-school health promotion in one Dutch region. The survey consisted of 22 scales with 3 to 8 items. Only scales with a reliability score of 0.60 were accepted. The analysis provided for comparisons between stakeholders from education, public service and public health. The survey was followed by approaching 14 stakeholders for a semi-structured DISC-based interview. As the interviews were timed after the survey, the interviews were used to clarify unexpected and unclear outcomes of the survey as well. Additionally, a DISC-based document analysis was conducted including minutes of meetings, project descriptions and correspondence with schools and municipalities. Results: Response of the survey was 77% and of the interviews 86%. Significant differences between respondents of different domains were found for the following scales: organizational characteristics scale, the change strategies, network development, project management, willingness to commit and innovative actions and adaptations. The interviews provided a more specific picture of the state of the art of the studied collaboration regarding the DISC-constructs.
Papers by Mariken Leurs