Papers by Marieta Costache

International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Cutaneous melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer and often proves fatal in metast... more Cutaneous melanoma is one of the most aggressive types of cancer and often proves fatal in metastatic stages. Few treatment options are available, and its global incidence is quickly increasing. In order to gain an improved understanding of the molecular features regarding melanoma progression, we have compared gene and small non-coding RNA expression profiles from cell lines derived from primary melanoma (MelJuSo), lymph node metastasis (MNT-1) and brain metastasis (VMM1), representing distinct stages of malignant progression. Our preliminary results highlighted the aberrant regulation of molecular markers involved in several processes that aid melanoma progression and metastasis development, including extracellular matrix remodeling, migratory potential and angiogenesis. Moreover, bioinformatic analysis revealed potential targets of the microRNAs of interest. Confocal microscopy and immunohistochemistry analysis were used for validation at the protein level. Exploring the molecula...

Due to their remarkable structures and properties, three-dimensional hydrogels and nanostructured... more Due to their remarkable structures and properties, three-dimensional hydrogels and nanostructured clay particles have been extensively studied and have shown a high potential for tissue engineering as solutions for tissue defects. In this study, four types of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate/2-acrylamido-2-methylpropane sulfonic acid/montmorillonite (HEMA/AMPSA/MMT) hydrogels enriched with sericin, and fibroin were prepared and studied in the context of regenerative medicine for soft tissue regenerative medicine. Our aim was to obtain crosslinked hydrogel structures using modified montmorillonite clay as a crosslinking agent. In order to improve the in vitro and in vivo biocompatibility, silk proteins were further incorporated within the hydrogel matrix. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) were performed to prove the chemical structures of the modified MMT and nanocomposite hydrogels. Swelling and rheological measurements showed the good e...

Investigation of genetic relationship among populations was traditionally based on the analysis o... more Investigation of genetic relationship among populations was traditionally based on the analysis of allele frequencies at different loci. The four Romanian sheep breeds we have analyzed in this study are very important from an economical point of view, as they are raised for milk, meat and pelts. The aim of this study was to analyze, the genetic diversity and variability of four autochthonous Romanian sheep breeds (Botosani Karakul, Karabash, Palas Milk Line and Palas Meat Line) through the use of 11 ovine-specific microsatellite markers,. The microsatellite analysis revealed high allelic and gene diversity in all four breeds. Botosani Karakul breed showed the highest mean number of alleles (11. 6), while the highest value for polymorphic information content was observed for Palas Milk Line breed (0.83). The genetic differentiation among breeds was low, but significant (F ST =0.082) and highlighted breed differentiation. Genetic distance estimates and phylogeny analysis highlights ge...

Histopathology, 2008
Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma versus morphoeic basal cell carcinoma: a critical reappraisal of h... more Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma versus morphoeic basal cell carcinoma: a critical reappraisal of histomorphological and immunohistochemical criteria for differentiation Aims: It is often difficult to differentiate between cases of desmoplastic trichoepithelioma (DTE) and morphoeic basal cell carcinoma (MBCC) because both lesions have many features in common. The aim was to clarify which criteria for differentiation offer the best basis for diagnosis. Methods and results: Nineteen cases of DTE were compared histologically and immunohistochemically with 18 cases of MBCC (using CD34, CD10, cytokeratin (CK) 20, androgen receptor, Bcl-2, Ki67 and p53 immunohistochemistry). Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative likelihood ratios were calculated. Convincing diagnostic evidence for DTE was identified for the following features: symmetry, good circumscription, depression in the lesion's centre. However, these features are applicable only to excisional specimens, not to specimens taken by punch biopsy. Signs of infundibular, follicular or sebaceous differentiation, calcification, osteoma, association with a melanocytic naevus, and absence of solar elastosis below the lesion provided equally robust diagnostic evidence for DTE. Immunohistochemically, only staining of Merkel cells with CK20 and negativity of aggregations with androgen receptors were diagnostically convincing for DTE. Ki67 and p53 revealed significant differences, but a lower positive likelihood ratio. Conclusion: Histopathologistics need to identify with confidence subtle signs of infundibular, follicular and sebaceous differentiation because these features are dependable criteria to differentiate DTE from MBCC. Immunohistochemistry for androgen receptors and CK20 is helpful, but interpretation is difficult in some DTEs when few cells are immunopositive for these markers.

Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2009
The genetic diversity found in domestic breeds allows farmers to develop new characteristics in r... more The genetic diversity found in domestic breeds allows farmers to develop new characteristics in response to changes in the environment, the appearance of diseases, or of modifications in market conditions. Indigenous breeds often possess gene combinations and special adaptations (such as disease resistance, adaptation to harsh conditions or poor-quality feeds) not found in other breeds. Five Romanian cattle breeds (Romanian Spotted, Romanian Black Spotted, Romanian Brown, Montbeliarde and Romanian Grey Steppe) were investigated in order to characterize their genetic structure and to study their phylogenetic origin. Romanian Grey Steppe is an indigenous cattle breed, part of the Grey Steppe/Podolian group originating in the steppe of Ukraine. The observed heterozygosity per breed ranged from 0.580 (Montbeliarde) to 0.690 (Romanian Brown) and the expected heterozygosity from 0.711 (Romanian Spotted) to 0.778 (Romanian Black Spotted). Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested for all breed...

Acipenser stellatus is a critically endangered species due to the anthropic influence. It has bee... more Acipenser stellatus is a critically endangered species due to the anthropic influence. It has been intensively captured for decades because of its high economic value, its roe being used in the caviar industry. Therefore, Acipenser stellatus is intensively raised in fish farms for both conservation and economical purposes. Aquaculture aims to optimize the feeding regime of juveniles in order to improve its profitability. The purpose of this study was to investigate if Acipenser stellatus can adapt to a starvation/refeeding regime by assessing the effects of this regime on oxidative stress biomarkers and antioxidant defense mechanisms in juveniles raised under aquaculture conditions. The juveniles were subjected to two regimes: a 7-day starvation period followed by 21 days of refeeding, respectively a 14-day starvation period followed by 21 days of refeeding. The results showed that both starvation/refeeding regimes induced an enhancement of antioxidant enzymes activities in the inte...

BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor gene and any alteration of its functions can contribute to cancer dev... more BRCA1 is a tumor suppressor gene and any alteration of its functions can contribute to cancer development and progression. The loss of heterozigosity (LOH), meaning the loss of the normal functional allele in a heterozygous locus of a tumor suppressor such as BRCA1 gene, leads to wild-type gene inactivation and can be correlated with cancer. The role of BRCA1 LOH has already been demonstrated in familial and sporadic breast cancer. Little is known about BRCA1 LOH correlated with other types of familial cancers such as prostate cancer, esophageal cancer or gastric cancer and even less about BRCA1 LOH correlations with the types of sporadic cancers. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between distinct BRCA1 alterations and tumor site or cancer progression in Romanian patients with prostate, esophageal and gastric cancer. For this purpose polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based microsatellite analysis was used to detect LOH occurring in regions mapping for BRCA1 gene...
Genotype data from 11 microsatellites were used to assess genetic variation among 2 swine breeds:... more Genotype data from 11 microsatellites were used to assess genetic variation among 2 swine breeds: Mangalitsa and Large White. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested and the exact P-value over all loci and breeds was not significant. Estimates of average observed and expected heterozygosities, and number of alleles per population was obtained. The lowest and highest observed heterozygosities were found in the Large White breed (0.150-SW24 and 0.912SO228). For a number of microsatellites, alleles that present frequencies up to 0.46 in one populations were not detected in other populations (SO005, SO355, SW24, and SW911). In this study we demonstrate the differences between Mangalitsa and Large White swine populations in terms of allelic diversity.

Cyprinids (Teleostei:Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae) are the major component of Eurasian temperate fres... more Cyprinids (Teleostei:Cypriniformes:Cyprinidae) are the major component of Eurasian temperate freshwater fish fauna with respect to the number of both individuals and species (about 2010 reported species). Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has proven to be useful in molecular phylogenetic studies because evolutionary relationships can be inferred among higher levels, between recently divergent groups, populations, species and even individuals. Phylogenetic relatioships were inferred from analysis of 302 base pairs (bp) of mithocondrial DNA (mtDNA), representing a fragment of the subunit I cythocrom c oxidase gene (cox1) and the 274 bp of mtDNA, representing a fragment of the subunit II cythocrom c oxidase gene (cox2). We sequenced 9 cyprinids species from Romania. Bootstrap analysis distingushed two principal lineages in cyprinids: Cyprinine and Leuciscine, with Cyprinine at the basal position. For the Leuciscine group Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and Arischthys nobilis were found to belong t...

The past few years have witnessed major developments in nanotechnology with great potential in po... more The past few years have witnessed major developments in nanotechnology with great potential in powering new therapeutic tools for cancer management. Our goal in this study was to develop a biocompatible nanoshuttle for the efficient delivery of 5FU in colorectal cancer patients. Silk fibroin/Poly(ethylene glycol) nanoparticles (SF/PEG NPs) were obtained and further loaded with 5FU. These nanoshuttles were characterized in terms of: morphological properties, size and size-distribution, drug uptake and release potential as well as in vitro cytotoxicity potential screening. The SF/PEG + 5FU NPs cytotoxicity was determined on HT-29 cells after determination of the lethal dose 50 and targeted the evaluation of the cells viability, proliferation potential and migration and invasion potential. The inflammatory profile of RAW 264.7 macrophage cells was also detrmined by flowcytometry. The basic cytotoxicity screening revealed that the pristine SF/PEG NPs displayed a good biocompatibility wh...

Animals : an Open Access Journal from MDPI, 2021
Simple Summary The stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) is a critically endangered species due... more Simple Summary The stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) is a critically endangered species due to multiple causes including human impact, with its valuable roe being used for caviar production. As a consequence, it is intensively raised in aquaculture for both conservation and economical purposes. Food deprivation can occur in both natural and aquaculture environments due to specific conditions that impose food restrictions (such us extreme temperatures, deterioration of water quality, pathological manifestations). The purpose of this study was to investigate the physiological adaptability of stellate sturgeon under two starvation/refeeding regimes. Therefore, the study had two objectives: to assess the effects of an alternative feeding regime on oxidative stress biomarkers and to assess the antioxidant defense mechanisms in juveniles raised in aquaculture. The results showed that the starvation/refeeding regimes induced lipid peroxidation and an enhancement of antioxidant enzyme...

The unique characteristics of sturgeons, as well as the difficulties in sampling determine the sc... more The unique characteristics of sturgeons, as well as the difficulties in sampling determine the scarce knowledge about the genetics of this group of fish. The studies regarding taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships are limited, this group of fishes showing a great morphological variability due to their capacity of generating fertile hybrids with species belonging to different genera in their natural environment or in aquaculture conditions. Mitochondrial DNA represents a valuable marker in studies investigating the structure of the populations and phylogenetic relationships between sturgeon species. In our study we have sequenced a fragment of the cytochrome b mitochondrial gene from Huso huso individuals. By analyzing and comparing these sequences with those in the existing data bases we have identified new polymorphisms appearing in the Huso huso population from the Black Sea. The mutations involve four codons 234CTA, 280CTG, 390GGG and 405TGA of the cytochrome b mitochondrial g...

Romanian Biotechnological Letters, 2010
Phylogenetic relationships of Romanian cattle breeds to various other cattle breeds including Bos... more Phylogenetic relationships of Romanian cattle breeds to various other cattle breeds including Bos taurus, Bos indicus (Indian zebu), Bison bison and Bison bonasus were assessed using mtDNA Dloop sequences. Kimura's two-parameter distances were calculated and a cluster analysis using the Neighbour-joining method was performed to obtain phylogenetic trees among sequences determined and then published in GenBank. The NJ tree showed that Bison bison, Bison bonasus and Bos indicus, respectively, are clearly separate from other cattle breeds. In addition, there are two main distinct genetic lineages: taurine (Bos taurus) and zebu (Bos indicus), that was fully supported by 100% of 1000 bootstrap iterations. The result also indicates that the geographic cattle sequences of taurine lineage are mixed. The conclusion we have reached indicates that the sequences are closely related or have recently diverged.

Genotype data from 10 microsatellites were used to assess genetic diversity and relationships amo... more Genotype data from 10 microsatellites were used to assess genetic diversity and relationships among 7 swine breeds: Synthetic Line-345 Peris, Synthetic Line LSP-2000, Pietrain, Large White, Landrace, Mangalitsa and Wild boar. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was tested for all breed- combinations and the exact P-value over all loci and breeds was not significant. Estimates of average observed and expected heterozygosities, and mean number of alleles per locus/population were obtained. A total of 112 alleles were detected, the mean number of alleles ranged from 4.6 to 7.5. The highest observed heterozygosities were found in the Large White breed (0.699) and the lowest in Wild Boar (0.5). The global population differentiation tests showed highly significant (p<0.01) results for all 10 loci. Estimation of population subdivision using Wright's FST index showed that the average proportion of genetic variation explained by breed differences was 9.5%. Neighbour-joining phylogenetic trees ...

Investigation of genetic relationship among populations was traditionally based on the analysis o... more Investigation of genetic relationship among populations was traditionally based on the analysis of allele frequencies at different loci. The four Romanian sheep breeds we have analyzed in this study are very important from an economical point of view, as they are raised for milk, meat and pelts. The aim of this study was to analyze, the genetic diversity and variability of four autochthonous Romanian sheep breeds (Botosani Karakul, Karabash, Palas Milk Line and Palas Meat Line) through the use of 11 ovine-specific microsatellite markers,. The microsatellite analysis revealed high allelic and gene diversity in all four breeds. Botosani Karakul breed showed the highest mean number of alleles (11. 6), while the highest value for polymorphic information content was observed for Palas Milk Line breed (0.83). The genetic differentiation among breeds was low, but significant (FST=0.082) and highlighted breed differentiation. Genetic distance estimates and phylogeny analysis highlights gene...
Papers by Marieta Costache