Papers by Marie-Anne Chabin

Records Management Journal
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to show how archival expertise and diplomatic analysis can e... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to show how archival expertise and diplomatic analysis can enrich the documentary corpuses analyzed by artificial intelligence tools. Here, the demonstration is based on a freely accessible material: the data from the great national debate launched in early 2019 by the French President Macron in response to the large-scale social movement known as the “yellow vests”. Design/methodology/approach Step 1 consisted of understanding the methods and conclusions of the providers responsible for processing the data of the great debate (1.5 million contributors). Step 2 was to analyze the formal elements of a random set of online contributions. Then, to compare the results. Findings This research shows that the processing of the data is based almost exclusively on texts, to the detriment of data on the source, date and arrangement of contributions, which could nevertheless be exploited as metadata. Research limitations/implications The mass of data and th...
I2D - Information, données & documents
I2D - Information, données & documents

Brazilian Journal of Information Science
The international financial and political crisis named Panama Papers (2016) provided a rather goo... more The international financial and political crisis named Panama Papers (2016) provided a rather good material for information studies, particularly for digital diplomatics. First, the comments, in some languages, allow to analyze how media and newspapers use the words information, data, document, file and record, each with its own culture: some papers are directly written with the own words of the journalist, others are translations, showing notably the differences between English and French professional and common vocabulary. Second, it was also an opportunity to check the place of email in those cases of disclosure of sensitive data in the “society of information”. The point is that the fragility of the digital files themselves (format, preservation) is not the worse for information and records management; the risk is more linked to the fragility of the international network and the ability of search engines to reach these records, wherever they may be stored.
Dix-huitième Siècle, 1996
Revue des études slaves, 1985
Communication & langages, 2008

Document numérique, 2002
Le dossier est souvent définit par son objet (dossier de subvention, dossier de patient, dossier ... more Le dossier est souvent définit par son objet (dossier de subvention, dossier de patient, dossier de presse) sans que l'on s'appesantisse davantage sur ce que recouvre la notion de dossier, ce qu'elle sous-entend, à quoi elle fait référence. Ce numéro de Document numérique sur la numérisation de dossiers papier et la production de dossiers électroniques est une occasion d'essayer de définir ce qu'est un dossier et d'observer si le changement de support affecte le contenu du dossier. ABSTRACT. What we call « dossier » in French (in English whether file or folder or record) is usually defined through the subject it refers to (financial file, medical record, clipping file…), and the meaning of the very word « dossier » is not further explained; the reason of using this word instead of another is not so clear. This issue of Document numérique about electronic files/records, both digitalized paper documents and native electronic documents, seems an opportunity to precise what a « dossier » supposed to be and if changing the medium from paper to electronic means also changing structure and content.
Documentaliste-Sciences de l'Information, 2010
... Perspectives du livre numérique. ... Si les licences libres, comme les Creative Commons, peuv... more ... Perspectives du livre numérique. ... Si les licences libres, comme les Creative Commons, peuvent fluidifier le système, en facilitant la production d'uvres dérivées, elles ne règlent ... Information sur les entreprises et information légale : quels risques à l'heure de la crise financière ? ...
Documentaliste-Sciences de l'Information, 2014
Documentaliste-Sciences de l'Information, 2014
Papers by Marie-Anne Chabin