Papers by Mariana Oliveira

New specimens of Paulsilvella huveorum were collected in Brazil at Baía de Ilha Grande, Rio de Ja... more New specimens of Paulsilvella huveorum were collected in Brazil at Baía de Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro, and Sebastião Gomes reef, Bahia. This new collections represent a relevant range extension and new hosts for the species (Amphiroa beauvoisii, Jania cubensis and non-identified Hydrozoa and Bryozoa) and enabled the first DNA amplifications for Paulsilvella. The systematic position of Pausilvellain the subfamily Lithophylloideae is confirmed based on SSU rDNA, psbA and rbcL molecular markers. Morphologically and anatomically the specimens are similar to the original description in where basal dimerous thalli with monomeric erect branches characterize the genus. But, the analyzed carposporangial conceptacles express the roof position varying from flush or above the thallus surface, the chambers always buried within tiers of columnar cells, suggesting that this feature is variable within the species and might also suggest that P. huveorumand the fossil P. antiqua
should be considered as potential synonyms. We do not want to suggest this clump waiting for more collections from different geographical areas in where new data may support our idea. Our results strongly suggest that the subfamily Lithophylloideae urgently needs to be reviewed to delimit genera based on molecular and morphological analysis because monomeric and dimeric thalli organization have evolved several times in the group.
Revista De Enfermagem E Atencao a Saude, Dec 27, 2013
Revista Brasileira De Ciencia Veterinaria, Jun 29, 2014
Revista Ciencias Juridicas E Sociais Ung, Oct 23, 2014

ABSTRACT Family farming has been identified as a major modifier of Amazonian vegetation cover. Th... more ABSTRACT Family farming has been identified as a major modifier of Amazonian vegetation cover. These small establishments have had problems with the availability of water resources, soil quality and, consequently, low crop production. Amazonian soils studies have generated data that make up a database about the changing soil conditions as a result of the land use modifications. The objective of this research is to understand the soil degradation processes that occur on two toposequences, under native forest and pasture, in a family farming establishment. The study area is located in the Piranheira Praialta Agroextrativist Settlement Project in the county of Nova Ipixuna, Pará, Brazil. Two toposequences were chosen, one under native forest and the other under pasture. Pits were opened in different landscape positions (upslope, midslope and downslope) for soil morphological, micromorphological and physical characterization. Samples were taken for soil particle distribution, bulk density, particle density, hydraulic conductivity and image analysis. The soils were classified according to World Reference Base (WRB-FAO, 2006) as Plinthic Acrisol Clayic, Haplic Cambisols Dystric Skeletic and Haplic Plinthosol Clayic Dystric. The results show that all the studied profiles presented higher contents of sand in the surface horizons and an increase in clay in the subsurface horizons. This indicates heterogeneity of the particle soil distribution in the soil profiles along the different landscape positions. Higher bulk density values are found in the surface horizons due to the sandy texture of these horizons. Under forest, soil bulk density varies from 1,260 to 1,580 Mg m3, and under pasture bulk densities were higher varying from 1,270 to 1,710 Mg m3. Soil particle density results obtained in both land use systems were very similar in all horizons varying from 2,580 to 2,630 Mg m3 under forest and from 2,580 to 2,670 under pasture. Image analysis results showed a significant decrease in the soil porosity between the surface and subsurface horizons of all the profiles in both land use systems. In the forest, changes in the total area occupied by pores between the surface and subsurface horizons occurred at a depth of 65 cm and the values varied from 24.15% to 6.15%. In the pasture, these changes occurred closer to the soil surface at a depth of 20 cm and the values varied 23.76% to 5.04%. Irregular pores dominated in the surface horizons whilst rounded pores dominated in the subsurface horizons in both land use systems. These morphological and physical attributes influenced the hydraulic conductivity values, which presented higher values in the surface horizons decreasing in the clayey subsurface horizons. The analyzed attributes showed a tendency of a higher degraded soil under pasture with elevated values of soil bulk density, rapid reduction in soil porosity closer to the soil surface and changes in the hydraulic conductivity properties.
Saber Cientifico Odontologico, Oct 29, 2010
... USE OF BENZODIAZEPINES IN ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Mariana Cherque Oliveira1 Rodrigo Qu... more ... USE OF BENZODIAZEPINES IN ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY Mariana Cherque Oliveira1 Rodrigo Queiroz Aleixo2 Moacyr Tadeu Vicente Rodrigues3 ... ficar em observação por período prolongado (CAMPOLONGO et al., 2005). ...
Cadernos De Agroecologia, Dec 24, 2013

Epilepsia, Jan 11, 2016
To investigate the presence and progression of gray matter (GM) reduction in seizure-free patient... more To investigate the presence and progression of gray matter (GM) reduction in seizure-free patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We enrolled 39 consecutive TLE patients, seizure-free for at least 2 years-20 with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) signs of hippocampal sclerosis (TLE-HS), 19 with normal MRI (TLE-NL), and 74 healthy controls. For longitudinal analysis, we included individuals who had a second MRI with minimum interval of 18 months: 21 patients (10 TLE-HS, 11 TLE-NL) and 11 controls. Three-dimensional (3D) T1 -weighted images acquired in 3 Tesla MRI were analyzed with voxel-based morphometry (VBM). The images of patients with right-sided interictal epileptogenic zone (EZ) were right-left flipped, as well as a comparable proportion of controls. Cross-sectional analysis: The patients' images from each group were compared to controls to investigate differences in GM volumes. Longitudinal analysis: The first and second images were compared in each group to look for d...

Egu General Assembly Conference Abstracts, May 1, 2014
ABSTRACT Soil knowledge and the changes in its attributes due to land use modifications in the Am... more ABSTRACT Soil knowledge and the changes in its attributes due to land use modifications in the Amazon region is important for decision making by family farmers. These farmers have to choose sustainable land use management practices for their survival in the region and, for soil and forest conservation. The study area is located in the Piranheira Praialta Agroextrativist Settlement Project in the county of Nova Ipixuna, Pará, Brazil. The objective of this research is to understand the relations between soil physical, chemical and biological attributes, and how these relations change with modifications in land use. This information is important for defining best management practices for family farming in the region. Two toposequences were chosen, one under native forest and the other under pasture. 40 cm pits were opened with five replicates in three landscape positions (upslope, midslope and downslope). Sampling periods were July/2012 (dry season); January/2013 (beginning of rainy season) and march/2013 (rainy season). Samples were taken for soil particle size analysis, bulk density, particle density, moisture, porosity, water retention, chemical, litter dry matter and macrofauna analysis. Statistical analysis techniques were performed uni and multivariate. No significant differences were observed in the particle size distribution of the studied soils. The soils presented sandy surface horizons with an increase of clay in depth in both land use systems. Soil bulk density values were higher in the surface horizons and, in general, in the pasture toposequence. Differences were also observed in the soil moisture content and litter dry matter which were higher under the native forest, and in the pH and organic matter values which were higher in the pasture. Higher water retention capacity was observed in the surface horizons of the forest when compared to the pasture, corroborating the higher values of macroporosity observed in the forest soils. Due to higher moisture content, litter dry matter, water retention capacity and macropores present in the soils under native forest, a higher diversity and richness of macrofauna species was observed in the forest soils when compared to the pasture. Apart from the higher diversity, exclusive species and individuals with a larger body diameter were also found in the forest. A more detailed analysis of the earthworms, indicates a higher quantity of individuals under pasture, but these have smaller body diameters than the individuals found under the forest. The presence of individuals with larger body diameters influences the development of macropores in the forest surface horizons. Analyzing the influence of macrofauna on the different soil attributes, few changes were observed in the superficial horizons in relation to soil bulk density and total porosity in both land use systems. On the other hand, differences in the size and distribution of pores by the macrofauna were observed. These changes influence directly the soil water dynamics altering, sometimes irreversibly, the soil functioning in different land use systems.

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016
This work aimed to develop solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) co-loaded with doxorubicin and α-tocop... more This work aimed to develop solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN) co-loaded with doxorubicin and α-tocopheryl succinate (TS), a succinic acid ester of α-tocopherol that exhibits anticancer actions, evaluating the influence of TS on drug encapsulation efficiency. The SLN were characterized for size, zeta potential, entrapment efficiency (EE), and drug release. Studies of in vitro anticancer activity were also conducted. The EE was significantly improved from 30±1% to 96±2% for SLN without and with TS at 0.4%, respectively. In contrast, a reduction in particle size from 298±1 to 79±1nm was observed for SLN without and with TS respectively. The doxorubicin release data show that SLN provide a controlled drug release. The in vitro studies showed higher cytotoxicity for doxorubicin-TS-loaded SLN than for free doxorubicin in breast cancer cells. These findings suggest that TS-doxorubicin-loaded SLN is a promising alternative for the treatment of cancer.

European Journal of Phycology, Jan 30, 2015
The genus Porphyra sensu lato of the Bangiales has been reported from the Brazilian coast since t... more The genus Porphyra sensu lato of the Bangiales has been reported from the Brazilian coast since the 19th century. However, a major worldwide taxonomic revision of the Bangiales indicated that the foliose genus present in Brazil was Pyropia and that Porphyra sensu stricto has not been recorded from this region. A revision of the species of Pyropia in Brazil, based on sequence analysis of molecular markers (rbcL and SSU rDNA) and complemented with morphology, revealed the occurrence of five distinct species in Brazil: P. acanthophora, P. spiralis, P. suborbiculata, P. tanegashimensis and P. vietnamensis. Possible events of Pyropia species introduction in Brazil are discussed in the context of phylogenetic analyses. Pyropia acanthophora and P. spiralis, regarded as southwestern Atlantic species, were not closely related in phylogenetic analyses. Pyropia acanthophora grouped with the possibly introduced Indo-Pacific species P. suborbiculata, P. tanegashimensis and P. vietnamensis. Analysis of available COI-5P and UPA sequences indicated that P. acanthophora occurs in the Hawaiian Islands. These results suggest that P. acanthophora, contrary to previous views, may not be endemic to Brazil. Pyropia spiralis, which is supposedly the only native Pyropia species in Brazil, grouped with species from the Mexican Pacific coast, and its origin along the southwestern Atlantic Ocean and Caribbean Sea is discussed.
Cryptogamie Algologie, 2007
Journal of Applied Phycology, 2015
Xiv Congresso Brasileiro De Ficologia, May 24, 2012

Na Amazônia, o uso de pastagem como base da pecuária tem sido apontado como o grande responsável ... more Na Amazônia, o uso de pastagem como base da pecuária tem sido apontado como o grande responsável por promover grandes desmatamentos e causar prejuízos à dinâmica da paisagem. O estudo foi conduzido no Projeto de Assentamento de agricultura familiar no Sudeste do Pará, com o objetivo de caracterizar físicamente e quimicamente duas topossequências sob floresta e pastagem. Foram abertas trincheiras em diferentes posições topográficas sob cada uso para caracterização morfológica, química e física do solo. Os resultados indicaram que em ambos os usos a morfologia do solo apresentou diferenças importantes entre os horizontes superficiais e subsuperficiais. A textura, a estrutura, bem como a densidade do solo e a química acompanharam as diferenças existentes em profundidade, e em posição no relevo. A análise de componentes principais (ACP) dos atributos físicos e químicos indicou que o eixo 1 foi responsável por 39,8% da variância total e separou os pontos pela posição dos horizontes no pe...

O futuro do Bioma Amazônico depende de sua capacidade para suportar mudanças causadas pelo uso da... more O futuro do Bioma Amazônico depende de sua capacidade para suportar mudanças causadas pelo uso da terra. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as diferenças entre solos sob pastagem (P) e sob floresta (F) e em relação a três posições na vertente – montante (1), meia encosta (2) e jusante (3) – por meio de árvore de decisão (AD). O estudo foi conduzido num assentamento agroextrativista, em Nova Ipixuna, Pará, no Brasil. Na indução das ADs, o atributo meta foi o tipo de uso do solo (F ou P) e os atributos preditores foram: posição do horizonte do solo (HP), teores de areia, silte, argila e matéria orgânica, densidade do solo, CTC e macro, meso e microporosidade do solo. Na definição de HP, os horizontes A foram considerados superficiais e os horizontes diferentes de A como subsuperficiais. As ADs foram avaliadas com base na acurácia global e na acurácia para classe do atributo meta. Valores mais elevados de pH em superfície e quantidade de mesoporos e argila menores em subsuperfície c...

Journal of Applied Phycology, 2014
ABSTRACT Hypnea musciformis, a red macroalga widely distributed in tropical and subtropical coast... more ABSTRACT Hypnea musciformis, a red macroalga widely distributed in tropical and subtropical coasts around the world, has great economic importance as a source of carrageenan for industrial production. In this work, the DNA barcode marker COI-5P and the plastid rbcL gene, in addition to morphological studies, were used to investigate this species on the coast of Brazil and compare it with specimens from other countries. A total of 128 sequences were obtained in this study for 100 specimens from Brazil and 15 specimens from other countries, including the type locality in Italy. The divergence between South American sequences and sequences from Italy for H. musciformis was significantly high for both markers, indicating that the specimens found on the Brazilian coast belong to a different species. Considering the data gathered from molecular markers and morphological analysis, the specimens previously identified morphologically as “H. musciformis”, “H ypnea nigrescens”, and “Hypnea valentiae” collected in Brazil were considered morphological variations of the new species described in this paper, named Hypnea pseudomusciformis Nauer, Cassano & M.C. Oliveira, sp. nov. The identification of specimens based only on morphological characteristics proved to be unsatisfactory for reasons that could be attributed to phenotypic plasticity in this species. Thus, the technique of DNA barcoding, especially with respect to the COI-5P marker, was essential for the identification and definition of species, revealing scenarios that would otherwise be ignored by using only morphological analysis.

ABSTRACT Family farming has been identified as a major modifier of Amazonian vegetation cover. Th... more ABSTRACT Family farming has been identified as a major modifier of Amazonian vegetation cover. These small establishments have had problems with the availability of water resources, soil quality and, consequently, low crop production. Amazonian soils studies have generated data that make up a database about the changing soil conditions as a result of the land use modifications. The objective of this research is to understand the soil degradation processes that occur on two toposequences, under native forest and pasture, in a family farming establishment. The study area is located in the Piranheira Praialta Agroextrativist Settlement Project in the county of Nova Ipixuna, Pará, Brazil. Two toposequences were chosen, one under native forest and the other under pasture. Pits were opened in different landscape positions (upslope, midslope and downslope) for soil morphological, micromorphological and physical characterization. Samples were taken for soil particle distribution, bulk density, particle density, hydraulic conductivity and image analysis. The soils were classified according to World Reference Base (WRB-FAO, 2006) as Plinthic Acrisol Clayic, Haplic Cambisols Dystric Skeletic and Haplic Plinthosol Clayic Dystric. The results show that all the studied profiles presented higher contents of sand in the surface horizons and an increase in clay in the subsurface horizons. This indicates heterogeneity of the particle soil distribution in the soil profiles along the different landscape positions. Higher bulk density values are found in the surface horizons due to the sandy texture of these horizons. Under forest, soil bulk density varies from 1,260 to 1,580 Mg m3, and under pasture bulk densities were higher varying from 1,270 to 1,710 Mg m3. Soil particle density results obtained in both land use systems were very similar in all horizons varying from 2,580 to 2,630 Mg m3 under forest and from 2,580 to 2,670 under pasture. Image analysis results showed a significant decrease in the soil porosity between the surface and subsurface horizons of all the profiles in both land use systems. In the forest, changes in the total area occupied by pores between the surface and subsurface horizons occurred at a depth of 65 cm and the values varied from 24.15% to 6.15%. In the pasture, these changes occurred closer to the soil surface at a depth of 20 cm and the values varied 23.76% to 5.04%. Irregular pores dominated in the surface horizons whilst rounded pores dominated in the subsurface horizons in both land use systems. These morphological and physical attributes influenced the hydraulic conductivity values, which presented higher values in the surface horizons decreasing in the clayey subsurface horizons. The analyzed attributes showed a tendency of a higher degraded soil under pasture with elevated values of soil bulk density, rapid reduction in soil porosity closer to the soil surface and changes in the hydraulic conductivity properties.
Papers by Mariana Oliveira
should be considered as potential synonyms. We do not want to suggest this clump waiting for more collections from different geographical areas in where new data may support our idea. Our results strongly suggest that the subfamily Lithophylloideae urgently needs to be reviewed to delimit genera based on molecular and morphological analysis because monomeric and dimeric thalli organization have evolved several times in the group.
should be considered as potential synonyms. We do not want to suggest this clump waiting for more collections from different geographical areas in where new data may support our idea. Our results strongly suggest that the subfamily Lithophylloideae urgently needs to be reviewed to delimit genera based on molecular and morphological analysis because monomeric and dimeric thalli organization have evolved several times in the group.