Papers by Mariana Edith Huerta Morales

Revista Desarrollo y Sociedad
En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento individual frente al pago de impuestos, pero ... more En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento individual frente al pago de impuestos, pero desde una óptica diferente a la comúnmente adoptada: la moral fiscal. Utilizando datos del Latinobarómetro (Latinobarómetro, 2005) para el Cono Sur, se estima la relación entre la moral fiscal, una serie de variables socioeconómicas que caracterizan al individuo y variables de percepción. Estimando modelos probit ordenados y mínimo cuadrado ordinarios, se encuentra en general una mayor moral fiscal para las personas más educadas, de mayor edad, casadas o en unión libre, con menor privación relativa, más orgullosas de su nacionalidad, satisfechas con la democracia, que confían en el presidente y las instituciones de su país. A su vez, se constatan diferencias según la nacionalidad, por ejemplo los contribuyentes chilenos poseen una moral fiscal significativamente mayor a la del resto.

Revista Internacional De Contaminacion Ambiental, Jan 31, 2012
Como parte de un diagnóstico sobre el estado que guarda la generación, el manejo y la disposición... more Como parte de un diagnóstico sobre el estado que guarda la generación, el manejo y la disposición de los residuos sólidos en la Universidad Iberoamericana, Ciudad de México (IBERO) y a fin de presentar propuestas que contribuyan al desarrollo sustentable de la institución, se realizó un estudio de cuantificación y caracterización en los años 2008 y 2009. Entre los resultados obtenidos está la generación total diaria que asciende a alrededor de 3.3 toneladas (0.33 kg/per cápita, 0.017 kg /m 2). Se encontró que el 52 % del residuo generado es susceptible al proceso de composteo, 27 % es material reciclable y únicamente el 21 % es residuo que se destinaría a relleno sanitario. El porcentaje de residuos totales aprovechados actualmente en la IBERO asciende a 26.23 %, se recicla el 100 % del residuo de jardinería, el 1 % del residuo alimenticio, el 23 % del papel, el 16.5 % del cartón, el 1.8 % de las botellas de PET y el 4 % de las latas de aluminio. Siendo que los materiales de mayor generación son recuperables, se presentan algunas recomendaciones para mejorar el sistema actual de separación y recolección.
Cuadernos Internacionales De Tecnologia Para El Desarrollo Humano, 2008
[cuadernosinternacionales] de tecnología para el desarrollo humano junio 2008 educación para el d... more [cuadernosinternacionales] de tecnología para el desarrollo humano junio 2008 educación para el desarrollo Recursos educativos Mariana Morales y Sonia Pérez Recursos educativos La integración de la Tecnología para el Desarrollo Humano en Secundaria La formación de los diferentes agentes educativos, especialmente la formación del profesorado, es una de las estrategias generales para la integración de contenidos, procedimientos y valores de la Educación para el Desarrollo (EpD) en el ámbito de la educación formal. Es fundamental potenciar la EpD dentro de los planes de formación permanente del profesorado y homologar acciones de formación del profesorado impulsadas por las ONGD.
Success of college engineering education is determined by more than the achievement of theoretica... more Success of college engineering education is determined by more than the achievement of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills. It means a more complex process of change in the person which, most desirably, will lead to the development of maturity, responsibility, and commitment with the social and the natural environments. This paper presents t he results of a study conducted at the Iberoamericana University, Mexico City, dealing with the design an d application of an instrument for evaluating several aspects of Human Development in engineering college students (Openness to Experience, Responsibility, Congruence, Satisfaction, Security and Relationship Closeness). The main goal of this research was to p rovide a helpful tool for the researcher on Human Development and/or Education and to diversify the current engineering evaluation methods.
Special Care in Dentistry, 2010
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) occurs in one out of 300,000 individuals. It is mainly characteri... more Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) occurs in one out of 300,000 individuals. It is mainly characterized by a delay in growth, psychomotor retardation, duplication of the distal phalanx of the thumbs, typical facial dimorphism, a risk of cancer, and multiple dental abnormalities. This case report describes the dental management of a 13-year-old female with RTS, who had multiple dental problems such as caries, periodontal disease, and a severe malocclusion. Physical findings were similar to those previously described in other reports. Dental treatment was carried out under sedation due to the patient's inability to cooperate during dental treatment. After 3 years of follow-up there were no new caries and the periodontal health had improved.

Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2010
A fruit juice-soymilk (FJ-SM) beverage was treated by high intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPE... more A fruit juice-soymilk (FJ-SM) beverage was treated by high intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF) (35 kV/cm with 4 μs bipolar pulses at 200 Hz for 800 or 1400 μs) or heated (90°C, 60 s) in order to evaluate and compare the effects of both technologies on the isoflavone profile along the storage at 4°C. Total isoflavone content was determined by quantification of aglycone and glucoside forms analyzed with HPLC. Immediately after treatments, all the evaluated samples showed a higher concentration of glucosides than aglycones, genistin being the most abundant glucoside. Heat treated samples showed higher initial concentration of glucosidic forms as compared to the untreated or HIPEF treated beverages. No significant changes were observed in total isoflavone content after the increasing HIPEF treatment time from 800 to 1400 μs. During the storage, genistein, daidzein and daidzin content increased; while genistin showed a slight decrease, irrespective of the treatment applied. In this way, total isoflavone content tend to increase throughout the time in all the evaluated samples. After 56 days of storage, there was no significant difference in HIPEF treated and fresh FJ-SM beverages, the latter being slightly higher in those thermally treated. As a result, HIPEF could be a good technology in order to obtain FJ-SM beverages with a high content of isoflavones and fresh-like characteristics. Considering the great concentration of isoflavones in untreated and treated FJ-SM beverages, their consumption could be a good way to increase the isoflavone daily intake of the population. Industrial relevance: HIPEF processing could be a competent technology in order to obtain FJ-SM beverages with fresh-like appearance and similar isoflavone content than just made products. The fruit juice-soymilk beverage evaluated in the present research has a great isoflavone content regarding to commercial soy based beverages. Its consumption could increase the current isoflavone intake of the population. Industry could apply this non-thermal technology in order to meet current consumers' claims for quality foods with high nutritional values.
Special Care in Dentistry, 2010
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) occurs in one out of 300,000 individuals. It is mainly characteri... more Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RTS) occurs in one out of 300,000 individuals. It is mainly characterized by a delay in growth, psychomotor retardation, duplication of the distal phalanx of the thumbs, typical facial dimorphism, a risk of cancer, and multiple dental abnormalities. This case report describes the dental management of a 13-year-old female with RTS, who had multiple dental problems such as caries, periodontal disease, and a severe malocclusion. Physical findings were similar to those previously described in other reports. Dental treatment was carried out under sedation due to the patient's inability to cooperate during dental treatment. After 3 years of follow-up there were no new caries and the periodontal health had improved.

Food Control, 2011
The influence of high intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF) treatment (35 kV/cm, bipolar 4 ms ... more The influence of high intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF) treatment (35 kV/cm, bipolar 4 ms square wave pulses at 200 Hz) on the inactivation of Listeria innocua in fruit juiceewhole (FJeWM) or skim milk (FJeSM) beverages was assessed. As well, the effects of HIPEF or conventional thermal (90 C 60 s) processing in terms of microbial and enzymatic stability and changes on physicochemical parameters of the beverages during refrigerated storage were also studied. HIPEF and thermal processing ensured the microbial stability of the beverages during 56 days at 4 C without significant changes on pH, acidity and soluble solid content values. Thermal processing was more effective than HIPEF in reducing Pectin Methyl Esterase (PME) activity in FJeSM and FJeWM beverages since its activity was reduced by 70.66% and 87.33%, respectively. With regards to Polygalacturonase (PG), HIPEF treatment reduced by 26.92% and 20.93% the enzyme activity in the FJeWM and FJeSM beverages, respectively, whereas thermal treatment did not inactivate PG in both beverages. HIPEF or thermally-treated samples showed higher viscosity than the untreated ones, being this increment more pronounced in the beverages with whole milk. Therefore, HIPEF processing may be a feasible technology in order to obtain shelf stable and freshlike fruit juice-milk beverages.

Environmental Research, 2010
Human exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs) has been associated with cancer and serious injury to v... more Human exposure to inorganic arsenic (iAs) has been associated with cancer and serious injury to various internal organs, as well as peripheral neuropathy, endocrine disruption and diverse effects in the central nervous system (CNS). Using rodent models, it is possible to demonstrate As accumulation in the brain that leads to defects in operant learning, behavioral changes, and affect pituitary gonadotrophins. iAs biomethylation in the CNS is a significant process, yielding products that are more reactive and toxic than the parent compound. Mice received 2.5, 5, and 10 mg/kg/day sodium arsenite orally for 9 days. We investigated the distribution of iAs and its metabolites as well as the mRNA and protein expression of arsenic (III) methyltransferase (AS3MT), which encodes the key enzyme in iAs metabolism, in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, mesencephalon, thalamus, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pons, medulla oblongata, and pituitary of mouse brain. Our findings show that methylated As metabolites are present in all brain regions studied suggesting that AS3MT is ubiquitously expressed in the brain and it is not inducible by dose of arsenite. There is also a doserelated accumulation of As species in all brain regions, with the highest accumulation observed in the pituitary. The higher distribution of arsenicals in pituitary can help to explain the neuroendocrine effects associated with iAs exposure.
Electroanalysis, 1996
Polarography has been applied to the study of the mixed-ligand system Zn"-alanine-alaninate, in a... more Polarography has been applied to the study of the mixed-ligand system Zn"-alanine-alaninate, in aqueous medium, at f = 1 .OM NaCIO, and 25 i 0.05 "C. The study of the quasireversible waves characteristic of Zn" has been carried out by means of a new method of analysis, which is faster and more accurate than traditional methods. The stabilization of the coordinated species [ZnA]" (plo 7 1.8), [ZnAzlz+ (DZ0 = 0.52), [Zn(A-)Jt (Do, = 9.1 x lo4), [ZII(A-)~] (Po2 = 9.4 x 10') and [ZnA(A-)]+ (@,I = 6.2 x lo4) has been established.
Food Control, 2011
The influence of high-intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF) treatment (35 kV/cm, bipolar 4 μs ... more The influence of high-intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF) treatment (35 kV/cm, bipolar 4 μs square wave pulses at 200 Hz) on the inactivation of Listeria innocua in fruit juice-whole (FJ-WM) or skim milk (FJ-SM) beverages was assessed. As well, the effects of ...

Innovative Food Science …, 2010
A fruit juice-soymilk (FJ-SM) beverage was treated by high intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPE... more A fruit juice-soymilk (FJ-SM) beverage was treated by high intensity pulsed electric fields (HIPEF) (35 kV/cm with 4 μs bipolar pulses at 200 Hz for 800 or 1400 μs) or heated (90°C, 60 s) in order to evaluate and compare the effects of both technologies on the isoflavone profile along the storage at 4°C. Total isoflavone content was determined by quantification of aglycone and glucoside forms analyzed with HPLC. Immediately after treatments, all the evaluated samples showed a higher concentration of glucosides than aglycones, genistin being the most abundant glucoside. Heat treated samples showed higher initial concentration of glucosidic forms as compared to the untreated or HIPEF treated beverages. No significant changes were observed in total isoflavone content after the increasing HIPEF treatment time from 800 to 1400 μs. During the storage, genistein, daidzein and daidzin content increased; while genistin showed a slight decrease, irrespective of the treatment applied. In this way, total isoflavone content tend to increase throughout the time in all the evaluated samples. After 56 days of storage, there was no significant difference in HIPEF treated and fresh FJ-SM beverages, the latter being slightly higher in those thermally treated. As a result, HIPEF could be a good technology in order to obtain FJ-SM beverages with a high content of isoflavones and fresh-like characteristics. Considering the great concentration of isoflavones in untreated and treated FJ-SM beverages, their consumption could be a good way to increase the isoflavone daily intake of the population. Industrial relevance: HIPEF processing could be a competent technology in order to obtain FJ-SM beverages with fresh-like appearance and similar isoflavone content than just made products. The fruit juice-soymilk beverage evaluated in the present research has a great isoflavone content regarding to commercial soy based beverages. Its consumption could increase the current isoflavone intake of the population. Industry could apply this non-thermal technology in order to meet current consumers' claims for quality foods with high nutritional values.
…, 1996
Polarography has been applied to the study of the mixed-ligand system Zn"-alanine-alaninate, in a... more Polarography has been applied to the study of the mixed-ligand system Zn"-alanine-alaninate, in aqueous medium, at f = 1 .OM NaCIO, and 25 i 0.05 "C. The study of the quasireversible waves characteristic of Zn" has been carried out by means of a new method of analysis, which is faster and more accurate than traditional methods. The stabilization of the coordinated species [ZnA]" (plo 7 1.8), [ZnAzlz+ (DZ0 = 0.52), [Zn(A-)Jt (Do, = 9.1 x lo4), [ZII(A-)~] (Po2 = 9.4 x 10') and [ZnA(A-)]+ (@,I = 6.2 x lo4) has been established.
LWT-Food Science and …, 2009
Novel non-thermal processing technologies such as high-intensity pulsed electric field (HIPEF) tr... more Novel non-thermal processing technologies such as high-intensity pulsed electric field (HIPEF) treatments may be applied to pasteurize plant-based liquid foods as an alternative to conventional heat treatments. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in HIPEF as a way of preserving and extending the shelf-life of liquid products without the quality damage caused by heat treatments. However, less attention has been paid to the effects of HIPEF on minor constituents of these products, namely bioactive compounds. This review is a state-of-the-art update on the effects of HIPEF treatments on healthrelated compounds in plants of the Mediterranean diet such as fruit juices, and Spanish gazpacho. The relevance of HIPEFprocessing parameters on retaining plant-based bioactive compounds will be discussed.

Success of college engineering education is determined by more than the achievement of theoretica... more Success of college engineering education is determined by more than the achievement of theoretical knowledge and the development of practical skills. It means a more complex process of change in the person which, most desirably, will lead to the development of maturity, responsibility, and commitment with the social and the natural environments. This paper presents the results of a study conducted at the Iberoamericana University, Mexico City, dealing with the design and application of an instrument for evaluating several aspects of Human Development in engineering college students (Openness to Experience, Responsibility, Congruence, Satisfaction, Security and Relationship Closeness). The main goal of this research was to provide a helpful tool for the researcher on Human Development and/or Education and to diversify the current engineering evaluation methods. Index Terms-engineering evaluation, engineering students behavior and feelings, engineering students values and responsibility.

J. Phys. Chem. …, 2005
Polyelectrolyte/gold nanoparticle multilayers composed of poly(L-lysine) (pLys) and mercaptosucci... more Polyelectrolyte/gold nanoparticle multilayers composed of poly(L-lysine) (pLys) and mercaptosuccinic acid (MSA) stabilized gold nanoparticles (Au NPs) were built up using the electrostatic layer-by-layer self-assembly technique upon a gold electrode modified with a first layer of MSA. The assemblies were characterized using UV-vis absorption spectroscopy, cyclic and square-wave voltammetry, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Charge transport through the multilayer was studied experimentally as well as theoretically by using two different redox pairs [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3-/4and [Ru(NH 3) 6 ] 3+/2+. This paper reports a large sensitivity to the charge of the outermost layer for the permeability of these assemblies to the probe ions. With the former redox pair, dramatic changes in the impedance response were obtained for thin multilayers each time a new layer was deposited. In the latter case, the multilayer behaves as a conductor exhibiting a strikingly lower impedance response, the electric current being enhanced as more layers are added for Au NP terminated multilayers. These results are interpreted quite satisfactorily by means of a capillary membrane model that encompasses the wide variety of behaviors observed. It is concluded that nonlinear slow diffusion through defects (pinholes) in the multilayer is the governing mechanism for the [Fe(CN) 6 ] 3-/4species, whereas electron transfer through the Au NPs is the dominant mechanism in the case of the [Ru(NH 3) 6 ] 3+/2+ pair.

Department of, 2008
En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento individual frente al pago de impuestos, pero ... more En el presente trabajo se analiza el comportamiento individual frente al pago de impuestos, pero desde una óptica diferente a la comúnmente adoptada: la moral fiscal. Utilizando datos del Latinobarómetro (Latinobarómetro, 2005) para el Cono Sur, se estima la relación entre la moral fiscal, una serie de variables socioeconómicas que caracterizan al individuo y variables de percepción. Estimando modelos probit ordenados y mínimo cuadrado ordinarios, se encuentra en general una mayor moral fiscal para las personas más educadas, de mayor edad, casadas o en unión libre, con menor privación relativa, más orgullosas de su nacionalidad, satisfechas con la democracia, que confían en el presidente y las instituciones de su país. A su vez, se constatan diferencias según la nacionalidad, por ejemplo los contribuyentes chilenos poseen una moral fiscal significativamente mayor a la del resto.
Papers by Mariana Edith Huerta Morales