Papers by Maria Teresa Oré

Dans cette communication, nous analysons l'effet du boom de l'agro-exportation dans l'... more Dans cette communication, nous analysons l'effet du boom de l'agro-exportation dans l'ecosysteme aride de la vallee d'Ica au Perou, y compris les effets environnementaux sur son aquifere et la montee d'un nouveau type de conflits sociaux et environnementaux qui revelent les differents interets economiques et sociaux dans le bassin de l'Ica. Fin 2010, la vallee a ete declaree en etat d'urgence hydrique a cause de la surexploitation de son aquifere. Paradoxe, dans une region qui avait vecu un miracle de l'agro-exportation, avec les asperges. Nous analysons des elements conceptuels pour montrer les effets de l'eau souterraine par rapport a la possession de la terre, la relation entre le secteur agro-exportateur et les chaines commerciales internationales et l'absence d'une legislation reglementant l'utilisation de l'eau souterraine et ses consequences pour une gestion integrale des sources d'eau.
Development Policy Review, 2015
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DESCRIPTION With a new development framework under way and an increasingly urgent need to address... more DESCRIPTION With a new development framework under way and an increasingly urgent need to address political, socioeconomic and environmental issues on a global scale, this is a critical moment for the international development agenda. Almost 15 years after the Millennium Declaration, a new phase for international development is about to begin and, with it, comes the opportunity to critically assess how new development goals and milestones are likely to be shaped and delivered. This paper assumes that a greater understanding of development needs and practices can better sustain a new agenda for change, and that a key step in this process is to identify priorities based on both new and long-standing knowledge gaps, to help orient decision-making processes and funding allocation in academia and beyond. This paper present the results of a consultative and participatory exercise that addresses the need to articulate and better align the research interests and priorities of academics and ...
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales eBooks, Apr 1, 1977

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, Sep 3, 2015
Water resources in high mountains play a fundamental role for societies and ecosystems both local... more Water resources in high mountains play a fundamental role for societies and ecosystems both locally and downstream. Impacts of global change, including climate change, glacier shrinkage, and socioeconomic forces related to demographics, agroindustrial development, and hydroelectricity generation; pose new hydrological risks for human livelihoods. However, these hydroclimatic and socioeconomic drivers of water resource change are often poorly quantified and interconnected, while data scarcity poses challenges in these regions. Here we review the state of knowledge for two major catchments in the Peruvian Andes, which hold the largest tropical glacier mass worldwide: the Santa River (Cordillera Blanca) and Vilcanota River (Cordillera Vilcanota). Our integrative review of water resource change and comparative discharge analysis of two gauging stations in the Santa and Vilcanota River catchments show that the future provision of water resources is a concern to regional societies and must be factored more carefully into water management policies. In this context, observed hydroclimatic and socioeconomic changes represent important drivers of water availability, allocation, and conflicts over water resources. The legal framework and decentralized institutional architecture in Peru could potentially provide a basis for participatory integrative water management; however, unequal power relations, institutional fragility and increasing competition over water resources hamper these efforts. We identify several research gaps, including the need for more in situ data, cultural analyses, and a risk-based framework that combines climate-related hazards with human and natural vulnerabilities. Finally, this review suggests that future adaptation plans for water management should better link science, society, and policy.

Autoridad Nacional del Agua eBooks, Sep 1, 2015
Water resources in high mountains play a fundamental role for societies and ecosystems both local... more Water resources in high mountains play a fundamental role for societies and ecosystems both locally and downstream. Impacts of global change, including climate change, glacier shrinkage, and socioeconomic forces related to demographics, agroindustrial development, and hydroelectricity generation; pose new hydrological risks for human livelihoods. However, these hydroclimatic and socioeconomic drivers of water resource change are often poorly quantified and interconnected, while data scarcity poses challenges in these regions. Here we review the state of knowledge for two major catchments in the Peruvian Andes, which hold the largest tropical glacier mass worldwide: the Santa River (Cordillera Blanca) and Vilcanota River (Cordillera Vilcanota). Our integrative review of water resource change and comparative discharge analysis of two gauging stations in the Santa and Vilcanota River catchments show that the future provision of water resources is a concern to regional societies and must be factored more carefully into water management policies. In this context, observed hydroclimatic and socioeconomic changes represent important drivers of water availability, allocation, and conflicts over water resources. The legal framework and decentralized institutional architecture in Peru could potentially provide a basis for participatory integrative water management; however, unequal power relations, institutional fragility and increasing competition over water resources hamper these efforts. We identify several research gaps, including the need for more in situ data, cultural analyses, and a risk-based framework that combines climate-related hazards with human and natural vulnerabilities. Finally, this review suggests that future adaptation plans for water management should better link science, society, and policy.
Autoridad Nacional del Agua eBooks, May 2, 2017
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018
Éditions de l’IHEAL eBooks, 2022
Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacio... more Este obra está licenciado com uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.
Practical Action Publishing eBooks, 1990

El agua es la fuente primordial de la vida en la árida costa peruana . Pero es mucho más que eso.... more El agua es la fuente primordial de la vida en la árida costa peruana . Pero es mucho más que eso. Es fuente de cooperación y conflicto, de solidaridad y de lucha, de poder y de drama social, de mitos, leyendas y profundos significados para los habitantes de la zona. Así, estudiar a fondo un canal costeño es abordar la historia, la cultura y l a política de la costa, como también estudiar importantes tensiones dentro de la sociedad peruana contemporánea. En el libro que tenemos el agrado de presentar, María Teresa Oré ha logrado penetrar esta complejidad social engarzada en la historia y la actualidad del riego, a través de su detallada investigación del canal de La Achirana . Infatigable investigadora de múltiples facetas de la realidad peruana, la autora ha estado trabajando diferentes aspectos del regadío peruano por más de 15 años . Fue en los años ochenta que ella recogió y editó el testimonio Memorias de un viejo luchador campesino: Juan H. Pévez,' en el cual Pévez nos cuenta, entre otras cosas, de las luchas en el canal de La Achirana. A fines de los años ochenta, Oré entra a estudiar más a fondo la historia y sociología de este canal, como también la problemática general del agua en el Perú. El presente libro es la síntesis de todos estos años de investigación, pero la obra trasciende ampliamente el tema de un sistema local en la costa peruana, ya que ofrece conceptos, perspectivas y conclusiones que tienen relevancia también para el estudio de la sierra andina, así como para el análisis de los procesos sociales de riego en otras partes del mundo.
Routledge eBooks, Apr 21, 2023
Ashgate Publishing Ltd., 2007

Disasters, 2006
Climate change is expected to lead to greater extremes (droughts and floods) in river regimes aro... more Climate change is expected to lead to greater extremes (droughts and floods) in river regimes around the world. While the number of major calamities is predicted to rise, the efforts of the public sector, experts and local stakeholders are badly coordinated. Consequently, aid does not reach target groups, resulting in unnecessary losses. Hence, there is a need for more participatory and integrative approaches. To ensure a more concerted response to climate‐induced disasters, stakeholders could coordinate and negotiate within Multi‐Stakeholder Platforms. Such roundtables are increasingly being established for vision‐building and integrated water resource management, but could be employed in disaster management as well. After discussing the advantages and disadvantages of participation, this article trace the rise of and the problems facing two ‘El Niño’ platforms: one in Ica, a city on the Peruvian coast that flooded unexpectedly in January 1998, and one in Ayacucho, which saw a clim...

Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2021
If the success of agricultural intensification continues to rely on the depletion of aquifers and... more If the success of agricultural intensification continues to rely on the depletion of aquifers and exploitation of (female) labour, transformations to groundwater sustainability will be impossible to achieve. Hence, the development of new groundwater imaginaries, based on alternative ways of organizing society-water relations is highly important. This paper argues that a comparative documentation of grass-roots initiatives to care for, share or recharge aquifers in places with acute resource pressures provides an important source of inspiration. Using a grounded anti-colonial and feminist approach, we combine an ethnographic documentation of groundwater practices with hydrogeological and engineering insights to enunciate, normatively assess and jointly learn from the knowledges, technologies and institutions that characterize such initiatives. Doing this usefully shifts the focus of planned efforts to regulate and govern groundwater away from government efforts to control individual ...
políticas neoliberales de agua en el perú. antecedentes y entretelones de la ley de recursos hídr... more políticas neoliberales de agua en el perú. antecedentes y entretelones de la ley de recursos hídricos maría teresa oré* edwin rap**
Contiene: Introduccion -- Aproximacion historica a las politicas de riego -- Situacion actual: re... more Contiene: Introduccion -- Aproximacion historica a las politicas de riego -- Situacion actual: repliegue del Estado en el control del agua y las irrigaciones
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
Papers by Maria Teresa Oré