Papers by Maria Shkaratan

Овој извештај е производ на вработените во Меѓународната банка за обнова и развој/ Светска банка.... more Овој извештај е производ на вработените во Меѓународната банка за обнова и развој/ Светска банка. Наодите, толкувањата и заклучоците изразени во овој труд и не секогаш ги отсликуваат гледиштата на извршните директори на Светска банка или на владите што ги претставуваат. Светска банка не гарантира за точноста на податоците во овој извештај. Границите, боите, назначувањата и другите информации прикажани на картите во овој труд не иплицираат заклучок во име на Светска банка во однос на правниот статус на било која територија или одобрување или прифаќање на тие граници.. Изјава за авторските права:. Материјалот во оваа публикација е предмет на авторско право. Копирањето и/или пренесувањето на делови или на целокупниот труд без одобрение може да претставува прекршување на закон. Меѓународната банка за обнова и развој/ Светска банка го охрабрува ширењето на овој труд и вообичаено веднаш ќе даде дозвола за репродуцирање делови од овој труд. За дозвола за фотокопирање или препечатување на делови од овој извештај, ве молиме да испратите барање со целосни информации до
Energy Policy, 2012
Sub-Saharan Africa faces chronic power problems, including insufficient generation capacity, low ... more Sub-Saharan Africa faces chronic power problems, including insufficient generation capacity, low connectivity, poor reliability, and high costs, all of which constrain development. The investment requirements to meet Africa's power needs are noted and strategies to address the funding gap are set out. The time for an ideological debate on public versus private investment is over-both are needed. Africa's key challenges are the management of hybrid power markets, the reform of state-owned utilities, cost-reflective pricing, better targeting of subsidies, the nimbler rollout of electrification, and stronger regional integration.
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encoura... more The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations are less than fully polished. The papers carry the names of the authors and should be cited accordingly. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this paper are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank and its affiliated organizations, or those of the Executive Directors of the World Bank or the governments they represent.

Against the backdrop of economic transition, several closure in Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. Usi... more Against the backdrop of economic transition, several closure in Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. Using countries in Eastern Europe havc undertaken far-quanititative and qualitative research methods and based reaching programiis to restructure their coal sectors; on interviews withi national, regional, and local experts, whicih in the 1990s were in a state of deep crisis. One and members of the affected population, the authors aspect of restructuring has been the closure of loss-describe the effect of mine closure and evaluate the making mines, which are often located in communities various mitigationl efforts that have been used by where the coal industry is the dominant employer, and governments in such cases. They conclude with policy the significant downsizing of the workforce. Mitigation recommendations of broad relevance to programs of efforts that are implemented at thle time of mine closure industrial restructurinig in communities dominated by a (suchi as severance payments) are usually intended only single industry. for the laid-off workers.
Papers by Maria Shkaratan