Papers by Maria Sandra Arauz

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2012
The natriuretic peptides are a family of hormones that play a primary role in the regulation of t... more The natriuretic peptides are a family of hormones that play a primary role in the regulation of the cardiovascular and renal homeostasis. Three have been identified: the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), B type natriuretic peptide (BNP) and C type natriuretic peptide (CNP). The ANP and BNP are synthesized in the atrial and the ventricular cardiac tissue, respectively. In humans, they were related with cardiac and renal disease, hypertension, age and sex. In the same way, in canines and felines were also related with different cardiac pathologies, renal disease, hypertension, obesity . At present, they are considered a complementary tool in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis in companion animal's patients with cardiac disease. The objective of the present work was to carried out a bibliographic review among the actual natriuretic peptides available in the field of veterinary cardiology. Key word: Natriuretic Peptides in dog cardiology

Analecta Veterinaria, Jun 30, 2015
La leptospirosis constituye una zoonosis emergente de distribución mundial causada por espiroquet... more La leptospirosis constituye una zoonosis emergente de distribución mundial causada por espiroquetas patógenas del género Leptospira. La enfermedad reviste gran importancia tanto a nivel económico como en la salud pública. El diagnóstico de la leptospirosis es complejo y generalmente se realiza por métodos bacteriológicos y serológicos. En las últimas décadas la aplicación de técnicas moleculares como la Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa (PCR) ha permitido el diagnóstico de muchas enfermedades de etiología microbiana, incluida la leptospirosis. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión de los protocolos de PCR publicados en medicina veterinaria para resaltar las ventajas y desventajas de esta técnica aplicada al diagnóstico clínico y a estudios epidemiológicos. Aunque, la aplicación de técnica de PCR demostró ser un complemento útil de los métodos de referencia, son necesarios estudios adicionales en relación a la utilización de la misma para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad en animales. Concluimos que al interpretar los resultados obtenidos con la técnica de PCR se debe considerar: incluir un control interno de amplificación en cada protocolo y optar por técnicas de PCR anidada o en tiempo real debido a su mayor sensibilidad y especificidad.
Revista de Medicina Veterinaria, 2008
X Jornada Platense de Salud Pública, Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes y Reemergentes y Zoonóticas y VIII Jornada sobre Cambio Global y Desarrollo Sostenible (La Plata, 2014), 2014
Revista de Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes (REIE), 2016

Analecta Veterinaria, 2011
Resumen: El Mycoplasma suis es un microorganismo epicelular no cultivable, sensible a las tetraci... more Resumen: El Mycoplasma suis es un microorganismo epicelular no cultivable, sensible a las tetraciclinas y que se adhiere a la superficie del eritrocito causando deformación y lisis celular. En el cerdo produce cuadros agudos con anemia hemolítica inmunomediada, hipoglucemia y acidosis. En los cuadros crónicos, se consigna anemia moderada, baja tasa de crecimiento, infertilidad e inmunodepresión. El ciclo de vida del M. suis hace necesaria la presencia de eritrocitos ya que presenta mecanismos de adhesión y replicación mediante proteínas a la superficie, los cuales aún no son bien conocidos. El diagnóstico de la infección se realiza a través de la signología clínica y la observación de M. suis en frotis sanguíneos. Sin embargo en la actualidad, el método más sensible y específico es la técnica de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (real time PCR).

Revista Veterinaria, 2021
Swine hemoplasmosis or swine infectious anemia is a worldwide distribution disease caused by the ... more Swine hemoplasmosis or swine infectious anemia is a worldwide distribution disease caused by the hemotropic mycoplasmas Mycoplasma suis and Mycoplasma parvum. The aim of this study was to determine the presence of M. suis-M. parvum infection in subclinical pigs from herds of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, by means of new nested PCR. The PCR assay primers were designed based on the 16S ribosomal gene sequences of swine hemoplasmas available at GenBank. To standardize the assay, pig blood samples positive for hemoplasma by May Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) stained blood smears were used. A total of 482 pig blood samples were analyzed. A 32% (154/482) of MGG stained blood smears were positive to M. suis o M. parvum. From these 154 samples, 47% (72/154) were positive by PCR. Sequences of PCR products amplified with these primers always showed identity with M. suisor M. parvum, validating their specificity and highlighting the unspecific amplification with hemoplasmas of other species. This is the first assay designed in Argentina to identify M. suis and M. parvum. However, considering the advances in the knowledge of the genome of hemoplasmas world wide, further studies should be performed to standardize new assays for the diagnosis of swine hemoplasmosis in Argentina.

Blood pressure is a variable systemic is governing the tissues blood perfusion. Their values, in ... more Blood pressure is a variable systemic is governing the tissues blood perfusion. Their values, in healthy dogs and cats, are influenced by physiological variables present at moment the study as heart rate, systolic discharge and peripheral arterial resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the systolic blood pressure in healthy dogs by technique Vascular Doppler with order to expand their knowledge in companion animals. The study population consisted of 96 dogs: 56 purebred and 40 mix-breed; 53 females and 43 males; 67 not castrated and 29 castrated; 33 small sizes, 30 average sizes and 33 large sizes. The average weight was 20.13 kg (range 2.95 kg - 48.3 kg) and the average age was 5 years (range 1-16 years). All animals included in the study underwent clinical examination, radiological, electrocardiography, echocardiography, hematologic and biochemical, to determine their health status. Samples with signs of disease at the preliminary examination were ruled. The average sys...

Revista Veterinaria, 2018
En la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, existen pocos estudios sobre la frecuencia del tratam... more En la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina, existen pocos estudios sobre la frecuencia del tratamiento antimicrobiano en pioderma canina y el nivel de resistencia antimicrobiana de Staphylococcus sp. Los principales objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar la resistencia antimicrobiana de Staphylococcus sp, la frecuencia del tratamiento antimicrobiano y sus recidivas en caninos con pioderma. Se analizaron 39 caninos con diagnóstico clínico de pioderma, procedentes de clínicas veterinarias privadas del área de Buenos Aires. Se recogieron, en el momento de la pioderma activa, hisopados de lesiones cutáneas para cultivo bacteriano y análisis por espectrometría de masas. Además, se registró raza, sexo, clasificación clínica de la pioderma, tratamiento antimicrobiano y recaídas de la enfermedad. El 76% de los animales estudiados recibieron cefalexina por vía oral después del examen clínico, y dentro de este porcentaje, el 31,6% también recibió otros tipos de agentes antimicrobianos debi...

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2019
ABSTRACT: Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Eh... more ABSTRACT: Canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Ehrlichia canis and transmitted by Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato, a tick with worldwide distribution. When not diagnosed and treated early, disease can be severe. Currently, the disease is confirmed by serological or molecular assays. The objective of this study was to compare a serological assay based on immunochromatography (SPEED® EHRLI immunochromatographic test; BVT, France) and a molecular assay (a screening PCR followed by a nested PCR specific for E. canis) for the diagnosis of E. canis in suspected dogs from Buenos Aires city and southern Greater Buenos Aires, Argentina. Blood samples from 20 clinically healthy dogs (Control Group) and from 80 sick dogs suspected of having CME (Groups 1 to 4) were tested in parallel. Neither the immunochromatographic test nor the PCR assay was able to detect the presence of E. canis in the Control Group. In the group which had been previousl...
Revista de Enfermedades Infecciosas Emergentes (REIE), Mar 1, 2005

La Inseminación Artificial (IA) en caninos es una práctica que brinda grandes beneficios en la cl... more La Inseminación Artificial (IA) en caninos es una práctica que brinda grandes beneficios en la clínica reproductiva diaria. Esta biotecnología puede ser de moderada o alta complejidad, de bajo o mediano costo, según la técnica y el tipo de semen (fresco, refrigerado o congelado) utilizado. En cada caso brinda diferentes posibilidades, otorgando siempre grandes beneficios en la reproducción canina. Si se extrae semen de buena calidad, se lo acondiciona y maneja adecuadamente, se realiza la IA en el momento oportuno y se aplica la técnica adecuada, se pueden obtener porcentajes de fertilidad muy alentadores. Sin embargo, si los factores mencionados no son adecuadamente controlados puede tornarse una práctica desalentadora. La aplicación de IA con semen criopreservado aumentará las posibilidades de desarrollo del profesional veterinario en nuestro país.Artificial insemination in dogs is a technique with great potential in clinical reproduction. This biotechnology can be implemented wit...

Ciencia Veterinaria, 2017
Blood pressure is a variable systemic is governing the tissues blood perfusion. Their values, in ... more Blood pressure is a variable systemic is governing the tissues blood perfusion. Their values, in healthy dogs and cats, are influenced by physiological variables present at moment the study as heart rate, systolic discharge and peripheral arterial resistance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the systolic blood pressure in healthy dogs by technique Vascular Doppler with order to expand their knowledge in companion animals. The study population consisted of 96 dogs: 56 purebred and 40 mix-breed; 53 females and 43 males; 67 not castrated and 29 castrated; 33 small sizes, 30 average sizes and 33 large sizes. The average weight was 20.13 kg (range 2.95 kg - 48.3 kg) and the average age was 5 years (range 1-16 years). All animals included in the study underwent clinical examination, radiological, electrocardiography, echocardiography, hematologic and biochemical, to determine their health status. Samples with signs of disease at the preliminary examination were ruled. The average sys...

Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias, 2010
Thirty cows were vaccinated with formalin-Killed Salmonella dublin, an aluminium hydroxide adjuva... more Thirty cows were vaccinated with formalin-Killed Salmonella dublin, an aluminium hydroxide adjuvated, within the last 60 days of gestation. The protection obtained from colostrum was determined by means of the experimental infection of their calves. The immune response of antibodies against flagellar (H) and somatic (O) antigens, in cows as well as in calves, were measured using the method of thin-microagglutination. The results showed significant differences (p 10 Salmonella dublin as a total dosis. Calves from vaccinated cows did not show either clinical symtoms nor mortality, but those from the control group evidenced diarrhea, fever, dullness and loss of appetite. Deaths were not recorded, but they eliminated microorganisms by feces for 10 or more days. On the basis of the present results, it is suggested the maternal vaccination in order to protect calves from Salmonellosis at the moment of great vulnerability.

Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2003
The objective of this research was to use a model of unilateral and bilateral occlusion of the du... more The objective of this research was to use a model of unilateral and bilateral occlusion of the ductus deferens in the dog to study the use of alkaline phosphatase (AP) as an indicator of tubular patency. Seven healthy cross bred dogs weighing 10-15 kg BW with normal spermiogram and AP concentrations in semen were used. From each dog, three semen samples were obtained before (intact) and after right (unilateral) and left (bilateral) vasectomy. The AP concentrations were measured in duplicates by a colorimetric method in each of the three fractions (first, second (sperm-rich), third) of each ejaculate. In addition, a macroscopic and microscopic evaluation of each ejaculate was carried out to assure its quality. Data were analysed by least squares analysis of variance using SAS(R). In intact and unilateral vasectomized dogs, 96.6% of AP measured in semen corresponded to the second sperm-rich fraction whereas 1.53 and 1.83% corresponded to the first and third fractions respectively. Total AP concentrations (first and second and third fraction) in vasectomized dogs were lower than in intact animals (19.857 vs 2284.431 +/- 4.347 UAL; p < 0.001). AP concentrations were much lower in bilateral than in unilateral vasectomized dogs (142 vs 39.572 +/- 4.347 UL, p < 0.001). In summary, AP concentrations in semen can be used as an early indicator of unilateral or bilateral lack of patency of the epididymal and deferent ducts in the dog.

Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, 2019
ABSTRACT: Canine leptospirosis is definitely diagnosed by demonstrating seroconversion in paired ... more ABSTRACT: Canine leptospirosis is definitely diagnosed by demonstrating seroconversion in paired serum samples from the acute and convalescent period by the microagglutination test (MAT). However, the application of a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay can provide earlier confirmation of suspected cases. The objective of this study was to evaluate two PCR assays used in diagnosis of human leptospirosis (lipL32 real-time PCR and rrs conventional PCR) in cultured microorganisms and experimentally contaminated samples (whole blood, serum, urine), and investigate their applicability in clinical samples from dogs with presumptive diagnosis of leptospirosis by using the MAT as a reference. The analytical sensitivity of the lipL32 real-time PCR was 1 genome equivalent per reaction, whereas that for the rrs conventional PCR was 10 genome equivalents per reaction. Both assays amplified the pathogenic strains but were negative when evaluating the DNA of other microorganisms that may be pre...
Analecta Vet, 2001
Resumen: La Inseminación Artificial (IA) en caninos es una práctica que brinda grandes beneficios... more Resumen: La Inseminación Artificial (IA) en caninos es una práctica que brinda grandes beneficios en la clínica reproductiva diaria. Esta biotecnología puede ser de moderada o alta complejidad, de bajo o mediano costo, según la técnica y el tipo de semen (fresco, refrigerado o congelado) utilizado. En cada caso brinda diferentes posibilidades, otorgando siempre grandes beneficios en la reproducción canina. Si se extrae semen de buena calidad, se lo acondiciona y maneja adecuadamente, se realiza la IA en el momento oportuno y se aplica la técnica adecuada, se pueden obtener porcentajes de fertilidad muy alentadores. Sin embargo, si los factores mencionados no son adecuadamente controlados puede tornarse una práctica desalentadora. La aplicación de IA con semen criopreservado aumentará las posibilidades de desarrollo del profesional veterinario en nuestro país.

Este Atlas de Hematología Veterinaria es el resultado de la experiencia académica de diversos pro... more Este Atlas de Hematología Veterinaria es el resultado de la experiencia académica de diversos profesores de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, especialistas en esta área de la medicina veterinaria, plasmada en los capítulos que lo conforman. La obra está concebida como libro de cátedra de la materia Análisis Clínicos Veterinarios, que se dicta en quinto año de la carrera de Ciencias Veterinarias, cuyo propósito es brindar el conocimiento necesario para que el alumno y/o profesional sean capaces de obtener, preservar y enviar adecuadamente las muestras para su análisis en el laboratorio. Además, se describe la metodología de las pruebas hematológicas de rutina y cómo interpretar los resultados. A través de su correcta interpretación y la correlación con los datos de anamnesis y del examen físico del paciente, el lector podrá establecer una aproximación diagnóstica del caso clínico
Papers by Maria Sandra Arauz