Papers by María Aurora Lestón Mayo
Nuestro agradecimiento a ambos por su generosa contribución a este trabajo. 2 Según los mapas del... more Nuestro agradecimiento a ambos por su generosa contribución a este trabajo. 2 Según los mapas del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, la distancia en línea recta entre «A Pedra da Pía» y «A Pedra do Cadro» es de 2.284 m.

galegoEste traballo achegase as lendas tradicionais de dragons e doncelas, asi como de doncelas c... more galegoEste traballo achegase as lendas tradicionais de dragons e doncelas, asi como de doncelas convertidas en dragon. O longo das suas paxinas analizase un numero escollido destes relatos dun xeito comparativo, ponendoos en relacion con lendas similares recollidas en distintos contextos xeograficos e en distintos momentos historicos. O obxectivo e comprobar a posibilidade de que este tipo de episodios sexan a lembranza de antigos rituais de fertilidade, o cal explicaria o uso dos elementos que adoitan estar presentes neles: o feminino, o reptil, a auga e o inframundo. EnglishThis research focuses on traditional legends of dragons and maidens, and dragon-maidens. A chosen number of tales will be analysed in a comparative way, and similar examples will be brought forth from different sources, both geographical and historical. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility that these episodes are mementos of ancient fertility rituals, which would explain the use of such elem...
This paper explores the legends and traditions that have been gathered since the Middle Ages in t... more This paper explores the legends and traditions that have been gathered since the Middle Ages in the territories that this ancient pilgrimage goes through, focusing on those stories that revolve around the monstrous.
The purpose of this research is the study and highlight of «A Pedra da Pía», a pre-Christian alta... more The purpose of this research is the study and highlight of «A Pedra da Pía», a pre-Christian altar located in the village of Esteiro (Muros, Galicia), in the context of a prehistoric monumental complex where we may find different examples of litholatry, such as the mythical mountain of «A Pedra do Cadro» and the stone «A Laxa Borrateira».
This research focuses on traditional legends of dragons and maidens and legends of dragon-maidens... more This research focuses on traditional legends of dragons and maidens and legends of dragon-maidens. A chosen number of tales will be analysed in a comparative way and similar examples will be brought forth from different sources, both geographical and historical. The purpose of the study is to determine the possibility that these episodes may be mementos of ancient fertility rituals, which would explain the use of such elements as are often included: the female, the reptile, the water and the underworld.
Drafts by María Aurora Lestón Mayo
The object of the present study is to trace the evolution of the myth of the dragon, focusing on ... more The object of the present study is to trace the evolution of the myth of the dragon, focusing on the representations available in the culture related to the British Isles. The corpus includes a number of literary works, folktales and films.
Papers by María Aurora Lestón Mayo
Drafts by María Aurora Lestón Mayo