Papers by Maria Caridad Montalvo Villalba

Intervirology, 2004
Sequences of 234 complete genomes and 631 hepatitis B surface antigen genes were used to assess t... more Sequences of 234 complete genomes and 631 hepatitis B surface antigen genes were used to assess the worldwide diversity of hepatitis B virus (HBV). Apart from the described two subgenotypes each for A and F, also B, C, and D divided into four subgenotypes each in the analysis of complete genomes supported by significant bootstrap values. The subgenotypes of B and C differed in their geographical distribution, with B1 dominating in Japan, B2 in China and Vietnam, B3 confined to Indonesia, and B4 confined to Vietnam, all strains specifying subtype ayw1. Subgenotype C1 was common in Japan, Korea, and China; C2 in China, South-East Asia, and Bangladesh, and C3 in the Oceania comprising strains specifying adrq–, and C4 specifying ayw3 is encountered in Aborigines from Australia. This pattern of defined geographical distribution was less evident for D1–D4, where the subgenotypes were widely spread in Europe, Africa, and Asia, possibly due to their divergence having occurred a longer time ...
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán (UADY), 2010
Evaluation of humoral response to Heberbiovac HB in haemodialysis patients from Havana City Intro... more Evaluation of humoral response to Heberbiovac HB in haemodialysis patients from Havana City Introduction. Patients under haemodialysis are an important risk group in the epidemiology of hepatitis B. Although, seroconversion rates induce by hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccine are lower, its contribution to the substantial reduction of the morbidity and mortality by hepatitis B in haemodialysis (HD) centres is undoubted.

Introduccion : El virus de la hepatitis E (VHE) es un patogeno de importancia creciente en salud ... more Introduccion : El virus de la hepatitis E (VHE) es un patogeno de importancia creciente en salud publica, es trasmitido por via fecal-oral y estudios recientes avalan el comportamiento zoonotico de esta entidad, siendo el cerdo el principal reservorio. Objetivos: determinar la prevalencia del VHE en individuos que laboran en granjas de cerdos e identificar la variabilidad nucleotidica de los aislamientos del VHE. Materiales y Metodos : Se estudiaron 106 trabajadores y se definieron dos grupos, 69 empleados que estaban relacionados con cerdos y 37 que no tenian contacto con los cerdos. Las muestras de suero fueron analizados para la presencia de Ig totales anti-VHE. Las muestras de heces fueron obtenidas de 57 obreros y 53 cerdos. Todas las heces fueron analizadas para ARN-VHE mediante RT-PCR. Los productos de amplificados fueron secuenciados y analizados filogeneticamente. Resultados: Un total de 38 (35.8%) sueros fueron positivos para anti-VHE. La positividad fue mayor en las perso...

Introducción. Los factores genéticos del hospedero; como el polimorfismo de genes de citocinas in... more Introducción. Los factores genéticos del hospedero; como el polimorfismo de genes de citocinas influyen en la magnitud de la respuesta de anti-HBs inducida tras la vacunación contra el virus de la hepatitis B.Objetivos. Determinar si el polimorfismo de un simple nucleótido (SNP) de los genes de la interleucina 12 (IL12) A y B, influyen en la respuesta humoral a la vacuna Heberbiovac HB.Material y Métodos. Se estudiaron 12 trabajadores de la salud que no tenían niveles protectores de anti-HBs y fueron reactivados con una dosis de Heberbiovac HB. Las variantes de SNP de IL12A rs568408 e IL12B rs3212227 se identificaron por secuenciación nucleotídica. Se empleó el UMELISA anti-HBs para cuantificar los niveles de anti-HBs a los 7 y 28 días posteriores a la vacunación (dpv).Resultados. Altos niveles de anti-HBs (>1000UI/L) fueron detectados en el 75% (9/12) de los trabajadores a los 28dpv. Las combinaciones de IL12A rs568408/IL12B rs3212227 asociadas con una mayor respuesta de anti-HB...
Archives of Virology, 2017
Thirty-two participants, aged between 3-18 years, born to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-pos... more Thirty-two participants, aged between 3-18 years, born to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)-positive mothers and vaccinated at birth were analyzed for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Overall, 56% had anti-HB titers C10 IU/L; five were positive for antibodies to the core antigen (anti-HBc), and two of these were also positive for HBsAg/DNA. One of the HBsAg/anti-HBc double-negative children presented with an unusual occult infection (HBV DNA-positive). No known vaccine escape mutations were detectable. Our data suggest that the vaccine protected 93.8% of children in this high-risk group against chronic HBV infection. Occult infections should be considered even in countries with low endemicity and high vaccination coverage.

Anales De La Academia De Ciencias De Cuba, Dec 22, 2014
María Caridad Montalvo Villalba (20%). Diseño del estudio, colección de datos y muestras, ensayos... more María Caridad Montalvo Villalba (20%). Diseño del estudio, colección de datos y muestras, ensayos serológicos, extracción del ácido ribonucleico, transcripción reversa y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa, secuenciación nucleotídica, procesamiento de los datos con programas computarizados y estudio filogenético. Análisis de los resultados. Licel de los Ángeles Rodríguez Lay (15%). Estudios de seroprevalencia, Cultivo celular, extracción del ácido ribonucleico, Transcripción Reversa y Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa, diseño y análisis de estrategias y resultados. Marité Bello Corredor (13%). Cultivo celular, diseño y análisis de estrategias y resultados. Placido Pedroso Flaquet (12%). Estudios de seroprevalencia, extracción del ácido ribonucleico, Transcripción Reverso y Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa. Meilin Sánchez Wong (8%). Colección de muestras y estudios de seroprevalencia. Susel Sariego Frometa (7%). Estudios de seroprevalencia. Jacob Canwat Owot (7%). Cultivo celular, extracción del ácido ribonucleico, Transcripción Reversa y Reacción en Cadena de la Polimerasa. Benedito Eduardo Correia (7%). Estudios de seroprevalencia. Luis Morier Díaz (5%). Obtención de los aislamientos utilizados en el estudio.

Panorama Cuba Y Salud, Mar 28, 2014
Evaluar la respuesta a la biterapia con interferón alfa 2b/ribavirina (IFN alfa 2b/Rbv) en pacien... more Evaluar la respuesta a la biterapia con interferón alfa 2b/ribavirina (IFN alfa 2b/Rbv) en pacientes cubanos con hepatitis crónica por el virus C. Método: Se realizó seguimiento clínico, virológico e histológico a diez pacientes con diagnóstico de hepatitis crónica por virus C a los que se administró interferón alfa 2b (3 millones de UI/ 3 veces por semana) y ribavirina (1 000 mg si <75 kg; 1 200 mg si > 75 kg c/12 horas) durante 48 semanas. La evaluación de la respuesta virológica temprana y sostenida se realizó mediante reacción en cadena de la polimerasa cualitativa, y el genotipo viral se determinó mediante secuenciación nucleotídica. Resultados: El 80% de los pacientes logró una respuesta virológica temprana con disminución de las aminotranferasas y el 30% alcanzó una respuesta virológica sostenida. El 70% estaba infectado por virus de la hepatitis C (VHC) del genotipo 1 y de estos, el 25% respondió a la terapia. El 100% de los infectados por el genotipo 2 alcanzó una respuesta virológica sostenida. Conclusiones: Los resultados obtenidos sugieren, que en los pacientes infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C, tratados con interferón alfa 2b/ribavirina, la respuesta virológica temprana no es indicativo de una respuesta virológica sostenida. Del mismo modo, la reducción de los niveles de aminotransferasas durante el tratamiento tampoco predice la respuesta a la terapia. Los pacientes infectados por el virus de la hepatitis C genotipo 2b, alcanzan una respuesta virológica sostenida a diferencia de los infectados con genotipo 1, por lo que en lugares donde no se dispone del interferón pegilado, la biterapia con IFN alfa 2b/ribavirina podría constituir una opción terapéutica en esos casos.
Nefrologia Publicacion Oficial De La Sociedad Espanola De Nefrologia, 2007
Revista cubana de medicina tropical
The results of the surveillance of the viral hepatitis in the period 1992-2004 are presented. The... more The results of the surveillance of the viral hepatitis in the period 1992-2004 are presented. The HAV infection is the most frequent association that originates pictures of acute viral hepatitis among the patients under 24 years old with positive HBsAg, followed by the hepatitis B virus. The hepatitis A virus alone or co-infected with the hepatitis B virus accounts for 48.88% of the cases. Only 48.71% of the cases among whom acute hepatitis B is suspected, are confirmed from the virological point of view. These results allow to go deep into the knowledge of the behaviour of hepatitis viruses under the Cuban conditions, making possible to establish better strategies for the control or elimination of viral hepatitis, or both.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Real-time polymerase chain reaction assay for hepatitis B virus DNA quantification]](
Revista cubana de medicina tropical
viral DNA levels in serum samples are a useful marker to monitor the disease progression and the ... more viral DNA levels in serum samples are a useful marker to monitor the disease progression and the treatment response in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Commercial kits for this purpose are available, but they are considerably expensive. to evaluate the analytical performance of a real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay for Hepatitis B virus DNA quantification. specific primers to the gene C and TaqMan chemistry in a LightCycler 1.5 equipment was used. A standard curve was made and evaluated. Two hundred and seventy-two serum samples were used to assess the clinical and analytical specificity, the genotypic accuracy and specificity, the intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation and the comparison with a commercial assay and with the qualitative PCR. the standard curve showed a strong linear correlation (r= -1) and low error values in the tested target DNA concentration. Analytical and clinical specificities were 100 %. Genotype accuracy and specificity showed ...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Detection of hepatitis B and hepatitis C markers in HIV positive patients, 2000-2004]](
Revista cubana de medicina tropical
A marked association exists among the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and th... more A marked association exists among the hepatitis B virus (HBV), the hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the type 1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), since the transmission route and the risk groups are very similar. The objective of this paper was to know the coinfection among HBV, HCV and HIV in the studied period. 2 994 serum samples from HIV (+) patients were received at the National Reference Laboratory of Viral Hepatitis (IPK) during 2000-2004 to investigate hepatitis B surface antigen (HRsAg) and anti HCV antibodies, both by the UMELISA technique (Immunoassay Center, CIE, Cuba). Epi Info program (Version 6.04) was used for statistical analysis. Positivity to HbsAg was found in 10.3%. 10.4% had anti-HCV antibodies, and there was HBV, HCV and HIV coinfection in 1.7% of the patients. We confirmed what is stated in literature on HBV, HCV and HIV coinfections.
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2012

Reviews in Medical Virology, 2013
Acute hepatitis E is a very common disease in developing countries, to the point that, according ... more Acute hepatitis E is a very common disease in developing countries, to the point that, according to World Health Organization estimates, one third of the world&amp;amp;#39;s population has been exposed to HEV. It also causes outbreaks in refugee camps or after natural disasters such as floods or earthquakes. Sporadic cases of acute hepatitis have been observed in practically all European countries and other developed geographical areas, not only in travelers from endemic countries but also in people with no risk factors. But, lately, new aspects of this infection are appearing in industrialized countries such as the possibility of the disease becoming chronic in transplant patients, the immunocompromised in general, and even in patients with previous liver disease who are immunocompetent. In this comprehensive review, we summarize the current knowledge on HEV infection.

Journal of Medical Virology, 1999
The prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV) has been examined in many countries, but ... more The prevalence of antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV) has been examined in many countries, but such studies have generally been limited to majority populations such as those represented in healthy blood donors or cross sections of urban populations. Due to its major route of enteric transmission, large differences in HEV prevalence might be expected between populations in the same country but with different living conditions. Using an ELISA based on GST-ORF2.1 antigen, the prevalence of IgG-class antibodies to HEV was examined in three distinct populations in Malaysia: the normal (urban) blood donor population and two aboriginal communities located at Betau, Pahang and Parit Tanjung, Perak. IgG anti-HEV was detected in 45 (44%) of 102 samples from Betau and 15 (50%) of 30 samples from Parit Tanjung, compared to only 2 (2%) of 100 normal blood donors. The distribution of sample ELISA reactivities was also consistent with ongoing sporadic infection in the aboriginal communities, while there was no significant relationship between HEV exposure and age, sex, or malaria infection. The high prevalence of antibodies to HEV in the two aboriginal communities indicates that this group of people are at high risk of exposure to HEV compared to the general blood donors, and the results suggest that studies of HEV seroprevalence within countries must take into account the possibility of widely varying infection rates between populations with marked differences in living conditions.
Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011
We determined the seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in persons in 2 rural communities in ... more We determined the seroprevalence of hepatitis E virus (HEV) in persons in 2 rural communities in southeastern Bolivia and the presence of HEV in human and swine fecal samples. HEV seroprevalence was 6.3%, and HEV genotype 3 strains with high sequence homology were detected.

Journal of Medical Virology, 2008
Viral hepatitis ranks as the fifth cause of morbidity for infectious diseases in Cuba. Epidemics ... more Viral hepatitis ranks as the fifth cause of morbidity for infectious diseases in Cuba. Epidemics are observed frequently in the population, the hepatitis A virus being the main agent responsible for such epidemics. Previous reports also confirmed the circulation of the hepatitis E virus. From 1998 to 2003, 258 serum samples were collected by the Reference Laboratory on Viral Hepatitis during 33 outbreaks of acute viral hepatitis as well as from 39 sporadic clinical cases. Sera were tested for anti-HAV and anti-HEV IgM by EIA. Overall of the 33 outbreaks studied sera from 12 (36.4%) were positive for anti-HAV IgM only, from 7 (21.2%) were positive for anti-HEV IgM only, and from 14 (42.4%) were positive for antibodies to both viruses. Individually of the 258 sera collected, 137 (53.1%) were positives for anti-HAV IgM, 20 (7.8%) were positives for anti-HEV IgM, 33 (12.8%) were positives for both markers and 68 (26.4%) were negative to both. Of the clinical cases, 4 (10.3%) were positives for anti-HAV IgM, 13 (33.3%) were positives for anti-HEV IgM and 5 (12.8%) were positives for both markers. Seventeen (43.6%) sera were negatives for all viral hepatitis markers available (A-E). A high positivity for HEV was found in outbreaks tested with the kit produced by CIGB. In particular HEV seems to infect individuals of all ages. The results demonstrate the co-circulation of and co-infection with two enterically transmitted viruses; however a higher positivity was observed for anti-HAV than to anti-HEV (53.1% vs. 7.8%) in outbreaks.
Papers by Maria Caridad Montalvo Villalba