Papers by Maria Apahidean
Agricultura, Jul 15, 2013
Broccoli is grown for hypertrophied inflorescences, less compact than those of cauliflower, which... more Broccoli is grown for hypertrophied inflorescences, less compact than those of cauliflower, which are used to prepare various dishes or for freezing. Value of broccoli inflorescences is high due to the rich content in carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Broccoli culture is practiced in open field and in protected areas. Transylvania climatic conditions are favorable for the cultivation of this species. Broccoli cultures are started with seedlings and this is leading to additional costs for their production. Experience was conducted in 2010-2011, in Reghin, Mures County. Experimental factors were time of planting and the culture method. Experimental culture was established at different times (April, May, June) by two methods (by planting seedlings and direct sowing).

Current Trends in Natural Sciences, Dec 31, 2020
Cordyceps militaris is an entomopathogenic fungus, belongs to the Ascomycetes class and has impor... more Cordyceps militaris is an entomopathogenic fungus, belongs to the Ascomycetes class and has important pharmacological principles, the most important are polysaccharides and mannitol. Given that in most cases, mushrooms are grown on different substrates of solid consistency, and most supplements containing mycelium from the Cordyceps militaris mushroom are obtained by drying and shredding the mycelium, which has been grown on a solid substrate consisting of brown rice flour or other cereals, so that they very often contain more starch than active ingredients. In this paper we looked at the influence of temperature and pH level on the growth of the mycelium of this mushroom in liquid culture media. The development of liquid mycelium cultures was tested at temperatures between 20-30 °C and at a pH level between 5-7. The highest amount of mycelium was obtained from samples raised at 26 °C and a pH level of 5.5.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, Nov 26, 2017
Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) belongs to the Gramineae family, var. rugosa (Bonof) convar. Saccharate ... more Sweet corn (Zea mays L.) belongs to the Gramineae family, var. rugosa (Bonof) convar. Saccharate (Sturt.) and can be distinguished from normal corn by presence of one or more mutant genes that affect carbohydrate metabolism in endosperm. Purpose of this research is to compare behavior of sweet corn hybrids created at SCDA Turda, but also foreign hybrids, in terms of quality elements and chemical composition, in conditions of Transylvania plateau, in two localities: Turda and Viişoara. As biological material following domestic sweet corn hybrids were chosen: 'Prima', 'Estival', 'Deliciul verii', 'Dulcin', 'Delicios', 'Estival M' and foreign hybrid 'Jubilee'. These hybrids were also analyzed in terms of chemical composition. Weight of 'Estival' hybrid has the best behavior in both localities; as regards to cobs length, 'Delicios' hybrid has registered increases very significant positive, differences between plant height in the two localities confirm significant influence of environment on formation of this important typical qualitative characteristics, highest performances in terms of β-cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin content, are recorded by 'Jubilee' in both localities, 'Deliciul Verii' hybrid records significant value for lutein content, also recording an important addition of carbohydrates in Turda, 'Prima' and 'Estival' hybrids recorded highest values of sucrose in both localities.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, Dec 9, 2012
Cauliflower is a well known and appreciated vegetable in Romania. It has only 24 calories/100g an... more Cauliflower is a well known and appreciated vegetable in Romania. It has only 24 calories/100g and contains high quantities of vitamin C (60g/100g of cauliflower), vitamins from the B complex, vitamin K and E. It also contains a lot of minerals, calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium. Cauliflower can be grown in spring or in autumn, in protected culture or in open field. Cauliflower culture can be started by direct sowing or by seedlings. The experiment took place in 2011, in a polyethylene tunnel, from USAMV Cluj-Napoca. The culture was started in March, with small seedlings. Three cauliflower hybrids were used, Stargate, Diadom and Opal. The plants were placed on the stratum on two or three rows. The highest yields were obtained on the variants on two rows, of 28.82 t/ha compared to the variants placed on three rows, that average a yield of 23.76.

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jul 1, 2018
Lately, genetic factor involvement in climate change response is of great importance. Addressing ... more Lately, genetic factor involvement in climate change response is of great importance. Addressing some issues regarding the behavior of agronomic characters of production in a set of hybrids may lead to recommendations on the choice of the most suitable hybrids for growing in Transylvanian Plateau. Thus, in 2016, we set up an experience in two locations of Cluj county, Turda and Viişoara, on the lower terrace of Arieş river. Biological material chosen for this study was represented by seven hybrids, of which six indigenous Prima, Estival, Estival M, Dulcin, Deliciul Verii (released by SCDA Turda), Delicios (INCDA Fundulea) and foreign hybrid Jubilee (produced by Syngenta). The earliest hybrids Prima and Estival, have the lowest average number of grains/row, with very significant differences compared to control (experience average). Estival, Estival M and Jubilee hybrids show the highest number of rows of grains/cobs, with very significant differences over the average.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Nov 27, 2015
The quality of the local population of tomato seeds has a significant role in obtaining of health... more The quality of the local population of tomato seeds has a significant role in obtaining of healthy plants and tomato fruits of superior quality. In this paper it was monitored the quality of the tomato seeds using the blotted paper method and also by the identification of the pathogenic and saprofitic mycroflora from the surface of the seeds. The highest frequency was recorded by the pathogen Cladosporium fulvum.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, Dec 9, 2012
From the group of green vegetables, the lettuce is the most common and it can be used freshor coo... more From the group of green vegetables, the lettuce is the most common and it can be used freshor cooked. Although lettuce has a high nutritional value it also has a therapeutic value due to thecontent of amino acids and mucilage which help to keep normal digestion. Mineral salts (salts of: I,Mg, P, Fe, Cu, Zn) but also vitamins (A,B,C,D,E) give to the human organism strength to fight againstinfections and viruses. The experiment took place in 2011 in an unheated greenhouse, from USAMVCluj-Napoca (Romania). It started at the end of March and it was harvested in May. 10 lettuce hybridswere used (Allegiance, Gentiliana, Lobi, Clarion, Crufia, Sprinter, Roderick, Limax, Lollo rossa-Zki,Lollo rosa-Mefim). The highest yield was obtained at Clarion hybrid, 52.83 t/ha, followed by Roderickhybrid, with 51.5 t/ha.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2007
All the experimental variants cultivated under a plant density of 41.700 plants/ha (80/30 cm) pre... more All the experimental variants cultivated under a plant density of 41.700 plants/ha (80/30 cm) presented a medium height higher than the experimental variants planted under the control density (80/40 cm-31.250 plants/ha). The highest value concerning the medium number of leaves was obtained at the tomato hybrid Shannon F1 (28.55). The blossoming and fruit link of the first 3 clusters on the tomato plants recorded the highest percent at the Menhir F1 (80/40 cm) tomato hybrid (90.79 %). The same experimental variant has the highest percent in blossoming and fruit link from the cluster number 4 till 8. (54.84 %) and the total one. The early production is influenced by the plant density 80/30 cm-41.700 plants/ha, with a medium yield of 2.47 kg/m 2. The same plant density in interaction with the tomato hybrids obtained a significant difference (3.18 kg/m 2 medium early yield-(interaction between plant density 80/30 cm and Cronos F1 tomato hybrid). The interaction between tomato hybrids and adopted plant density lead to no statistical differences. The total yield was influenced by the plant density adopted with a medium yield of 19.26 kg/m 2 at the plant density of 80/30 cm. The interactions between densities and tomato hybrids lead to statistical significance in case of Cronos F1 tomato hybrid planted at a density of 80/30 cm-41.700 plants/ha (20.46 kg/m 2 total yield), and at the same density but a different tomato hybrid, Shannon F1 (19.23 kg/m 2 total yield).
Journal of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology, 2015
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Nov 27, 2015
The bioproducts realised from microorganisms represent a major orientation in the modern agricult... more The bioproducts realised from microorganisms represent a major orientation in the modern agriculture, because are very well tolerated by the leaving creatures and nave no effect on the people. A very important role in plant protection have the bioproducts based on mycorrhizal fungi but also the products based on benefice bacteria. In the experiences were utilized three local populations of tomatoes: Hostáti, Roz and Inimă de bou. The bioproducts Mycosoil and Bactofil used in the experiences have influenced in a positive way the development of the plants but also the production of tometoes. The variety with the high productivity was Inimă de bou in the mycorrhized and Bordeux mixture treated variant.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, May 29, 2015
The paper presents the results obtained after performing studies in the northwest part of the cou... more The paper presents the results obtained after performing studies in the northwest part of the country, on two varieties of onion: Density 4 and Ramata rossa di Milano, direct seeded in two epochs at two densities of 2 cm and 4 cm between plants and 25 cm between rows. The majority of the plants obtained by direct sowing in autumn epoch issued floriferous stems and the culture was compromised in terms of production of bulbs. Plants obtained by direct sowing in spring epoch in both varieties and seeding densities normally developed, yielding an average of 54.12 t/ha for Density 4 to a density of 1 million pl/ha, and 51.31 t/ha at a density of 2 million pl/ha. Ramata Rossa di Milano obtained an average yield of 51,07 t/ha at a density of 1 million pl/ha and 58.38 t/ha at a density of 2 million pl/ha. Average production for the variety Density 4 to a density of 1 million pl/ha is higher than the average production at a density of 2 million pl/ha. Ramata rossa di Milano variety, at a density of 2 million pl/ha, the average yield was higher than average production at a density of 1 million pl/ha.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, Nov 20, 2013
Kale or Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala is not well known and cultivated in our country, so it... more Kale or Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala is not well known and cultivated in our country, so it could be considered a new vegetable or a very rare one. From the Brassicaceae group, kale is the most valuable in terms of nutrition. The therapeutic qualities of kale are recognized since antiquity by Hippocrates, Pliny the Elder, Cato the Elder, Galen. Kale was considered a panacea by the romans. The main purpose of this paper was to establish an optimal sowing date that ensures the highest yield, adapted to the specific environmental factors of Transylvania.The organized experience was trifactorial, with factor A-planting period, factor B-hybrid and factor C-seedling type. All factors had two graduations, thus resulted 8 experimental variants. The first planting period was the second decade of May and the second period was the third decade of June. The hybrids used were F1 Winterbor and F1 Redbor and the seedlings, one part were transplanted and the other part were not transplanted.The crops from the first planting period achieved the best results. The conducted study concluded that kale is sensitive in the immediate period after planting in terms of environmental conditions, especially regarding the humidity and temperature. Thus, in regards to the environmental conditions of the Transylvanian Plateau, optimal planting period for kale is the third decade of April.

Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2011
The importance of vegetables is known by people worldwide by being a healthy and important food p... more The importance of vegetables is known by people worldwide by being a healthy and important food product. In this paperwork it is underlined the fact that vegetables are not used only in alimentary purposes, but can also be used for decoration. So, for diversifying the area of utility for vegetables plants, the so-called "edible landscaping" system is practiced. Root vegetables can be used in the purpose of creating carpets and beds made from vegetation. The kale is used in borders, squares, flower stands and can also be combined with other ornamental plants. The vegetables that are cultivated for pods, beans and capsules can be used in decorating pergolas and towers. For creating a colorful view or a contrast of colors, it is preferred to use green vegetables. To arrange beautiful garden using ornamental vegetables some basic landscape architecture principles need to be followed and the plants that are going to be used, chosen carefully.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture, 2006

Few mushrooms areas spectacular as Pleurotuscitrinopileatus Singer.Its brilliant yellow color ast... more Few mushrooms areas spectacular as Pleurotuscitrinopileatus Singer.Its brilliant yellow color astonishes all who first see it. This species forms clusters hosting a high number of individual mushrooms, whose stems often diverge from a single base. Spicy and bitter at first, this mushroom imparts a strong nutty flavour upon thorough cooking. P.citrinopileatus grows quickly through pasteurized straw and sterilized sawdust, and thrives at high temperatures.The present study carried out to evaluate suitable grain substrates for spawn development, growth and yield of P. citrinopileatus.The grains taken for this study were wheat, sorghum, millet and maize. A total of four treatments replicated five times were taken under the complete randomized design. The minimum time taken for mycelium run was 17 days and maximum time taken from simulation to primordial initiation was recorded by millet grain spawn
“Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi, 2016

Agricultura - Revistă de Știință și Practică Agricolă, 2019
Yield and its stability components are major requirements for new sweet corn hybrids.The emphasis... more Yield and its stability components are major requirements for new sweet corn hybrids.The emphasis on improving and increases of yield for sweet corn new hybrids is due to climate change in recent years. Biological material used in this stage was represented by seven sweet corn hybrids, of which six are Romanian and one foreign. Among the analyzed properties, the diameter of the cob has the lowest values regarding coefficient of variation, indicating genetic stability, a variation indicating the pronounced genetic stability of this characteristic and the high contribution of the genotype in the phenotypic expression of this characteristic. The simple hybrid Estival M has the lowest fluctuations in the coefficient of variability (CV%) from year to year of 3.77 and 3.93, respectively. Other charactheristics that were analyzed were represented by: plant height, weight of the sweet corn cob, number of grains (berries)/cob and the length of the cobs.

Agricultura, 2019
Yield and its stability components are major requirements for new sweet corn hybrids.The emphasis... more Yield and its stability components are major requirements for new sweet corn hybrids.The emphasis on improving and increases of yield for sweet corn new hybrids is due to climate change in recent years. Biological material used in this stage was represented by seven sweet corn hybrids, of which six are Romanian and one foreign. Among the analyzed properties, the diameter of the cob has the lowest values regarding coefficient of variation, indicating genetic stability, a variation indicating the pronounced genetic stability of this characteristic and the high contribution of the genotype in the phenotypic expression of this characteristic. The simple hybrid Estival M has the lowest fluctuations in the coefficient of variability (CV%) from year to year of 3.77 and 3.93, respectively. Other charactheristics that were analyzed were represented by: plant height, weight of the sweet corn cob, number of grains (berries)/cob and the length of the cobs.

Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-napoca, 2006
Interest for oyster mushrooms is increasing very much in the last years due to their special tast... more Interest for oyster mushrooms is increasing very much in the last years due to their special taste and nutritional value. One of the most important aspects on mushroom culture is represented by substrate disinfection. The yield can be compromised if the competitive microorganisms are not removed from the cellulosic materials. The aim of these researches was to determine the most efficient method of disinfection. We have chosen five different methods of disinfection: material boiled for one hour, material boiled for 10 minutes, material scalded with boiled water (100 degree), material disinfected with a fungicide (Derosal 0.01%) and material soaked in water for 24 hours with no disinfection. It has been noticed that method of disinfection affects the mycelium development, date of fructification and yield. The best yields have been obtained for variants with material scalded with boiled water (100 degree), material disinfected with a fungicide (Derosal 0.01%) and material boiled for o...
Papers by Maria Apahidean