Papers by Maria Antonietta foddai

Frontiers in Public Health
The Innovation for Gender Equality in Academia (IGEA) project is focused on the analysis of the g... more The Innovation for Gender Equality in Academia (IGEA) project is focused on the analysis of the gender composition in academia, on the identification of the health needs of the academic population and on the assessment of their organizational wellbeing, in order to promote equal working conditions and opportunities. The study, focused on the identification of health needs, involved the construction of an ad hoc questionnaire in order to collect the socio-demographic characteristics and the perception of working environment of the participants. Differences between males and females were evaluated by the Mann-Whitney test, and Pearson Chi-Square or Fisher exact tests as appropriate, highlighting significant differences between genders regarding the occurrence of anxiety, panic, irritation and annoyance related to work activities. A multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with the perception of work-related anxiety/panic, showing a direct ...

This essay aims at clarifying the concept of Jonas's heuristic of fear. In spite of severe cr... more This essay aims at clarifying the concept of Jonas's heuristic of fear. In spite of severe criticism, fear remains a little-explored aspect of his thought, especially as far as the role it plays in the elaboration of the imperative of responsibility. Jonas elaborates a new concept of fear, molded by the particular form of uncertainty brought about by the technological age. Although critics have interpreted Jonas' attempt as an ethics founded on irrationality and emotion, the present analysis shows that Jonas affirms a cognitivist theory of fear. The concept of fear he discusses in The Imperative of Responsibility is not an emotion as an immediate physical and psychological reaction, but a form of evaluative thinking, which is part of responsibility. In order to illustrate form and function of fear in Jonas thought, I will refer to the meanings of fear in Hobbes, an author Jonas himself refers to.

The Collaborative Law is a new form of alternative Dispute Resolution, in which the parties and t... more The Collaborative Law is a new form of alternative Dispute Resolution, in which the parties and their lawyers commit to resolve the legal dispute without going to Court. The central concept of the collaborative practice, conceived in 1990 by Stuart Webb, a Minnesota family lawyer, is that the legal services provided by counsel are limited to advice regarding the negotiated resolution of the conflict focusing exclusively on developing a consensual outcome. The cornerstone of the collaborative approach is the “collaborative commitment” that requires that lawyers withdraw if the case is not settled. In twenty years, the collaborative law approach has known a great development in U.S.A., Canada and in many European countries. This rapid success of Collaborative law is due to the new role of the lawyers that govern the whole process. Although mediation remains a good dispute resolution method for many cases, it presents some characteristic that make it unacceptable choice for a growing n...

Stato, Chiese e Pluralismo Confessionale, 2015
Contributo sottoposto a valutazione SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione – 2. Pluralismo della "respon... more Contributo sottoposto a valutazione SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione – 2. Pluralismo della "responsabilita" – 3. Significati – 4. Williams e i materiali universali della responsabilita. – 5. "La responsabilita" e "le responsabilita". Una proposta di ridefinizione: "responsabilita-soggezione" e "responsabilita per ruolo" – 6. Responsabilita-soggezione – 7. Responsabilita per ruolo – 8. Significati di "ruolo" – 9. Il meccanismo "accettazione–riconoscimento" - 10. "Responsabilita per ruolo" e responsabilita giuridica – 11. La Chiesa “hierarchica communio” – 12. Ruoli e responsabilita tra diritto dello Stato… – 13. ...e diritto della Chiesa – 14. La responsabilita canonica tra diritto e morale – 15. Gli abusi: la giustizia che non ripara - 16. Giustizia riparativa: verso un nuovo diritto della responsabilita. Abstract The scandal of sexual abuse of children by the Catholic clergy has focused attention on the theme...
Soft Power, Jul 1, 2016
This paper provides a brief description of the model of participatory justice that is emerging in... more This paper provides a brief description of the model of participatory justice that is emerging in Europe and in North and South American States. Participatory justice promotes new forms of conflict resolution, as does mediation, based on voluntariness and confidentiality, as well as the participation of all parties in the management of conflict. In 2010, Italian legislators introduced mediation as an alternative form of dispute resolution in civil and commercial matters in order to reduce the burden of the Courts. This reform has not been successful so far because Italian lawmakers have introduced mediation into the civil justice system without reforming the framework of its underlying principles.
Diritto@ storia, 2003
... l'80% delle informazioni rilevanti possono essere ottenute al 20% del costo nece... more ... l'80% delle informazioni rilevanti possono essere ottenute al 20% del costo necessario per ... terzo neutrale alla disputa che svolge la funzione di catalizzatore della comunicazione tra ... la naturae gli scopi del fenomeno-mediazione, bisogna smettere di chiedersi «Qual' è la regola ...
Diritto@ storia, 2003
«Un mois de mai viendra peut-être où, dans un grand éclat de rire, la paix étant enfin dans les c... more «Un mois de mai viendra peut-être où, dans un grand éclat de rire, la paix étant enfin dans les coeurs, les hommes se demanderont : comment ai-je pu avoir si peur? Pour une chose si mesquine ? et ils auront un peu honte des leurs contentieux ridicules» (Vladimir Jankélévitch, Le Je-ne sais-quoi et le Presque-rien)
Rivista di filosofia del diritto, 2014

Conciliación y mediación: ¿modelos diferentes de resolución de conflictos? SUMARIO: 1. ADR: una a... more Conciliación y mediación: ¿modelos diferentes de resolución de conflictos? SUMARIO: 1. ADR: una ambigua denominación.-2. La mediación: en busca de una definición.-2.1. Mediation (USA).-2.2 Mèdiation (Francia).-3. El caso italiano y las promesas del legislador.-3.1. Conciliazione y Mediazione: las razones de una distinción. Resumen: Este trabajo afronta el problema del significado de los términos «mediación» y «conciliación» en el ámbito europeo e internacional, donde se producen significativas diferencias en el uso de los términos y en la disciplina de las respectivas prácticas. En los Estados Unidos, donde nació el movimiento de los Alternative Dispute Resolutions, los términos «mediation» y «conciliation» son considerados sinónimos, para designar un proceso en el que una tercera parte, neutral e imparcial, facilita un acuerdo consensuado y negociado entre las partes, sin tomar una decisión formal. No ocurre lo mismo en Francia, donde los términos «médiation» y «conciliation», definen dos instituciones jurídicas y dos modelos diferentes de gestión de los conflictos. También en Italia las palabras «conciliazione» y «mediazione» tienen un campo de empleo diferente: se refieren a materias, prácticas y modelos distintos de gestión de los conflictos. Ambos indican una modalidad consensuada y voluntaria de composición de las controversias que se desarrolla en presencia de un tercero imparcial que guía a las partes en la búsqueda de una solución al conflicto. Sin embargo, en estos últimos veinte años se ha asistido a una espontánea y progresiva diferenciación entre los respectivos ámbitos de competencia: la «conciliazione» se refiere a la composición de las controversias en el campo civil y mercantil, mientras que la «mediazione» se ocupa de la gestión de los conflictos en el ámbito social, escolar, penal y familiar. El fenómeno italiano de los ADR nos ofrece un panorama heterogéneo de prácticas, recorridos formativos y argumentos teóricos, que indica la tendencia hacia una diferenciación entre la práctica de la mediación y de la conciliación. En esencia parece que asistimos a la progresiva construcción de un límite entre ámbitos normativos sobre los que sería necesario reflexionar con atención. El legislador, que recientemente ha intervenido en la materia con el art. 60 de la ley de 18 junio de 2009, nº 69, no parece propenso a acoger esta distinción. La norma citada distingue entre «mediación» y «conciliación», pero no para regular dos prácticas autónomamente, sino más bien para instituir una relación de medio a fin entre las dos, estableciendo que la actividad de mediación «finalice con la conciliación» (art. 60, apartado 3, letra a).
Encyclopedia of Contemporary Constitutionalism, 2021

EnglishThis paper focuses on the meanings of liability shaped by the methods of conflict resoluti... more EnglishThis paper focuses on the meanings of liability shaped by the methods of conflict resolution relating to the current criminal justice paradigms, i.e. the traditional retribution paradigm, based on the trial, and the emerging restorative paradigm, based on the mediation. These models of justice express two concepts of liability, namely a retrospective and a prospective liability. While the former fits into the punitive legal model adopted in our legal system, the latter is consistent with a restorative model of justice, which is emerging as a new paradigm in criminallaw. The Author argues that liability and punishment are two distinct concepts that are logically independent of one other. In this regard, the meaning of liability implies the duty to be accountable for the perpetrator's conducts. The response could be given in various ways and to different subjects, such as the Sta te, the victim, and the community. The ways in which the perpetrator's response is formulat...

This essay aims at clarifying the concept of Jonas’s heuristic of fear. Although it has been seve... more This essay aims at clarifying the concept of Jonas’s heuristic of fear. Although it has been severely criticized, fear remains an aspect of his thought which has drawn little attention, particularly regarding the role it plays in the elaboration of the imperative of responsibility. Jonas elaborates a new concept of fear, moulded by the particular form of uncertainty brought about by the technological age. Although critics have interpreted Jonas’ attempt as an ethics founded on irrationality and emotion, the present analysis shows that Jonas affirms a cognitivist theory of fear. The concept of fear he discusses in The Imperative of Responsibility is not an emotion as an immediate physical and psychological reaction, but a form of evaluative thinking that is part of responsibility. In order to illustrate form and function of fear in Jonas thought, I will refer to the meanings of fear in Hobbes, an author Jonas himself refers to.
Papers by Maria Antonietta foddai