Objectives: To estimate the cumulative incidence (IC up ) and density incidence (DI up ) of press... more Objectives: To estimate the cumulative incidence (IC up ) and density incidence (DI up ) of pressure ulcer (PU) and to describe the implementation of nursing interventions in two hospitals in the State of Bahia before (phase 1) and during an educational intervention (phase 2). Methods: A prospective design was used. The sample consisted of inpatients of medical/surgical units. Data
RESUMO: Este artigo tem os objetivos de caracterizar o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro e do au... more RESUMO: Este artigo tem os objetivos de caracterizar o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro e do auxiliar de enfermagem e de an~lisar contradições existentes no trabalho de enfermagem. Toma como referencial teórico os estudos do processo de trabalho em saúde e em enfermagem e a teoria do agir comunicativo. Com base no método qualitativo de pesquisa, o material empírico foi
This study estimated the mean total direct cost of some production factors (material resources), ... more This study estimated the mean total direct cost of some production factors (material resources), including consumption materials, diets, medication and solutions used by two patient groups during hospitalization in the Interdisciplinary Home Hospitalization Program (PROIID) of Marília-SP, Brazil. The sample consisted of 27 patients with a diagnosis of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and 18 with Neoplasm. Data were collected from the moment of hospitalization until the patients left the program. The mean total direct cost amounted to R$ 52.72 for each patient with CVA and of R$ 65.13 for those with Neoplasm. For both patient groups, the sub-category of material--diets accounted for the highest percentage of costs.
To assess the quality of nursing care provided in inhalation, peripheral venipuncture, and admini... more To assess the quality of nursing care provided in inhalation, peripheral venipuncture, and administration of intra-muscular medication procedures in the context of professional training of nursing assistants. A cross-sectional study was carried out in two phases among nursing staff (nurse assistants as well as unlicensed nursing personnel), in three hospitals in the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil, in October and December 2001 and 2002. Data was collected by means of direct observation of task performance and analysis of the median values of performance. A convenience sample was stratified according to professional category and work unit. There was a quality improvement or maintenance while performing the procedure of inhalation, with an overall median score equal to or above 70%. Median scores were reduced for peripheral venipuncture and administration of intra-muscular medication. Analysis of the differences in the procedures indicated that performance improved regarding basic...
Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialy... more Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four years of study, show high survival. The results of this study show that the high expenditure with hemodialysis refers to the increase of survival of patients and not specifically the increase of demand of the therapy.
Internações hospitalares merecem atenção do gestor municipal pelo volume financeiro consumido e p... more Internações hospitalares merecem atenção do gestor municipal pelo volume financeiro consumido e pela possibilidade de reorganizar o sistema local de saúde. Este estudo, descritivo transversal, caracteriza a produção de internações hospitalares, nos aspectos físicos e financeiros, entre 1996 e 2003, no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. As informações foram obtidas em fonte secundária, banco de dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), mostram incremento de 56% nas internações e 156,3% nos recursos financeiros no período. O maior crescimento ocorreu na especialidade de clínica cirúrgica (72,4%), na qual se concentram procedimentos de maior complexidade e incorporação tecnológica, que implicam remuneração financeira superior em relação a outras especialidades.
This exploratory study aimed to describe the physical and financial terms of surgical procedures ... more This exploratory study aimed to describe the physical and financial terms of surgical procedures in hospitalizations from 1996 to 2003 covered by the Municipal Health Secretary in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, according to providers. Data collection used documental research in official Municipal Health Secretary databases about hospitalizations in five hospitals associated to the Brazilian Federal Health Care System. During the period there was a 73.1% increase in procedure production and a 121.6% increase in financial resources, mostly in orthopedics/trauma, gastroenterology, and cardiovascular/lymphatic system surgeries. We note hospital specialization in some surgical sub-specializations. Variation among production evidences increases in sub-specializations involving higher use of technologies and better remuneration. This study does not present estimates for subsequent years, behavior of the different subspecialties, or the different hospital service providers in the city. ...
This study estimated and evaluated the time period (in days) concerning the flow of Live Birth De... more This study estimated and evaluated the time period (in days) concerning the flow of Live Birth Declarations (DNV) for high-risk newborns assisted by the Project "Living in Cascavel"-Paraná, Brazil, from 1996 to 1998, according to organization sites (hospital, epidemiological surveiliance service, basic health unit). Three hundred and three declarations were analyzed, and in order to analyze the flow time of the DNVs, 95% confidence intervals were constructed for the medium population times (in days). Results showed that the DNVs took 25 to 30 days to flow from the hospital until the moment when the home visit occurred. The care to high-risk newborns must take place in the shortest possible time; therefore, the flow time of DNVs found in this study, from birth until the home visit, may hinder the achievement of one of the objectives proposed by the project in question, which is the reduction of infant morbi-mortality in the municipality.
Hospitalizations represent an important share of healthcare, due to both the com- plexity of acti... more Hospitalizations represent an important share of healthcare, due to both the com- plexity of actions and the financial volume applied. This descriptive-exploratory inves- tigation had the purpose to identify and describing the physical and financial pro- duction of hospitalizations performed in a school hospital in the state of São Paulo, from 1996 to 2003, focusing the specialties of surgical clinic,
Municipal managers need to dedicate special attention to hospitalizations, due to the financial v... more Municipal managers need to dedicate special attention to hospitalizations, due to the financial volume they consume and to the possibility of reorganizing the local health system. This descriptive and cross-sectional study characterizes the production of hospitalizations, in physical and financial terms, between 1996 and 2003, in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Data were obtained from a secondary data source, the Datasus database, and showed an increase of 56% in hospitalizations, and 156.3% in financial resources during this period. The largest growth occurred in the clinical surgery area (72.4%), which concentrates more complex and technological procedures, implying higher financial remuneration than in other specialties.
This article measures and describes nursing staff turnover in eleven hospitals located in the cit... more This article measures and describes nursing staff turnover in eleven hospitals located in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2003. The entire hospital network hired 327 nursing professionals and dismissed 276. Therefore, employment rate was higher than dismissal rate, with the exception of nursing assistants. Net replacement rate was of 24.3%. Entire nursing staff would be completely replaced in approximately 3.6 years. The indexes used indicated higher stability and lower staff turnover rate in public hospitals as compared to private hospitals.
Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialy... more Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four years of study, show high survival. The results of this study show that the high expenditure with hemodialysis refers to the increase of survival of patients and not specifically the increase of demand of the therapy.
The administrative role of the nurse has been a polemic matter for the theory of nursing. The pra... more The administrative role of the nurse has been a polemic matter for the theory of nursing. The practice of nursing administration has been limited to meeting the employers and other professionals expectations. In this context the authors attempt to characterize their position towards the importance of the administration of the assistance scheme as one of the roles of the nurse.
Chaves LDP, Anselmi ML, Barbeira CBS, Hayashida M. Estudo da sobrevida de pacientes submetidos à ... more Chaves LDP, Anselmi ML, Barbeira CBS, Hayashida M. Estudo da sobrevida de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise e estimativa de gastos no município de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2002; 36(2): 193-9. RESUMO Utilizando a técnica de Tábuas de Vida de Seguimento o presente estudo estimou a sobrevida de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise, segundo grupo etário, de 1997 a 2000, em Ribeirão Preto-SP A partir das probabilidades de sobrevivência estimou também, os gastos por paciente que inicie o tratamento. Cerca de 60% dos pacientes seguidos continuavam vivos ao final dos quatros anos de estudo, apontando para uma sobrevivência elevada. Os resultados mostram ainda que o crescimento dos gastos com hemodiálise deve-se ao aumento da sobrevida e não especificamente a uma ampliação da demanda pela terapia. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Hemodiálise. Sobrevivência. Gastos em saúde. ABSTRACT Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four years of study, show high survival. The results of this study show that the high expenditure with hemodialysis refers to the increase of survival of patients and not specifically the increase of demand of the therapy.
... Assim, polemizam a dicotomia criada em torno da função administrativa versus assistencial e c... more ... Assim, polemizam a dicotomia criada em torno da função administrativa versus assistencial e chamam a atenção para a impossibilidade de se pensar o trabalho de enfermagem de forma desarticulada das diversas práticas em saúde, que no conjunto complementam-se para ...
Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialy... more Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four
RESUMO: Estudo exploratório com objetivo descrever a produção física e financeira dos procediment... more RESUMO: Estudo exploratório com objetivo descrever a produção física e financeira dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, nas internações hospitalares remuneradas pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto, segundo prestador, período 1996-2003. A coleta de dados utilizou a pesquisa documental em banco de dados oficiais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde sobre internações em cinco hospitais conveniados ao Sistema Único de Saúde. No período houve incremento de 73,1% na produção física e de 121,6% nos recursos financeiros, concentrados nas subespecialidades de ortopedia/traumatologia, gastroenterologia e cirurgias do sistema cardiovascular/linfático. Constatamos a especialização de hospitais em algumas subespecialidades cirúrgicas. A variação na produção evidencia que subespecialidades de maior incorporação tecnológica e melhor remuneração apresentam incremento. O estudo não apresenta estimativas para os anos subseqüentes, o comportamento das diferentes subespecialidades ou diferentes prestadores hospitalares do município, entretanto incremento na produção física e financeira dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, no município estudado, justifica uma análise crítica do gestor do sistema.
Objectives: To estimate the cumulative incidence (IC up ) and density incidence (DI up ) of press... more Objectives: To estimate the cumulative incidence (IC up ) and density incidence (DI up ) of pressure ulcer (PU) and to describe the implementation of nursing interventions in two hospitals in the State of Bahia before (phase 1) and during an educational intervention (phase 2). Methods: A prospective design was used. The sample consisted of inpatients of medical/surgical units. Data
RESUMO: Este artigo tem os objetivos de caracterizar o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro e do au... more RESUMO: Este artigo tem os objetivos de caracterizar o processo de trabalho do enfermeiro e do auxiliar de enfermagem e de an~lisar contradições existentes no trabalho de enfermagem. Toma como referencial teórico os estudos do processo de trabalho em saúde e em enfermagem e a teoria do agir comunicativo. Com base no método qualitativo de pesquisa, o material empírico foi
This study estimated the mean total direct cost of some production factors (material resources), ... more This study estimated the mean total direct cost of some production factors (material resources), including consumption materials, diets, medication and solutions used by two patient groups during hospitalization in the Interdisciplinary Home Hospitalization Program (PROIID) of Marília-SP, Brazil. The sample consisted of 27 patients with a diagnosis of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and 18 with Neoplasm. Data were collected from the moment of hospitalization until the patients left the program. The mean total direct cost amounted to R$ 52.72 for each patient with CVA and of R$ 65.13 for those with Neoplasm. For both patient groups, the sub-category of material--diets accounted for the highest percentage of costs.
To assess the quality of nursing care provided in inhalation, peripheral venipuncture, and admini... more To assess the quality of nursing care provided in inhalation, peripheral venipuncture, and administration of intra-muscular medication procedures in the context of professional training of nursing assistants. A cross-sectional study was carried out in two phases among nursing staff (nurse assistants as well as unlicensed nursing personnel), in three hospitals in the state of Bahia, Northeastern Brazil, in October and December 2001 and 2002. Data was collected by means of direct observation of task performance and analysis of the median values of performance. A convenience sample was stratified according to professional category and work unit. There was a quality improvement or maintenance while performing the procedure of inhalation, with an overall median score equal to or above 70%. Median scores were reduced for peripheral venipuncture and administration of intra-muscular medication. Analysis of the differences in the procedures indicated that performance improved regarding basic...
Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialy... more Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four years of study, show high survival. The results of this study show that the high expenditure with hemodialysis refers to the increase of survival of patients and not specifically the increase of demand of the therapy.
Internações hospitalares merecem atenção do gestor municipal pelo volume financeiro consumido e p... more Internações hospitalares merecem atenção do gestor municipal pelo volume financeiro consumido e pela possibilidade de reorganizar o sistema local de saúde. Este estudo, descritivo transversal, caracteriza a produção de internações hospitalares, nos aspectos físicos e financeiros, entre 1996 e 2003, no município de Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil. As informações foram obtidas em fonte secundária, banco de dados do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde (DATASUS), mostram incremento de 56% nas internações e 156,3% nos recursos financeiros no período. O maior crescimento ocorreu na especialidade de clínica cirúrgica (72,4%), na qual se concentram procedimentos de maior complexidade e incorporação tecnológica, que implicam remuneração financeira superior em relação a outras especialidades.
This exploratory study aimed to describe the physical and financial terms of surgical procedures ... more This exploratory study aimed to describe the physical and financial terms of surgical procedures in hospitalizations from 1996 to 2003 covered by the Municipal Health Secretary in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, according to providers. Data collection used documental research in official Municipal Health Secretary databases about hospitalizations in five hospitals associated to the Brazilian Federal Health Care System. During the period there was a 73.1% increase in procedure production and a 121.6% increase in financial resources, mostly in orthopedics/trauma, gastroenterology, and cardiovascular/lymphatic system surgeries. We note hospital specialization in some surgical sub-specializations. Variation among production evidences increases in sub-specializations involving higher use of technologies and better remuneration. This study does not present estimates for subsequent years, behavior of the different subspecialties, or the different hospital service providers in the city. ...
This study estimated and evaluated the time period (in days) concerning the flow of Live Birth De... more This study estimated and evaluated the time period (in days) concerning the flow of Live Birth Declarations (DNV) for high-risk newborns assisted by the Project "Living in Cascavel"-Paraná, Brazil, from 1996 to 1998, according to organization sites (hospital, epidemiological surveiliance service, basic health unit). Three hundred and three declarations were analyzed, and in order to analyze the flow time of the DNVs, 95% confidence intervals were constructed for the medium population times (in days). Results showed that the DNVs took 25 to 30 days to flow from the hospital until the moment when the home visit occurred. The care to high-risk newborns must take place in the shortest possible time; therefore, the flow time of DNVs found in this study, from birth until the home visit, may hinder the achievement of one of the objectives proposed by the project in question, which is the reduction of infant morbi-mortality in the municipality.
Hospitalizations represent an important share of healthcare, due to both the com- plexity of acti... more Hospitalizations represent an important share of healthcare, due to both the com- plexity of actions and the financial volume applied. This descriptive-exploratory inves- tigation had the purpose to identify and describing the physical and financial pro- duction of hospitalizations performed in a school hospital in the state of São Paulo, from 1996 to 2003, focusing the specialties of surgical clinic,
Municipal managers need to dedicate special attention to hospitalizations, due to the financial v... more Municipal managers need to dedicate special attention to hospitalizations, due to the financial volume they consume and to the possibility of reorganizing the local health system. This descriptive and cross-sectional study characterizes the production of hospitalizations, in physical and financial terms, between 1996 and 2003, in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Data were obtained from a secondary data source, the Datasus database, and showed an increase of 56% in hospitalizations, and 156.3% in financial resources during this period. The largest growth occurred in the clinical surgery area (72.4%), which concentrates more complex and technological procedures, implying higher financial remuneration than in other specialties.
This article measures and describes nursing staff turnover in eleven hospitals located in the cit... more This article measures and describes nursing staff turnover in eleven hospitals located in the city of Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in 2003. The entire hospital network hired 327 nursing professionals and dismissed 276. Therefore, employment rate was higher than dismissal rate, with the exception of nursing assistants. Net replacement rate was of 24.3%. Entire nursing staff would be completely replaced in approximately 3.6 years. The indexes used indicated higher stability and lower staff turnover rate in public hospitals as compared to private hospitals.
Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialy... more Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four years of study, show high survival. The results of this study show that the high expenditure with hemodialysis refers to the increase of survival of patients and not specifically the increase of demand of the therapy.
The administrative role of the nurse has been a polemic matter for the theory of nursing. The pra... more The administrative role of the nurse has been a polemic matter for the theory of nursing. The practice of nursing administration has been limited to meeting the employers and other professionals expectations. In this context the authors attempt to characterize their position towards the importance of the administration of the assistance scheme as one of the roles of the nurse.
Chaves LDP, Anselmi ML, Barbeira CBS, Hayashida M. Estudo da sobrevida de pacientes submetidos à ... more Chaves LDP, Anselmi ML, Barbeira CBS, Hayashida M. Estudo da sobrevida de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise e estimativa de gastos no município de Ribeirão Preto-SP. Rev Esc Enferm USP 2002; 36(2): 193-9. RESUMO Utilizando a técnica de Tábuas de Vida de Seguimento o presente estudo estimou a sobrevida de pacientes submetidos à hemodiálise, segundo grupo etário, de 1997 a 2000, em Ribeirão Preto-SP A partir das probabilidades de sobrevivência estimou também, os gastos por paciente que inicie o tratamento. Cerca de 60% dos pacientes seguidos continuavam vivos ao final dos quatros anos de estudo, apontando para uma sobrevivência elevada. Os resultados mostram ainda que o crescimento dos gastos com hemodiálise deve-se ao aumento da sobrevida e não especificamente a uma ampliação da demanda pela terapia. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Hemodiálise. Sobrevivência. Gastos em saúde. ABSTRACT Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four years of study, show high survival. The results of this study show that the high expenditure with hemodialysis refers to the increase of survival of patients and not specifically the increase of demand of the therapy.
... Assim, polemizam a dicotomia criada em torno da função administrativa versus assistencial e c... more ... Assim, polemizam a dicotomia criada em torno da função administrativa versus assistencial e chamam a atenção para a impossibilidade de se pensar o trabalho de enfermagem de forma desarticulada das diversas práticas em saúde, que no conjunto complementam-se para ...
Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialy... more Using Life Table Method the present study estimated the survival of patients gone under hemodialysis, according to age group, from 1997 to 2000, in the Ribeirão Preto County. Based in probability of survival it was also estimated the expenses referred to the sessions of hemodialysis for patients that are beginning treatment. Nearly 60% of patients followed were alive after four
RESUMO: Estudo exploratório com objetivo descrever a produção física e financeira dos procediment... more RESUMO: Estudo exploratório com objetivo descrever a produção física e financeira dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, nas internações hospitalares remuneradas pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Ribeirão Preto, segundo prestador, período 1996-2003. A coleta de dados utilizou a pesquisa documental em banco de dados oficiais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde sobre internações em cinco hospitais conveniados ao Sistema Único de Saúde. No período houve incremento de 73,1% na produção física e de 121,6% nos recursos financeiros, concentrados nas subespecialidades de ortopedia/traumatologia, gastroenterologia e cirurgias do sistema cardiovascular/linfático. Constatamos a especialização de hospitais em algumas subespecialidades cirúrgicas. A variação na produção evidencia que subespecialidades de maior incorporação tecnológica e melhor remuneração apresentam incremento. O estudo não apresenta estimativas para os anos subseqüentes, o comportamento das diferentes subespecialidades ou diferentes prestadores hospitalares do município, entretanto incremento na produção física e financeira dos procedimentos cirúrgicos, no município estudado, justifica uma análise crítica do gestor do sistema.
Papers by Maria Anselmi