Papers by Margarita LIMON
Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Revista de investigación y experiencias didácticas, 2006
This paper deals with the psychological processes by which students' alternative ideas of sci... more This paper deals with the psychological processes by which students' alternative ideas of scientific concepts arise.
ESTUDIO FINANCLADO CON CARGO A LA CONVOCATORLA DE AYUDAS A LA INVESTIGACION DEL C.I.D.E. Número 6... more ESTUDIO FINANCLADO CON CARGO A LA CONVOCATORLA DE AYUDAS A LA INVESTIGACION DEL C.I.D.E. Número 65 Coldón: INVESTIGACION PROCESOS wgniuvor cn la wmpxnsiQ de la ciencia : las ideas de los adolrsccnrti sobre la química Juan Ignacio Pow ... [el al.].-Mddnd Ccnlri, dc Publicaciones del Ministerio de Educación y C~cncIa : C.I.D.E.. 1991. l. Ciaioas de la naturalc2a 2. Quimica 3. Rapso wgnoiutivo 4 C<nmpirn\iOn 5.
Investigación en la Escuela, 1992
Información del artículo La estructura de los conocimientos previos en Química: una propuesta de ... more Información del artículo La estructura de los conocimientos previos en Química: una propuesta de núcleos conceptuales.
Infancia y Aprendizaje, 1993
tan algunos trabajos pioneros de Dewey y Piaget y se discuten las críticas que han recibido los t... more tan algunos trabajos pioneros de Dewey y Piaget y se discuten las críticas que han recibido los trabajos piagetianos de los años sesenta y setenta sobre este tema. Por último, se discuten los principales problemas de esta área de investigación. Es decir; lo concerniente a la comprensión y aprendizaje de los conceptos, tiempo y casualidad histórica y al rektivismo cognitivo. Las implicaciones instruccionales de este tipo de investigaciones son discutidas en relación con algunos de los más importantes problemas epistemológicos de la Historia en la actualidad.
... método computacionales a partir de los contenidos de los diarios, las recopilaciones de docum... more ... método computacionales a partir de los contenidos de los diarios, las recopilaciones de documentos y otras fuentes. ... el conocimiento, la motivación y el interés de los individuos, la ideade determinar la invariabilidad en su ... Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Brown DE, Clement J. (1989). ...
Handbook of Educational Psychology, 2014
Electronic Journal of Research in Education Psychology, Oct 31, 2017
Professor of Education and Psychology and Chair of the Combined Program in Education and Psycholo... more Professor of Education and Psychology and Chair of the Combined Program in Education and Psychology at the University of Michigan, passed away suddenly at age 49 this past twelfth of July, due to a heart attack while touring on bicycle. Professor Pintrich was an outstanding scholar in the field of Learning and Instruction. Particularly, his research focused on the development of motivation, conceptual change, epistemological thinking, self-regulated learning and higher education.
Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Skip to content. Taylor & Francis Online: Librarians; Authors & Editors; Societies. Regis... more Skip to content. Taylor & Francis Online: Librarians; Authors & Editors; Societies. Register; Sign in; Mobile. Home; Browse; Products; Redeem a voucher; Shortlist; Shopping Cart Cart. The online platform for Taylor & Francis Group content. Search. Advanced Search Within current journal Entire site. Home > List of Issues > Table of Contents > List of Guest Reviewers in 2012. Browse journal. View all volumes and issues. Current issue. Latest articles. Most read articles. Most cited articles. Authors and submissions. Instructions for authors. Submit online.

Learning and Instruction, 2001
The constructivist view of learning pays special attention to students' prior knowledge. One of t... more The constructivist view of learning pays special attention to students' prior knowledge. One of the core statements of this view is the necessity of connecting students' prior knowledge with the new contents to be taught. Based on this idea, research on conceptual change explored students' prior conceptions overall about scientific phenomena, and instructional strategies were developed to promote conceptual change. One of the most common conceptual change instructional strategies implemented in the classroom was to induce cognitive conflict through presenting anomalous data or contradictory information. First, the paper presents a review of the conceptual change theoretical frameworks that support this strategy. Second, a review of the controversial results obtained in the application of the cognitive conflict strategy in the classroom is presented. Third, a discussion of the possible factors that may explain the difficulties to implement this strategy is introduced. Three kinds of problems may explain these difficulties. The first kind of problem is related to the question about how to make the cognitive conflict meaningful for students. Motivational factors, epistemological beliefs, prior knowledge, values and attitudes, learning strategies and cognitive engagement, and reasoning strategies, as well as social factors, seem to be relevant to lead students to a meaningful conflict. The second kind of problem is linked to more general theoretical and methodological aspects that research on conceptual change still has to solve. Finally, a third group of practical problems related to the implementation of the cognitive conflict strategy in real school settings is presented.

Physical touch has been considered a way of tactile communication that promotes cooperation, help... more Physical touch has been considered a way of tactile communication that promotes cooperation, helps to relieve stress or to communicate emotions and affect (Hertenstein et al., 2009). Kraus et al. (2010) studied if touch increases both individual and group performance registering the touch behavior of NBA players. Here, instead of focusing on players’ performance, we focused on team cohesion. Given that touch is often used as a way to communicate support and trust, we explored if the number of touches among team-mates may be a reliable and useful indicator of team cohesion. A second aim of this study was to explore how variables such as gender, age and expertise in playing basketball might influence players’ tactile communication and team cohesion. 6 basketball teams (n=96, 14-18 years old) with different level of expertise participated in the study that was conducted during the final four competitions of Madrid championship. All teams filled several cohesion questionnaires (GEQ, AS...

Prior studies (e.g. Furley & Schweizer, 2014) have shown that players' reading of score-relat... more Prior studies (e.g. Furley & Schweizer, 2014) have shown that players' reading of score-related nonverbal gestures may influence their confidence estimations in winning or losing a game. But, do amateur basketball players read accurately their opponents' score-related nonverbal behavior? 90 players (n=42, 11-14 years-old; n=48, 17-21 years-old) were presented two series of 27 video clips (counterbalanced presentation). One presented professional players whereas the other one showed amateur players of similar age than ours. Each participant watched 54 video clips. Nine of the 27 video clips of each series showed the opponent team leading (>15 points, leading clips), another 9 showed the opponent team trailing ( Acknowledgments: This study was performed thanks to grant DEP2011-27282 (Designing Multimedia Tools for Learning and Teaching Sports in curricular and non-curricular Contexts) awarded to the first author by MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Na...

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport, 2015
Our aim was to study young sportsmen and not sportsmen's perception of unsporting common situ... more Our aim was to study young sportsmen and not sportsmen's perception of unsporting common situations in soccer games. Participants were 180 individuals (16-18 years old, 90 male, 90 female) distributed in three groups: amateur soccer players (n=60), amateur basketball players (n=60) and not sportsmen (n=60, participants that did not practice sports regularly). A questionnaire presenting 18 common unsporting situations in a soccer game was developed. The unsporting behavior was initiated by a member of the local team/supporter in half of the situations, and in the other half by a member of the rival team. Participants were told these situations occurred in a regular amateur soccer game. Participants judged (Likert scale, 1-5) to what extent they considered each situation as an example of a violent behavior. The second part of the questionnaire introduced the same situations, but both protagonists and victims of the unsporting behavior were well known soccer players of Real Madrid,...
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 02103702 1992 10822321, Apr 29, 2014
ResumenDurante los ultimos anos, los trabajos sobre el aprendizaje de las ciencias han estado dom... more ResumenDurante los ultimos anos, los trabajos sobre el aprendizaje de las ciencias han estado dominados por dos enfoques contrapuestos: la teoria piagetiana de las operaciones formales y el enfoque de las ideas previas o concepciones alternativas. Frente a estos dos enfoques los autores proponen una alternativa intermedia basada en el concepto de «teorias implicitas». Estas teorias serian teorias personales que, como las teorias cientificas, sirven para organizar y predecir el mundo circundante. No obstante, presentan tambien caracteristicas muy diferentes de las teorias cientificas tanto en lo referente a su contenido como a su organizacion. Estas diferentes caracteristicas tienen, como se expone en el articulo, importantes consecuencias tanto para la investigacion como para la practica educativa.

International Journal of Educational Research, 2006
Research on epistemological beliefs has clearly increased in the last decade. Even though the con... more Research on epistemological beliefs has clearly increased in the last decade. Even though the construct is clearer and relevant data are being collected, there are important theoretical and methodological issues that need further clarification. One of them is the debate about the domain generality-specificity of epistemological beliefs. I argue that there are both theoretical and methodological difficulties that hinder a more fruitful approach of the domain generality-specificity debate. Differences in goals and scope of the diverse conceptualizations about epistemological beliefs and how they devise the role of content-domain and context are a major source of difficulties. Methodological problems such as whether such epistemological beliefs can be measured ''in isolation''-free of content and context influence-or the impossibility of collecting direct measures of epistemological beliefs may influence how the domain generality-specificity question is approached. Some suggestions about how these difficulties may be overcome are developed. The relevance of exploring epistemological beliefs across domains and across contexts is emphasized.
Reconsidering Conceptual Change: Issues in Theory and Practice, 2002
The question dealt with in this chapter regards the extent to which results from research on conc... more The question dealt with in this chapter regards the extent to which results from research on conceptual change in science education can be applied to other domains, and in particular that of history. In order to answer this question, we must examine the peculiarities of history and history teaching and their possible implications for conceptual change. The chapter is divided
Skip to content. Taylor & Francis Online: Librarians; Authors & Editors; Societies. Register; Sig... more Skip to content. Taylor & Francis Online: Librarians; Authors & Editors; Societies. Register; Sign in; Mobile. Home; Browse; Products; Redeem a voucher; Shortlist; Shopping Cart Cart. The online platform for Taylor & Francis Group content. Search. Advanced Search Within current journal Entire site. Home > List of Issues > Table of Contents > List of Guest Reviewers in 2012. Browse journal. View all volumes and issues. Current issue. Latest articles. Most read articles. Most cited articles. Authors and submissions. Instructions for authors. Submit online. Subscribe ...
Papers by Margarita LIMON