Papers by Maren Goeckenjan
Die Gynäkologie, Jan 17, 2024
Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology, Oct 19, 2011
z Überblick über die leitliniengerechte Diagnose und Therapie des symptomatischen männlichen Hypo... more z Überblick über die leitliniengerechte Diagnose und Therapie des symptomatischen männlichen Hypogonadismus z Fallstricke bei der Interpretation von Laborwerten z praxisrelevantes Vorgehen bei Diagnose und Therapie des Testosteronmangels anhand von konkreten Fallbeispielen z Vorstellung sowohl von typischen als auch eher seltenen Patientenfällen aus der urologisch-andrologischen Sprechstunde Registrierung: oder über den QR-Code 58 J Reproduktionsmed Endokrinol 2011; 8 (Special Issue 1)
Gynäkologische Endokrinologie, Apr 5, 2012
In der deutschen Zusammenfassung, im englischen Abstract und in Tab. 4 des o. g. Beitrags ist die... more In der deutschen Zusammenfassung, im englischen Abstract und in Tab. 4 des o. g. Beitrags ist die Angabe zur Dosierung von Ulipristalacetat falsch: Statt 3 mg muss es 30 mg heißen. Der Verlag bittet, den Fehler zu entschuldigen.
Journal of fertilization, 2016
Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is still a severe complication due to controlled ovarian... more Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is still a severe complication due to controlled ovarian stimulation for artificial reproductive technology. Even though multiple techniques to avoid OHSS have been discussed in the last decades, up to now no clear concepts for primary and secondary prevention exist. This review gives an overview over proposed strategies to avoid OHSS. In a retrospective analysis of 370 cycles of controlled ovarian stimulation for ART at our Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics we analyzed the risk of OHSS. An algorithm for choosing the starting dose of gonadotropins is presented, which is based on individual parameters as AMH, younger age, higher ovarian reserve for women with the diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome.
Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie - Journal of Reproductive Medicine and Endocrinology, Sep 23, 2013
Indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica/Scopus Online-Datenbank mit Autoren-und... more Indexed in EMBASE/Excerpta Medica/Scopus Online-Datenbank mit Autoren-und Stichwortsuche Schwangerschaften während der Anwendung kontrazeptiver Methoden -Eine Stellungnahme der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Gynäkologische Endokrinologie und Fortpflanzungsmedizin (DGGEF) e.V. und des Berufsverbands der Frauenärzte (BVF) e.V.
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, Dec 1, 2019
For information on the guidelines program, please refer to the end of the guideline.
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, Dec 1, 2019
For information on the guidelines program, please refer to the end of the guideline.

Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Nov 24, 2017
Purpose Most guidelines about fertility preservation are predominantly focused on scientific evid... more Purpose Most guidelines about fertility preservation are predominantly focused on scientific evidence, but are less practically orientated. Therefore, practically oriented recommendations are needed to support the clinician in daily practice. Methods A selective literature search was performed based on the clinical and scientific experience of the authors, focussing on the most relevant diseases and gynaecological cancers. This article (Part I) provides information on topics that are essential for the fertility preservation indication, such as disease prognosis, disease therapy and its associated risks to fertility, recommending disease-specific fertility preservation measures. Part II specifically focusses on fertility preservation techniques. In breast cancer patients, fertility preservation such as ovarian tissue and oocyte cryopreservation is especially recommended in low-stage cancer and in women < 35 years of age. In Hodgkin's lymphoma, the indication is mainly based on the chemotherapy regime as some therapies have very low, others very high gonadotoxicity. In borderline ovarian tumours, preservation of fertility usually is achieved through fertility sparing surgery, ovarian stimulation may also be considered. In cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, rheumatic diseases and other malignancies such as Ewing sarcoma, colorectal carcinoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, leukaemia etc., several other factors must be considered to enable an individual, stage-dependent decision. The decision for or against fertility preservation depends on the prognosis, the risks to fertility and individual factors such as prospective family planning.
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, 2022
Objectives Endometriosis is a chronic disease which is diagnosed by surgical intervention combine... more Objectives Endometriosis is a chronic disease which is diagnosed by surgical intervention combined with a histological work-up. Current international and national recommendations do not require the histological determination of the proliferation rate. The diagnostic and clinical importance of the mitotic rate in endometriotic lesions still remains to be elucidated.
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, Sep 19, 2006
Verlag Karl Alber eBooks, 2018
Springer eBooks, 2020
Cervical cancer affects a high percentage of young women worldwide. The incidence in developed co... more Cervical cancer affects a high percentage of young women worldwide. The incidence in developed countries is falling as a result of cervical cancer screening and immunization against human papillomavirus (HPV). Treatment of uterine cancer affects female fertility in various ways. In the counselling process for fertility preservation, obstetric complications, which include miscarriage and premature birth, as well as oncological safety must be considered. Mainly fertility-sparing surgical techniques such as cervical conisation or radical trachelectomy, and preservation of the ovaries are options in cancer stages up to FIGO IB1 and FIGO IIA1 &amp;lt; 2 cm without further risk factors. Fertility preservation methods in combination with surrogate pregnancy or uterus transplantation are experimental and controversial issues
Zeitschrift für Komplementärmedizin, Jun 1, 2011
Gynäkologische Endokrinologie, Oct 17, 2012
Memo – Magazine of European Medical Oncology, May 20, 2020
Fertility preservation has become an integral part of standard treatment for young patients with ... more Fertility preservation has become an integral part of standard treatment for young patients with planned gonadotoxic therapy. The decision-making process is an interdisciplinary challenge to both oncologists and radiotherapists involved in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Nevertheless, even today, not every patient receives adequate counselling about fertility preserving techniques. Current data on the options of fertility preservation for women, including cryopreservation of oocytes, embryos, ovarian tissue, transposition of ovaries and medical treatment, are summarized in this review.
Gynäkologische Endokrinologie, Jan 16, 2014
ABSTRACT Die individuelle Gesundheitsberatung vor einer Schwangerschaft ist ein wichtiger Ansatz,... more ABSTRACT Die individuelle Gesundheitsberatung vor einer Schwangerschaft ist ein wichtiger Ansatz, um Risiken für Mutter und Kind, die mit der Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Stillzeit verbunden sind, weiter als bisher zu vermindern. Wichtigste Ziele sind die Vermeidung von gesundheitsschädigendem Verhalten, der bewusste Umgang mit Ernährung und Bewegung sowie die Beratung zu sozialen und psychischen Belastungen. Präkonzeptionell können Bedingungen vor einer Schwangerschaft noch verändert werden, insbesondere ein fehlender Impfschutz, Suchtverhalten sowie Erkrankungen und potenziell schädigende Medikationen in geplanten Schwangerschaften. Die präkonzeptionelle Beratung sollte in gynäkologischen Praxen ein grundsätzlicher Bestandteil der Beratung von Frauen im reproduktiven Alter sein.

Gynecological Endocrinology, Aug 19, 2013
Fertility preservation prior to gonadotoxic chemotherapy by cryopreservation of the ovarian tissu... more Fertility preservation prior to gonadotoxic chemotherapy by cryopreservation of the ovarian tissue and controlled ovarian stimulation can be effective immediately after induced abortion in the first trimenon. In a reproductive endocrinology and infertility unit of a tertiary care university-based medical centre (University Hospital of Heidelberg) a 37-year-old women with breast cancer was counseled for fertility preservation. Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue, followed by ovarian stimulation for planned intracytoplasmatic sperm injection (ICSI), transvaginal oocyte aspiration and cryopreservation of fertilized eggs was performed in spite of persistently elevated human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-levels after induced abortion. Twenty-four fertilized oocytes with a fertilization rate of 92% were cryopreserved. Ovarian stimulation and oocyte cryopreservation can be successfully performed with good results immediately after miscarriage, despite persistent high hCG-levels.
Geburtshilfe Und Frauenheilkunde, Jun 27, 2016
PCOS l " IVF/ICSI l " ART l " ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) l " gonadotropins Schlüsse... more PCOS l " IVF/ICSI l " ART l " ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) l " gonadotropins Schlüsselwörter l " PCOS l " IVF/ICSI l " künstliche Befruchtung l " ovarielles Überstimulationssyndrom (OHSS) l " Gonadotropin
Diabetes Aktuell, May 1, 2021
ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDie Betreuung von Schwangeren mit Zuckerstoffwechselstörungen und schwangeren Diab... more ZUSAMMENFASSUNGDie Betreuung von Schwangeren mit Zuckerstoffwechselstörungen und schwangeren Diabetikerinnen gehört zum Alltag in der gynäkologischen Praxis, Allgemeinmedizin, Diabetologie und in den Geburtskliniken. Die auf Prävention ausgerichtete Diagnostik in der Schwangerschaft und die interdisziplinäre Versorgung und Therapie bei erkanntem Diabetes mellitus oder Gestationsdiabetes senkt mögliche Risiken für die Geburt durch einen schlecht eingestellten Zuckerstoffwechsel. Zusätzlich kann die optimale peripartale Betreuung schwangerer Frauen mit Diabetes im Kreißsaal das geburtshilfliche Outcome und langfristig das metabolische Lebenszeitrisiko von Mutter und Kind verbessern.
Phytomedicine, Feb 1, 2019
The antimalarial artesunate (ART), a semisynthetic derivative of artemisinin from the Chinese her... more The antimalarial artesunate (ART), a semisynthetic derivative of artemisinin from the Chinese herb artemisia annua has remarkable anticancer properties in vitro and in vivo. Its excellent safety profile known from short-term therapy in malaria was confirmed in an open phase I trial (ARTIC M33/2) for dose-finding as add-on therapy for four weeks.
Papers by Maren Goeckenjan