Papers by Marek Proniewski
Communications of international proceedings, 2023
Communications of international proceedings, 2023
Rocznik Teologii Katolickiej, 2023

Europa XXI, 2016
The purpose of the EU cohesion policy is to reduce disparities at the level of economic, social a... more The purpose of the EU cohesion policy is to reduce disparities at the level of economic, social and spatial development of the underdeveloped regions. The Europe 2020 Strategy establishesmore growth-and innovation-oriented investments. The main objective of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the differences and dynamics of the EU regions at the NUTS 2 level, characterized by the selected variables in the economic, social and territorial accessibility (transport infrastructure) area to determine the clusters of different levels of disparities in the EU regions (HDI) and transport infrastructure as well as to examine their interdependence. Calculations were based on statistical data acquired from Eurostat databases. The results confirm a distinctively clear inequality of economic development in the European regional space between Central and Eastern Europe as well as Northern and Western Europe regions, with the highest growth of dynamics identified in the regions of the countries that joined the EU in 2007 and 2004. The analysis also identifies the European regions with a high level of spatial cohesion (accessibility) and validates the thesis about the presence of interdependence between the EU regional development and spatial cohesion (accessibility) of the regions.

European Research Studies Journal, 2019
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to denote the most intensive cooperation among transnational co... more Purpose: The aim of this paper is to denote the most intensive cooperation among transnational cooperation programmes in the programming period 2007-2013. Design/Methodology/Approach: To measure the intense of transnational cooperation the authors have used two taxonomic methods that are: Perkal's Indicator and Taxonomic Measure of Development. Findings: The study indicates that the programme 'Azores-Madeira-Canary-Islands (Macronesia)' is characterised with the most intensive cooperation. The factors of cooperation determined through the study are mainly a longrun cooperation that have started long before the EU structures evolved and a low number of countries cooperating within the programme. Practical Implications: The paper shows factors determining the intensity of cooperation and points the EU regions where the cooperation is the most intensive. It may be a prerequisite for further studies on the regions distinguished through the study and the structures, and relationships that determine successful transnational cooperation in. Originality/Value: Publications concerning transnational cooperation are not numerous in scientific literature. Most of the existing ones are prepared by European Commission and the analysis are based mainly on methods involving a survey. Due to the lack of analysis based on other methods and the lack of holistic view on the matter, the paper will contribute to the development of literature.
Optimum, 2017
The paper characterizes the selected theories of the labor market, starting from the classical th... more The paper characterizes the selected theories of the labor market, starting from the classical theories, through the Keyenesian, neoclassical and neo-Keynesian theories and ending with the concepts that point at the possibility of unemployment in the conditions of equilibrium on the labor market, in the context of the essential principle of the EU economic policy related to equal chances. The principle, in accordance with which no person or social group may be discriminated against, may have positive impact on the efficiency of the market mechanism in the aspect related to employment.
Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne, 2009

Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy, Mar 31, 2011
crises existed not only in the last decades. in each country fluctuations such as upswings or dow... more crises existed not only in the last decades. in each country fluctuations such as upswings or downturns can be observed in the economy. the serious economic crisis can take place when the extending long-lasting decline continues. in the situation when the crisis appears in the economy it is significant to have a stable financial system. the last financial crisis showed weakness of the contemporary model of social-economic development functioning in the global world, also in central and Eastern Europe (cEE). the paper presents the situation of central and Eastern Europe during the financial crisis. the goal is to analyze the most important kinds of macroeconomic indicators of cEE countries, present development differentiation in the regions at Nuts2 level and systematize causes of the crisis and anti-crisis activities in central and Eastern Europe. in this paper theoretical aspects of the financial crisis and financial crises' types are shown as a basis for further analysis. the theoretical study, the observation method and the statistical data analysis were used to present the global financial crisis influence on the cEE economy. Finally, the method of coefficient of variation was implemented to confirm regional development differentiation in central and Eastern Europe regions and to answer the question if the cEE regions can still narrow the development gap between them and other regions of the European union. * scientific work co-financed from European social Fund, the state budget and Podlaskie voivodeship budget within the project "Podlaskie innovation strategy-implementation system construction".

Ekonomia i Prawo, Sep 30, 2013
The paper supports the thesis that there is an interdependence between the regional development o... more The paper supports the thesis that there is an interdependence between the regional development of the European Union and variables that characterize territorial innovation. Innovation conditions the growth of the regional economy and its competitiveness on a global scale. The purpose of the analysis is to determine the groups of the level of disparities in the development of the EU regions (HDI), the clusters of regions in terms of innovation, and to examine the relationships between the level of development of the regions of European countries and the studied elements of innovation, by using statistical methods (k-means method and objective tree). The paper includes own results of calculations based on statistical data from the Eurostat databases. The results indicate regions in Europe of competitive (the highest) level of innovation and validate the thesis about the existence of the relationship between the regional development of the European Union and variables describing the innovation of the regions, particularly the expenditure on research and development, the high-tech patent applications to the EPO and the employment in science and technology.
Optimum, 2014
Marek PRONIEWSKI 1 POLITYKA ROZWOJU REGIONÓW PERYFERYJNYCH Streszczenie Polityka rozwoju regional... more Marek PRONIEWSKI 1 POLITYKA ROZWOJU REGIONÓW PERYFERYJNYCH Streszczenie Polityka rozwoju regionalnego Unii Europejskiej dąży do zmniejszania zróżnicowań ekonomicznych i społecznych pomiędzy najlepiej rozwiniętymi regionami Wspólnoty a regionami peryferyjnymi. Procesy polaryzacji przestrzeni europejskiej są niekorzystne, dlatego też wspiera się w różnych okresach programowania rozwój regionów peryferyjnych, postrzeganych w wymiarze ekonomicznym i geograficznym. Zmieniające się uwarunkowania społeczno-demograficzne i ekonomiczne rozwoju regionów czy zachodzące procesy integracyjne i globalizacyjne wskazują na konieczność poszukiwania nowego paradygmatu polityki rozwoju, w tym podejścia do rozwoju regionów peryferyjnych.

Wydanie publikacji sfinansowano ze środków Wydziału Ekonomii i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu w Białyms... more Wydanie publikacji sfinansowano ze środków Wydziału Ekonomii i Zarządzania Uniwersytetu w BiałymstokuA Practical Guide to Regional Foresight, FOREN Foresight for Regional Development Network, Report EUR 20128 EN, 2001, s. 100, [24.06.2011].Agenda Terytorialna Unii Europejskiej – W kierunku bardziej konkurencyjnej i zrównoważonej Europy i zróżnicowanych regionów (Territorial Agenda of the European Union – Towards a More Competitive and Sustainable Europe of Diverse Regions), Lipsk, maj 2007.Amanatidou E., Regional Foresight Exercise for the Greek Region of Epirus, The European Foresight Monitoring Network (EFMN), Foresight Brief 2007, No. 110, [15.04.2011].An Agenda for a Reformed Cohesion Policy (The Barca Report). Summary and Analysis, Technical Paper from the CPMR General Secretariat, Reference CRPMNTP090028 A0, May 2009.Atlas ESPON. Struktura terytorium Europy, Ministerstwo Rozwoju Regional...
Papers by Marek Proniewski