Papers by Marek Jan Sadowski

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2006
One outstanding property of pinch plasmas (Z-pinch, plasma focus, capillary discharge) is the gen... more One outstanding property of pinch plasmas (Z-pinch, plasma focus, capillary discharge) is the generation of intensive very high energy electron and ion beams caused by high-amplitude electromagnetic fields. High-temperature dense magnetized plasmas are produced in high-current electrical discharges of various geometries by fast magnetic and shock compression. If the discharge is operated in deuterium gas, fusion reactions take place. It has been found from neutron emission characteristics that most of the fusion reactions are from the beam target and not from thermonuclear processes. Ion trajectories within and outside the plasma can be described by a generalized gyrating particle model (GPM). The results of space-, time-, and energy-resolved measurements of fusion neutrons (2.45 MeV) and protons (3 MeV), obtained from a 500-kJ plasma focus, are presented. Results are interpreted based on the GPM.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2008
In this paper Plasma-Focus (PF) neutron emission properties have been studied using Monte Carlo c... more In this paper Plasma-Focus (PF) neutron emission properties have been studied using Monte Carlo calculations for neutron and photon transport. A Thermal Neutron Scaling Factor as a function of angular position of silver activation detectors placed around MJ Plasma Focus (PF-1000) device has been calculated. Detector responses calculated for 2.5 MeV neutrons and neutrons produced by Am-Be calibration source have
High Temperature Material Processes (An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes), 2002
This paper reports on measurements of X-rays, ion-and electron-beams, as well as neutrons, which ... more This paper reports on measurements of X-rays, ion-and electron-beams, as well as neutrons, which are emitted from plasmas generated within various coaxial injectors. Particular attention is paid to studies of so-called Multi-Rod Plasma Injectors (RPI devices) ...

Physica Scripta, 2014
ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of research on interactions of pulsed plasma streams, as... more ABSTRACT This paper presents the results of research on interactions of pulsed plasma streams, as generated by the PF-1000 facility, with solid targets made of tungsten or carbon fibre composite. The device was equipped with a modified inner electrode with a central tungsten insert of 50 mm in diameter. The PF-1000 experimental chamber was filled with pure deuterium at p(0) = 1.47 hPa. At the charging voltage U-0 = 24 kV, the maximum current amounted to 1.8 MA in about 5.5 mu s after the discharge initiation. The investigated targets were located on the z-axis, at a distance of 9 cm from the inner electrode end. For plasma diagnostics, optical emission spectroscopy, 16-frame laser interferometry and a soft x-ray measuring system of four silicon pin diodes were used. It was observed that plasma streams reached the target about 100 ns after the maximum compression and generated a plasma pillow at the sample surface, as proved from time-resolved optical spectra.
Physica Scripta, 2014
ABSTRACT The paper presents the results of the recent fast electron measurements performed by mea... more ABSTRACT The paper presents the results of the recent fast electron measurements performed by means of a new measuring head, which was equipped with two Cherenkov-type detectors made of diamonds coated with appropriate absorption filters. The high light efficiency of those detectors enabled a high temporal resolution and a good signal-to-noise ratio to be achieved. The obtained results made it possible to determine the conditions of the runaway electrons' appearance and to study their correlations with hard x-rays.
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2011
AbstractThe laser interferometry and X-ray diagnostic stud-ies were performed within the PF-1000... more AbstractThe laser interferometry and X-ray diagnostic stud-ies were performed within the PF-1000 facility operated with the maximum current of 2 MA and the deuterium gas filling (ensuring neutron yield above 1011). At this current, the plasmoidal, helical and toroidal structures ...
The topic of this joint conference was research on plasma physics and its applications, with part... more The topic of this joint conference was research on plasma physics and its applications, with particular emphasis on research on controlled nuclear fusion. Different experiments with tokamaks, stellerators, Z-pinch and plasma focus facilities are described. Papers on low temperature plasmas produced by microwave, spark or arc-discharges, as well as on applications of thermal plasmas are also included.

Numerous PF experiments, which were performed in many laboratories all over the world showed a pr... more Numerous PF experiments, which were performed in many laboratories all over the world showed a promising scaling of the neutron yield (Y n ) from D-D fusion reactions. Some investigations extended this scaling to a multi-MJ and multi-MA level Experimental set-up Recent studies within the PF-360 facility have been carried out by using larger coaxial electrodes of 120 mm and 170 mm in diameter, respectively. Both electrodes were 300 mm in length, and the main ceramic insulator, embracing the basis of the inner electrode, was 80 mm in length. The main experimental chamber of the PF-360 facility was filled with pure deuterium under the initial pressure, which was varied from 5.1 mbar to 12.0 mbar. PF discharges were powered from a capacitor bank of 288 µF. Abstract The paper describes a new technique which has been investigated in order to overcome the neutron saturation effect and to increase the neutron yield from the plasma-focus (PF) discharges

Introduction Many Plasma-Focus (PF) experiments, which were performed in different laboratories, ... more Introduction Many Plasma-Focus (PF) experiments, which were performed in different laboratories, showed an optimistic scaling of the neutron emission. These scaling laws for the fusion neutron yield (Y n ) from the Plasma-Focus facilities are described by the simple formulae: where W 0 is the initial energy input, I max is the maximum value of the main discharge current, α = 2.0-2.2 as well as β = 3.3-4.4 depend on a machine type and input energy value. For the PF-360 facility There were some papers, which suggested that it is possible to extend this scaling to a higher discharge current and initial energy values [1], but there is no experimental verification of this hypothesis so far. On the contrary, it was found that the promising scaling laws are valid only up to some critical levels, at which the neutron yield saturates (or even decreases) The PF-360 machine was built during the turn of the 70s and 80s
High Temperature Material Processes (An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes), 2001
The first part of the paper presents results of experimental studies of deuterium-and nitrogen-io... more The first part of the paper presents results of experimental studies of deuterium-and nitrogen-ions which are produced within the RPI (Rod Plasma Injector) devices (called also the IONOTRON-type systems) equipped with fast-acting electromagnetic gas-valves. The ...
Nukleonika, 2015
In this note experimental studies of tungsten (W) samples irradiated by intense plasma-ion stream... more In this note experimental studies of tungsten (W) samples irradiated by intense plasma-ion streams are reported. Measurements were performed using the modified plasma focus device DPF-1000U equipped with an axial gas-puffing system. The main diagnostic tool was a Mechelle®900 optical spectrometer. The electron density of a freely propagating plasma stream (i.e., the plasma stream observed without any target inside the vacuum chamber) was estimated on the basis of the half-width of the D
Nukleonika, 2015
The results are presented of the optical spectra measurements for free plasma streams generated w... more The results are presented of the optical spectra measurements for free plasma streams generated with the use of the modified DPF-1000U machine. This facility was recently equipped with a gas injection system (the so-called gas-puff) placed on the symmetry axis behind the central opening in the inner electrode. The DPF-1000U experimental chamber was filled up with pure deuterium at the initial pressure of 1.6 or 2.4 mbar. Additionally, when the use was made of the gas-puff system about 1 cm

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2012
The PF-1000 plasma-focus (PF) facility equipped with Mather-type coaxial electrodes was modified ... more The PF-1000 plasma-focus (PF) facility equipped with Mather-type coaxial electrodes was modified by the addition of a cathode disk in front of the anode front plate, at a distance of 3 cm and by covering the hole in the anode center. In comparison with the earlier electrode setup, important differences as regards neutron, X-ray, and interferometric diagnostics were observed for this special electrode configuration. The total current during the pinch phase increased on average by about 25%, the total neutron yield decreased to about 20–30%, and the velocity of transformation of the structures in the column (together with constriction) was evidently depressed. The average energy of the electrons and deuterons produced was decreased. The lower energy value of fast deuterons and their lower cross section of fusion DD reactions were probably the reason for the observed decrease in the total neutron yields.

Acta Physica Polonica A, 2020
This paper presents the most important results of recent plasma studies performed within the PF-1... more This paper presents the most important results of recent plasma studies performed within the PF-1000U facility at the IPPLM in Warsaw, Poland. It was shown that a conical-tip of the anode facilitates the pinch formation and induces an increase in the total neutron yield, while the use of an anti-anode shortens the pinch column but does not improve the fusion-neutron emission. Experiments confirmed that the initial gas conditions have a strong influence on plasma parameters and, at some conditions, the local electron temperatures can reach high values ranging between 5 and 8 keV. It was shown that PF-1000U discharges with the H2-filling generate intense proton beams which can be used for research on (p-11 B) fusion reactions. It was also demonstrated that at the appropriate gas puffing the PF-1000U facility generates long plasma jets which can be used for simulations of astrophysical phenomena. Research on interactions of intense plasma streams with different solid targets showed that the facility can be useful for material engineering, e.g. for studies of plasma facing components of a future thermonuclear reactor DEMO. Measurements of fast deuteron beams provided information about their angular distribution and energy spectra. The evolution of a pinch column during the emission of charged particle beams was also observed and analyzed.
Nukleonika, 2000
This paper reports on characteristics of alumina-type coatings deposited on steel substrates and ... more This paper reports on characteristics of alumina-type coatings deposited on steel substrates and treated with pulsed plasma streams containing high-energy ion beams (N, Ar, and Ti+N). Originally matted surfaces of the ceramic layers, which were created by plasma spraying of gray alumina, were changed into shiny ones, and splat boundaries disappeared due to the melting of a thin surface layer. The thickness of this modified layer did not exceed 1 µm. A higher content of Ti was found on the surfaces of the Ti- and N-treated samples only.
The cathodic arc technology has been used for various technical purposes for many years. Recently... more The cathodic arc technology has been used for various technical purposes for many years. Recently, it has been demonstrated that the cathodic arc can be operated under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions and it might solve the problem of the oxygen contamination coming from water remnants. It opens a new road to many applications where very pure metallic and/or superconducting films are needed. The paper reports on recent experimental studies aimed at the deposition of superconducting films of pure lead (Pb) by means of the UHV cathodic arc. Such layers can be used as photo-cathodes needed for modern accelerator injectors. The system configuration, used for thin film deposition inside the 1.3 GHz RF Gun designed at DESY, is described. The paper presents also the main results of Pb-films measurements, which were performed by means of SEM, SIMS and GD-OES techniques.
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference
Advanced high brilliance electron injectors require photocathodes having low thermal emittance, h... more Advanced high brilliance electron injectors require photocathodes having low thermal emittance, high quantum efficiency (QE) and prompt response. They should be easy to handle and capable of working in the very high electric fields of a RF gun. Magnesium films deposited by laser ablation and sputtering techniques are discussed and QE measurements are presented.

This invited lecture presents the most important results of theoretical and experimental studies ... more This invited lecture presents the most important results of theoretical and experimental studies of hightemperature plasma, which were performed at the NCBJ (former IPJ) in Otwock-Swierk, Poland, during recent two years. The research activity included: Studies of fast electrons and X-rays in Z-pinch and Tokamak devices; Research on applications of solid-state nuclear track detectors for detection of fast ions and neutrons emitted from plasma in experimental facilities of Z-pinch, Tokamak and ICF type; Investigations of high-temperature plasma streams and their interactions with solid targets; Ultra-high vacuum arc deposition of thin metallic films; Selected studies on plasma engineering of solid surfaces. The formation of the NCBJ (on Sept. 1, 2011) and its successive reorganization (on Jan. 1, 2012) led to the separation of the Division of Plasma Studies (TJ5) which is concentrated on high-temperature plasmas within frames of domestic and international research programs. PACS: 52.5...

The term “linear Z-pinch” is used to denote the effect of a radial compression of the plasma colu... more The term “linear Z-pinch” is used to denote the effect of a radial compression of the plasma column by an azimuthal magnetic field generated by the current flowing through this column. Unfortunately, the Z-pinch column is prone to various magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. In particular, a small local narrowing developes into the so-called sausage instability (m = 0), while a small bending leads to the strong “kink instability” (m = 1), as shown in Fig. 1. Linear or quasi-linear Z-pinch discharges are observed in nature, e.g. as intense lightnings, as well as in various laboratory experiments, as presented in Fig. 2. In fact a dense Z-pinch (DZP) was one of the earliest plasma-confinement schemes examined in the quest for controlled thermonuclear fusion. The research on controlled thermonuclear fusion started in early 1950’s with experiments involving Z-pinches in deuterium. These experiments were launched almost simultaneously with the effort to construct a thermonuclear weap...
Papers by Marek Jan Sadowski