In 2022, an important international report was published on the “value of death” not only in the ... more In 2022, an important international report was published on the “value of death” not only in the field of health, but in relation to human societies in general. This report proposed to reimagine systems related to end of life in which death is understood not only as a physiological event but also as a relational and spiritual phenomenon with a value of its own and inseparable from life. It identifies the low priority given by most governments worldwide to the issue of alleviating suffering and supporting bereavement, evidenced by the low investment in palliative care. At the same time, we are witnessing in Brazil changes that threaten the feasibility of palliative care policies in primary health care. The denial of finitude within health systems is reflected in global indicators such as the quality of death index of The Economist magazine, in which Brazil ranks 42nd, the global atlas of palliative care of the World Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance, where Brazil is in level 3b, a...
Em 2022, foi publicado um importante relatório internacional acerca do “valor da morte” não apena... more Em 2022, foi publicado um importante relatório internacional acerca do “valor da morte” não apenas no campo da saúde, mas nas sociedades humanas de forma geral. Este relatório se propôs a reimaginar sistemas relacionados ao fim da vida nos quais a morte seja compreendida não apenas como um fenômeno fisiológico, mas também relacional e espiritual, com valor próprio e inseparável da vida. Identifica-se a baixa prioridade dada pela maior parte dos governos ao redor do mundo para a questão do alívio do sofrimento e dos cuidados com o luto, representada pelo baixo investimento em cuidados paliativos. Ao mesmo tempo, assistimos no Brasil a modificações ameaçadoras à exequibilidade de políticas de cuidados paliativos na atenção básica. A negação da finitude no âmbito dos sistemas de saúde se reflete em alguns indicadores mundiais, como o ranking de qualidade de morte da revista The Economist, em que o Brasil se encontra na 42ª posição, o mapeamento mundial de cuidados paliativos da Aliança...
The term “coated grains” was coined by Wolf (1960) as a substitute for Folk’s (1959) “oolites”, “... more The term “coated grains” was coined by Wolf (1960) as a substitute for Folk’s (1959) “oolites”, “to include other concentrically formed materials such as pisolites” (Wolf 1960, p. 1415). Among the different terms proposed for specific kinds of these grains the term “ooid” has unquestionably the longest tradition in geological literature, going back to the 18th century, although the orthography as used here is of later date, Having been introduced by Kalkowsky (1908). As ooids, “small egg-like grains, resembling the roe of a fish, each of which has usually a small fragment of sand as a nucleus, around which concentric layers of calcareous matter have accumulated” (Lyell 1855, p. 12) have been named. In 1916 Heim introduced a new term: “oncoid” (in original German orthography: Onkoid; “onchos” in Greek means “nodules”), for denoting a type of coated grain found by him in Mesozoic deposits of the eastern Swiss Alps which differed from an ooid in that the coated grain called oncoid possessed (Heim 1916, p. 566): (1) non-concentric overlapping of separate envelopes, (2) not exclusively rounded form, (3) compact structure, with or without nucleus, and (4) sharp or indistinct boundaries. As noted by Heim (1916), transitions between ooids and oncoids exist, and this is expressed in encrustation of ooids by irregular calcareous envelopes.
In 2022, an important international report was published on the “value of death” not only in the ... more In 2022, an important international report was published on the “value of death” not only in the field of health, but in relation to human societies in general. This report proposed to reimagine systems related to end of life in which death is understood not only as a physiological event but also as a relational and spiritual phenomenon with a value of its own and inseparable from life. It identifies the low priority given by most governments worldwide to the issue of alleviating suffering and supporting bereavement, evidenced by the low investment in palliative care. At the same time, we are witnessing in Brazil changes that threaten the feasibility of palliative care policies in primary health care. The denial of finitude within health systems is reflected in global indicators such as the quality of death index of The Economist magazine, in which Brazil ranks 42nd, the global atlas of palliative care of the World Hospice and Palliative Care Alliance, where Brazil is in level 3b, a...
Em 2022, foi publicado um importante relatório internacional acerca do “valor da morte” não apena... more Em 2022, foi publicado um importante relatório internacional acerca do “valor da morte” não apenas no campo da saúde, mas nas sociedades humanas de forma geral. Este relatório se propôs a reimaginar sistemas relacionados ao fim da vida nos quais a morte seja compreendida não apenas como um fenômeno fisiológico, mas também relacional e espiritual, com valor próprio e inseparável da vida. Identifica-se a baixa prioridade dada pela maior parte dos governos ao redor do mundo para a questão do alívio do sofrimento e dos cuidados com o luto, representada pelo baixo investimento em cuidados paliativos. Ao mesmo tempo, assistimos no Brasil a modificações ameaçadoras à exequibilidade de políticas de cuidados paliativos na atenção básica. A negação da finitude no âmbito dos sistemas de saúde se reflete em alguns indicadores mundiais, como o ranking de qualidade de morte da revista The Economist, em que o Brasil se encontra na 42ª posição, o mapeamento mundial de cuidados paliativos da Aliança...
The term “coated grains” was coined by Wolf (1960) as a substitute for Folk’s (1959) “oolites”, “... more The term “coated grains” was coined by Wolf (1960) as a substitute for Folk’s (1959) “oolites”, “to include other concentrically formed materials such as pisolites” (Wolf 1960, p. 1415). Among the different terms proposed for specific kinds of these grains the term “ooid” has unquestionably the longest tradition in geological literature, going back to the 18th century, although the orthography as used here is of later date, Having been introduced by Kalkowsky (1908). As ooids, “small egg-like grains, resembling the roe of a fish, each of which has usually a small fragment of sand as a nucleus, around which concentric layers of calcareous matter have accumulated” (Lyell 1855, p. 12) have been named. In 1916 Heim introduced a new term: “oncoid” (in original German orthography: Onkoid; “onchos” in Greek means “nodules”), for denoting a type of coated grain found by him in Mesozoic deposits of the eastern Swiss Alps which differed from an ooid in that the coated grain called oncoid possessed (Heim 1916, p. 566): (1) non-concentric overlapping of separate envelopes, (2) not exclusively rounded form, (3) compact structure, with or without nucleus, and (4) sharp or indistinct boundaries. As noted by Heim (1916), transitions between ooids and oncoids exist, and this is expressed in encrustation of ooids by irregular calcareous envelopes.
Papers by Marcos Cabrera