Papers by Paweł Marciniec
Przegląd Geologiczny, 1995
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2019
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2010

The issues of landslides in the activities of the Geological Survey and public administration uni... more The issues of landslides in the activities of the Geological Survey and public administration units. A b s t r a c t. The development of landslides in southern Poland caused financial and public substantial losses at the turn of centuries. It became an impulse for developing of the counteraction standardized system against harmful effects of mass movements. A reconstruction of destroyed objects was the first step after every landslide event. The issue of mass movements turned up at the Polish legislation after 2000. Landslides were regarded as act of natural processes, while numerous reactivating of the landslides were regarded as state of natural disasters. An obligation of taking landslides into account in the land-use planning was established. An obligation of monitoring and registering of landslides was imposed also on self-government units. At the same time assumptions of the Landslide Counteracting System (LCS; SOPO in Polish) project were developed. The aim of the Project is ...

Przegląd Geologiczny, 2019
The landslide on the northern slopes of Magura Witowska is an example of a consequent-structural ... more The landslide on the northern slopes of Magura Witowska is an example of a consequent-structural type of landslide. It has been developed due to several favorable conditions like: monoclinal layer deposition where the dip angle and direction of collapsing layers are close to those of slope exposition. Moreover, shale packages are commonly present in the bedrock. In the lower part of the landslide an elongated basin filled with peat sediments is situated. The 8-m long profile was recovered with an Instorf sampler for 14 C dating and pollen analysis purposes. The results of radiocarbon dating and pollen analysis point to Subboreal and Subatlantic age of these sediments. Undisturbed biogenic sedimentation, lack of minerogenic intercalations together with the unbroken course of pollen succession suggest that the studied landslide has not undergone any significant active events since its formation.
Papers by Paweł Marciniec