Papers by Sergio Marchisio
International Institute of Space Law, 2007
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche eBooks, 1995
International Institute of Space Law, 2006
GEORG eBooks, 1986
Pour le Programme de Développement pour l'après-2015 et les Objectifs de Développement Durable Un... more Pour le Programme de Développement pour l'après-2015 et les Objectifs de Développement Durable Une contribution de l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Alimentation et l'Agriculture (FAO) Rome, Juin 2014 Ce document a été réalisé par la FAO, sur base de son travail effectué en collaboration avec un grand nombre de partenaires. Nous tenons particulièrement à remercier le FIDA et le PAM, avec qui nous avons préparé une proposition conjointe de cibles et d'indicateurs dans le domaine de l'agriculture durable, la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition (document accessible à partir du lien suivant :
Encyclopedia of United States National Security, Oct 5, 2012
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 1988) estimated that almost two-thirds of the increas... more The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO, 1988) estimated that almost two-thirds of the increase in crop production needed in the next decades must come from higher yields. In the past, crop irrigation requirements did not consider limitations of the available water supplies. Improving water productivity is urgently needed in water-scarce dry areas. To minimize input cost and environmental damage, farmers will likely produce maize with less irrigation water in the future.
Brill | Nijhoff eBooks, Sep 16, 2021
American Journal of International Law, 1979

Space Policy, May 1, 2014
Abstract Space systems play an important role in sustaining the development, prosperity and secur... more Abstract Space systems play an important role in sustaining the development, prosperity and security of many nations. As more nations become critically reliant on space systems, questions of maintaining safety and strategic stability in outer space have come to the fore. Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures (TCBMs) for outer space activities have an important role to play in providing clarity about the intentions of States and in articulating norms of behaviour in outer space. TCBMs take several forms. They may be the elaboration of basic principles related to the exploration and use of outer space, political measures related to establishing norms of conduct, information-sharing activities to improve the transparency of outer space activities, operational practices which demonstrate a commitment to mutual cooperation in outer space, or consultative mechanisms. We present an analytical framework for evaluating potential TCBMs and illustrate the application of this framework to examples of potential operational, regulatory, treaty-based and declaratory TCBMs.
International Institute of Space Law, 2003

Rivista di diritto internazionale, 2018
The 50th anniversary of the 1967 Treaty on Outer Space (OST) raises the question whether this ins... more The 50th anniversary of the 1967 Treaty on Outer Space (OST) raises the question whether this instrument, which has adopted at a time when States were the only space operators, is still adequate to face the increasing commercialization of space activities and the new applications for the space economy. The fundamental principles laid down in the Treaty continue to constitute the key pillars of the international legal regime of space activities. Some these principles have acquired the status of customary international law, and, in certain cases, even of peremptory norms of international law. Furthermore, Article VI of the 1967 Treaty, following which States bear international responsibility for all their national activities in outer space, hether carried on by governmental agencies or by private entities, continues to be the Cornerstone of the international legal regime of outer space. However, the OST appears n some ways ageing, because it does not contain provisions for regulating the new space applications. This has led some States to adopt national legislation that unilaterally interprets the scope of certain obligations of the OST, mainly in the field of private exploitation of natural resources of celestial bodies. This trend could lead to a real risk of overlapping claims. Thus, the UN is engaged in negotiations for the adoption of non-legally binding guidelines for the long-term sustainability of space activities. In this line, the OST continues to indicate, fifty years after its conclusion, that international Cooperation is the most appropriate instrument for ensuring the future of space activities whithin a framework of legal certainty and benefit for the wholehumanity
International Institute of Space Law, 2004
Space Policy, Aug 1, 2015
Abstract When discussing international texts and measures for improving security in space, one ha... more Abstract When discussing international texts and measures for improving security in space, one has to use precise terminology in order for any negotiating party to be clear with definitions. In the context of space security, several texts are being prepared to deal with this issue with different perspectives. Beyond the sole diplomatic aspect of these different proposals, it is important to make sure that they can be efficient in practice. In this respect, the Eu initiated project of an international code of conduct may prove to be a first important so called “transparency and confidence building measure” in space.

Brill | Nijhoff eBooks, 2013
Rolando Quadri was one of the most original and somehow genial Italian international lawyers. Qua... more Rolando Quadri was one of the most original and somehow genial Italian international lawyers. Quadri was drilled by themes such as "cosmic" law", which he developed in particular with reference to the power of government, territorial sovereignty and its limits, the analogy between maritime and aerial navigation on the one side and cosmic navigation on the other. With regard to the freedoms in outer space, Quadri's attention was concentrated on the analogy, that he retained erroneous, between air and cosmic navigation. The last part of Quadri's contribution to the emerging doctrine on outer space law in the late nineteen-fifties concerned the cosmic freedom of States and its limit, together with a reflection on the problem of cosmic peace. Apart from the general picture, Quadri addressed also specific issues regarding the international legal regime of space objects and the responsibility for damage caused by them. Keywords: aerial navigation; cosmic law; cosmic peace; outer space law; Rolando Quadri ; space objects
Il prodotto approfondisce il tema della competenza dell'Unione europea, a seguito dell'en... more Il prodotto approfondisce il tema della competenza dell'Unione europea, a seguito dell'entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona il 1 dicembre 2009, in material di politica spaziale. Esso dimostra come tale competenza non possa essere qualificata come concorrente, ma vada invece consoderata come una competenza parallela a quella degli Sati membri in pari materia. Sono delineate le oartciolarità giuridica di questo tipo d competeza accanto a quelle esclusive, condivise e di sostegno

Le regole sull'immigrazione, di cui gli Stati si dotano, sono dirette a congferire legalità a... more Le regole sull'immigrazione, di cui gli Stati si dotano, sono dirette a congferire legalità ai processi di circolazione internazionale delle persone, ma sono sempre meno idonee a disciplinare con effeicacia fenomeni di massa. La loro ratio infatti è principlaemnte focalizzata sul trattamento dell'individuio e quindi rispèonde in primo luogo alla dimensione dell'accoglimento dello straniero in termini di diritti umani. Tuttavia, nuove regole si impongono che sappiano cociliare I valori universali della dignità umana con le esigenze della sicurezza. L’integrazione dello straniero, che non deve corrispondere a un’assimilazione può, se deve, avere due esiti: il rientro dello straniero nel suo paese di origine o la sua immissione nella comunità ospitante mediante la cittadinanza. Entrambi i percorsi riportano all’esigenza di tutelare la dignità dello straniero come individuo e, pertanto, devono corrispondere alle esigenze e alle aspirazioni di ciascuno
Legal Aspects of Planetary Defence, 2021
See also chapter 4 'International Cooperation in Planetary Defence-UNCOPUOS, IAWN and SMPAG' in t... more See also chapter 4 'International Cooperation in Planetary Defence-UNCOPUOS, IAWN and SMPAG' in this book. 2 Ad-Hoc Working Group on Legal Issues to smpag, 'Planetary Defence Legal Overview and Assessment' (smpag-rp-004, 8 April 2020). See also chapter 11 'The SMPAG AD-hoc Working Group on Legal Issues' in this book.
Papers by Sergio Marchisio