Papers by Marcello Menapace
Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, May 20, 2021

In the East many traditional complementary and alternative medicines (TCAM) have flourished durin... more In the East many traditional complementary and alternative medicines (TCAM) have flourished during the ages: traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), Unani, traditional Japanese medicine (TJM), Ayurveda, etc. Though less known, also in the West, one tradition has asserted itself: Western Constitutional Medicine (WCM). All these ancient medicines have a common denominator: the idea of constitution. Scientific studies have always been concerned with this idea and have tried to identify its features. Several theories have been advanced trying to explain the reality of constitutions, with various successes. Quite recently, a new concept has emerged from biology: the fact that humans are metaorganisms (holobionts). This new way of looking at humans promises to change medicine forever. In this framework, the two forms of classification (WCM and ABO blood grouping) could be seen as not mutually exclusive and can merged into an alternative medical system. On the one hand, the ABO blood type di...
Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, May 20, 2021

Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2020
Conference Series LLC Ltd hosted the “Nutrition Congress 2020”, during April 20-21, 2020 at Berli... more Conference Series LLC Ltd hosted the “Nutrition Congress 2020”, during April 20-21, 2020 at Berlin, Germany with the theme, “Focusing on Innovative Strategies in Nutrition Research Challenges with COVID-19”, which was a great success. Eminent keynote speakers from various reputed institutions and organizations addressed the gathering with their resplendent presence. We extend our grateful thanks to all the momentous speakers, conference attendees who contributed towards the successful run of the conference. Nutrition Congress 2020 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various latest and exciting innovations in all areas of Nutrition and Dietetics. Nutrition and Dietetics Organizing Committee extends its gratitude and congratulates the Honorable Moderators of the conference. Conference Series LLC Ltd extends its warm gratitude to all the Honorable Guests and Keynote Speakers of “Nutrition Congress 2020”. Marc...

In this paper, according to actual condition of an oil field, a new enhanced oil recovery method ... more In this paper, according to actual condition of an oil field, a new enhanced oil recovery method called carbonated water injection (CWI) was designed and tested for this oil field. In carbonated water, CO2 exists as a dissolved phase as opposed to a free phase, eliminating the problems of gravity segregation and poor sweep efficiency, which are characteristics of a typical CO2 injection project. In fact, both viscosity and density of water increase as a result of the dissolution of CO2 in water. Recovery efficiency of this EOR method was tested experimentally using several cores of this sandstone reservoir. Reservoir rock and fluid properties changing during this process were investigated. For this purpose, a set of experimental tests based on core flooding tests on sandstones were designed. The results show that carbonated water injection (CWI), compared to conventional water injection, improves oil recovery in both secondary (pre-water flood) and tertiary (post-water flood) inject...
Applied Food Science Journal, 2020
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2020
General medicine and Clinical Practice, May 21, 2019

Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2020
Theoretical and molecular biology has expanded its scope recently to include a vast array of new ... more Theoretical and molecular biology has expanded its scope recently to include a vast array of new topics following the greater availability of new technologies. Glycobiology is one such subcategory of Life Sciences that has considerably benefited from the introduction of almost fantascientific novel tools to explore humans at the molecular level. Advances in glycobiology have have new realms of explanation possibilities especially in Nutrition. Blood type diets (BTD) have now been confirmed and thoroughly explained both theoretically and practically by the presence of glycans (small oligosugars) in all foods As the name suggests, blood groupings identify the presence of these glycans in all women and men which are thus divided into four blood groups: A, B, AB and O. These glycans are not only expressed on red blood cells but also on every other cell in the human body and in some cases (secretors) in bodily secretions too (such as saliva). Most interestingly, it is now a proven fa...

It has always been thought that we are just plain old human beings being composed of mere human e... more It has always been thought that we are just plain old human beings being composed of mere human eukaryotic cells and occasionally attacked by viruses and bacteria. But this vision is plainly wrong. We now know that we are a coherent mix of all kinds of life, running from unicellular microorganisms to pluricellular organisms, which form part and parcel of what can be called human being. We are “holobionts” and as such the multiplicity of cells and viruses belonging to all kingdoms of life collaborate in an equilibrium that if perturbed can cause disease. The ancient medicines (including Western Constitutional Medicine [WCM]) adopted this way of thinking and the ancient observers sagely imprinted their medicinal systems with this holistic view of life for which disease has to be contrasted with a return to equilibrium. And the ancient medicines used as primary tool the correction of the diet seen as the restoration of the equilibrium between the energies (microorganisms) in the body. ...

Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 2020
Recent advances in glycobiology have described the inner workings of the much debated blood type ... more Recent advances in glycobiology have described the inner workings of the much debated blood type diets (BTD). The confirmed presence of special sugars (glycans) in all foods explain how and why people of different blood type react differently to food. All women and men can be effectively divided into four blood groups: A, B, AB and O. The BTD has been devised empirically but can now be demonstrated theoretically, too. This characterization of humanity into distinct groups (or constitutions) is neither unique nor a recent discovery. Traditionally, all medicines have always helped humanity overcome diseases with its own special interventions based on a particular constitution of the individual: most of which focused on adjusting ones diet. It can be claimed that all non-Western (Eastern) medicines (from Unani, to traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, etc) and Western medicines of the past (especially, traditional Western medicine) acted in this way. While the number of somatotypes m...

Journal of Aging Science, 2019
It has recently been proposed that glycans, being the third alphabet of life, interact intricatel... more It has recently been proposed that glycans, being the third alphabet of life, interact intricately with endogenous biomolecules to modulate tolerance, immune and inflammatory responses. Specifically, food glycans could impact health and be a source of inflammation and age-related diseases. These special carbohydrates are present as glycoconjugates (glycoproteins or glycolipids) in and on the surface of all the cells (glycocalyx) of all organisms or are found in free form in biological fluids. Recent advances in glycobiology and glycochemistry have shown how glycans bind with naturally present human proteins (lectins), through protein-carbohydrate interactions (or PCI), but also how oligosaccharides can interact with other glycans, present throughout the human body (through carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions, or CCI). Oligosaccharides present in food sources, which go beyond the definition of normal fibers, once ingested are then either absorbed in the bloodstream, where they are recognized by the immune system, or interact with the surface of GI epithelial cells, thus generating appropriate biochemical cascades that induce a tolerance or immune/inflammatory response. Because the ABO epitopes have been encountered on all human cells, not just erythrocytes and based on the different biotypology (A, AB, B, and O) impose morphic changes in the distribution of the glycans on the glycocalyx (lipid rafts and clustered saccharide patches), their CCI with food and microbe glycans will be different, thus, eliciting contrasting responses. This can explain the epidemiological data for blood type diets (BTD). Through continuous consumption of the wrong types of glycans, processes of chronic inflammation could be initiated and progress to accelerated aging. Four basic modes of action have been identified showing how glycans can trigger inflamm-aging. Since glycobiology is a young science, further studies with newer technologies are warranted for advancement in this field.

Scientific ethics (SE) as previously defined by the author does have broad applications in other ... more Scientific ethics (SE) as previously defined by the author does have broad applications in other scientific fields especially those that are less theoretical and more practical. Applied science is an umbrella term to define several diverse areas of research (including but not limited to robotics, biotechnology, environmental sciences, etc.), all worthy of being the independent objects of ethical analysis. Through logic application of the already defined principles, SE can speak with authority on practical questions (like the morality of actions). After a brief introduction on the theoretical/ philosophical features of SE, each field will be assessed highlighting the most relevant advances in both current and future societal and moral issues related to those fields. Special attention will be devoted to the visionary outlook of interdisciplinary philosophical stances generally grouped under the term futurism. Two examples, and without prejudice to the other areas, are: conservation social sciences (having separate issues with respect to environmental science) and information and communication technology (ICT). The commonality with both fields is that the implications have become already situated in the very fabric of our daily lives. SE aids us in the understanding of the real impact of these applied sciences in our physical/mental lives and gives us a sound framework (moral standards) with which construct a common ethical viewpoint.

Science and Engineering Ethics
Science is an activity of the human intellect and as such has ethical implications that should be... more Science is an activity of the human intellect and as such has ethical implications that should be reviewed and taken into account. Although science and ethics have conventionally been considered different, it is herewith proposed that they are essentially similar. The proposal set henceforth is to create a new ethics rooted in science: scientific ethics. Science has firm axiological foundations and searches for truth (as a value, axiology) and knowledge (epistemology). Hence, science cannot be value neutral. Looking at standard scientific principles, it is possible to construct a scientific ethic (that is, an ethical framework based on scientific methods and rules), which can be applied to all sciences. These intellectual standards include the search for truth (honesty and its derivatives), human dignity (and by reflection the dignity of all animals) and respect for life. Through these it is thence achievable to draft a foundation of a ethics based purely on science and applicable beyond the confines of science. A few applications of these will be presented. Scientific ethics can have vast applications in other fields even in non scientific ones.

Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 2018
There are many nutritional substances that humans consume on a daily basis: water, carbohydrates ... more There are many nutritional substances that humans consume on a daily basis: water, carbohydrates lipids and proteins are main biochemical components of food. But others in a smaller amount are vitamins minerals and enzymes. At a possibly lesser quantity are glycans and miRNAs. The presence of oligoglycans in all food sources has been an established fact for many years. These special carbohydrates are present as glycoconjugates (glycoproteins or glycolipids) in and on the surface of all the cells (glycocalyx) of all organisms that we eat and remain intact through the GI tract as we lack the enzymatic repertoire of the human body to unbind their particular β-linkages. Glycans bind to naturally present human lectins (through protein-carbohydrate interactions), but also with other human glycans (through carbohydrate-carbohydrate interactions, or CCI). Moreover, these glycans, like fibres, are digested by the gut microbiota that resides within the intestine. As our biochemistry shapes the composition of the microbiome, so does the composition of glycans and foods that we consume, triggering biological responses. miRNAs are small, single-stranded, 19-to 23-nucleotide-long RNA molecules and affect the stability of messenger RNA (mRNA) influencing protein synthesis. miRNAs are also present in foods and act on both the microbial composition in our gut and may be absorbed by the walls of the GI tract, demonstrating resistance to food processing and enzymatic attack. Though still a topic of controversy, these small, noncoding RNAs that control gene expression may directly enter into the circulating miRNA population of dietary exogenous miRNAs. It can hence be possible to identify a relationship between glycans and miRNAs in food on one side, microbiota composition on the other and the resultant health status of the host (immune system), on the third side.
International Journal of Applied Science - Research and Review
Papers by Marcello Menapace