Papers by Marcella Dos Santos Lopes da Silva
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences, 2024

Rev Rene
Objective: to map the orientations provided by nurses for the self-care of patients during the po... more Objective: to map the orientations provided by nurses for the self-care of patients during the postoperative period of tracheostomy and their transition from hospital to home. Methods: this is an integrative review. We used the PCC acronym, where the Population was adult patients with tracheostomy; the Concept, self-care (education/orientation by the nurse); and the Context, operation periods and home care. The study was based on the question: What guidelines for self-care should the nurse given to patients in the postoperative period of a tracheostomy and in the process of discharge? We carried out a wide search, whose results were reviewed by two researchers and organized around the phenomenon of interest. Results: 1,940 articles were found and 28 were selected. 16 phenomena of interest were organized into three categories: tracheostomy management, airway care, and activities of daily living. Conclusion: Self-care guidance is related to direct care of the stoma, how to act in home...

International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences
Science is a tireless systematic pursuit of knowledge, where researchers, using established metho... more Science is a tireless systematic pursuit of knowledge, where researchers, using established methods, invest their time and dedication to contribute to a better world. 1 Scientific communication is a precious way to disseminate the knowledge acquired by researchers to others interested in the subject and must be done in a clear, concise manner that conveys the authors' intentions to the article's readers. One of the most important ways to share the results of the quest for knowledge is through the publication of articles, which are scientific documents that describe research through the discussion of ideas, innovative methodologies, techniques, processes, and results in various areas of knowledge. 2 Data from the Bori Agency indicate that Brazil, although it continues to hold fourteenth position in the ranking of the highest number of scientific article publications, experienced a decrease of 7.4% in article publications in 2022 compared to 2021. One of the main reasons for this reduction is the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; however, Brazil was the country that experienced the most significant decline in article publications. Thus, it is crucial to understand the processes involved in the preparation and submission of articles and to contribute to higher acceptance rates.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Jun 29, 2023
É uma unidade destinada a usuários em situação clínica grave ou de risco, clínico ou cirúrgico, n... more É uma unidade destinada a usuários em situação clínica grave ou de risco, clínico ou cirúrgico, necessitando de cuidados intensivos, assistência médica, de enfermagem e fisioterapia ininterruptos, monitorização contínua durante as 24 horas do dia, além de equipamentos e equipe multidisciplinar especializada, como por exemplo a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Coronariana -UCO A UCO é a unidade dedicada ao cuidado a pacientes com Síndrome Coronariana Aguda. Ademais, a UCO do Hospital Universitário Antônio Pedro configura-se em uma UTI-a Tipo II. Vale ressaltar que para possuir habilitação em UCO, o hospital deve ser uma referência em assistência em Alta Complexidade Cardiovascular, ou seja, o HUAP é uma referencia.
Papers by Marcella Dos Santos Lopes da Silva