Papers by Marcella Corduas
"\"Summary: The importance of extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of wine for consumer. ... more "\"Summary: The importance of extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of wine for consumer. purchase decision is object of a lively debate. This work provides some insights into the. problem by analyzing data from a survey on consumers\u2019 perceptions using CUB models.\"

Food Quality and Preference, 2013
The importance of extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of wine for purchase decisions is the object... more The importance of extrinsic and intrinsic attributes of wine for purchase decisions is the object of a lively debate. As a matter of fact, in recent decades, the shift of consumption motivations from nutritional purposes to drinking for pleasure has caused a persistent decrease in the overall demand. However, the increasing number of product varieties and brands of domestic and imported wine, as well as the increased diversity in wine styles and prices, make the identification of wine purchase drivers difficult. This article investigates the importance of product attributes for Italian consumers when choosing wine. Specifically, a class of statistical models for ordinal data, namely CUB, is taken into consideration. This type of model allows the comparison and clustering of the rating distributions that consumers express about wine features and the detection of significant similarities and differences. In addition, this technique generally helps to relate the subject's preferences to covariates which typically summarize the socio-demographic profile, the purchase and consumption behavior.
Journal of Applied Statistics
Advances in Latent Variables Methods Models and Applications, Jun 11, 2013
In this paper we propose a strategy to decompose an ARFIMA model as a sum of linear stochastic mo... more In this paper we propose a strategy to decompose an ARFIMA model as a sum of linear stochastic models representing the short and long memory components. The procedure makes use of an approximate model obtained by replacing the fractional differencing operator by the ratio of two polynomials. Then, the unobserved components are derived by Decomel method and a real case study is examined.
Computational Statistics Data Analysis, 2008
... Marcella Corduas Corresponding Author Contact Information , a , E-mail The Corresponding Auth... more ... Marcella Corduas Corresponding Author Contact Information , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author and Domenico Piccolo a. a Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche, Università di Napoli Federico II, Via L. Rodinò 22, 80138 Napoli, Italy. ...

International Journal on Food System Dynamics, 2010
D'Elia and Piccolo (2005) have recently proposed a mixture distribution, named CUB, for ordinal d... more D'Elia and Piccolo (2005) have recently proposed a mixture distribution, named CUB, for ordinal data. The use of such a mixture distribution for modelling ratings is justified by the following consideration: the judgment that a subject expresses is the result of two components, uncertainty and selectiveness. The possibility of relating the parameters of CUB models to covariates makes the formulation interesting for practical applications In this case study, a sample of 224 fair-trade coffee consumers were interviewed at stores. With this data-set, CUB model split consumers, according to their preferences, in two different segments: one showing high price elasticity, and one with a low price elasticity. As regards the potential of the CUB model, it showed a considerable integration capacity with stochastic utility models, namely latent class models. Indeed, by using the segmentation factors emerging from the CUB as covariates of segmentation in a latent class model and setting the number of classes equal to those emerging from the CUB, it was possible to estimate a model which not only validated the findings of the CUB but also allowed estimation of the WTP for the fair trade characteristic in the different groups.
Contributions to Statistics, 2009
... Marcella Corduas Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Le... more ... Marcella Corduas Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Leopoldo Rodin`o, 22 I-80138, Naples, Italy, e-mail: [email protected] Maria Iannario Department of Statistical Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Via Leopoldo Rodin`o ...

Humor - International Journal of Humor Research, 2000
In this article, we suggest a semiotic approach to the study of visual humorous texts. Our method... more In this article, we suggest a semiotic approach to the study of visual humorous texts. Our method is based on the multimodal script analysis, which is a useful tool for examining not only verbal texts but also more complex texts, which combine the presence of images and sounds with verbally expressed humor. The resulting framework highlights how some visual comic mechanisms may enhance a different perception of semiotically expressed humor. Moreover, we present a statistical model in order to detect and measure how the resolution of some incongruities may also be determined by specific variables, which help to establish the existence and the strength with which the appreciation of humor varies according to the ethnic group of origin. In particular, the study analyzes the clip ‘Jodhpur Station, 1947’ from a very popular British Asian sketch-show, Goodness Gracious Me (GGM). The sketch shares some similar features with the narrative strategies typical of joke-tellers and is characteri...

D'Elia and Piccolo (2005) have recently proposed a mixture distribution, named CUB, for ordinal d... more D'Elia and Piccolo (2005) have recently proposed a mixture distribution, named CUB, for ordinal data. The use of such a mixture distribution for modelling ratings is justified by the following consideration: the judgment that a subject expresses is the result of two components, uncertainty and selectiveness. The possibility of relating the parameters of CUB models to covariates makes the formulation interesting for practical applications In this case study, a sample of 224 fair-trade coffee consumers were interviewed at stores. With this data-set, CUB model split consumers, according to their preferences, in two different segments: one showing high price elasticity, and one with a low price elasticity. As regards the potential of the CUB model, it showed a considerable integration capacity with stochastic utility models, namely latent class models. Indeed, by using the segmentation factors emerging from the CUB as covariates of segmentation in a latent class model and setting the number of classes equal to those emerging from the CUB, it was possible to estimate a model which not only validated the findings of the CUB but also allowed estimation of the WTP for the fair trade characteristic in the different groups.
Papers by Marcella Corduas