Silveira MR, Alves M. O enfermeiro na equipe de saúde mental -o caso dos CERSAMS de Belo Horizont... more Silveira MR, Alves M. O enfermeiro na equipe de saúde mental -o caso dos CERSAMS de Belo Horizonte. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2003 setembro-outubro; 11(5):645-51. Os Centros de Referência em Saúde Mental (CERSAMS) representam hoje um dispositivo nuclear para fazer frente à proposta de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Assumem lugar estratégico contra o modelo hospitalocêntrico e inauguram espaço de interlocução com a loucura, reinventando o trabalho clínico. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever as atividades do enfermeiro nas equipes dos CERSAMS da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, MG, focalizando o atendimento e seguimento ao doente mental. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, cujos dados foram coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetido à análise do discurso. Foram sujeitos desta pesquisa oito enfermeiros inseridos nas equipes de saúde mental. Os resultados apontam sua inserção no trabalho interdisciplinar, assumindo a condução clínica do atendimento ao doente mental, auxiliandoo no seu percurso e na construção de vínculos com o tratamento. DESCRITORES: enfermagem psiquiátrica; transtornos mentais-enfermagem; serviços comunitários de saúde mental At the moment, the Mental Health Centers represent an important initiative in the conduction of Psychiatric Reform. They have a strategic role against the hospital centered model and inaugurate a space of interaction with the mental disorders, reinventing the clinical space. This study aimed at describing nurses' activities in the teams of the Mental Health Centers, maintained by the Municipal Health Department in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, focusing on the care and follow-up of patients with mental disorders. This is a qualitative study and data were collected through semi structured interviews, analyzed by discourse analysis. Eight nurses were the subjects of this research. Results showed an inclusion of the interdisciplinary work in this centers, assuming the clinical conduction of the treatment to patients with mental disorders as well as helping them in the trajectory and construction of links with the treatment. representan hoy un dispositivo central para conducir la propuesta de la Reforma Psiquiátrica. Ocupan una posición estratégica contra el modelo hospitalocéntrico y establecen un espacio de interlocución con la locura reinventando el trabajo clínico. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir las actividades del enfermero en los equipos de los "CERSAMS" de la "Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte" centrándose en la atención y el acompañamiento al enfermo mental. Es un trabajo cualitativo del cual los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de entrevista semi-estructurada y sometido al análisis del discurso. Los sujetos de esta investigación fueron ocho enfermeros que trabajan en los equipos de salud mental. Los resultados indican su inserción en el trabajo interdisciplinario, asumiendo la conducción clínica de la atención al enfermo mental, ayudándolo en su trayecto y en la construcción de vínculos con el tratamiento.
Aiming to understand subjective aspects of the work of nurse managers, this study analyzed their ... more Aiming to understand subjective aspects of the work of nurse managers, this study analyzed their identity features in the context of hospital institutions. These were obtained through a questioning based on the introduction that the subjects make of themselves. It is a case study carried out according to the qualitative approach, in which nine nurse managers participated. They worked at four large- and medium-sized private hospitals in the city of Belo Horizonte. The identity features were organized in accordance with the professional, institutional and individual planes, which encompass: the preservation and reinforcement of the nurse's social identity, professional trajectory as a natural evolution from assistance practices to management practices, practical experience valuation and permanence in activities related to the provision of direct assistance to the patient; identification with the organization; and questions concerning the private life and positive self-image expressed by the nurses. The study allowed the identification of outstanding features of a specific professional group, revealing influences of gender questions, of power relations and of culture on the social identity of the researched subjects.
Silveira MR, Alves M. O enfermeiro na equipe de saúde mental -o caso dos CERSAMS de Belo Horizont... more Silveira MR, Alves M. O enfermeiro na equipe de saúde mental -o caso dos CERSAMS de Belo Horizonte. Rev Latino-am Enfermagem 2003 setembro-outubro; 11(5):645-51. Os Centros de Referência em Saúde Mental (CERSAMS) representam hoje um dispositivo nuclear para fazer frente à proposta de Reforma Psiquiátrica. Assumem lugar estratégico contra o modelo hospitalocêntrico e inauguram espaço de interlocução com a loucura, reinventando o trabalho clínico. Este estudo tem como objetivo descrever as atividades do enfermeiro nas equipes dos CERSAMS da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte, MG, focalizando o atendimento e seguimento ao doente mental. Trata-se de estudo qualitativo, cujos dados foram coletados através de entrevista semi-estruturada e submetido à análise do discurso. Foram sujeitos desta pesquisa oito enfermeiros inseridos nas equipes de saúde mental. Os resultados apontam sua inserção no trabalho interdisciplinar, assumindo a condução clínica do atendimento ao doente mental, auxiliandoo no seu percurso e na construção de vínculos com o tratamento. DESCRITORES: enfermagem psiquiátrica; transtornos mentais-enfermagem; serviços comunitários de saúde mental At the moment, the Mental Health Centers represent an important initiative in the conduction of Psychiatric Reform. They have a strategic role against the hospital centered model and inaugurate a space of interaction with the mental disorders, reinventing the clinical space. This study aimed at describing nurses' activities in the teams of the Mental Health Centers, maintained by the Municipal Health Department in the city of Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, focusing on the care and follow-up of patients with mental disorders. This is a qualitative study and data were collected through semi structured interviews, analyzed by discourse analysis. Eight nurses were the subjects of this research. Results showed an inclusion of the interdisciplinary work in this centers, assuming the clinical conduction of the treatment to patients with mental disorders as well as helping them in the trajectory and construction of links with the treatment. representan hoy un dispositivo central para conducir la propuesta de la Reforma Psiquiátrica. Ocupan una posición estratégica contra el modelo hospitalocéntrico y establecen un espacio de interlocución con la locura reinventando el trabajo clínico. Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir las actividades del enfermero en los equipos de los "CERSAMS" de la "Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de Belo Horizonte" centrándose en la atención y el acompañamiento al enfermo mental. Es un trabajo cualitativo del cual los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de entrevista semi-estructurada y sometido al análisis del discurso. Los sujetos de esta investigación fueron ocho enfermeros que trabajan en los equipos de salud mental. Los resultados indican su inserción en el trabajo interdisciplinario, asumiendo la conducción clínica de la atención al enfermo mental, ayudándolo en su trayecto y en la construcción de vínculos con el tratamiento.
Aiming to understand subjective aspects of the work of nurse managers, this study analyzed their ... more Aiming to understand subjective aspects of the work of nurse managers, this study analyzed their identity features in the context of hospital institutions. These were obtained through a questioning based on the introduction that the subjects make of themselves. It is a case study carried out according to the qualitative approach, in which nine nurse managers participated. They worked at four large- and medium-sized private hospitals in the city of Belo Horizonte. The identity features were organized in accordance with the professional, institutional and individual planes, which encompass: the preservation and reinforcement of the nurse's social identity, professional trajectory as a natural evolution from assistance practices to management practices, practical experience valuation and permanence in activities related to the provision of direct assistance to the patient; identification with the organization; and questions concerning the private life and positive self-image expressed by the nurses. The study allowed the identification of outstanding features of a specific professional group, revealing influences of gender questions, of power relations and of culture on the social identity of the researched subjects.
Papers by Marília Alves