Papers by María del Socorro Santos-Díaz

Research Square (Research Square), Mar 28, 2023
Lead is a very toxic metal which affects human health. An alternative to remove it from contamina... more Lead is a very toxic metal which affects human health. An alternative to remove it from contaminated water is the use of macrophytes, as Scirpus americanus. This species is tolerant to salt and metals, and has high biomass. The present research analyzed the capacity of hydroponic cultures of normal and transgenic plants (line T12) from S. americanus to remove high concentrations of lead (100, 250 and 400 mg kg-1 Pb). The MINTEQ3.1 program was used to de ne the media composition in order to have the metal available to the plants. The presence of metal did not affect the growth of roots and stems at all concentration tested. The normal and T12 plants accumulated 69389 and 45297 mg lead kg-1 , respectively, and could be considered as hyperaccumulators. The bioconcentration factor indicated that plant bioconcentrated between 192-300 times the metal. The activation of the antioxidant mechanisms seems to participate in lead tolerance. Then, S. americanus could be used for phytoremediation of water contaminated with high concentration of lead.

Molecular Genetics And Genomics, Jul 1, 1988
When cells are treated with cytotoxic agents, they enter apoptosis asynchronously to yield cells ... more When cells are treated with cytotoxic agents, they enter apoptosis asynchronously to yield cells at various stages of cellular deterioration. This mixture makes it diYcult to study the biochemical pathways leading to cell death. We have fractionated apoptotic mammalian cells in a simple discontinuous bovine serum albumin (BSA) density gradient centrifugation into Wve layers, each containing cells at diVerent stages of apoptosis, (1) nonapoptotic, (2) undergoing apoptosis, and (3) mature apoptotic cells, as judged by light and electron microscopy of chromatin condensation and by the extent of DNA fragmentation. ModiWcations of apoptosis markers including c-Jun N-terminal kinase/stress-activated protein kinase and procaspase 3 cleavage were apparent in those cells that are undergoing apoptosis. Apoptosis-speciWc histone H2B phosphorylation was highly elevated and DNA fragmentation activity in the cytoplasm was observed in those cells that are undergoing apoptosis, but not much was observed in the cells of other fractions. Results show that apoptotic cells can be fractionated easily by the BSA gradient method, and this method will be invaluable for studying the biochemical processes that drive apoptosis.
Fluoride, 2010
Seventeen plant species that are tolerant and highly tolerant to HF were selected to establish hy... more Seventeen plant species that are tolerant and highly tolerant to HF were selected to establish hydroponic cultures. These species were exposed to 2.5, 4, 5, and 10 mg fluoride (F) ion/L to identify plants with the capacity to remove F from water and might be useful for phytoremediation of F. Only Camellia japonica, Pittosporum tobira, and Saccharum officinarum were able to remove F from water with some degree of efficiency. At 4 mg F/L, sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum) removed 40% of F compared to the 7.5% and 15% removed by C. japonica and P. tobira, respectively. A concentration of 5 mg F/L seemed to be the maximum level tolerated by these plant species. The potential use of S. officinarum for remediation of F-contaminated water is discussed.
In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant, 2003
1Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Quımicas, Universidad ... more 1Centro de Investigación y Estudios de Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Quımicas, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosı, Av. Manuel Nava 6, CP 78210, San Luis Potosı, México 2Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrıcolas y Pecuarias, Centro Experimental ...
Journal of Proteomics, 2016
Comparative shotgun proteomic analysis of wild and domesticated Opuntia spp. species shows a meta... more Comparative shotgun proteomic analysis of wild and domesticated Opuntia spp. species shows a metabolic adaptation through domestication

Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana
Astrophytum myriostigma es una cactácea amenazada de extinción en los sitios en que crece silvest... more Astrophytum myriostigma es una cactácea amenazada de extinción en los sitios en que crece silvestre. Este trabajo describe el efecto del medio de cultivo, cinetina y agentes osmóticos en la germinación de las semillas, crecimiento de los brotes, formación de brotes nuevos y enraizamiento de los mismos en condiciones in vitro, como método alternativo para su conservación y propagación. Las semillas se esterilizaron con hipoclorito de sodioTween 20 y etanol y se germinaron el medio MS a la mitad de la concentración de sus sales, ½ MS, y en el medio de Schenk y Hildebrandt (SH). El porcentaje de germinación y el crecimiento de las plántulas (medido como incremento en la longitud del hipocotilo y raíz, y ganancia en peso seco y fresco) fueron dos a seis veces mayor en el medio ½ MS que en el medio SH. Para inducir la formación de brotes nuevos, segmentos longitudinales de las plántulas se colocaron en medio MS con 0.5 mg L-1 (C0.5), 1 mg L-1 (C1) ó 2 mg L-1 (C2) de cinetina. En estos me...

The endemic and threatened species Echinocactus parryi, native to the municipality of Juarez, Chi... more The endemic and threatened species Echinocactus parryi, native to the municipality of Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico, presents important limitations for its reproduction and natural propagation. It is hypothesized that initial seed weight and scarification would affect the percentage of seed germination of this species. The objective was to compare the effect of initial seed weight (two levels) and scarification treatments (four levels) on in vitro germination of E. parryi. The morphology of seedlings grown for 12 months was also described. Four hundred seeds were divided into two groups of 200 seeds each: first group, seeds of 35 to 45 mg; and second group, seeds of 46 to 55 mg. The scarification treatments were a control (intact seeds), mechanical scarification, application of 25 % sulfuric acid and Murashige and Skoog growing medium added with 2 mg L-1 of gibberellic acid. Fifty seeds per treatment were placed for each weight group. Treatments were distributed in a completely randomiz...

Echinocactus parryi, es una especie amenazada y endémica del municipio de Juárez, Chihuahua, Méxi... more Echinocactus parryi, es una especie amenazada y endémica del municipio de Juárez, Chihuahua, México que presenta importantes limitantes para su propagación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de los reguladores de crecimiento, concentración de calcio (Ca2+), pH del medio y concentración de gelificante en la respuesta morfogenética de E. parryi. Las semillas se germinaron en medio de Murashige y Skoog (MS) al 25% de la concentración de sus sales (¼ MS). Los epicotilos se cultivaron en posición invertida en medios con diferentes concentraciones de 6-bencilaminopurina (BAP) (0-10 mg L-1), ácido indol-3-acético (AIA) (0-0.5 mg L-1), pH 5.7 y 8, Ca2+ (13.2µM y 26.4 µM) y agar (7 y 10 g L-1). La mayor formación de brotes (2.9 brotes por explante) se obtuvo en medio MS con 2 mg L-1 de BAP combinado con AIA 0.5 mg L-1, 13.2 µM de Ca2+, pH 8 y 7 g L-1 de agar a los 120 días. Los brotes generados se transfirieron a medio MS con ácido 2,3,5 tri-iodobenzoico (TIBA) (0, 0.5, 1 y ...

BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 2020
Background Obesity is a major public health concern worldwide. A sedentary life and a nutritional... more Background Obesity is a major public health concern worldwide. A sedentary life and a nutritional transition to processed foods and high-calorie diets are contributing factors to obesity. The demand for nutraceutical foods, such as herbal weight-loss products, which offer the potential to counteract obesity, has consequently increased. We hypothesised that Opuntia cladodes consumption could assist weight management in an obesity prevention context. Methods This study was designed to explore the anti-adipogenic effects of lyophilised Opuntia cladode powders (OCP) in an in vitro cellular model for adipocyte differentiation and an in vivo high-fat-diet (HFD)-induced obesity rat model. Two OCP were tested, one from wild species O. streptacantha and the second from the most known species O. ficus-indica. Results Pre-adipocytes 3 T3-F442A were treated by OCP during the differentiation process by insulin. OCP treatment impaired the differentiation in adipocytes, as supported by the decreas...
In this work, a protocol for the establishment of callus cultures from Opuntia robusta, a wild an... more In this work, a protocol for the establishment of callus cultures from Opuntia robusta, a wild and medicinal cactus, was developed. The effects of plant growth regulators and culture media composition on callus development were evaluated.The best response was observed on Murashige and Skoog medium added with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, benzyladenine, biotin, casein hydrolysate and proline. The exposure of O. robusta callus to jasmonic acid increased 1.3-fold and 3-fold total phenolic acids and flavonoids concentration, respectively. The in vitro culture from O. robusta could be a new approach for the obtainment of metabolites with pharmaceutical and/or nutraceutical value.

Turbinicarpus mombergeri is a cacti species formed by a hybridization process between Turbinicarp... more Turbinicarpus mombergeri is a cacti species formed by a hybridization process between Turbinicarpus laui and Turbinicarpus pseudopectinatus. Under natural conditions, it is very difficult for two species be genetically compatible for hybridization, and to produce flowers at the same time. Thus, T. mombergeri is a very interesting and a rare species. Unfortunately, the current populations are decreasing and now it is considered critically endangered. The aim of this research was to develop a successful protocol for propagating T. mombergeri using the in vitro culture techniques. Seed disinfection was performed with Plant Preservative Mixture, and 80% of germination occurred at day 45 in Murashige-Skoog medium. The shoots were cut longitudinally, and the segments were transferred to media containing 2.22 or 4.44 µM benzyladenine to induce shooting. The generated shoots were highly hydrated, and presented abundant callus. The hyperhydricity was controlled by reducing salt medium concen...

Nova Scientia, 2020
Introduction: The Asparagaceae family includes several genera adapted to survive at high temperat... more Introduction: The Asparagaceae family includes several genera adapted to survive at high temperatures and with low water availability. These include Agave, Beaucarnea, Dasylirion, Nolina and Yucca. Mexico has a great biodiversity in these plant groups, as well as an ancestral tradition regarding its use. In vitro propagation systems are efficient for the production of these plants and can be used to perform various types of studies. Among these are the studies of tolerance to heavy metals, which can serve to determine which species are suitable for reforestation and regeneration of areas contaminated by mining activities.Method: In this work, 20 species of the family Asparagaceae were propagated in vitro and their rooting process was evaluated in culture media added with Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn. The development of roots in the presence of these metals was analyzed and its absorption capacity was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. With these data, transloc...
…, 2005
Agrociencia. Colegio de Postgraduados. [email protected]. ISSN (Versión impresa): 1405-31... more Agrociencia. Colegio de Postgraduados. [email protected]. ISSN (Versión impresa): 1405-3195. MÉXICO. 2005. María S. Santos Díaz / Yesenia Velásquez García / Marco M. González Chávez. PRODUCCIÓN DE PIGMENTOS ...
Revista Latinoamericana de Química, 2012
Se desarrollo una metodologia de quimica verde para la bioreduccion rapida y sencilla de aldehido... more Se desarrollo una metodologia de quimica verde para la bioreduccion rapida y sencilla de aldehidos aromaticos a alcoholes aromaticos utilizando un extracto de Aloe vera en suspension acuosa. Por medio de radiacion de microondas, esta reaccion se llevo a cabo en un periodo de tiempo muy corto. El procedimiento desarrollado es una ruta alterna para preparar alcoholes aromaticos, los cuales son reactivos muy utilizados en la industria y en la preparacion de cosmeticos

Agrociencia, 2019
espanolLas plantas de la familia Cactaceae se caracterizan por la produccion de metabolitos de in... more espanolLas plantas de la familia Cactaceae se caracterizan por la produccion de metabolitos de interes para las industrias farmaceutica, alimenticia y de cosmeticos. Entre ellos se encuentran las betalainas, una clase de pigmentos. Sin embargo, muchas especies cactaceas son de tamano pequeno, de lento crecimiento y amenazadas o en peligro. Una alternativa para la produccion de metabolitos son los sistemas tecnologicos, las raices transformadas son uno de los mas interesantes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar las condiciones mas favorables para incrementar el contenido de betalainas en cultivos in vitro de raiz para los cultivos in vitro de raiz pilosa (RP) de Escobaria chaffeyi, Turbini-carpus laui, T. lophophoroides y T. pseudopectinatus, obtenidos con la cepa A4 de Agrobacterium rhizogenes, asi como la influencia de siete medios basales sobre el crecimiento y la produccion de betalainas. El medio de cultivo basal tuvo un gran efecto en la acumulacion de biomasa, la ...
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC)
Electron. J. …, 2007
We are grateful to SHIGO-CONACYT (2002-060-205) for financial support and for the scholarship to ... more We are grateful to SHIGO-CONACYT (2002-060-205) for financial support and for the scholarship to MCBC (2002-020605).

In order to provide an alternative to conventional propagation, a protocol was developed for the ... more In order to provide an alternative to conventional propagation, a protocol was developed for the in vitro multiplication of four Mexican species of Quercus, which are exploited to produce timber and coal and are nowadays threatened. Multiple shoot induction from zygotic embryos of Quercus castanea, Q. eduardii, Q. resinosa and Q. rugosa cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) or kinetin is described. Results showed that both cytokinins affected shoot regeneration, where BA exhibited highest effi ciency. Higher shoot proliferation frequency was observed in Q. castanea and Q. eduardii (91.7%), giving an average of 6.3 and 6.5 shoots per explant on medium with 3.0 and 4.0 mg l -1 BA, respectively. For Q. resinosa, the best response was obtained with BA at 3.0 mg l -1 producing 3.8 shoots per explant. Finally, Q. rugosa yielded 3.6 shoots per explant with 1.0 mg l -1 BA. Shoots were excised from the seedlings and transferred to half-strength med...
Papers by María del Socorro Santos-Díaz