Papers by María christensen
Fil: Christensen, María Florencia. Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Administración y Negocio... more Fil: Christensen, María Florencia. Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Administración y Negocios; Argentina.Frías, Pedr

Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences, 2020
Aims To identify and synthesise the literature on the cost of mental disorders. Methods Systemati... more Aims To identify and synthesise the literature on the cost of mental disorders. Methods Systematic literature searches were conducted in the databases PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, EconLit, NHS York Database and PsychInfo using key terms for cost and mental disorders. Searches were restricted to January 1980–May 2019. The inclusion criteria were: (1) cost-of-illness studies or cost-analyses; (2) diagnosis of at least one mental disorder; (3) study population based on the general population; (4) outcome in monetary units. The systematic review was preregistered on PROSPERO (ID: CRD42019127783). Results In total, 13 579 potential titles and abstracts were screened and 439 full-text articles were evaluated by two independent reviewers. Of these, 112 articles were included from the systematic searches and 31 additional articles from snowball searching, resulting in 143 included articles. Data were available from 48 countries and categorised according to nine mental disorder groups. Th...
Clinical Microbiology Newsletter, 1981
The Journal of Pediatrics, 1987
Previous and currently marketed parenteral amino acid products were developed to meet the needs o... more Previous and currently marketed parenteral amino acid products were developed to meet the needs of healthy adults. High biologic value protein, such as egg, has served as a template for amino acid composition. Neonatal protein requirements are unlikely to be met by these standard amino acid formulations. Metabolic immaturity has changed the essentiality of and quantitative need for a Volume 110

The Journal of Pediatrics, 1986
Fourteen Infants requiring long-term total parenteral nutrition but able to tolerate small quantl... more Fourteen Infants requiring long-term total parenteral nutrition but able to tolerate small quantltles of enteral feedlngs were randomlzed Into carnltlne treatment and placebo control groups. All Infants had received nutrltlonal support devoid of camltlne. Plasma camltlne levels and observed plasma llpld indices were not dlfferent before supplementation. Under standardized, steady-state condltlons, 0.5 g/kg fat emulsion (Intrallpld) was admlnlsfered Intravenously over 2 hours both before and after Infants received 7 days of contlnuous nasogastrlc or gastric tube L-carnltlne (50 #mol/kg/day) or placebo. Plasma trlglycerlde, free fatty acld, acetoacetate, B-hydroxybutyrate, and camltlne concentrations were observed at 0 (start of lipid Infusion), 2, and 4 hours for pre-and post-treatment periods, and In addltlon at 6 and 8 hours after carnltlne supplementation. Infants recelvlng camltlne had slgnlficantly greater B-hydroxybutyrate plasma concentrations (P <0.05) and camltlne {P <0.001) at 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours, and greater plasma acefoacetate concentrations {P <0.05) at 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours, compared with controls. Twenty-four-hour urinary carnltlne excretion was very low for both groups before supplementation; after supplementatlon, excretlon was higher (P <0.05) In the camltlne group. No significant dlfierences were found between groups for plasma trlglycerlde or free fatty acid concentrations at any observation perlod. This study demonstrated enhanced fatty acld oxldallon, as evidenced by Increased ketogenesls, with L-carnitlne supplementation In Infants receiving long-term total parenferal nutrltlon.
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1983
There has been much concern about impaired immune function in children receiving infused lipid em... more There has been much concern about impaired immune function in children receiving infused lipid emulsions. Immunologic studies were carried out on 15 infants maintained on parenteral nutrition with intravenous safflower oil emulsion as part of the infusate. Significant increases in percentage rosette formation, total circulating T-cells, and mitogenesis to phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen were demonstrated after only 1 wk of lipid infusion. Additional parenteral nutrition did not further increase any immunologic parameter. These results suggest that infused safflower oil emulsion does not adversely alter cellular immune function.

Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 1993
Minimal information is available defining urinary nitrogen constituents in preterm neonates recei... more Minimal information is available defining urinary nitrogen constituents in preterm neonates receiving parenteral nutrition (PN). The study objective was to evaluate 24-hour urine collections for total urinary nitrogen (TUN), urinary urea nitrogen (UUN), and the nitrogen content in creatinine, ammonia, free amino acids, protein, hippuric acid, and uric acid at baseline (days 1 to 2 of PN and days 1 to 3 after surgery) and 7 days later in eight preterm, postsurgical neonates. Calculation of undetermined nitrogen was also completed. Comparisons with historic, normal data were made for each urinary nitrogen constituent. At baseline, PN provided 59 +/- 10 nonprotein kcal/ and 430 +/- 54 mg/ At day 7, PN provided 106 +/- 23 nonprotein kcal/ and 432 +/- 30 mg/ TUN, UUN, and protein nitrogen decreased significantly from baseline at day 7 (p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .05). The percentages of TUN as amino acids, creatinine, and uric acid nitrogen were calculated. Percent amino acid nitrogen (6.0 +/- 2.3% vs 8.4 +/- 1.5%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .05), percent creatinine nitrogen (1.6 +/- 0.5% vs 2.9 +/- 0.8%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .001) and percent uric acid nitrogen (1.7 +/- 0.9% vs 3.6 +/- 2.1%, p &amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt; .05) increased significantly at day 7. The observed urinary free amino acid nitrogen fraction represented a higher percentage of TUN both at baseline and at day 7 when compared with term neonatal reference data, whereas creatinine nitrogen, uric acid nitrogen, and protein nitrogen represented a lower percentage of TUN. However, amino acid and creatinine nitrogen as a percentage of TUN were similar to levels in milk formula-fed preterm infants.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 1997
The neuronal tracer DiI is a lipophilic dye which diffuses along the lipid bilayer of membranes a... more The neuronal tracer DiI is a lipophilic dye which diffuses along the lipid bilayer of membranes and sometimes will move transcellularly. We used this tracer to study the development of olivocochlear synapses in the auditory system in rats and chickens by applying DiI directly to severed axons in the olivocochlear bundle. Observations with epi-fluorescent microscopy showed that DiI had labelled efferent axons directly and had labelled spiral ganglion cells and hair cells transneuronally. Ultrastructural analysis of photoconverted DiI tissue in rats revealed that transneuronal diffusion occurred when the plasma membrane of directly labelled axons made contact with the plasma membrane of their target structure. Directly and transneuronally labelled profiles can be distinguished easily at the electron microscopic level. In directly labelled profiles, all plasma, nuclear, endoplasmic reticulum, and outer mitochondrial membranes and cell cytoplasm are labelled leaving only the mitochondrial matrix unstained. However, in transneuronally labelled cells the endoplasmic, nuclear, and immature synaptic membranes are labelled but mitochondrial and non-synaptic plasma membranes are not labelled. This labelling pattern can be explained by diffusion through continuous membranes. These characteristics make DiI diffusion a powerful technique for identifying and studying early events in neuronal development and synapse formation.

The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2000
The development of olivocochlear efferent axons and their contacts in the postnatal cochlea was s... more The development of olivocochlear efferent axons and their contacts in the postnatal cochlea was studied after DiI applications to the olivocochlear bundle in the ipsilateral brainstem of rats from 0 to 10 days of age (P0-10). Light microscopic analyses showed that labeled axons reached the vicinity of inner hair cells by P0 and outer hair cells by P2. Electron microscopic analyses demonstrated that labeled immature efferent axons are present among supporting cells of the greater epithelial ridge as well as inner hair cells at P0. The first efferent contacts that contacted inner hair cells contained a few irregularly sized vesicles and, occasionally, mitochondria. Postsynaptic specializations within inner hair cells apposed to labeled efferent axons included subsynaptic cisterns, irregularly sized vesicles, and synaptic bodies. Similar features were present in unlabeled profiles, presumed to be afferents, indicating that immature efferent axons could not be reliably distinguished from afferents without positive labeling. Efferent axons synapsed with outer hair cells by P4 and had synapse-like contacts at the bases of Deiters' cells at P4 and P6. Contacts between afferents and efferents were observed frequently in the inner spiral bundle from P6. As they matured, efferent axon terminals contacting hair cells contained increasing numbers of synaptic vesicles and were typically apposed by well-defined postsynaptic cisterns, thus acquiring distinctive profiles.

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, 1988
To investigate the efficacy of alternative endoscopic palliative therapies for obstructive esopha... more To investigate the efficacy of alternative endoscopic palliative therapies for obstructive esophagogastric malignancy, the experience of 53 patients treated between 1979 and 1986 was analyzed. Forty-seven patients had placement of intraesophageal prostheses. Ten patients had prostheses placed after neodymium:YAG laser therapy. In four of these patients, prosthesis placement was planned as part of the initial therapy. Twelve patients initially received laser therapy. In six, recurrent tumor was treated with intraesophageal prostheses 3 to 24 weeks after laser treatment. Comparing neodymium:YAG laser therapy to placement of the prosthesis, both techniques provided similar improvement in dysphagia. Patients receiving prostheses required less additional treatment for dysphagia. Life table analysis comparing survival rates from diagnosis to death showed no difference. The palliation provided by prostheses and neodymium:YAG laser appears to be quite similar; however, the prosthesis seems to be more lasting and require fewer resources.
Forensic Science International, 1994

Journal of Neurobiology, 1993
The differentiation of facial motoneurons and inner ear (octaval) efferents was examined in chick... more The differentiation of facial motoneurons and inner ear (octaval) efferents was examined in chicken embryos by applying Dil or dextran amines to the cut VII/VIII nerve (peripheral label) or to the basal/floor plate of rhombomeres 4/5 (central label). Central labeling found axons of these efferent neurons to leave the brain as early as 2.5 days of incubation. Peripheral labeling identified cell bodies ipsilaterally in rhombomeres 4 and 5 at 2.5 days. Central labeling at 3.5 days showed these fibers to have fully segregated into separate pathways to the facial nerve and the inner ear and that the octaval efferent axons had reached the otocyst wall. By 3.5 days many peripherally labeled octaval efferent somata were found in the floor plate and by 5 days they were found bilaterally. At 6 days, selective peripheral labeling of either the VIIth or VIIIthe nerve showed that the contralateral population consisted of octaval efferents and central label applied to the floor plate of rhombomer...

Developmental Biology, 1982
Developing trout testis has an unusually high steady-state level of histone H4 hyperacetylation a... more Developing trout testis has an unusually high steady-state level of histone H4 hyperacetylation and therefore provides an excellent system in which to investigate the role(s) of this modification. We have studied the pattern of H4 hyperacetylation as a function of trout testis cell differentiation by using (a) whole testes at progressive stages of development, and (b) individual testis cell populations separated in a stage-dependent manner. The transcriptional activity associated with the differentiating cell types has also been investigated. The results provide strong evidence that the proliferative and transcriptionally active spermatogonia and spermatocytes possess nearly undetectable steady-state levels of H4 hyperacetylation. The content of hyperacetylated H4 rises dramatically (approaching 50% of the total H4) during spermiogenesis-the process comprises the transition of spermatids to mature sperm and is characterized by declining transcriptional activity. We conclude that the majority of the hyperacetylation of H4 in this case is not associated with the proliferative, transcriptionally active stages of testis development, but rather is associated with an event occurring late in development, during spermiogenesis. The most obvious process associated with this stage is the complete replacement of the histones with the sperm-specific proteins, the protamines. It is suggested that the unusually high level of histone H4 hyperacetylation observed in trout testis is acting, in some manner, to assist in this replacement process.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure and Molecular Enzymology, 1985

Sarcoma, 2008
Purpose. To investigate angiogenesis, multiple drug resistance (MDR) and proliferative activity a... more Purpose. To investigate angiogenesis, multiple drug resistance (MDR) and proliferative activity as prognostic variables in patients suffering from osteosarcoma.Methods. Histologic biopsies from 117 patients treated in the period from 1972 through 1999 were immunohistologically investigated regarding angiogenesis (CD34), proliferative activity (MIB-1), and the expression of p53 and MDR (P-glycoprotein (Pgp); clones JSB-1, C494, and MRK16). Quantitative and semiquantitative scores of immunoreactive cells were analyzed statistically along with retrospectively obtained clinicopathologic variables.Results. Chemotherapy reduced the rate of amputations (P=.00002). The Pgp was overexpressed (score ≥2) in 48% of the primary, diagnostic biopsies, and high Pgp correlated with high Pgp in postsurgical specimens (P=.003). In contrast, no such associations were disclosed for estimates of angiogenesis (P=.64) and p53 (P>.32), whereas the MIB-1 index was reduced in the post-chemotherapy specimen...
Se propone un breve analisis de diferentes argumentos de autores que han abordado el concepto de ... more Se propone un breve analisis de diferentes argumentos de autores que han abordado el concepto de la Extension Universitaria poniendolos en dialogo con un Proyecto desarrollado en 2016. Se abordara el concepto de curricularizacion de la extension; la misma comienza en las acciones comprometidas socialmente de los sujetos involucrados.
Papers by María christensen