Papers by María Lelia Pochettino
Resumen Del Río, JP, JA Maidana, A. Molteni, M. Pérez, ML Pochettino, L. Souilla, G. Tito &am... more Resumen Del Río, JP, JA Maidana, A. Molteni, M. Pérez, ML Pochettino, L. Souilla, G. Tito & E. Turco. 2007. El rol de las quintas familiares del Parque Pereyra Iraola (Bs. As., Argentina) en la conservación de la agrobiodiversidad. Kurtziana 33 (1). Volumen ...

World Archaeology, 2011
Many American cultivated species have been domesticated in the Neotropical Lowlands. While the so... more Many American cultivated species have been domesticated in the Neotropical Lowlands. While the southern limit of some cultivars (e.g. maize) is relatively well known for the Andean Region, the south-western limit of lowland horticulture has been poorly established in South America. Sixteenth-century European accounts mentioned the presence of cultivated plants in the Delta of the Paraná River, but until now this had not been confirmed by direct archaeobotanical data. This paper presents and discusses the results of starch grains analysis from six archaeological sites of the Paraná Delta (Argentina), ranging from 1302 to 1492 years cal. ad, which confirm the pre-Hispanic presence of cultivars in the area. Wild (algarrobo; South American mesquite) and domesticated (maize and beans) plant remains were found in ceramic containers and on grinding tools from those sites. Our research contributes new data on the late dispersion of cultivated species in the Paraná Delta, an area so far excluded from continental models for the dispersal of cultivars in the Americas.
2008 María Lelia Pochettino / Patricia Arenas / Doris Sánchez / Rubén Correa CONOCIMIENTO BOTÁNIC... more 2008 María Lelia Pochettino / Patricia Arenas / Doris Sánchez / Rubén Correa CONOCIMIENTO BOTÁNICO TRADICIONAL, CIRCULACIÓN COMERCIAL Y CONSUMO DE PLANTAS MEDICINALES EN UN ÁREA URBANA DE ARGENTINA Boletín Latinoamericano y del Caribe de ...
Pharmaceutical Biology, 1999
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2007
Processes of spatial mobility among the Mbya are of interest in anthropological and ethnobiologic... more Processes of spatial mobility among the Mbya are of interest in anthropological and ethnobiological studies, as these processes are related to transformations in the landscape and the environment. Despite this, ethnographic literature usually focuses itself on the mobility of Guaraní communities from the perspective of population dynamics on a regional scale.

Economic Botany, 1999
Two mummified bodies have been recovered from the Alero I or La Matanza site (15 km from Cusi-Cus... more Two mummified bodies have been recovered from the Alero I or La Matanza site (15 km from Cusi-Cusi, Dpto. Santa Catalina, Puna of Jujuy, Argentina) in association with characteristic snuffing paraphernalia. The purpose of this work is to identify the powdered material contained in one of the tubes in order to confirm the hypothesis generated from ethnographical sources, that the rape (snuff) complex was associated with the consumption of Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Fabaceae, the cebil, or, if not, which materials were inhaled. Following analysis with a light microscope, petrographic microscope and scanning electron microscope the unknown material was identified as cebil by comparison with reference material and specialized literature. CEBIL (FABACEAE) EN MATERIAL ARQUEOLÓGICO PULVERIZADO. En 1991 se recuperaron dos cuerpos momificados en el Alero I La Matanza (distante 15 km de Cusi-Cusi, Dpto. Santa Catalina, en la Puna de Jujuy, Argentina) en asociación con el ajuar caracter#x00ED;istico del complejo del rap#x00E9; o complejo alucinógeno. Uno de los tubos de hueso hallados contenta material pulverizado. El objeto de este trabajo es identificar esta muestra con el objeto de contrastar la hipótesis generada a partir de estudios etnogr#x00E1;fico que asocia el complejo del rapé con el consuma de Anadenanthera colubrina var. cebil, Fabaceae, el cebil, o en caso negativo, identificar el material empleado. Mediante análisis con microscopio fotónico, microscopio petrogr#x00E1;fico y microscopio electrónico de barrido se identific#x20F3; la muestra como cebil por comparación con material de referenda y bibliograf#x00ED;a especializada.
Journal of Archaeological Science, 2001

Economic Botany, 1994
The starch grain is a diagnostic feature of multiple applications according to the peculiarities ... more The starch grain is a diagnostic feature of multiple applications according to the peculiarities and origin of the plant material to be determined. Its morphological characteristics are studied through the analysis of samples from different origin and different preservation conditions, as flours, commercial starches, drugs, spices and archaeological remains (especially carbonized material). The usefulness and importance of the methods and techniques applied in each case are also discussed. El grano de almidon constituye un caracter de diagnóstico de variada utilidad en función de las particularidades y origen del material vegetal a determinar. Se realiza un estudio de sus características morfológicas mediante el análisis de muestras provenientes de distintos orígenes y en diferentes estados de conservatión, desde harinas y féculas hasta drogas, especias y material arqueóldgico, en particular carbonizado. Se discuten asimismo la utilidad e importancia de los métodos y técnicas utilizadas en cada caso.
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2004
The aim of this work is to analyze and discuss the phytotherapy employed for two kinds of disease... more The aim of this work is to analyze and discuss the phytotherapy employed for two kinds of diseases, osteo-articular and cardio-circulatory, among the inhabitants of Molinos (Calchaquí Valley, Salta Province, Northwestern Argentina). These diseases take their origin in certain environmental conditions as well as the rural activities characteristic of the zone. The observations and interviews conducted among "médicos campesinos" (traditional healers) and the general population provided valuable information concerning the relationship between man and his environment, as it relates to health-illness processes. As a result of our research, we present a chart of the 25 recorded diseases and the 42 plant species employed in their therapy, considering the organs used, the ways of preparation and administration, as well as the geographic origin.

Agriculture and Human Values, 2004
Through the ethnographic record of the subsistence activities partially or completely performed i... more Through the ethnographic record of the subsistence activities partially or completely performed in the domestic sphere in two Mbyá-Guaraní settlements in Misiones (Argentina), we outline factors important in describing the local natural environment. Data was collected through systematic observation and also through semi-structured interviews. Analysis indicates that the natural environment of the area is characterized by the indigenous community in several different ways. Thus, local people view the environment as made up of different “micro-environments,” and they consequently think of the elements that compose these “micro-environments” as having different, distinct characteristics. In the context of their daily activities, both these “micro-environments” and the elements that compose them are regarded as resources, in that they are viewed in terms of what is in them relevant to the subsistence of these groups in the rainforest. It is the intention of this study to initiate the systematic recording and processing of information on how these indigenous communities know and manage the natural resources available to them in their daily life.
Papers by María Lelia Pochettino