Papers by María José Jordán Díaz-roncero
Revista De Derecho Comercial, 2011
Revista Vasca De Derecho Procesal Y Arbitraje Zuzenbide Prozesala Ta Arbitraia Euskal Aldizkaria, 2008
La ley penal: revista de …, 2010
Información del artículo El arrepentimiento postdelictual en España: un ensayo acerca de su viabi... more Información del artículo El arrepentimiento postdelictual en España: un ensayo acerca de su viabilidad como instrumento combativo del crimen organizado.
Revista General de …, 2008
Resumen: El presente artículo realiza un breve estudio acerca de la observancia del principio de ... more Resumen: El presente artículo realiza un breve estudio acerca de la observancia del principio de proporcionalidad en materia de prisión provisional cuando la misma se adopta como medida integradora de una orden de protección. Con la modificación de las normas ...
Revista de Derecho …, 2010
Información del artículo Tutela penal de la propiedad industrial: aspectos sustantitvos y procesa... more Información del artículo Tutela penal de la propiedad industrial: aspectos sustantitvos y procesales.

JMIR mHealth and uHealth
Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling condition with a wide variety of c... more Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling condition with a wide variety of clinical presentations including contamination fears, fear of harm, and relationship-related obsessions. Cognitive behavioral models of OCD suggest that OC symptoms result from catastrophic misinterpretations of commonly occurring intrusive experiences and associated dysfunctional strategies used to manage them. OCD-related maladaptive beliefs including inflated responsibility, importance and control of thoughts, perfectionism, and intolerance for uncertainty increase the likelihood of such misinterpretations. Objective: Considering accumulating evidence suggesting that mobile health (mHealth) apps based on cognitive-behavioral principles may lead to significant reductions in psychopathological symptoms, we assessed the effectiveness of a novel cognitive training app (GGRO) designed to challenge OCD-related beliefs. Methods: A total of 97 students were randomized to groups undertaking immediate-use (iApp) or delayed use (dApp) of GGRO. All participants were requested to complete Web-based assessments, with questionnaires relating to maladaptive beliefs, mood, and OC symptoms at baseline (T1), 15 days from baseline (T2), and 30 days from baseline (T3). Participants in iApp group started using the app at baseline and continued using the app for 15 consecutive days. They were then requested to stop using the app until T3. Participants in the dApp group were requested to wait for 15 days and only then start using the app (crossover) for 15 consecutive days. Results: All participants used the app for a mean of 14.07 (SD 1.41) days with 2.94 levels per day. Consistent with previous findings, app use was associated with medium-large effect size reductions in both iApp (n=51) and dApp (n=46) groups. In the iApp group, all effects remained significant during the 15 days of follow-up. Analyses focusing on the first two assessment occasions revealed significant treatment × repeated measures interactions on maladaptive beliefs, several OC symptom measures, and self-esteem. Conclusions: This study provides further evidence for the efficacy of GGRO as a mobile-delivered training exercise that is useful for reducing OCD-related beliefs and symptoms.
Papers by María José Jordán Díaz-roncero