Papers by María Amelia Linari

Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes
Introducción: el uso prolongado de metformina y la carencia de consumo de vitamina B12 (B12) pued... more Introducción: el uso prolongado de metformina y la carencia de consumo de vitamina B12 (B12) pueden provocar su déficit en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2).Objetivos: analizar la frecuencia de consumo insuficiente de B12 según: características personales, datos antropométricos, de laboratorio y uso de metformina; asociar niveles séricos de cobalamina con dosis y tiempo de metformina; establecer la relación entre la ingesta de B12 y los niveles séricos.Materiales y métodos: diseño transversal. Mediante encuesta de frecuencia de consumo de alimentos fuente de B12 en 200 pacientes tratados con metformina por más de 18 meses. Se analizaron datos clínicos, antropométricos, de laboratorio, tiempo y dosis de metformina, en dos centros de salud de la Provincia de Buenos Aires.Resultados: el porcentual de consumo deficiente fue del 29%. Se registró un 47,5% de desocupación que alcanzó un déficit de ingesta del 32,6%. Se midió B12 sérica en el 65% de la muestra y un 53,8% de los v...

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic led to the implementation of home quarantine in many countrie... more Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic led to the implementation of home quarantine in many countries to prevent the spread of the virus. Since people with diabetes had to stay in their homes, mood and psychological changes related to isolation may occur. Objectives: To evaluate the psychological impact of quarantine through the determination of anxiety and stress degrees, in adults with T1D and T2D. To assess the association of the questionaries scores obtained with other independent covariates. Material and Methods: Multi-center, cross-sectional observational study. Data collection through online survey, from April 1st to May 3rd, 2020. The degree of stress was evaluated by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and the degree of anxiety by the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI). Statistical analysis: Descriptive statistics and hypothesis confrontation tests, multiple linear regression, chi2 and Spearman's correlation coefficient. Any value of p<0.05 was considered statistically signific...

Innovative technologies bring great possibilities of increasing human well-being. However, techno... more Innovative technologies bring great possibilities of increasing human well-being. However, technological progress does not guarantee equitable health outcomes. While technological advances define the way in which people, systems and information interact, communities with fewer resources tend to be left excluded, and that will subsequently have an impact on quality. Publications explain that in communities where technological solutions have been imposed, there has later been abandoned equipment, software that is incompatible and frustrated management policies. Nevertheless, there are some cases of general technological implementations that undermine equity, justice and human rights. For example, the use of high technology in medical interventions as preventive measures or diagnosis, the use of genes which prevent the reuse of crop seeds allowed for consuming, and many more. To obtain equitable results, the design and planning of the technology must respect the ethical principles, loc...

Introduction: Hyperglycemia is one of the most important factors that determine the production of... more Introduction: Hyperglycemia is one of the most important factors that determine the production of oxidative stress and inflammation, processes that can accelerate telomere shortening. Objectives: The objectives were to analyse the absolute telomere length (aTL) in individuals with altered fasting glucose levels (AFG) compared to individuals with normal glucose levels (NFG). To study from a prospective controlled study, the variation in aTL in patients with decompensated type 2 diabetes (T2D) before and after treatment. Materials and Methods: A population of 246 individuals of both genders was studied, which were divided into a group of individuals with blood glucose levels 50Y). A subgroup of 30 patients with newly diagnosed T2D was studied, at the beginning (T0), and at 6 months (T6) of a pharmacological treatment and hygienic-dietary measures with the objective of achieving metabolic compensation. In both studies, the biochemical-clinical variables of all individuals and the aTL w...

Actualización en Nutrición
Introduction: The resilience construct is a dynamic process that can be approached by every human... more Introduction: The resilience construct is a dynamic process that can be approached by every human being if they have the resources or are accompanied in the search for those resources to build it. Connecting with sensoriality and body awareness helps to promote the different laws of nutrition enunciated by Professor Escudero. The body trains itself to better perceive the stimuli which are important when it comes to nourishing itself. Objectives: To explore studies carried out on the resilience approach for the treatment of chronic disease; describe the multidisciplinary psychosocial, spiritual and educational approach proposed by resilience for the treatment of adult patients with obesity, identify which resources involve body work and movement in the treatment of obese adult patients. Methods: Literature review design. 44 documents were found. Electronic databases were consulted and citations identified in additional searches were added. Free term, descriptors and search fields wer...
Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, Apr 30, 2022
Frecuencia de enfermedad periodontal en pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en la Ciud... more Frecuencia de enfermedad periodontal en pacientes adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y la Provincia de Buenos Aires Frequency of periodontal disease in adult patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Autonomous city of Buenos Aires and the province of Buenos Aires

Actualización en Nutrición
Introduction: There is evidence about the close relationship between chronic non-communicable dis... more Introduction: There is evidence about the close relationship between chronic non-communicable diseases, eating habits and physical activity. Based on the results of the 4th National Survey of Risk Factors (ENFR), an island territory in the province of Buenos Aires was sought where it was assumed that the way of life could have a positive influence. Objectives: to analyze the frequency of habits, the frequency of chronic pathologies and the relationship between them; assuming that a lifestyle away from the big cities would lead to healthier habits, and with it, better health indicators. Material and methods: Prevalence study. A house-to-house survey of 42 homes on Santiago Island, where a survey and physical examination were applied, which included: anthropometric measurements, blood pressure, and capillary blood glucose. Results: Most of the dwellings (71.4%) had fruit trees or orchards in their homes at the time of data collection. However, when making the comparison with the 4th E...
The FASEB Journal, 2006
The quantitative interrelationships between BMD and BMI were studied in 215 children, 6 to 9 Y ol... more The quantitative interrelationships between BMD and BMI were studied in 215 children, 6 to 9 Y old, attending public schools of Vicente Lopez (Great Buenos Aires). Weight and height were measured a...

Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, 2021
Introducción: la diabetes mellitus (DM) se considera un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de ad... more Introducción: la diabetes mellitus (DM) se considera un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de adenocarcinoma ductal de páncreas (ACDP).Objetivos: describir la prevalencia de DM y glucemia en ayuno alterada (GAA) al diagnóstico de ACDP en pacientes asistidos en un centro de referencia gastroenterológico; analizar las diferencias en las características personales y nutricionales en pacientes con ACDP y DM, ACDP y GAA, y ACDP sin DM ni GAA; establecer el tiempo transcurrido desde el diagnóstico de DM hasta diagnosticar ACDP.Materiales y métodos: de octubre de 2019 a marzo de 2020 se revisaron 465 historias clínicas de las Secciones Oncología y Nutrición, de pacientes >18 años con diagnóstico de ACDP.Resultados: se registraron 171 historias clínicas (36,7%) con ACDP y DM, y 294 (63,2%) con ACDP sin DM. En el 45,1% de las primeras, el intervalo entre el diagnóstico de DM y el de ACDP fue <1 año, y en el 17,65%, 15,69% y 21,57%; los lapsos correspondieron a 1 y 5 años, entre 5 y 10...
![Research paper thumbnail of [Hypoglycaemia in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus on insulin therapy. Results of the global HAT study in Argentina]](
Medicina, 2017
We describe the results of the HAT study in 433 Argentinean patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) a... more We describe the results of the HAT study in 433 Argentinean patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 823 with type 2 diabetes (T2D). HAT was an international non-interventional study assessing severe and non-severe hypoglycaemia in patients with T1D and T2D under insulin treatment through a two-part self-assessment questionnaire (retrospective and prospective). The annual incidence of at least one hypoglycaemic episode was 46 episode/patient/year in T1D and 14.2 in T2D (retrospective), 96.5 and 24.6 episode/patient/year in T1D and T2D, respectively (prospective). Hypoglycaemia affected quality of life (on a scale of 0-10 for fear of hypoglycaemia: 60% in T1D and 37.6% in T2D scored 5 to 10), daily life, occupational or academic performance (2.1% with T1D and 3.2% with T2D did not attend to their work after hypoglycaemia), and induced an increased use of health resources (T1D: 66.1% increased glucose monitoring, 60.5% food intake, 51% consultations, 3.5% hospital admissions; 60.5% red...

Al analizar motivos de incumplimiento en el tratamiento prescripto de la diabetes tipo 2 (DT2), l... more Al analizar motivos de incumplimiento en el tratamiento prescripto de la diabetes tipo 2 (DT2), los estudios de vigilancia destacan como principales dificultades la alimentacion, la practica de actividad fisica y la regularidad en el monitoreo glucemico. Al evaluar criterios de adherencia al tratamiento, concepto dinamico, multicausal, activo donde se involucra al paciente y el equipo de salud, entre otros, los metodos deben ser seleccionados sobre la base de la fiabilidad, la validez, sensibilidad e independencia en la medicion, entre otras caracteristicas. El objetivo general del estudio fue conocer los niveles de adherencia al tratamiento, el grado de control metabolico y su asociacion con antecedentes personales, en poblacion adulta con diabetes tipo 2 pertenecientes a ocho regiones geograficas de la Republica Argentina durante 2015. Se realizo un estudio transversal donde se incluyo a 1520 pacientes. Se aplico un cuestionario autorreferido de opciones multiples con respuestas p...

Introduction: Multiple factors necessary for the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) increased... more Introduction: Multiple factors necessary for the development of metabolic syndrome (MS) increased risk of atherothrombotic cardiovascular disease. Objectives: to study the impact and association of the consumption of fiber, omega 3 and the practice of physical activity (PA) with the prevalence of MS. Analyze the association between: fiber consumption with anthropometric values; the consumption of fiber with consumption of omega 3 and triglycerides. Method: cross-sectional study. A targeted and individualized questionnaire was conducted that included semiquantitative consumption frequency and 24-hour recall, anthropometry and convenience laboratory to 179 adults from Hospital Sirio Libanes and from a private care center in nutrition areas from September 2019 to March 2020. It was considered a diagnosis of MS according to the last IDF definition. Those with poorly absorptive intestinal pathology, psychiatric pathology, cancer treatment or without informed consent were excluded

Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, 2015
Introducción: la hipertensión arterial (HA) y la diabetes mellitus (DM) son enfermedades crónicas... more Introducción: la hipertensión arterial (HA) y la diabetes mellitus (DM) son enfermedades crónicas de alta prevalencia que se encuentran frecuentemente asociadas.Conclusiones: la HA aumenta la progresión y el desarrollo de las complicaciones crónicas micro y macrovasculares de la DM. El impacto del tratamiento de la HA es significativo en la reducción de la morbimortalidad de las personas con DM. Por ello, el tratamiento debe ser temprano y las metas de objetivo terapéutico deberán ser individualizadas según grupo etario, comorbilidades y daño de órgano blanco. En todas las personas con HA, tengan o no DM y/o enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), el objetivo es alcanzar una PA <140/90 mmHg.Podrán considerarse objetivos más cercanos a 130/80 mmHg en jóvenes, sin comorbilidades, con larga expectativa de vida y menor tiempo de diagnóstico de DM: en quienes tendrían beneficios a nivel renal o en quienes el riesgo de ACV es sustancial, si se logran sin efectos adversos asociados al tratamien...
Revista de la Sociedad Argentina de Diabetes, 2019
Introducción: la adherencia al tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) en el adulto es u... more Introducción: la adherencia al tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) en el adulto es un tema complejo y multifactorial que aúna aspectos propios de la enfermedad como no propios, los cuales impactan en la calidad de vida. En Argentina se presentan grandes dificultades al costear la totalidad del tratamiento de la enfermedad. El impacto del ingreso sobre el gasto en salud en DM2 es mayor para los niveles más bajos de ingresos.Objetivos: analizar en adultos con DM2 en Argentina diferencias en variables de calidad de vida y objetivos metabólicos según regiones geográficas y prestación en salud; conocer el gasto de bolsillo en salud y los costos en salud vinculados a DM2; establecer la asociación entre el gasto de bolsillo con variables socioeconómicas y el cumplimiento de los objetivos metabólicos.
Alad, 2019
Describir el grado de cumplimiento en los objetivos glucémicos según las características individu... more Describir el grado de cumplimiento en los objetivos glucémicos según las características individuales y las recomendaciones dadas por el equipo de salud. Establecer los motivos de incumplimiento sobre el tratamiento prescripto. Metodología: Estudio transversal, que abarca ocho regiones geográficas en Argentina; se incluyeron 1,520 pacientes adultos con diabetes tipo 2. Se aplicó ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the degree of compliance in the glycemic objectives according to individual characteristics and to the recommendations given by the health team. Analyze the reasons for non-compliance with the prescribed treatment. Methodology: Crosssectional study. Out of 8 geographic regions in Argentina, 1520 adult patients with T2D were included. Authenticated validated ques-2019;9:118-28)
Salud Colectiva, 2014
La evidencia publicada y las transformaciones en el abordaje de la diabetes
Salud colectiva, 2014
La evidencia publicada y las transformaciones en el abordaje de la diabetes
Papers by María Amelia Linari