Papers by Manuela Paechter
Coding Decoded: Exploring Course Achievement and Gender Disparities in an Online Flipped Classroom Programming Course
Education sciences, Jun 12, 2024
Frontiers in Psychology, Nov 14, 2023
(2023) Good performance in difficult times? Threat and challenge as contributors to achievement e... more (2023) Good performance in difficult times? Threat and challenge as contributors to achievement emotions and academic performance during the COVID-19 outbreak.

International Journal for Business Education, 2015
A distinct feature of the Austrian education system is its differentiation of programs in vocatio... more A distinct feature of the Austrian education system is its differentiation of programs in vocational education. Among these programs, the dual education system has a long tradition: Students undergo an apprenticeship in a company while also attending a vocational school in part-time. More than other forms of education, this combination of on-the-job training at the work place and instruction in vocational school requires constant adaptation to economic requirements. Against this background, a new instructional approach, so called areas of learning with a focus on competence were introduced in the vocational school Eisenstadt in the year 2010. The introduction of this approach offered an opportunity for comparing it with a "traditional" subject-oriented approach. Results of the comparison will be presented and discussed in this article. Evaluation of different instructional approaches In the year 2010, a new instructional approach was introduced in the vocational school of Eisenstadt (Austria). Vocational education for apprentices was restructured according to the approach of areas of learning with a focus on competence-oriented instruction. In this approach, learning contents are structured such that they reflect work processes and not traditional subjects. This approach was evaluated by a comparison of instruction in three schools: The vocational school in Eisenstadt which had introduced the former approach and two other vocational schools in Styria which still employ a subject-oriented approach.

Psychological Applications and Trends 2022, Apr 22, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for academia. Educators and students hopes for a short... more The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for academia. Educators and students hopes for a short duration of the pandemic were disappointed soon and in 2021, one year after the onset of the pandemic, most universities were still restricted to online teaching. At the same time, ensuing restrictions due to COVID-19 coupled with uncertainty about the duration of these adverse circumstances, brought high pressure for many students. Within this background, the present study focuses on the question, to which degree students could develop and use coping mechanisms in these adverse circumstances and draw on personal resources such as sense of belonging, adaptability, and stress-outbalancing behaviors like sports. The aim of this study was to evaluate Austrian students perceived academic stress and was conducted from May to July 2021. Altogether, 202 students, 71 males (35.1%) and 131 females (64.9%) between 18 to 52 years old (M=23.74, SD=5.26) participated. Statistical analyses found significant correlations between perceived academic stress and sense of belonging (socially and organizationally), adaptability, depression, but no significant correlation with sports. In the regression, three variables significantly contributed to the assessment of academic stress. Adaptability and sense of belonging to a peer-group as well as adaptability decreased perceived academic stress. In contrast, depressive symptoms were positively related to academic stress. Altogether, 34.0% of the variance could be explained by the regression equation. Higher levels of perceived academic stress could mostly be explained by a lack of adaptability to the actual situation and sense of belonging to a peer group but a higher amount of perceived depression. These results point at measures that can be taken to alleviate students' stress. Perceived academic stress and mental-health problems like depressive symptoms should not be taken too lightly, as they do not only concern only individual students, but have consequences for the university as a whole.
Alle Informationen und Materialien zu dem Verfahren finden Sie unter: more Alle Informationen und Materialien zu dem Verfahren finden Sie unter: Verpflichtungserklärung Bei dem Testverfahren handelt es sich um ein Forschungsinstrument, das der Forschung, Lehre und Praxis dient. Es wird vom Testarchiv online und kostenlos zur Verfügung gestellt und ist urheberrechtlich geschützt, d. h. das Urheberrecht liegt weiterhin bei dem/den Autor/en. Mit der Nutzung des Verfahrens verpflichte ich mich, die Bedingungen der Creative Commons Lizenz CC BY-SA 4.0 zu beachten. Ich werde nach Abschluss meiner mit dem Verfahren zusammenhängenden Arbeiten mittels des Rückmeldeformulars die TestautorInnen über den Einsatz des Verfahrens und den damit erzielten Ergebnissen informieren.

European journal of vocational training, 2009
The QIBB quality initiative was specifically developed for the vocational training system in Aust... more The QIBB quality initiative was specifically developed for the vocational training system in Austria. The quality system is distinctive in that it includes both objectives and survey instruments designed to address the specific concerns of vocational training. There are general quality concepts and instruments that are common to all schools and others that are differentiated according to the type of school. The various school types within the vocational training system use QIBB first of all to conduct system-related surveys, for example to test common quality objectives in connection with national priorities. QIBB also enables schools to conduct internal evaluations. Survey instruments and an automatic evaluation are available from an online database. The test power of the survey instruments made available in QIBB are also verified in empirical analyses. Initial studies indicate that the test power of almost all survey instruments examined is satisfactory.
Handbuch kompetenzorientierter Unterricht: [Handlungskompetenz, Schülerorientierung, Bildungsstandards, Unterrichtsentwicklung]

Nutzung digitaler Medien in Kinderkrippen
Frühe Bildung, Apr 1, 2022
Zusammenfassung. Medienbildung ist ein Teil des Bildungsauftrags österreichischer Kindertageseinr... more Zusammenfassung. Medienbildung ist ein Teil des Bildungsauftrags österreichischer Kindertageseinrichtungen ( Charlotte-Bühler-Institut, 2009 ). In der hier vorliegenden Studie wurden 57 frühpädagogische Fachkräfte aus österreichischen Kinderkrippen mittels pilotiertem Fragebogen zu deren digitaler Ausstattung, Häufigkeit und Zweck der (digitalen) Mediennutzung mit den Kindern und Einstellungen gegenüber digitalen Medien in der Kinderkrippe befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es laut den Fachkräften in den Einrichtungen vor allem an digitalen medialen Ressourcen fehlt, um eine umfassende Medienbildung umzusetzen. Die Einstellungen der Fachkräfte gegenüber der Nutzung digitaler Medien in Kinderkrippen sind geteilt. Es wird darauf verwiesen, dass digitale Medien nicht genutzt werden, da andere Entwicklungs- und Bildungsbereiche im Fokus stehen.
World Journal of Education, Dec 13, 2016
The Thinking Styles Inventories (TSI) are questionnaires for assessing individual preferences in ... more The Thinking Styles Inventories (TSI) are questionnaires for assessing individual preferences in constructing knowledge. This paper identifies several problems concerning their validity, which range from an inadequate use of factor analysis, to missing information on the measurement model, to findings indicating a low discrimination between the thinking style scales. Against this background, two studies are conducted providing detailed insights into the measurement model of the TSI in German-speaking samples (Study I: 287 apprentices; Study II: 389 students). Although results indicate a high degree of reliability according to popular statistical rules, they confirm problems with the discriminant validity and criterion validity regarding achievement. The Thinking Styles Inventories should as a result be used with caution.

Das Implizite heben. Stereotype Berufswahlentscheidungen von Jugendlichen
Lernen ist Teil des menschlichen Daseins und ereignet sich intentional oder nicht intentional, fo... more Lernen ist Teil des menschlichen Daseins und ereignet sich intentional oder nicht intentional, formal oder informell, es kann explizit oder implizit erfolgen. Es ist Bestandteil der Erziehung, Sozialisation und Enkulturation. Anders gesagt: Der Mensch ist sich oftmals gar nicht bewusst, was er alles gelernt hat bzw. was er alles weis. Das Implizite und Latente strukturieren unser Leben mehr als es uns oft bewusst ist und spielen bei Handlungen eine wesentliche Rolle (vgl. Senge 2006; Scott 2001). So auch bei der Wahl unseres Berufes. Eine Moglichkeit, solche impliziten und latenten Orientierungsmuster zu heben, bietet die dokumentarische Methode, die auf die Wissenssoziologie Karl Mannheims (1964) zuruckgeht und der qualitativ-rekonstruktiven Sozialforschung zuzuordnen ist (vgl. Schaffer 2012, 196; Bohnsack & Kruger 2005, 187; Nohl 2009). Sie „dient der Rekonstruktion der praktischen Erfahrungen von Einzelpersonen und Gruppen, in Milieus und Organisationen, gibt Aufschluss uber die Handlungsorientierungen, die sich in der jeweiligen Praxis dokumentieren, und eroffnet somit einen Zugang zur Handlungspraxis“ (Nohl 2009, 8). Mannheim (1964) spricht von zwei verschiedenen Sinnebenen von Berichten: Erfahrungsberichte von Menschen haben einen wortlichen, expliziten Sinn und einen impliziten, den Dokumentsinn , der mit Hilfe dieser Methode gehoben werden soll (vgl. Nohl 2009, 8). Der Beitrag eroffnet mit einer uberblicksartigen Vorstellung des Gesamtprojektes mit seinem Mix-Methods-Ansatz, aus dem dieser Beitrag seine Erkenntnisse schopft. Anschliesend wird das Sampling fur die qualitativ-rekonstruktive Studie erortert und die dokumentarische Methode ausfuhrlicher dargelegt, die versucht, durch ihre schrittweise, sequentielle Kontrastierung von Gruppen- und Einzelinterviews, das sogenannte atheoretische Wissen nach Mannheim bzw. die Orientierungsrahmen der Probandinnen und Probanden durch reflexive Interpretation zu heben. Am Beispiel der Berufswahl von Jugendlichen wird gezeigt, wie durch gezieltes methodisches Vorgehen, das Latente, Implizite und Atheoretische gehoben werden soll. Die ersten Ergebnisse unserer Studie zeigen, dass Steoreotype bei der Berufswahl selbst bei jenen Jugendlichen, die atypische Berufe wahlen, implizite, durch Erziehung, Sozialisation und Enkulturation gelernte Haltungen und Denkweisen sind, die die Entscheidung zur Berufswahl und das Denken uber Berufe mit beeinflussen.
Learning and Motivation with Virtual Tutors. Does It Matter if the Tutor Is Visible on the Net
Measuring science capital, science attitudes, and science experiences in elementary and middle school students
Studies in Educational Evaluation

Frontiers in Psychology, 2021
The summer semester had just begun at Austrian and German universities when Covid-19 was declared... more The summer semester had just begun at Austrian and German universities when Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. Thus, in March 2020, all universities closed their campuses, switching to distance learning within the span of about a single day. How did lecturers handle the situation? Were they still able to turn the situation into a positive one? What were the main obstacles with this difficult situation, and where there conditions which helped them to overcome the new challenges? These are research questions of the present survey with a sample of 1,152 lecturers at universities in Austria and Germany. The survey focuses on the lecturers’ appraisals of the novel situation as challenging or threatful. These appraisals are important for approaching a situation or shying away from it. However, how well a person adjusts to a novel situation is also influenced by personal and environmental resources which help to overcome the situation. The present sur...
1985 (englischsprachige Originalversion); 2012 (deutschsprachige Version); Open Access; Befindlic... more 1985 (englischsprachige Originalversion); 2012 (deutschsprachige Version); Open Access; Befindlichkeit; Statistikangst; ab 18 Jahren; 51 Items; Skalen: 1 Angst vor Statistik: 1a Angst in Statistikveranstaltungen und Statistikprufungen, 1b Angst vor der Interpretation statistischer Ergebnisse, 1c Angst um Hilfe zu bitten, 2 Einstellung zur Statistik: 2a Akademisches Selbstkonzept in Statistik, 2b Wert der Statistik, 2c Einstellung zu Statistiklehrenden

Biological Psychology, 2019
Affective dispositions may shape students' typical ways of coping when faced with demanding perfo... more Affective dispositions may shape students' typical ways of coping when faced with demanding performance situations in their educational lives. We recorded frontal EEG alpha asymmetry responses in psychology students (n = 62) during the course of a scenario designed to simulate a real examination, which required oral explanation of statistical concepts. While students with lower levels of trait positive affect (PANAS) showed relative right hemispheric activation, sustained relative left hemispheric activation was observed in students with higher levels of trait positive affect. In line with relevant models of frontal brain asymmetry, the findings suggest that students' coping behaviors in the context of academic performance situations are in part instantaneously initiated, which is reflected in spontaneous activation of relative approach versus avoidance motivation. Independently of negative affect and momentary affective states, trait positive affectivity seems to be linked to recruitment of brain processes supporting a more adaptive response in that matter.
Frontiers in Psychology, 2019
Gendered Paths into STEM. Disparities Between Females and Males in STEM Over the Life-Span
Frontiers Research Topics, 2020
This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics... more This eBook is a collection of articles from a Frontiers Research Topic. Frontiers Research Topics are very popular trademarks of the Frontiers Journals Series: they are collections of at least ten articles, all centered on a particular subject. With their unique mix of varied contributions from Original Research to Review Articles, Frontiers Research Topics unify the most influential researchers, the latest key findings and historical advances in a hot research area! Find out more on how to host your own Frontiers Research Topic or contribute to one as an author by contacting the Frontiers Editorial Office:
Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 2012

EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 2015
Summer vacations interrupt the rhythm of learning and may result in a loss of knowledge and skill... more Summer vacations interrupt the rhythm of learning and may result in a loss of knowledge and skills. This study investigates summer learning losses in an Austrian sample with nine-week summer vacations. The results show losses as well as gains for students in lower secondary education (182 students between 10 and 12 years old). Students experienced losses in arithmetic problem solving (measured by the HAWIK IV intelligence test) and spelling (measured by the standardized spelling test HSP 5-9), but gains in reading (measured by the Salzburg Reading-Screening, SLS-8). Losses or gains in a knowledge domain appear to depend on the degree of practice during the summer vacation. Contrary to American studies, students could make up for their losses within nine weeks following the restart of school. In addition, socioeconomic variables such as the mother's educational background had a small impact on summer learning losses in arithmetic problem solving.
Student Expectations of Course Measure
PsycTESTS Dataset, 2010
Papers by Manuela Paechter