Papers by Manuel Manrique
European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy, Feb 14, 2016

Audiology and Neurotology
Introduction: Transimpedance measurements from cochlear implant electrodes have the potential to ... more Introduction: Transimpedance measurements from cochlear implant electrodes have the potential to identify anomalous electrode array placement, such as tip fold-over (TFO) or fold-back, basal electrode kinking, or buckling. Analysing transimpedance may thus replace intraoperative or post-operative radiological imaging to detect any potential misplacements. A transimpedance algorithm was previously developed to detect deviations from a normal electrode position with the aim of intraoperatively detecting TFO. The algorithm had been calibrated on 35 forced, tip folded electrode arrays in six temporal bones to determine the threshold criterion required to achieve a sensitivity of 100%. Our primary objective here was to estimate the specificity of this TFO algorithm in patients, in a prospective study, for a series of electrode arrays shown to be normally inserted by post-operative imaging. Methods: Intracochlear voltages were intraoperatively recorded for 157 ears, using Cochlear’s Custo...
Neurocirugía, Dec 1, 2009
Revista de medicina de la Universidad de Navarra, May 4, 2017

Science Progress, 2021
Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide, comp... more Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic has affected millions of people worldwide, compromising the responsiveness of governments and states and thus generating anxiety and fear at the population level. Objective: To assess the level of anxiety and fear of coronavirus disease 2019 in a Spanish adult population group. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study, using the anxiety and fear of COVID-19 assessment scale (AMICO, for its acronym in Spanish). The sample was composed of 1038 subjects. Univariate and bivariate statistical analyses were performed, after analysis of normality in the data distribution. Categorical regression analyses were also executed. Findings: The total sample size was 1036 subjects, 56.3% was made up of females, with a mean age of 48.11 years (SD = 15.13). The mean score obtained on the AMICO scale was 5.54 points (SD = 1.83), with a score range between 1.22 and 10. Bivariate analysis only demonstrated statistically significant differences in the...

Journal of Sport and Health Research, 2017
espanolLa actividad fisica practicada regularmente se considerada un recurso que favorece la prev... more espanolLa actividad fisica practicada regularmente se considerada un recurso que favorece la prevencion de enfermedades, en este sentido el ciclismo se presenta como una modalidad deportiva que promueve la potencia aerobica. Se plantea la necesidad de desarrollar medidas que alcancen estilos de vida saludable y sostenible mediante ejercicios fisicos aerobicos que promueven la salud y adherencia. Se ha realizado una revision de la literatura con diferentes busquedas, entre las que se destacan las principales bases de datos: Web of Science (WOS) y PubMed. Como conclusion se senala la practica del ciclismo por su asociacion a una mejora de la potencia aerobica, asi como la necesidad de implementar mediante programas de intervencion y/o politicas publicas. EnglishThe physical activity practiced regularly is considered a resource that favors the prevention of diseases, in this sense cycling is presented as a sport modality that promotes aerobic power. There is a need to develop measures ...

Journal of Sport and Health Research, 2020
espanolObjetivo: determinar la influencia del estado nutricional sobre parametros fisiologicos de... more espanolObjetivo: determinar la influencia del estado nutricional sobre parametros fisiologicos de rendimiento fisico en adolescentes futbolistas, Ecuador. Materiales y metodos: Se presenta un estudio correlacional descriptivo y corte trasversal, ex post facto con medicion de grupo unico, sobre 126 futbolistas adolescentes masculinos sub 16 en preparacion fisica general, explorando mediante procedimientos validados internacionalmente la composicion corporal, la ingesta alimentaria y el gasto de energia en 24 horas, asi como el uso de los test de Cooper y Matsudo en funcion de medir la capacidad aerobica y anaerobica lactacida segun parametros como el VO2max y Potencia anaerobica Maxima. Resultados: los sujetos muestran talla y masa corporal de los sujetos en valores respectivos de 1,68(0,05) m y 57,69(5,94) kg, IMC normopeso, complexion pequena, mientras que el contenido graso de 6,57(1,03) kg, masa muscular de 34,26(4,28) kg, masa osea de 14,78(1,41) kg y residual en 2,09(0,69) kg, ...

The Journal of International Advanced Otology, 2019
Asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) may be defined as an interaural difference >10 dB, using the averag... more Asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) may be defined as an interaural difference >10 dB, using the average value of air conduction thresholds in the pure tone audiometry (PTA) for 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz frequencies [1]. AHL can occur between two sick ears or one sick ear and another healthy ear. Hearing loss may span from mild to profound and vary from sensorineural to mixed or conductive. Therefore, the greater the difference between both ears, the greater the asymmetry is. There are multiple choices of treatment, one of which is combining a hearing aid (HA) and a cochlear implant (CI). This type of stimulation is called bimodal stimulation. This choice of treatment is successful in restoring the patient's binaural hearing [2-5]. These authors and others have used audiometric tests to prove such benefits. However, there are very few published studies about the changes to the quality of life (QOL) that these patients with AHL experience with bimodal stimulation. In 1997, Newman et al. [6] used the Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults in 63 patients with AHL. He concluded that although these patients are hearing impaired, there is no clear correlation between the asymmetry and the degree of impairment. In 2001,
Revista de otorrinolaringología y cirugía de cabeza y cuello, 2018
Resultados del programa de implantes cocleares de Clínica Las Condes a 20 años de su inicio: Seri... more Resultados del programa de implantes cocleares de Clínica Las Condes a 20 años de su inicio: Serie clínica 1994-2015 Cochlear implant program results in Clinica Las Condes 20 years since the beginning: Clinical series 1994-2015

Audiology & neuro-otology, 2018
To show that patients with unilateral hearing loss (UHL), with one ear fulfilling cochlear implan... more To show that patients with unilateral hearing loss (UHL), with one ear fulfilling cochlear implant (CI) indication criteria, and an additional severe tinnitus handicap can be treated effectively with a CI. A prospective multi-centre study was conducted in five Spanish centres. Sixteen adult patients with UHL and a mean Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) score of at least 58 were implanted. The study design included repeated within-subject measures of quality of life (Health Utility Index Mark 3 [HUI3]), tinnitus (THI, Visual Analogue Scale [VAS] on tinnitus loudness), hearing (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale- [SSQ]), and hyperacusis (Test de Hipersensibilidad al Sonido [THS]) up to 12 months after the initial CI fitting. Group data showed significant subjective benefit from CI treatment: the preoperative HUI3 total utility score of 0.45 went up to 0.57 at 6 months and 0.63 at 12 months; the preoperative THI total score of 75 decreased to 40 at 6 months and 35 at 12 mo...

Sportis. Scientific Journal of School Sport, Physical Education and Psychomotricity, 2016
Children's violent behaviour represents a phenomenon of great concern because it is related to si... more Children's violent behaviour represents a phenomenon of great concern because it is related to situations of anxiety, depression or consumption of harmful substances. Since sport practice and physical activity have expanded in recent decades in younger sectors, it is interesting to know the relationship between this practice and the violent behaviour that occurs in children of school age. In this sense, a non-experimental, descriptive and cross sectional study was developed on a sample of 564 students of primary education in the province of Granada, aged between 8 and 12 years old (=10.74, SD=1.22). As main objective, this study aims to define and establish relationships between levels of physical activity and the types of violent behaviour. The employed instruments were an Ad Hoc questionnaire for recording sociodemographic variables and those related to physical activity and the "Scale of violent behaviour at School" (Little et al., 2003). The results showed that two thirds of schoolchildren performed more than three hours per week of physical activity at least three times a week. Studying violent behaviour, statistics showed that relational aggression is more usual than direct aggression, and that the reactive type is the most common. Furthermore, students who did physical activity were exposed to situations of manifest aggression of type pure and relational aggression of type instrumental.

The Journal of International Advanced Otology, 2016
Asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) may be defined as an interaural difference greater than 10 decibels... more Asymmetric hearing loss (AHL) may be defined as an interaural difference greater than 10 decibels (dB) using the average value of air conduction thresholds in pure-tone audiometry (PTA) for 500, 1000, 2000, and 4000 Hz frequencies [1]. This type of hearing loss can occur between 2 sick ears or between 1 sick ear and another healthy ear. In the latter case, it would be single-sided deafness (SSD), defined as normal hearing in the healthy ear and any degree of hearing loss in the sick ear. The hearing loss may vary from mild to profound and from conductive to sensorineural or mixed. Therefore, the greater the difference between both ears, the greater is the asymmetry. SSD is an extreme case of this pathology. This type of hearing loss, particularly when the asymmetry is large, brings up 2 significant issues: first, the lesser benefit obtained from bilateral-binaural hearing [2, 3] , and second, the choice of the most suitable treatment within the currently available options-bone-conduction implants (BCI), cross routing of offside signal (CROS), hearing aids (HAs), or cochlear implant (CI). The combination of CI in 1 ear and HA in the other is called "bimodal stimulation. " This type of treatment has yielded satisfactory results in cases of profound sensorineural hearing loss (P-SNHL) treated with CI when there is severe sensorineural hearing loss (S-SN-HL) in the contralateral ear stimulated with HA [3-7]. Based on this experience, we consider the following hypothesis: the better the hearing in the ear with HA, the greater is the clinical benefit obtained from bimodal stimulation, once hearing in the contralateral ear with CI is restored. Work in this particular area is limited as it is an emerging indication in CI. Positive experiences in the use of CI for SSD have been recently reported [8-11] , but there are still very few findings regarding the use of stimulation when the contralateral ear of CI suffers from moderate to severe hearing loss. This study seeks to prove the bilateral-binaural advantage in a group of patients treated with bimodal stimulation (CI and HA), with different degrees of hearing loss in their best ear. MATERIALS and METHODS A retrospective study was performed on the database of patients implanted in a CI center from January 2009 to January 2013. Out of 900 implanted patients, 31 patients with AHL (3.4% of the total) were recruited for this study. They all presented postlingual hear
Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 2015
La colocación de un implante coclear es una medida útil para paliar la hipoacusia neurosensorial ... more La colocación de un implante coclear es una medida útil para paliar la hipoacusia neurosensorial de grado severo-profundo en aquellos casos en los que el beneficio del audífono es escaso. Desde su inicio hace 30 años los resultados auditivos han mejorado gracias a los progresivas mejoras que se han adoptado en distintos ámbitos: su diseño, estrategia, técnica quirúrgica... Dados los buenos resultados en este periodo, las indicaciones también han variado. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los criterios establecidos y emergentes de indicación de implante coclear, estableciendo de manera consensuada, entre los centros sanitarios de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra, unos criterios actualizados para la indicación del mismo en dicha área territorial, de forma que pueden servir de referencia en situaciones clínicas diferenciadas.

European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy: Science and Practice, 2013
of patients who had also been given other forms of IV iron before surgery (total average dose of ... more of patients who had also been given other forms of IV iron before surgery (total average dose of iron administered: 1150 mg) levels increased by a median of 2.05 g/dl. Erythropoietin was also administered to 32.43% of the patients. The mean differences in the rest of the analytical parameters studied before and after administration of iron IV were: serum iron: 40.7 µg/dl, %, iron saturation: 15.8%, transferrin: −41.8 mg/dl ferritin: 378.1 ng/ml. The median time between administration and surgery was 6 days. Conclusions Our results show a fast increase in Hb in a short time. Restriction of the FC implied making a good selection of patients who may benefit from the higher dose (average increase of 2.05 g/dl needs an average dose of 1150 mg iron to be administered) and higher speed of action (median time between administration and surgery: 6 days). Its use would be justified for fast increases in Hb when, due to the impending surgery, with they would not be obtained in time with other presentations of iron. Mean differences (for average dose of iron administered: 891.89 mg) in patients who met the Hb optimization protocol Abstract DGI-064 Table 1 Hb Serum iron % iron saturation Transferrin Ferritin Mean differences 1 g/dl 40.7µg/dl 15.80% −41.8 mg/dl 378.1 ng/ml No conflict of interest.
The American journal of otology, 1997
![Research paper thumbnail of [Results of the cochlear transplant program of the University of Navarra]](
From October 1989 to the end of 1991, 33 patients have received a Cochlear Implant Nucleus 22 Cha... more From October 1989 to the end of 1991, 33 patients have received a Cochlear Implant Nucleus 22 Channel, that have been selected from over 150 patients that consulted the possibility of implantation. A cochlear implant program should count with a group of professionals of diverse areas, that work in coordination without losing contact with the rest of the member of the implant team. Cochlear Implant are considered an efficient technique in the treatment of profound neurosensorial deafness, in Pre and Postlinguistic patients. The results obtained have been better in the last group of patients, but results on the whole are considered satisfactory. In prelinguist there is a progressive positive tendency, therefore a longer amount of time is necessary to define the final results. The therapeutic capacity of this method of treatment is not limited only to the auditory area, but it has effect also in other fields related to communication and the integral development of the patients on whom it is applied.
Universitas Psychologica, 2014
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
Otology & Neurotology, 2006
Movement Disorders, 2008
We report a patient with severe orthostatic tremor (OT) unresponsive to pharmacological treatment... more We report a patient with severe orthostatic tremor (OT) unresponsive to pharmacological treatments that was successfully controlled with thalamic (Vim, ventralis intermedius nucleus) deep brain stimulation (DBS) over a 4-year period. Cortical activity associated with the OT revealed by EEG back-averaging and fluoro-deoxi-glucose PET were also suppressed in parallel with tremor arrest. This case suggests that Vim-DBS may be a useful therapeutic approach for patients highly disabled by OT.
Anales De Pediatria, 1997
Papers by Manuel Manrique