Papers by Manuel Calandra

Entorno, 2020
El presente artículo, tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de síntomas de ansiedad, depr... more El presente artículo, tiene como objetivo determinar la prevalencia de síntomas de ansiedad, depresión y miedo a la COVID-19 en la población general salvadoreña, así como los estados de gravedad de cada una de las variables psicológicas y si existe asociación con las características sociodemográficas de la muestra. El tipo de estudio es exploratorio con diseño transversal. La técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta digital en Google Forms. Se seleccionó una muestra no probabilística de 328 salvadoreños. La media de edad general es de 27.90 años, con una desviación estándar de 9.10. Con respecto al género, la media de edad de los hombres es de 29.05 años, con una desviación estándar de 9.94; y la media de edad de las mujeres es de 27.42 años, con una desviación estándar de 8.70. Los resultados revelan prevalencias altas de síntomas de ansiedad, oscilando entre el 60 y el 80 %; en depresión, la prevalencia de síntomas fue de entre el 50 y el 70 %. En cuanto a los síntomas de m...

Frontiers in Psychology
The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the c... more The COVID-19 pandemic has gravely impacted Latin America. A model was tested that evaluated the contribution of socio-demographic factors and fear of COVID-19 on anxiety and depression in samples of residents in seven Latin American countries (Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay, Colombia, and El Salvador). A total of 4,881 individuals, selected by convenience sampling, participated in the study. Moderate and severe levels of depressive symptoms and anxiety were identified, as well as a moderate average level of fear of COVID-19. In addition, it was observed that about a quarter of the participants presented symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder and a major depressive episode. Fear of COVID-19 significantly and positively predicted anxiety and depressive symptoms, whereas the effects of socio-demographic variables are generally low [χ2(287) = 5936.96, p < 0.001; RMSEA = 0.064 [0.062, 0.065]; CFI = 0.947; and SRMR = 0.050]. This suggests the need for the implementatio...
Death Studies
This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Scale of Fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) in a ... more This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Scale of Fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) in a sample of 1,291 Argentines. The two-related factor structure of the FCV-19S had satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices using structural equation modeling and item response theory. Further results showed that the reliability was adequate, the factor structure was strictly invariable across age groups, and the model that evaluated the relationships between fear of COVID-19, anxiety, and depression had adequate goodness of fit indices as well. The results indicated that FCV-19S has strong psychometric properties to measure fear of COVID-19 in the general population of Argentina.
Death Studies, 2021
The aim of the study was to evaluate the construct validity based on the internal structure, the ... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the construct validity based on the internal structure, the relationship with other variables, and the internal consistency among items of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in a sample of 743 Ecuadorians. The findings confirm the presence of a bifactor structure, which includes a general factor and two specific factors: one emotional and the other physiological. The general factor, and the specific factors presented adequate levels of internal consistency. Finally, the FCV-19S showed a highly significant relationship with GAD-7 at the latent level. The scale has adequate psychometric properties for its application.
Death Studies, 2021
The objective was to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Fear of COVID-19 S... more The objective was to evaluate the cross-cultural measurement invariance of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in 7 Latin American countries (Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Mexico, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay). The participants were 2944 people, selected through non-probability sampling for convenience, where the majority were women. Data collection occurred between 12 June and 14 September 2020. The results indicated that the model with two related factors presents a better fit to the data and has partial scalar invariance among the 7 countries. Differences in emotional and physiological reactions were observed between the countries.
RESUMEN En este estudio considero la existencia de tres fases históricas que se corresponden con ... more RESUMEN En este estudio considero la existencia de tres fases históricas que se corresponden con el nacimiento y desarrollo de tres disciplinas distintas y claves en el estudio del envejecimiento: la geriatría, la gerontología y la psicogerontología. Intento determinar los aspectos históricos que contribuyeron, de forma más relevante, a la formación de cada una de las disciplinas. Además, este recorrido permite, en primer lugar, identifi car las dos visiones antagónicas tradicionales sobre la vejez propuestas por Platón y Aristóteles y mantenidas por diversos autores hasta la actualidad, y en segundo lugar, mostrar los estereotipos tanto positivos como negativos presentes durante décadas.
Papers by Manuel Calandra