Manolo Pires
12,000 hours in Research, Theoretical and Philosophical Studies, Metaphysics and Epistemology) in German: 2,000 hours in Nuclear Fission - 6,000 hours in Quantum Mechanics and 6,000 hours in General and Special Relativity Theory. Study of Works (Arbeit) on Quantum Mechanics: Heisenberg, Max Born, Pauli, Paschoal Jordan, Max Planck, Niels Bohr. Relativity: Gauss, Riemman, Christltofell, Minkowski, Lorentz, Felix Klein, Einstein, Schwartzschild, Laue, Lipchstz, Schur, Vermeil, Ritz. Nuclear Fission, Otto Han, Stramann, Lise Meitner, Wheeler, German Atomic Bomb Projects and the Physics of the Manhattan Project.
Ph.D. at Mechanical Engineering/Electronic Instrumentation from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -UFRGS (2001) and Master's at Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1996) . Has experience in Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Fission), Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Special and General Relativity Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, acting on the following subjects: Aerospace Propulsion (liquid and solid propellant rockets), weapons systems in airplanes and helicopters) Transport Phenomena, Multiphase Flow, Particle Images Velocimetry, Aerothermodynamic, Aerothermoelasticity and Hypersonic.Twenty eight ((28) years Experience: Air Force, Embraer, Selecta Aero-Taxi, Helibras, Fifthvision, Sygmamotors, Univap, Uninove, Ung, DCTA/IEAv and DCTA/IAE. Armament and Amunition Engineer Aircrafts: Bandeirantes, AMX and Tucano, scientist in Aerothermoelasticity, Re-entry vehicles, Hipersonicand Shock Tunnel, University Dozent, Optic Engineering, Visualization Flow by Particle Velocimetry Images, Laser Doppler Anemometry, Schlieren, combustion and Sprays, Automotive Engineering and Maintenance Specialist Aircrafts and Helicopters. With a strong technical background, also have managerial skills for training and capacitating technical and university teams for the development of innovation projects and technological solutions. Workingwith University-Enterprise partnerships (I worked at UFRGS research projectswith Gerdau Siderurgy), I worked at Sygma Motors, where I was responsible for the strategic development and implementation of the optical diagnostics laboratory (around R$ 10 million investment).
Ph.D. at Mechanical Engineering/Electronic Instrumentation from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul -UFRGS (2001) and Master's at Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1996) . Has experience in Atomic and Nuclear Physics (Nuclear Fission), Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Field Theory, Special and General Relativity Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, acting on the following subjects: Aerospace Propulsion (liquid and solid propellant rockets), weapons systems in airplanes and helicopters) Transport Phenomena, Multiphase Flow, Particle Images Velocimetry, Aerothermodynamic, Aerothermoelasticity and Hypersonic.Twenty eight ((28) years Experience: Air Force, Embraer, Selecta Aero-Taxi, Helibras, Fifthvision, Sygmamotors, Univap, Uninove, Ung, DCTA/IEAv and DCTA/IAE. Armament and Amunition Engineer Aircrafts: Bandeirantes, AMX and Tucano, scientist in Aerothermoelasticity, Re-entry vehicles, Hipersonicand Shock Tunnel, University Dozent, Optic Engineering, Visualization Flow by Particle Velocimetry Images, Laser Doppler Anemometry, Schlieren, combustion and Sprays, Automotive Engineering and Maintenance Specialist Aircrafts and Helicopters. With a strong technical background, also have managerial skills for training and capacitating technical and university teams for the development of innovation projects and technological solutions. Workingwith University-Enterprise partnerships (I worked at UFRGS research projectswith Gerdau Siderurgy), I worked at Sygma Motors, where I was responsible for the strategic development and implementation of the optical diagnostics laboratory (around R$ 10 million investment).
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