Papers by Dr. Manoj E Patil

International journal of computer applications, Dec 18, 2013
The traffic symbol system has been studies for many years. The system mainly has two phases, 1) S... more The traffic symbol system has been studies for many years. The system mainly has two phases, 1) Sign detection, 2) Recognition. It is one of the most important research area for enabling vehicle driving assistances. The automatic driving system should be simple in order to detect symbol with high responses. The challenge gets more difficult in order to make system simple while avoiding complex image processing techniques to detect symbol. The propose system consist of three main phases, 1) Frame selection, 2) Symbol detection, 3) Symbol Recognition. In frame selection phase the best frame possibly consisting of traffic symbol is selected from number of frames. In detection phase color image segmentation is perform on given frame in order detect the symbol. In recognition phase the detected traffic symbol is recognized using joint tranceform correlation (JTC) technique which is generally use for pattern matching.

Journal of East China University of Science and Technology, 2022
New business models may be developed, and trust problems may be addressed and resolved in a metho... more New business models may be developed, and trust problems may be addressed and resolved in a methodical fashion, all thanks to blockchain technology. It's a hub for a wide variety of experimental business practices and academic studies. Many blockchain-based software root solutions with broad applicability have been presented by industry and academia. The study depicts a system architecture in which blockchain technology is integrated into an access control system. The most important data analysis-related details from the IoT data access control will be discussed here. In this case, the client-defined research dataset constitutes a departure from the standard procedure. Our solutions use two chains-a private one, also called a sidechain, which holds a client's unique identifier information securely. The one that everybody can access is also known as the mainchain, and it stores data with a temporary identifier that only clients can use. We have created a prototype to evaluate the Ethereum framework's potential. The current experimental result demonstrates the superior performance of a system in regards to the specified metrics: [1] to identify the access control of data necessary by observing the turnaround time. It demonstrates that the proposed method provides superior performance and security as compared to the status quo for gaining unauthorized access to the data stored on the electronic IoT platform.
An Efficient signature recognition system is proposed in this paper. The input signature image is... more An Efficient signature recognition system is proposed in this paper. The input signature image is acquired using pen tablet or scanner. The Krawtchouk moments are used as feature extraction technique which also invariant to shift, rotation, and scale provided that the signature pattern is in the proper format for classification. This moment method reduces the dimensionality of the input signature pattern by eliminating features containing low information or high redundancy. These features are used to recognize the signature using Fuzzy Min-Max Neural Network with Compensatory Neuron (FMCNs) which is designed by Nandelkar and Biswas.
International journal of computer applications, Mar 15, 2017
Space optimization is a common problem in packaging, including cargo space optimization. Cargo pl... more Space optimization is a common problem in packaging, including cargo space optimization. Cargo planning and loading is the most essential factor in transportation like railways, airlines , trucks and buses. It is the proper arrangement of goods, items or cargo into the available space of container. Due to improper arrangement of cargo and unavailability of proper optimization techniques the space gets wasted and damage of goods occurs in container. The proper arrangement and placement of the cargo is very difficult task today. To utilize the maximum occupancy of the container the optimization algorithms are required to design. So the paper presents the optimization models for different systems and various optimization techniques.

International journal of engineering research and technology, Jun 5, 2013
The traffic symbol recognition system plays an important role in recognition of traffic symbol.Th... more The traffic symbol recognition system plays an important role in recognition of traffic symbol.The proposed traffic symbol recognition system is based on color image segmentation with the integration of shape analysis. The presented system is robust, which is able to recognize traffic symbols with any color and any of the existing shapes (e.g., circular, rectangular, triangular, pentagonal, and octagonal) and is invariant to transformation (e.g., translation, scale and occlusion). The proposed system uses two different methods Peri2Area and boundary touching point for analyzing different shapes of the traffic symbol and the correlation coefficient pattern matching for the recognition of the traffic symbols. There are three main stages in the proposed algorithm: 1) segmentation by clustering the pixels based on the color features to find the regions of interest (ROIs); 2) traffic-sign detection by using two novel shape classiffication criteria, i.e., the relationship between area and perimeter and the boundary touching point 3) recognition of the traffic symbol using correlation coefficient to match the unknown symbols with the known reference traffic symbols stored in the database. The proposed framework provides a novel way to detect a traffic symbol by integrating image features with the geometric shape information. Experimental results on real-life images show a high success rate and a very low false hit rate..
Social Science Research Network, 2022

Cargo loading and planning is the most essential factor in transportation like railways, airlines... more Cargo loading and planning is the most essential factor in transportation like railways, airlines, trucks and buses. It is the proper arrangement of goods, items or cargo into the available space of container. Due to improper arrangement of cargo and unavailability of proper optimization techniques the space gets wasted and damage of goods occurs in container. The proper arrangement and placement of the cargo is very difficult task today. To utilize the maximum occupancy of the container the optimization algorithms are required to design. The optimization algorithms, simple algorithm, LAFF (Largest Area First Fit) and LAFF algorithm with Weight consideration are proposed. All algorithms, simple algorithm, LAFF and LAFF with weight consider the dimensions of the cargo and container like base, height, width and weight. These algorithms help to plan and load cargo properly in a container and give the optimized solution for arrangement of cargo. Experimental evaluation shows that, our proposed algorithms give maximum space utilization than existing methods.

Recommender systems are proven to be valuable in course of time. From the development of web and ... more Recommender systems are proven to be valuable in course of time. From the development of web and ecommerce, the amount of online information has grown rapidly, which produces the big data analysis problem. Conventional recommender systems undergoes through scalability and inefficiency problems in processing of big data. Besides, most of existing recommendation systems present the same static ratings and rankings of items to different users without considering their different needs, and therefore fails to meet users personalized requirements. This paper uses English language Keyword list and domain thesaurus based personalized recommendation method. The system presents a personalized recommendation list and recommending the most appropriate items to the users effectively according to their needs. To improve its scalability and efficiency in big data environment, it is implemented on Hadoop, a distributed computing platform for parallel processing. The system improves the accuracy and scalability recommendation systems over existing approaches.

Signature is a behavioral trait of an individual and forms a special class of handwriting in whic... more Signature is a behavioral trait of an individual and forms a special class of handwriting in which legible letters or words may not be exhibited. Dynamic signature verification (DSV) uses the behavioral biometrics of a hand-written signature to confirm the identity of a computer user. Signature verification technology requires primarily a digitizing tablet and a special pen connected to the Universal Serial Bus Port (USB port) of a computer. An individual can sign on the digitizing tablet using the special pen regardless of his signature size and position. The signature is characterized as pen-strokes consisting x, y coordinates and the data will be stored in the signature database. In this paper, I am describing the various feature of dynamic signature by considering their spatial and time domain characteristics. Individual strokes are identified by finding the points where there is a decrease in pen tip pressure, decrease in pen velocity, and rapid change in pen angle.
Social Science Research Network, 2022

The IPv6-enabled network architecture has recently attracted much attention due to a security iss... more The IPv6-enabled network architecture has recently attracted much attention due to a security issue in MANET. Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) were used to approve the owner of the address. It can thwart the stealing of prevailing IPV6 addresses by attaching public key of the owner. The owner uses a corresponding private key to prove the ownership with the help of signed messages originated from that address. Though it is a useful technique to prove the address ownership in the IPV6 network, it has some restrictions and vulnerabilities if SHA-I algorithm is used in it. In this paper, the security analysis is provided by using AES algorithm in CGA. The AES algorithm is based on the principle of generating sub keys from the original key and using each sub key to encrypt one AES block, using Mix-Column transformation in 5 rounds instead of 10 rounds in the original AES-128 to decrease the encryption time and S-box and Inverse S-box in the original AES are replaced by one simple S-box used for encryption and decryption in the proposed method. Experimental results using NS-2 are shown in this paper.

International journal of computer applications, Jun 18, 2014
The mobile ad hoc network (MANET) has attracted a lot of attention due to the characteristic of a... more The mobile ad hoc network (MANET) has attracted a lot of attention due to the characteristic of an infrastructure-less construction and multi-hop communication. In MANET, security is major issue, hackers has aimed to disrupt security in the form of IP spoofing or to produce a forged route. In the advancement of networks to IP version 6, appreciating the same protocol would guarantee the achievement and portability of MANETs. Two benefits of approving IPv6 are improved support for security and mobility. To accomplish these goals an innovative mechanism called Cryptographically Generated Addresses (CGAs) were announced. CGAs were primarily comprised in SEcure Neighbor Discovery (SEND) protocol to guard against IP address spoofing and attacks. In this review paper, attacks in MANET, attacks on AES, and various CGA methods are studied. Though, the CGA is hopeful security technique for use with IPV6 addresses it still exhibits vulnerabilities and weaknesses if, used with SHA-I(secure Hash algorithm) algorithm. It is yet prone to privacy related attacks. So, use such method that can be secure and efficient to CGA in IPV6 over MANET area. This paper provides necessary solution to resolve these problems.
International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, 2018
The web browsers are the application software that are used to access information from the World ... more The web browsers are the application software that are used to access information from the World Wide Web. With the increasing popularity of the web browsers, the modern web browsers are designed to contain more features as compared to the existing web browsers. For the transferring of information through these browsers, various protocols have been implemented on these modern web browsers to make these browsers more efficient. Different protocols used in different layers have different functions and by increasing the efficiency of these protocols we can make the working of browsers more efficient.

Journal of Chromatography A, 2010
Two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometric (TOFMS)... more Two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometric (TOFMS) method was optimized for simultaneous analysis of 160 pesticides, 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 12 polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and bisphenol A in grape and wine. GCxGC-TOFMS could separate all the 185 analytes within 38min with >85% NIST library-based mass spectral confirmations. The matrix effect quantified as the ratio of the slope of matrix-matched to solvent calibrations was within 0.5-1.5 for most analytes. LOQ of most of the analytes was < or =10microg/L with nine exceptions having LOQs of 12.5-25microg/L. Recoveries ranged between 70 and 120% with <20% expanded uncertainties for 151 and 148 compounds in grape and wine, respectively, with intra-laboratory Horwitz ratio <0.2 for all analytes. The method was evaluated in the incurred grape samples where residues of cypermethrin, permethrin, chlorpyriphos, metalaxyl and etophenprox were detected at below MRL.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010
A selective and sensitive multiresidue analysis method is reported for simultaneous determination... more A selective and sensitive multiresidue analysis method is reported for simultaneous determination of 50 pesticides of different chemical classes in three commercially important fruits of different nature viz. grape, pomegranate, and mango. The sample preparation method involves extraction of a 10 g sample with 10 mL of ethyl acetate; cleanup by dispersive solid phase extraction with primary secondary amine (PSA, 25 mg) for grape and PSA + graphitized carbon black (25 + 5 mg) for pomegranate and mango; and determination by gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry through multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). Sample preparation under acidified (pH 4) and cold (<4 degrees C) conditions, use of PTV-large volume injection (20 microL) through multibaffled liner and chromatographic separation on a short 10 m VF-5MS capillary column gave a satisfactory response for all of the analytes including relatively unstable compounds such as captan, captafol, folpet, endrine, and iprodione within 31.8 min. The limit of quantification (LOQ) of most of the compounds was <or=10 ng g(-1) except for captan, captafol, and folpet, where the LOQ was <or=20 ng g(-1). For each analyte, the unique and most abundant MRM was selected for quantification, and the next most abundant for confirmation, with their abundance ratio being used for unambiguous identification of any detected pesticide in samples within 20% tolerance range at the LOQ level. Use of matrix-matched standards could minimize the matrix effect, which was lowest in grape, followed by pomegranate and mango. Recoveries ranged within 70-120% at 10, 20, and 50 ng g(-1) in all three matrixes with associated relative standard deviations <20% (n = 6). The method could be successfully applied to the screening of 100 farm samples for compliance to EU maximum residue limits.

2016 International Conference on Global Trends in Signal Processing, Information Computing and Communication (ICGTSPICC)
Recommender systems are proven to be valuable in course of time. From the development of web and ... more Recommender systems are proven to be valuable in course of time. From the development of web and ecommerce, the amount of online information has grown rapidly, which produces the big data analysis problem. Conventional recommender systems undergoes through scalability and inefficiency problems in processing of big data. Besides, most of existing recommendation systems present the same static ratings and rankings of items to different users without considering their different needs, and therefore fails to meet users personalized requirements. This paper uses English language Keyword list and domain thesaurus based personalized recommendation method. The system presents a personalized recommendation list and recommending the most appropriate items to the users effectively according to their needs. To improve its scalability and efficiency in big data environment, it is implemented on Hadoop, a distributed computing platform for parallel processing. The system improves the accuracy and scalability recommendation systems over existing approaches.
Abstract-This paper will explain the concept of creating a

Natural Language Processing is a field that covers computer understanding and manipulation of hum... more Natural Language Processing is a field that covers computer understanding and manipulation of human language, and its ripe with possibilities for news-gathering. Sandhi means to join or combine two words to form meaningful word. Sandhi viccheda means sandhi splitting which breaks a word into its original word. Many projects have been implemented on concept sandhi viccheda in different languages such as Hindi, Urdu, and Kannada language but in Sanskrit there are many grammar rules which are not easy to implement. As we know Hindu religious book is BHAGWATGEETA containing most difficult words which a user can’t understand easily due to longer words which are combination of different words. To overcome this problem there are some rules in Sanskrit such as rules regarding with vowels, consonants and visarga which should be implemented so that any word in Sanskrit can be separated. Till today only rules with vowels of sandhi are implemented. The accuracy will be increased by implementing...

2016 International Conference on Global Trends in Signal Processing, Information Computing and Communication (ICGTSPICC), 2016
Cargo loading and planning is the most essential factor in transportation like railways, airlines... more Cargo loading and planning is the most essential factor in transportation like railways, airlines, trucks and buses. It is the proper arrangement of goods, items or cargo into the available space of container. Due to improper arrangement of cargo and unavailability of proper optimization techniques the space gets wasted and damage of goods occurs in container. The proper arrangement and placement of the cargo is very difficult task today. To utilize the maximum occupancy of the container the optimization algorithms are required to design. The optimization algorithms, simple algorithm, LAFF (Largest Area First Fit) and LAFF algorithm with Weight consideration are proposed. All algorithms, simple algorithm, LAFF and LAFF with weight consider the dimensions of the cargo and container like base, height, width and weight. These algorithms help to plan and load cargo properly in a container and give the optimized solution for arrangement of cargo. Experimental evaluation shows that, our p...
Papers by Dr. Manoj E Patil