Papers by Manana Tandaschwili

Digital Kartvelology - The Bilingual Scientific Online Journal of the Academy for Digital Humanities, Dec 8, 2024
The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli (hereafter: Vepx.) is the most significant ep... more The Knight in the Panther's Skin by Shota Rustaveli (hereafter: Vepx.) is the most significant epic in the Georgian language. The poem, which was created in the 12 th century, is preserved in more than 160 different manuscripts and is one of the most crucial components of defining the identity of the Georgian nation. Vepx. is a cornerstone of the cultural memory of the Georgian nation, and in 2013, it was acknowledged as such by UNESCO, which included a collection of the manuscripts of the epic in the Register of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The significance of Vepx. has gone far beyond Georgia's borders, and it occupies a prominent place in the history of world literature today: it has been translated into 58 languages. 1 The number of Georgian and foreign editions of Vepx. reaches beyond 500; thus, the abundance of translations in itself makes it interesting in terms of creating a multilingual parallel corpus. The research of this unique written document of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Georgia with modern methods is not only a challenge but will also contribute to the internationalisation of Kartvelology in the 21 st century. The multilingual parallel corpus Rustaveli goes digital (cf. Fig. ) currently contains 32 parallel translations of the full text of the epic in 20 languages (

Digital Kartvelology - The Bilingual Scientific Online Journal of the Academy for Digital Humanities, Dec 20, 2022
The development of the humanities in the 21 st century is unthinkable without the development of ... more The development of the humanities in the 21 st century is unthinkable without the development of large databases and digital research methods. Kartvelology, as a national science, entered the third millennium with dignity: on the basis of existing digital resources and technologies developed for the Georgian language, the foundation was laid for a qualitatively new stage of Kartvelology that may be called Digital Kartvelology. With the creation of the manuscript corpus of Shota Rustaveliʼs "The Knight in the Pantherʼs Skin" 1 and the digital corpus of the epicʼs translations, Rustaveli goes digital, 2 we are witnessing the establishment of Digital Rustvelology, which goes beyond the scope of a national science: the epic created by Shota Rustaveli in the 12 th century has been translated into 56 languages and thus represents a unique resource for creating a multilingual digital parallel corpus and conducting transdisciplinary research.

Digital Kartvelology , 2024
Shota Rustaveli’s epic “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” is an exceptional monument of aphoristi... more Shota Rustaveli’s epic “The Knight in the Panther’s Skin” is an exceptional monument of aphoristic style. The complexity of Shota Rustaveli’s worldview, which is mirrored in his epic, is a result of the mixing of mediaeval and Renaissance thinking. It combines Christian (and, in general, religious) thoughts with antique philosophy (Plato, Dionysius the Areopagite, Aristotle) and mythical and transcendental visions with analytical thinking. Rustaveli’s worldview, as well as several religious-philosophical doctrines – Christianity, Areopagitica, Neoplatonism, and Aristotelianism – are all reflected in the aphorisms used in the epic, which plays a special role not only in the cultural memory of the Georgians but also in the history of world literature. The epic has been translated into 58 languages and is included in the registry of the world cultural heritage of UNESCO. The variety of languages into which the epic has been translated provides a unique opportunity for the creation of the multilingual parallel corpus ‘Rustaveli goes digital’, which is an outstanding resource for translation studies to examine the quality of translations, analyse translation methods, pinpoint translators’ strategies, and contrast them. But how can we judge the quality of translations, especially in the case of aphorisms? Determining the degree of equivalence between the source and target texts is not sufficient for a qualitative evaluation of the translations of the epic; e.g., the translation quality of the aphoristic style in the translations is one of the challenges that we believe needs to be addressed. In the present paper, we discuss our research model on how to evaluate the translation quality of aphorisms.

Caucasus Journal of Social Sciences , 2024
The present paper addresses the problem of data processing in multilingual parallel c... more The present paper addresses the problem of data processing in multilingual parallel corpora. It focuses on the difficulties that can arise in the statistical processing of linguistic data in a multilingual parallel corpus, such as Rus-taveli Goes Digital and the solutions that may be useful for overcoming the challenges of empirical translation research. During the statistical analysis of the corpus Rustaveli Goes Digital, we encountered certain problems that we will discuss in this article, namely the reliability of the statistical analysis in creating the index. Although many different ready-made tools are successful-ly used in linguistics for statistical analysis, the data processing of texts can still be very inaccurate without considering the grammatical characteristics of the languages. As empirical material, the text of the epic The Knight in the Panther’s Skin was chosen in three languages: Georgian, Abkhazian, and Megrelian. The paper will show why ready-made tools such as KWIC and Voyant are not suitable for Caucasian languages and what problems the use of such tools can lead to.

Digital Kartvelology - The Bilingual Scientific Online Journal of the Academy for Digital Humanities, 2022
The development of the humanities in the 21 st century is unthinkable without the development of ... more The development of the humanities in the 21 st century is unthinkable without the development of large databases and digital research methods. Kartvelology, as a national science, entered the third millennium with dignity: on the basis of existing digital resources and technologies developed for the Georgian language, the foundation was laid for a qualitatively new stage of Kartvelology that may be called Digital Kartvelology. With the creation of the manuscript corpus of Shota Rustaveliʼs "The Knight in the Pantherʼs Skin" 1 and the digital corpus of the epicʼs translations, Rustaveli goes digital, 2 we are witnessing the establishment of Digital Rustvelology, which goes beyond the scope of a national science: the epic created by Shota Rustaveli in the 12 th century has been translated into 56 languages and thus represents a unique resource for creating a multilingual digital parallel corpus and conducting transdisciplinary research.
Digital Kartvelology, 2024

Noch nie haben vom Aussterben bedrohte Sprachen so sehr im Mittelpunkt linguistischer Forschung g... more Noch nie haben vom Aussterben bedrohte Sprachen so sehr im Mittelpunkt linguistischer Forschung gestanden wie in den vergangenen zehn bis 15 Jahren. Seitdem sich die UNESCO das Thema zu Eigen gemacht hat, sind in Europa und Übersee verschiedene Förderprogramme ins Leben gerufen worden, die sich zum Ziel setzen, Bestandsaufnahmen, linguistische Dokumentationen und Initiativen zu unterstützen, um »endangered languages« zu bewahren oder sogar wiederzubeleben. Überall in der Welt sind seither Dutzende von Forscherteams unterwegs, um mit Computern, Tonbandgeräten und Video-Kameras Aufnahmen von Sprachen zu machen, von denen zu erwarten ist, dass sie das Ende dieses Jahrhunderts nicht »überleben« werden. Auch an der Universität Frankfurt stehen bedrohte Sprachen im Fokus linguistischer Forschung, wobei so unterschiedliche Weltgegenden wie der Kaukasus, Afrika, Sibirien und Südostasien im Mittelpunkt stehen

The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technol... more The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technologies and global networking gave the scholars an excellent opportunity to rapidly and effectively use academic digital resources, the number of which is constantly increasing. Establishment of the OR (Open-Resource) and introduction of the RE (Resource Exchange) supported development of the infrastructure for the digital archives. That, in its own right, became a fast and efficient instrument for the use of scholarly resources. It has essentially changed the research procedures in the 21st century. The researchers now are able to make use of the 'open and merge' approach to their resources. Creation of the global library has become a new opportunity of the international scholarly communication. The joint scientific project Batumi Linguocultural Digital Archieve (BaLDAR) implemented jointly by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Goethe Frankfurt University is sponsored by the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. The project is a result of the international cooperation and aims to introduce new forms of the scientific communication, which will support multidisciplinary research development. The paper studies the significance of the establishment digital archives in Georgia. It outlines the themes of the resources that have been developed within the project framework.

International Journal of Multilingual Education, by Manana Tandaschwili, Ramaz Khalvashi, Khatuna Beridze, Mzia Khakhutaishvili, Nana Tsetskhladze, 2017
The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technol... more The evolution of the new forms of the scientific communication and development of the web technologies and global networking gave the scholars an excellent opportunity to rapidly and effectively use academic digital resources, the number of which is constantly increasing. Establishment of the OR (Open-Resource) and introduction of the RE (Resource Exchange) supported development of the infrastructure for the digital archives. That, in its own right, became a fast and efficient instrument for the use of scholarly resources. It has essentially changed the research procedures in the 21st century. The researchers now are able to make use of the 'open and merge' approach to their resources. Creation of the global library has become a new opportunity of the international scholarly communication. The joint scientific project Batumi Linguocultural Digital Archieve (BaLDAR) implemented jointly by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Goethe Frankfurt University is sponsored by ...

Documenting the languages and cultures and managing the data is firm basis of the future interdis... more Documenting the languages and cultures and managing the data is firm basis of the future interdisciplinary researches. This gains even more importance for endangered and unexplored languages. The paper deals with the issues connected to the usage of Modern Program Packages (Flex and Elan) vividly and professionally for interdisciplinary researches, advantages and unique abilities of them. The work provides the information about the principles of Doculinguistics and about the modern standards of documentation. The issue of fitting Georgian, as an agglutinative Language to the international standards so that its nature is truly revealed, appears to be a challenging task. The cooperative scientific project “Linguocultural Digiarchive” was implemented by Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University and Frankfurt Goethe University. It was created using the modern framework standards of documentation and archiving in Elan and FLEx formats. FLEX is able to show the essential peculiarities of th...
Historical Corpora. Challenges and Perspectives.
The paper deals with the structural premises of diachronic corpora that are meant to represent sp... more The paper deals with the structural premises of diachronic corpora that are meant to represent specimens of a given language throughout its historical stages and to provide a diachronic cross-century retrieval. On the basis of the Georgian National Corpus project, it discusses ways to cope with variation caused by the use of different scripts and by language change, as well as requirements of annotating the different layers (chronological, dialectal, sociolectal, genre-based, etc.) the text materials pertain to, including a critique of the concepts of the ISO 639-6 standard.
Books by Manana Tandaschwili
Meridiani, 2017
მანანა თანდაშვილი ზმნის სემანტიკური ანალიზი ქართულში
Iverioni, 2021
შესავალი დიგიტალურ ქართველოლოგიაში - თანდაშვილი/ყამარაული
Logos, 2017
რეფერენციულობა ქართულში
Batumi University Press, 2016
ქართული ენის დიგიტალური დოკუმენტირება (შესავალი დოკულინგვისტიკაში)
Papers by Manana Tandaschwili
Books by Manana Tandaschwili