Papers by Randolf Manampiring

The role of social media instagram in social interactions among student of SMA Negeri 1 Manado (S... more The role of social media instagram in social interactions among student of SMA Negeri 1 Manado (Studies on majors of scicence batch 2012). In the daily life of man cannot be separated from what is called communication. Communication is one of the important aspects of human life in this world. As social beings, human always want to connect with other human beings. He wants to know the surrounding environment, even want to know what’s going on inside him. The curiosity, forcing the human need to communicate there are different types of communication one of them is mass communication. Mass communication is communication that requires media as intermediary one of the fastest spreading media is through online media or internet can connect people despite being in different parts of the earth one of them with social media there are many social media is circulating in the community, social media can be a means to indicate various things such as writing, image or video variety of ocial media...
Papers by Randolf Manampiring