Papers by Manab Chakraborty

Current Science, Nov 1, 2015
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signals penetrate through the dry snow and cloud providing crucial... more Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) signals penetrate through the dry snow and cloud providing crucial data over the Himalayan temperate glaciers and complement the optical images. In the present study, RISAT-1 C band and AWiFS images of winter/ablation period over Samudra Tapu and Gepang Gath moraine dammed lakes (MDLs) in Himachal Pradesh have been analysed. Backscattering coefficient of the lake was observed to be low throughout the year. Penetration depth of SAR into dry snowpack was calculated to vary from 4 to 22 m for a range of snow density (0.1-0.5 g/cm 3 ), whereas it was estimated to be 1.20-2.01 m based on ground observations for 30 January and 24 February 2013. The present study provides results of RISAT-1 C-band penetration up to ~2 m through the snowpack to detect MDLs in the Himalayan terrain. The detection of MDLs using the backscattering images of winter season was validated with synchronous AWiFS sensor images.
Abstracts of Papers Submitted to the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Sep 25, 2010

This study presents experimental measurements of dielectric constant of dry and moist soils at C-... more This study presents experimental measurements of dielectric constant of dry and moist soils at C-band microwave frequency by using waveguide cell method. Soil samples were collected from four locations each from four different Indian states. An automated microwave setup operating at 5.3 GHz frequency is used for this purpose. Measured values of dielectric constant are then used to estimate emissivity and scattering coefficient by using emissivity model and perturbation model respectively. Emission and scattering properties for soils are then studied as function of gravimetric Moisture Content (MC, %), polarization and incidence angle. At constant value of MC, emissivity of soil is found to increase with increase in the incident angle for vertical polarization, and this increase continues up to Brewster's angle and beyond this, emissivity decreases sharply. Further, at constant value of MC, scattering coefficient of soil sample increases with increase in the incident angle for vertical polarization, and this increase continues up to angles between 60 o to 70 o , at which it reaches maximum value and beyond this, it decreases sharply. In case of horizontal polarization, at constant value of MC, emissivity and scattering coefficient decreases with the increase in incident angle. Further, scattering coefficient of soils show increase with increase in MC whereas its emissivity decreases with increase in MC. Results of this study may find uses in the design of passive and active remote sensors for such soil types.
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 1997
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Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2004
Abstract This study investigates the potential of multi-temporal signature analysis of satellite ... more Abstract This study investigates the potential of multi-temporal signature analysis of satellite imagery to map rice area in South 24 Paraganas district of West Bengal. Two optical data (IRS ID LISS III) and three RADARSAT SAR data of different dates were acquired during 2001. Multi-temporal SAR backscatter signatures of different landcovers were incorporated into knowledge based decision rules and kharif landcover map was generated. Based on the spectral variation in signature, the optical data acquired during rabi (January) and ...
Current Science, Apr 10, 1996
The data acquired by WiFS and LISS-Ill cameras onboard IRS-IC during the first month of their ope... more The data acquired by WiFS and LISS-Ill cameras onboard IRS-IC during the first month of their operation have been investigated for various applications related to study of crops. WiFS data over Andhra Pradesh and Punjab have been used for state-level major crop inventory and estimating total cropped area in rabi season respectively. Multi-date WiFS data over West Bengal have been used to identify spectral changes associated with crop phenology. The LISS-III data over a wheat-and mustard-growing site in Pall district ( ...
Acta Astronautica, 1989
Abstract Remote sensing technology is finding increasing acceptance as a useful, reliable and tim... more Abstract Remote sensing technology is finding increasing acceptance as a useful, reliable and timely tool for preparing agricultural land-use inventories. Since a variety of data from different sensors are now available to the user, a comparison of SPOT, TM and MSS data for agricultural land-use mapping has been attempted in Himatnagar taluka, Sabarkantha district, Gujarat, India, using SPOT multispectral data (19 September 1986) and TM and MSS data (22 September 1986) for evaluating their efficacies. The study comprised of ...

Geophysical Research Letters, 2010
We present new polarimetric radar data for the surface of the north pole of the Moon acquired wit... more We present new polarimetric radar data for the surface of the north pole of the Moon acquired with the Mini‐SAR experiment onboard India's Chandrayaan‐1 spacecraft. Between mid‐February and mid‐April, 2009, Mini‐SAR mapped more than 95% of the areas polewards of 80° latitude at a resolution of 150 meters. The north polar region displays backscatter properties typical for the Moon, with circular polarization ratio (CPR) values in the range of 0.1–0.3, increasing to over 1.0 for young primary impact craters. These higher CPR values likely reflect surface roughness associated with these fresh features. In contrast, some craters in this region show elevated CPR in their interiors, but not exterior to their rims. Almost all of these features are in permanent sun shadow and correlate with proposed locations of polar ice modeled on the basis of Lunar Prospector neutron data. These relations are consistent with deposits of water ice in these craters.

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2006
lnIbrmation on various agricultural resource parameters at various levels is essential for proper... more lnIbrmation on various agricultural resource parameters at various levels is essential for proper management and efficient resource allocation for sustainable agricultural development. Limitations in ground-based method have encouraged the use of satellite data coupled with geographical information system (GIS) in providing spatial as well as temporal information over large and inaccessible areas. In the present study, an attempt has been made to generate raster maps using remote sensing and GIS techniques to characterize the agroecosystem of South 24 Paraganas district of West Bengal, based on land utilization indices. Information on multi-season landcover derived from the analysis of the multi-temporal RADARSAT-1 SAR and 1RS-ID LISS III data as well as other ancillary information in GIS environment are the basic inputs used in the study. The present analysis shows that northern and northwestern parts are more diverse in terms of agricultural intensification as compared to the southern and northeastern pans whereas the central parts show moderate density. In terms of carrying capacity, the high carrying capacity has been observed in the southern to northeastern parts whereas the northwestern and central parts show moderate and northern parts show low carrying capacity. Overall, the characterization of agroecosystem using land utilization indices can be identified as major input to formulate a management plan for sustainable agriculture with concerns for the environment.

Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 1995
Some of the basic requirements for cropping system analysis are updated information on crops grow... more Some of the basic requirements for cropping system analysis are updated information on crops grown, their phenological behaviour, method and duration of establishment and harvest, inter and intm crop variability, sequential cropping patterns. The next generation Indian Remote Sensing Satellite with high repeat cycle opens new possibility of crop surveys to derive such information. In this study, an attempt has-been made-:to:aaalyse ~x~pping system at district level using simulated IRS-lC Wide Field Sensor (WiFS) data. Data acquired for nineteen dates during 1992-93 season for Bardhaman distrieL West Bengal has been used. It was-feasible to derive accurate information on cropping pattern, eroprotation, crop duration, progress of harvest, crop growth profiles and annual crop acreage using multidate data. Itwas observed that even a seven to eightday interval Of data acquisition-during critical growth periods significantly affected classification and identification accuracy.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1998
Temporal remote sensing data, along with soil, physiographic rainfall and temperature information... more Temporal remote sensing data, along with soil, physiographic rainfall and temperature information, were modelled to derive a potato-growing environment index. This was used to identify the agriculture areas suitable for growing potato crops in the Bardhaman district, West Bengal, India. The crop rotation information derived from multi-data Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS) LISS-I data were used to characterize the present
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2006
The current study investigates the potential of multi‐temporal RADARSAT ScanSAR Narrow Beam B (SC... more The current study investigates the potential of multi‐temporal RADARSAT ScanSAR Narrow Beam B (SCNB) data to monitor rice crop growth and condition where special emphasis was given to the signature analysis of the crop. The study area is located in the Baleshwar and Bhadrak districts of Orissa. The temporal variations of radar backscatter of all land‐cover classes were analysed as a function of time. The analysis of the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) backscatter coefficient (σ0) of rice crop shows significant temporal behaviour and a ...

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1999
The Canadian satellite RADARSAT launched in November 1995 acquires C-band HH polarisation Synthet... more The Canadian satellite RADARSAT launched in November 1995 acquires C-band HH polarisation Synthetic Aperture Ž. Radar SAR data in various incident angles and spatial resolutions. In this study, the Standard Beam S7 SAR data with 458-498 incidence angle has been used to discriminate rice and potato crops grown in the Gangetic plains of West Bengal state. Four-date data acquired in the 24-day repeat cycle between January 2 and March 15, 1997 was used to study the temporal backscatter characteristics of these crops in relation to the growth stages. Two, three and four-date data were used to classify the crops. The results show that the backscatter was the lowest during puddling of rice fields and increased as the crop growth progressed. The backscatter during this period changed from y18 dB to y8 dB. This temporal behaviour was similar to that observed in case of ERS-SAR data. The classification accuracy of rice areas was 94% using four-date data. Two-date data, one corresponding to pre-field preparation and the other corresponding to transplantation stage, resulted in 92% accuracy. The last observation is of particular interest as one may estimate the crop area as early as within 20-30 days of transplantation. Such an early estimate is not feasible using optical remote sensing data or ERS-SAR data. The backscatter of potato crop varied from y9 dB to y6 dB during the growth phase and showed large variations during early vegetative stage. Two-date data, one acquired during 40-45 days of planting and another at maturing stage, resulted in 93% classification accuracy for potato. All other combinations of two-date data resulted in less than 90% classification accuracy for potato.
Landsat MSS data off Cochin Coast was analysed ond on attempt made to look in to the relationship... more Landsat MSS data off Cochin Coast was analysed ond on attempt made to look in to the relationship between MSS gray values and concentration of pigment/particulate matter. MSS band 4 and 5 showed the maximum gray value range as compared to band 6 and 7. A density sliced image of band 4 was generated in the form of Q color coded image showing the gray levels corresponding to various pigment levels.

ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 2000
An operational crop survey program requires standardised procedures and software packages to meet... more An operational crop survey program requires standardised procedures and software packages to meet the specified targets Ž. of timeliness and accuracy of estimates. Currently, the focus is to include Synthetic Aperture Radar SAR data in such a program, as these data are available from a number of sensors. A procedure has been developed to use multi-date SAR data for rice crop inventory. The steps were packaged together for ease-of-use and with minimal user interaction. The package, SARCROPS, is built around the EASIrPACE software. It is, at present, tuned for RADARSAT ScanSAR data. The package was used during the 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 seasons to estimate the rice area at state level in India with the participation of a number of interdisciplinary users. Around 45 and 89 scenes of ScanSAR data were used during these two seasons, respectively. This paper reports the details of the SARCROPS processing chain.
Isprs Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 1997
Radar remote sensing has a significant role to play in remote sensing based crop inventory progra... more Radar remote sensing has a significant role to play in remote sensing based crop inventory programmes due to its independence from cloud cover. In this study, an attempt has been made to evaluate the utility of temporal ERS-1 SAR data to classify rice crop grown in different growing environments. The sites represent four major types of lowland cultivation practice prevailing
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 01431161 2015 1014972, Mar 12, 2015

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States and the Indian Spac... more The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the United States and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) have embarked on a study of a future Earth-orbiting science and applications mission that exploits synthetic aperture radar to map Earth's surface every 12 days. To meet demanding coverage, sampling, and accuracy requirements, the system was designed to achieve over 240 km swath at fine resolution, and using full polarimetry where needed. To address the broad range of disciplines and scientific study areas of the mission, a dual-frequency system was conceived, at L-band (24 cm wavelength) and S-band (10 cm wavelength). To achieve these observational characteristics, a reflector-feed system is considered, whereby the feed aperture elements are individually sampled to allow a scan-on-receive ("SweepSAR") capability at both L-band and Sband. This paper describes the mission characteristics, current status of the joint study, and the technology de...

Lunar surface properties at both polar and equatorial regions were studied using data from the mi... more Lunar surface properties at both polar and equatorial regions were studied using data from the miniaturized synthetic aperture radar (Mini-SAR) on-board Chandrayaan-1. The Mini-SAR sensor was operated at the S-band (2.38 GHz) with left circular polarization for transmission, and horizontal and vertical polarizations for reception. The returned signal was stored in planetary data system format, where each pixel in an image strip was represented by the corresponding Stokes vectors. The study showed that circular polarization ratio, which is an important parameter that represents scattering associated with planetary ice as well as dihedral reflection, was anomalously high inside some of the craters in the polar regions. Other Stokes parameters such as degree of polarization (m) and LH–LV relative phase (δ) also showed distinctly different types of scattering mechanisms inside and outside the craters on the lunar surface.
Papers by Manab Chakraborty