Papers by Mamluatul Hasanah
Arabiyatuna : jurnal bahasa Arab, May 27, 2024

El-Tsaqafah, May 1, 2024
Constructivism theory is a learning theory that is oriented towards forming the structure of thou... more Constructivism theory is a learning theory that is oriented towards forming the structure of thought patterns and students' understanding of the material through experience and the learning process. This form of implementation in the field, especially in learning maharah kalam in Arabic, can be supported using the cooperative learning method. This research aims to determine the implementation of constructivist learning theory in maharah kalam learning using the cooperative learning method. This type of research is field research with a descriptive qualitative approach carried out at Madrasah Tsanawiah Satu Atap Al-Hidayah, Batu City, East Java. Data collection techniques use observation techniques and interview techniques. The data analysis used is the Miles, Huberman and Saldana analysis technique with three steps, namely condensing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions or verification. The results of this research include the following (1) implementation of constructivist learning theory in maharah kalam learning at Madrasah Tsanawiah Satu Atap Al-Hidayah, Batu City with the cooperative learning method applied according to the steps and principles of learning, so as to provide a pleasant learning experience for students . (2) the problems encountered in implementing constructivist learning theory are a lack of initiative in discussing learning material and a lack of motivation in learning Arabic, so that efforts to deal with the problem of implementing constructivist learning theory are for teachers to provide encouragement and motivation in learning Arabic and make improvements-improvements in learning.

Al-Lisan : Jurnal Bahasa, Feb 29, 2024
The selection of appropriate teaching methods by educators and the optimization of learning media... more The selection of appropriate teaching methods by educators and the optimization of learning media utilization are crucial factors in achieving success and effectiveness in the learning process. Accordingly, this research aims to examine the impact of using the Teams Games Tournament method with crossword puzzle media on the learning outcomes of Balaghah (Arabic rhetoric) students at the State Islamic University Imam Bonjol Padang. This research employed a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design. Data collection techniques involved administering pretests and posttests to both the control and experimental groups. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistical tests, tests for normality and homogeneity (Kolmogorov-Smirnov test), and independent sample t-tests. The research results indicated a significant variation in student learning outcomes before and after using the Teams Games Tournament method with crossword puzzle media in Balaghah learning. Based on the findings, the average pretest scores for the experimental group and control group were 52.83 and 52.23, respectively, while the average posttest scores for the experimental group were 92.87 and 81.46 for the control group. The independent sample t-test showed a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05, indicating sufficient evidence to support the alternative hypothesis (Ha). Therefore, it was concluded that there was a significant difference in student learning outcomes before and after implementing the Teams Games Tournament method with crossword puzzle media in Balaghah learning. These findings validated the effectiveness of this method in enhancing understanding and student learning outcomes in Balaghah material.
Ijaz Arabi, Oct 30, 2021
Learning interaction is an essential element during the online learning process. Therefore, this ... more Learning interaction is an essential element during the online learning process. Therefore, this study offers an internet-based speaking skill learning model. This study aims to describe the process, the problem, and the learning model of learning internet-based speaking skills. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with case studies, focusing on learning at state Islamic universities in East Java,
Advances in social science, education and humanities research, 2023

Kalamuna: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab dan Kebahasaaraban
تكمن مفتاح التعليم الفعال في منهج محكم يضم أهداف التعلم والمحتوى والأساليب والتقييم. تهدف هذه الد... more تكمن مفتاح التعليم الفعال في منهج محكم يضم أهداف التعلم والمحتوى والأساليب والتقييم. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى (1) وصف تنفيذ منهج اللغة العربية لطلاب الصف الخامس في مدرسة الراية الابتدائية بسوكابومي و (2) تحديد العوامل التي تعيق تعلم اللغة العربية بين هؤلاء الطلاب. تم إجراء البحث باستخدام المنهج النوعي، واستخدمت الطرق النوعية المختلفة. وشملت المشاركين في هذه الدراسة طلاب المرحلة الابتدائية من بنار سوكابومي. كشفت نتائج البحث أن أهداف تعليم اللغة العربية في مدرسة الراية تشمل اكتساب المفردات وتطبيقها عملياً، وحفظ الحوار، وفهم المفردات، بالإضافة إلى اتقان مهارات القراءة والمحادثة والكتابة. وشملت وسائل التقييم المستخدمة في هذا المنهج التقييم المستمر من خلال التدريبات، والتقييمات الوسيطة، والاختبارات النهائية. في الختام، تم تصميم صياغة أهداف التعليم واختيار المحتوى لمنهج اللغة العربية استنادًا إلى الموارد البيداغوجية المناسبة والأساليب التي تتوافق مع قدرات الطلاب. تسلط الدراسة الضوء على الدور الحاسم للمعلمين في ضمان عملية تعليمية ناجحة.

Reading is one of the literacy skills set as Indonesia's national education goal and become a... more Reading is one of the literacy skills set as Indonesia's national education goal and become a necessary skill in the 21st century. The reading skill of students of MTs Al-Hidayah Batu has not met the ideal standard. Achieving reading skills requires adequate vocabulary mastery and selecting appropriate methods. This study was designed to measure the influence of the reading guide method on students' knowledge of Arabic reading skills. The design of this study is quasi-experiments. There are 30 samples taken from a total population of 120 people using the purposive sampling technique. Data collected through tests, questionnaires, and interviews are analyzed using a t-test. The results show that the reading guide method can improve students' reading skills. Proven by the t-test result of the reading ability with a sig (2-tailed) value of 0.010 < 0.05. This statistical test implied that Ho was rejected. Ha is accepted, which means that there is a positive influence on th...

Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
This research aimed to create a prototype of the construction of learning to read Arabic with a c... more This research aimed to create a prototype of the construction of learning to read Arabic with a critical literacy approach based on the SFL GBA and its implementation in learning reading skills. The systemic functional linguistics’ genre-based approach (SFL-GBA) was used to foster a critical attitude towards reading in the scope of Arabic Language Education students’ reading skills. The method used was action research, with the hope that PBA students of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang could have critical reading competencies. The results of this study demonstrated a prototype of the construction of learning Arabic reading skills with a critical literacy approach based on the SFL GBA and the guidance of the prototype implementation in the Arabic reading skills class. After this action, students could find out the types of text, the structure, and linguistic features of the text, to later be criticized according to the data they got.

Arabiyatuna : Jurnal Bahasa Arab
This research aimed to find the pattern of three parameters of the post method in Alqurán. This s... more This research aimed to find the pattern of three parameters of the post method in Alqurán. This study adopted qualitative research with a literature review model. The object of this research was a pattern obtained from three post method parameters with al-kalimah al-miftahiyyah in Alqurán. The data collection rested upon Qur’anic verses and their interpretations To conduct data analysis, the researchers used content analysis by Klaus Krippendorff. This study revealed the patterns of three parameters of postmethod pedagogy in the Qur’an, such as; particularity from the word “hikmah” wisdom which is with the mind and has an understanding as deep research; the parameter of practicality from the words ulul albab as the symbol of deep thinking, ulul abhsar as the symbol of deep feeling, and ulin nuha as the symbol of deep character; and parameter possibility from the word as-shabr as a power in the deep application.

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan kajian Interlanguage pragmatic dengan pendekatan pemerolehan Bah... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan kajian Interlanguage pragmatic dengan pendekatan pemerolehan Bahasa Kedua. Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti yang masih saja mengalami transfer pragmatik meskipun sudah belajar bahasa Arab sampai tingkat doktoral, juga penelitian pendahuluan yang dilakukan peneliti pada bulan Mei 2012 dengan menggunakan desain yang ditawarkan Bardovi-Harligdan Kasper yang membandingkan tindak tutur bahasa Arab antara mahasiswa Indonesia dan Mahasiswa Sudan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, hasilnya menunjukkan adanya transfer pragmatic dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Berpijak dari dua postulat ini, maka fokus penelitian ini adalah apa faktor penyebab munculnya transfer pragmatik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang dan bagaimana fenomenanya? Setelah ditemukan factor penyebab dan fenomena dari terjadinya transfer pragmatik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab tersebut yang merupakan salah satu problematika dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab, diharapk...

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan kajian Interlanguage pragmatic dengan pendekatan pemerolehan Bah... more ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan kajian Interlanguage pragmatic dengan pendekatan pemerolehan Bahasa Kedua. Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti yang masih saja mengalami transfer pragmatik meskipun sudah belajar bahasa Arab sampai tingkat doktoral, juga penelitian pendahuluan yang dilakukan peneliti pada bulan Mei 2012 dengan menggunakan desain yang ditawarkan Bardovi-Harligdan Kasper yang membandingkan tindak tutur bahasa Arab antara mahasiswa Indonesia dan Mahasiswa Sudan UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, hasilnya menunjukkan adanya transfer pragmatic dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Berpijak dari dua postulat ini, maka fokus penelitian ini adalah apa faktor penyebab munculnya transfer pragmatik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab di UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang dan bagaimana fenomenanya? Setelah ditemukan factor penyebab dan fenomena dari terjadinya transfer pragmatik dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab tersebut yang merupakan salah satu problematika dalam pembelajaran bahasa Arab, diharapk...
buku ini mencakup menyingkap dua kalimat syahada
Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning, Oct 30, 2021
Learning interaction is an essential element during the online learning process. Therefore, this ... more Learning interaction is an essential element during the online learning process. Therefore, this study offers an internet-based speaking skill learning model. This study aims to describe the process, the problem, and the learning model of learning internet-based speaking skills. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with case studies, focusing on learning at state Islamic universities in East Java,

Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning, 2021
The development of the Arabic language performance curriculum in this study is carried out by rec... more The development of the Arabic language performance curriculum in this study is carried out by reconstructing the curriculum design based on ACTFL and Douglas Brown's thoughts. The development model follows the steps set by Jack C. Richard. Needs analysis is carried out by simultaneously combining objective need analysis (questionnaire and interview) with subjective need analysis (review of the ACTFL document and Douglas Brown's thoughts). The results determine that the objectives, teaching materials, learning activities of Arabic language performance learning are arranged by considering three things of necessaries, and lack. The reconstruction results show that the Arabic language performance curriculum is directed at achieving five language performance standards, namely communication, cultures, comparison, communication. And to achieve that, speaking learning activities are designed to be imitative, intensive, responsive, interactive and extensive. Meanwhile, writing skills...

Ijaz Arabi Journal of Arabic Learning, 2021
Learning interaction is an essential element during the online learning process. Therefore, this ... more Learning interaction is an essential element during the online learning process. Therefore, this study offers an internet-based speaking skill learning model. This study aims to describe the process, the problem, and the learning model of learning internet-based speaking skills. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach with case studies, focusing on learning at state Islamic universities in East Java, Indonesia, The State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, and The State Islamic University of KH. Ahmad Shiddiq Jember. For data collection, the researcher used three methods: first, observation of online speaking learning activities conducted at two universities to find out the steps of learning, secondly interviews were conducted with lecturers who teach speaking courses and also students in the class to find out the obstacles faced. and thirdly documentation in the form of photos of activities and platforms used in the learning process to complete the data. ...

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Religious Literature and Heritage (ISLAGE 2021), 2022
The solution to the pragmatic transfer experienced by Arabic learners can be found by re-reading ... more The solution to the pragmatic transfer experienced by Arabic learners can be found by re-reading Arabic turas using a pragmatic perspective born of modern linguistics. Abdul Qahir al-Jurjani's monumental work, one of the legacies of the Araby Dalail al-I'jaz turas, is studied critically with a naturalistic interpretive paradigm. It is analyzed with an intertextuality model to find its pragmatic thinking. Researchers used qualitative approach and the design was a historical text study. The results showed that Jurjani offers four pragmatic thoughts; first, producing discourse as ordered in al-nadzm theory, namely al-tandzim, al-bina', al-tartib and al-ta'liq. Second, the context offered by Jurjani uses the al-ta'dhiry al-tathbiqy approach, a blend of linguistics and ideology. The third is goal setting, and the fourth is discourse strategy. Jurjani combines linguistic and non-linguistic input in these last two cases and uses an argumentative persuasive strategy. Jurjani's offer when contextualized in solving pragmatic transfer problems is manifested in how to set learning objectives, design learning materials and learning strategies. The goal set must lead to achieving pragmatic competence. The selected material is in the form of functional texts. The chosen learning objective chooses language using a functional mindset to argumentative persuasion.
Kalimah syahadah merupakan dua kalimat yang menjadi kunci pertama yang harus dibuka untuk masuk p... more Kalimah syahadah merupakan dua kalimat yang menjadi kunci pertama yang harus dibuka untuk masuk pintu Islam. Pembahasan dalam buku ini, bagaimana implikasi dari pemahaman makna syahadah terhadap seorang muslim. Karena inilah yang menjadi puncak tujuan dari pengucapan syahadah. Menurut ajaran agama Islam tingkat iman tertinggi setelah dimanifestasikan dalam perbuatan setelah diakui secara lisan dan diyakini dalam hati. Bagaimana seharusnya kepribadian seorang setelah memahami makna syahadah. Al-Qur’an memberikan gambaran cukup rinci tentang bagaimana kepribadian seorang muslim yang diharapkan oleh Allah.
Papers by Mamluatul Hasanah