Professionalism Influence And Motivate The Job of To Effectiveness of Service of Society Health o... more Professionalism Influence And Motivate The Job of To Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang. Problem of this research is : (1) Whether Professionalism have an effect on to Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang, (2) Whether Motivation Work to have an effect on to Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang, (3) Whether Professionalism and Motivate the Job have an effect on to Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang. Research Method used in this research is survey the. Research population as much 60 officer people of Public Service Body of Area of Regency Tulang Bawang. While sampel that is as much 60 total or sampel people. Research variable is Professionalism ( X1) and motivate the job ( X2) as free varia...
The book of revelation is a book of great but his lessons were for the present. On the other hand... more The book of revelation is a book of great but his lessons were for the present. On the other hand, it also states unexpected things especially regarding Christ. The other books describe perfectly the love and grace of God, but Revelation creates a feeling or seems "terrible" to its readers. However, this is news that must be known. Just as the reader must how the love of God is so important for the reader to know God's justice. Key word: Revelation, Christ and the Book of Revelation ABSTRAK Kitab wahyu adalah sebuah kitab menyajikan hal-hal yang luar biasa berkaitan dengan masa depan dunia dan orang percaya. Hal-hal yang disampaikannnya adalah tentang masa depan tetapi pembelajarannya untuk masa kini. Di sisi lain, menyatakan juga hal hal-hal yang tidak terduga secara khususnya mengenai Kristus. Kitab-kitab yang lain menggabarkan dengan sempurna tentang kasih dan anugerah Allah, tetapi Wahyu menimbulkan suatu perasaan atau terkesan 'mengerikan' bagi pembacanya. Namun bagaimanapun ini adalah suatu berita yang harus diketahui. Sama seperti pembaca harus bagaimana kasih Allah demikian pentingnya pembaca mengetahui keadilan Allah.
Professionalism Influence And Motivate The Job of To Effectiveness of Service of Society Health o... more Professionalism Influence And Motivate The Job of To Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang. Problem of this research is : (1) Whether Professionalism have an effect on to Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang, (2) Whether Motivation Work to have an effect on to Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang, (3) Whether Professionalism and Motivate the Job have an effect on to Effectiveness of Service of Society Health of Public Service Body of Area of Hospital of Regency Tulang Bawang. Research Method used in this research is survey the. Research population as much 60 officer people of Public Service Body of Area of Regency Tulang Bawang. While sampel that is as much 60 total or sampel people. Research variable is Professionalism ( X1) and motivate the job ( X2) as free varia...
The book of revelation is a book of great but his lessons were for the present. On the other hand... more The book of revelation is a book of great but his lessons were for the present. On the other hand, it also states unexpected things especially regarding Christ. The other books describe perfectly the love and grace of God, but Revelation creates a feeling or seems "terrible" to its readers. However, this is news that must be known. Just as the reader must how the love of God is so important for the reader to know God's justice. Key word: Revelation, Christ and the Book of Revelation ABSTRAK Kitab wahyu adalah sebuah kitab menyajikan hal-hal yang luar biasa berkaitan dengan masa depan dunia dan orang percaya. Hal-hal yang disampaikannnya adalah tentang masa depan tetapi pembelajarannya untuk masa kini. Di sisi lain, menyatakan juga hal hal-hal yang tidak terduga secara khususnya mengenai Kristus. Kitab-kitab yang lain menggabarkan dengan sempurna tentang kasih dan anugerah Allah, tetapi Wahyu menimbulkan suatu perasaan atau terkesan 'mengerikan' bagi pembacanya. Namun bagaimanapun ini adalah suatu berita yang harus diketahui. Sama seperti pembaca harus bagaimana kasih Allah demikian pentingnya pembaca mengetahui keadilan Allah.
Papers by Malik Malik