Papers by Maja Pucelj
Personnel review, Apr 19, 2024
Advances in human and social aspects of technology book series, Jun 7, 2024
Policy futures in education, Jan 23, 2024
Policy Futures in Education, Oct 29, 2023

Izzivi prihodnosti, Aug 29, 2022
Background and Originality: Did the level of Islamophobia increase during COVID-19, and in what f... more Background and Originality: Did the level of Islamophobia increase during COVID-19, and in what forms did Islamophobia manifest during the mentioned period? This article aims to find out, through a systematic review, whether Islamophobia has increased during COVID-19 and in what forms Islamophobia has manifested during COVID-19. The originality of the research is reflected in a thorough systematic review of the available literature in the field of Islamophobia at the time of COVID-19. The article's topic, which is relatively new and consequently under-researched, focused on examining the rise and manifestations of Islamophobia during COVID-19 to identify relevant societal challenges of the future. Method: A systematic review of Islamophobia during COVID-19 was conducted in the following databases: Scopus, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Base (Open Access), Springer Nature, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, SAGE, Wiley Online Library, and Emerald. Additional articles from other sources were identified by examining reference lists of studies found during database searches. Results: Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, our systematic review found 19 articles published in English between January 2020 and January 2022. We found that the level of Islamophobia jumped during COVID-19 and that Islamophobia shifted to online media during the strict lockdown but remained present in physical form. Organization: Although the implications of the research for organizations are indirect, knowledge of the manifestations of Islamophobia during COVID-19 may provide employers with an understanding of the plight of Muslims employed in organizations and enable them to take specific measures to alleviate the psychological distress of their Muslim employees. Society: It is important for society to work for peaceful coexistence and mutual understanding in a pluralistic, democratic society and to make additional efforts to reduce the level of Islamophobia, hate speech and hate crimes against Muslims and to condemn all forms of discrimination and persecution against Muslims. Limitations/further research: As a limitation of our study, we must point out the relatively small amount of relevant literature on the studied topic, which is due to the relatively short period of study of Islamophobia in the COVID-19 period. We suggest that for further research, researchers should also focus on the manifestation of Islamophobia during the COVID-19 period in physical form, as the various research studies that we were able to find and evaluate for this systematic review focused mainly on the online implications of Islamophobia.

Personnel Review, 2024
This paper aims to provide an elucidative and explanatory overview of decision-making the... more Purpose
This paper aims to provide an elucidative and explanatory overview of decision-making theory that human resource management and development (HR) researchers and practitioners can use to explore the impact of heuristics and biases on organizational decisions, particularly within HR contexts.
This paper draws upon three theoretical resources anchored in decision-making research: the theory of bounded rationality, the heuristics and biases program, and cognitive-experiential self-theory (CEST). A selective narrative review approach was adopted to identify, translate, and contextualize research findings that provide immense applicability, connection, and significance to the field and study of HR.
The authors extract key insights from the theoretical resources surveyed and illustrate the linkages between HR and decision-making research, presenting a theoretical framework to guide future research endeavors.
Practical implications
Decades of decision-making research have been distilled into a digestible and accessible framework that offers both theoretical and practical implications.
Heuristics are mental shortcuts that facilitate quick decisions by simplifying complexity and reducing effort needed to solve problems. Heuristic strategies can yield favorable outcomes, especially amid time and information constraints. However, heuristics can also introduce systematic judgment errors known as biases. Biases are pervasive within organizational settings and can lead to disastrous decisions. This paper provides HR scholars and professionals with a balanced, nuanced, and integrative framework to better understand heuristics and biases and explore their organizational impact. To that end, a forward-looking and direction-setting research agenda is presented.

Even though hate speech is an extreme form of intolerance, which contributes to hate crime, the a... more Even though hate speech is an extreme form of intolerance, which contributes to hate crime, the assessment of this particular behavior and its expressions is often problematic, because hate speech is difficult to define and even more difficult to investigate and punish. In the present article, the authors analyze the development of human rights standards (in particular as interpreted in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights) regarding freedom of expression and hate speech and look at their application in Poland and Slovenia through a comparative analysis of Polish and Slovenian law and practice. We noticed that challenges with fulfilling international obligations to adequately respond to and fight hate speech can be observed and that some room for improvement on the level of lawmaking, policymaking, and their effective implementation is present. The most evident challenge remains in the low rates of prosecution of hate crimes recorded by the police, which need to be add...
State, Religion and Muslims, 2020
State, Religion and Muslims, 2020

Poligrafi, Dec 19, 2019
Zakrivanje v zahodnem svetu sproža številne burne odzive v javnem, medijskem in tudi političnem d... more Zakrivanje v zahodnem svetu sproža številne burne odzive v javnem, medijskem in tudi političnem diskurzu. To je po mnenju Tjaše Učakar in Ksenije Vidmar »tisto polje, na katerem se na Zahodu danes najučinkoviteje vzpostavlja ideološka distinkcija o družbenem položaju ženske«. 1 Različne oblike muslimanskih zakrival (kot so i) naglavna pokrivala, med katera štejemo hidžab, al-amiro in šajlo; ii) nikab; iii) plašči, med katere štejemo čador in kimar; iv) burka; v) obleke, med katere štejemo abajo in džilibab) so pomemben »socialni, kulturni in verski simbol ter predstavlja[jo] osrednji element identitete milijonom muslimanskih žensk po svetu«. 2 Vprašanje zakrivanja pa nikakor ni omejeno le na islam, kakor se velikokrat napačno navaja v javnomedijskem diskurzu, kar potrjuje tudi Vesna Bočko, ki navaja, da pokrivanje žensk ni tipično muslimanski pojav. 3 Navedene oblike zakrivanja, ki se pojavljajo v različnih barvah in oblikah, so bile običajne v številnih kulturah že pred prihodom islama, kar potrjujejo številni avtorji 4 in bo na kratko 1

Burka in nikab, muslimanski oblacili, ki prekrivata obraz, sta v Evropi povzrocili stevilne razpr... more Burka in nikab, muslimanski oblacili, ki prekrivata obraz, sta v Evropi povzrocili stevilne razprave o verski svobodi, enakopravnosti žensk, sekularni tradiciji in izraženih varnostnih pomislekih v kontekstu strahu pred terorizmom. Clanek postavlja v sredisce percepcijo zakrivanja muslimanskih žensk s kljucnim, za zdaj se neraziskanim raziskovalnim vprasanjem, ali je odklonilno mnenje do zakrivanja muslimanskih žensk, ki smo mu prica v javnem, medijskem in politicnem diskurzu, posledica strahu pred zakrivanjem obraza in s tem nezmožnostjo komuniciranja ali gre za varnostni pomislek ali za niti ne tako prikrito posledico kulturnega rasizma ali pa ne nazadnje le za zavracanje muslimanske religije? Skozi teoreticno in kvantitativno raziskavo, ki smo jo s pomocjo spletnega anketiranja opravili decembra 2018 in v kateri je sodelovalo 253 priložnostno, po nacelu snežne kepe izbranih anketirancev, smo ugotovili, da je odklonilno mnenje splosne javnosti preplet vseh navedenih predpostavk, z...

Monitor ISH
This paper presents an overview of the chosen historical events that led to the current distribut... more This paper presents an overview of the chosen historical events that led to the current distribution of the power between the two diametric poles - the West and the East, and consequently contributed to a negative evaluation of the Muslims and stereotyping them as others. Eurocentric mentality became even more evident during the time of the modern migrations, by which we primarily have in mind the influx of the refugees and migrants mainly from the Middle East and North Africa, which occurred in the recent years. The contribution highlights the exceptional importance of the historical events that led up to the fact that the Muslims, who live in the West, as well as refugees and migrants, which came from the Middle East and North Africa in recent years, are perceived as others in the West, are strongly negatively evaluated and are faced with the rise of the hate speech, Islamophobia and difficulties in order to integrate into society.

POVZETEK Članek se osredotoča na vzpostavitev ustrezne lestvice za merjenje ravni islamofobije do... more POVZETEK Članek se osredotoča na vzpostavitev ustrezne lestvice za merjenje ravni islamofobije do (muslimanskih) beguncev in migrantov iz Bližnjega vzhoda in severne Afrike ter muslimanskih rezidentov, na primeru Slovenije. Izhodiščno raziskovalno vprašanje je, ali so obstoječe lestvice za merjenje islamofobije ustrezne za merjenje ravni islamofobije skozi dva konstrukta, tj. ravni islamofobije do muslimanov rezidentov ter do muslimanskih beguncev in migrantov iz Bližnjega vzhoda in severne Afrike, tako s stališča muslimanov kot nemuslimanov, za primer Slovenije. Metodološko članek temelji na uporabi metode deskripcije, s katero smo pregledali obstoječe lestvice za merjenje islamofobije, izbiri najprimernejše ter vsebinski in geografski nadgradnji izbrane lestvice za merjenje islamofobije, ki so jo vzpostavili Kunst idr. (2012). Vzpostavljeno lestvico za merjenje islamofobije za primer Slovenije smo testirali v smislu zanesljivosti, kjer smo za določanje zanesljivosti interne konsistentnosti uporabili koeficient Cronbach Alpha. Omenjena lestvica je bila uporabljena za izvedbo empirične kvantitativne raziskave, tj. ankete med muslimani in nemuslimani v Sloveniji (junij-julij 2016), kjer smo merili raven islamofobije med obema družbenima skupinama. Ključne besede: islamofobija, muslimanski begunci, muslimanski migranti, muslimani rezidenti, lestvica SUMMARY The article focuses on the establishment of an appropriate scale for measuring the level of Islamophobia toward (Muslim) refugees and migrants from the Middle East and North Africa as well as Muslim residents in the case of Slovenia. The baseline research question is whether the existing scale for measuring Islamophobia is appropriate to measure the level of Islamophobia through two constructs, i.e. the level of Islamophobia toward Muslim residents as well as Muslim refugees and migrants from the Middle East and North Africa, both from the point of view of Muslims and non-Muslims, in Slovenia. Methodologically, the article is based on the use of a description method by which we have reviewed the existing scales for measuring Islamophobia, chosen the most appropriate one and made a substantive and geographical upgrade to the selected scales for measuring Islamophobia, which was established by Kunst at all. (2012). The established scale of measuring Islamophobia in the case of Slovenia was tested in terms of reliability, where the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of its internal consistency. The said scale was used to carry out a quantitative empirical research, i.e. a survey between Muslims and non-Muslims in Slovenia (June-July 2016), where we have measured the level of Islamophobia between the two social groups.

Sovražni govor proti beguncem in migrantom, 1 muslimanom in zakritim muslimanskim ženskam 2 v Slo... more Sovražni govor proti beguncem in migrantom, 1 muslimanom in zakritim muslimanskim ženskam 2 v Sloveniji Povzetek Članek se osredinja na sovražni govor proti beguncem in migrantom z Bližnjega vzhoda in iz severne Afrike, ki so na Zahod prišli zlasti z zadnjimi množičnimi migracijami v letih 2015 in 2016, ter proti muslimanom in zakritim muslimanskim ženskam v Sloveniji. Izhodiščni raziskovalni vprašanji sta dve, in sicer: I. Ali je sovražni govor, ki je v zadnjem času usmerjen predvsem proti beguncem, migrantom z omenjenih območij, vplival tudi na porast sovražnega govora proti muslimanom, ki živijo v Sloveniji? in II. Ali sovražni govor proti zakritim muslimanskim ženskam v Sloveniji sploh obstaja in ali se v zadnjih letih celo povečuje? Metodološko članek temelji na spletni anketi, junija in julija 2016 izvedeni v Sloveniji, ter trinajstih polstrukturiranih intervjujih z zakritimi muslimanskimi ženskami v Sloveniji, ki svojo versko in identitetno pripadnost izkazujejo z zakrivanjem posameznih delov ali celega telesa. Rezultati spletne ankete med drugim kažejo, da sovražni govor proti omenjenim družbenim skupinam obstaja in da se ta zaradi beguncev in migrantov z Bližnjega vzhoda in iz severne Afrike tudi povečuje. Tudi sovražni govor proti zakritim muslimanskim ženskam glede na ugotovitve iz opravljenih intervjujev obstaja in se povečuje. Intervjuvanke ga zaznavajo predvsem posredno (skozi komunikacijske kanale, kot so množični mediji in družbena omrežja, in nespoštljive pripombe, ki so jih deležne na ulici), le izjemoma pa neposredno (skozi verbalni sovražni govor in sovražno fizično nasilje). Ključne besede: sovražni govor, begunci, migranti, muslimani, zakrite muslimanske ženske, islam Abstract The article focuses on hate speech towards refugees and migrants from Middle East and Northern Africa that had come to the West during the last mass migration in 2015 and 2016, and towards Muslims and covered Muslim women in Slovenia. We begin the article with two research questions: I) did the hate speech, lately aimed largely at refugees and migrants from Middle East and Northern 1 Avtorici se zavedata kompleksnosti ločevanja med terminoma, kot sta begunec in migrant, ki sta v realnosti človeškega življenja težko ločljivi in fluidni. Razlikovanje med terminoma v članku izhaja iz opredelitve Visokega komisariata Združenih narodov za begunce (UNHCR), ki termin begunec uporablja za »ljudi, ki bežijo čez mednarodne meje pred vojno ali preganjanjem«, termin migrant pa za »ljudi, ki se selijo zaradi razlogov, ki niso vključeni v pravno opredelitev begunca« (UNIS, 2015). 2 Avtorici pod pojmom zakrite muslimanske ženske razumeta celoten spekter načinov zakrivanja, kot jih uporabljajo zakrite ženske v islamu, torej od naglavnih pokrival, kot so hidžab, al-amira in šajla ter nikab, plaščev, kot so čador, kimar in burka, do oblek, kot sta denimo abaja in džilbab.

This study is mainly concerned with the conceptions of successful and unsuccessful integration be... more This study is mainly concerned with the conceptions of successful and unsuccessful integration between Muslims and Non-Muslims in Slovenia. In September and October 2013 using the method of quantitative and qualitative approach, a research was conducted to determine the Muslim and Non-Muslim understanding of successful and unsuccessful integration in Slovenia. The data of research through survey consisted of non-random sample of 207 respondents, of whom 154 were non-Muslims 1 and 53 respondents were individuals of Islamic 1 We are deliberately choosing antithesis Muslims-non-Muslims, because simultaneously with the definition of one social research group, necessary for empirical research (eg. Muslims), by establishing antithesis (eg-non-Muslims) we can determine other social research group. At the same time, we are aware of the problem of generalization and consequently of simplification, which are the result of such viewing on the subject matter and are aware of the bias of such partition. Muslims are in the traditional, normative Western discourses presented as the other, so through such partition we give them the possibility of personal expression, we give them the word, and thus the subjectivity: the focus of our research will be on their (self) expression and not on the perception of non-Muslims, which it is also a unique contribution to our work to slovenian research of given problematic. With this approach, we want to relativize the dominant position of identifying the World with the Western world's perception of the society. faith. And the data of the interview consist out of 4 interviewees, which present visible representatives of the Islamic community. The findings reveal that Muslims and non-Muslims in Slovenia endorse different conceptualizations of integration and often put emphasis on different factors of integration. These findings show on what state policies should focus on to effectively integrate its minorities including those of Muslim faith.
Books by Maja Pucelj

European Islamophobia Report 2022, 2023
By gathering 26 local scholars and experts specialised in racism and human rights, the eighth edi... more By gathering 26 local scholars and experts specialised in racism and human rights, the eighth edition of the European Islamophobia Report addresses the state and development of Islamophobia across Europe in 2022. All 23 national reports included in this year’s annual edition invite policymakers, civil society, scholars, and all people interested in Islamophobia to gain insight and knowledge on the most important incidents and data regarding Islamophobia in Europe in 2022. Since the first publication of this report covering the year 2015, the European Islamophobia Report has become a cutting-edge source for information on Islamophobia in the fields of politics, media, employment, education, and justice. The annual report also exposes European Islamophobia networks and highlights initiatives to counter anti-Muslim racism.
The present report investigates in detail the underlying dynamics that directly or indirectly contribute to the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe. This extends from Islamophobic statements spread in national media to laws and policies that restrain the fundamental rights of European Muslim citizens and ultimately threaten society as a whole. As a result, the European Islamophobia Report 2022 discusses the impact of anti-Muslim racism on human rights such as freedom of association, freedom of speech, and religious freedom, and the state of law in Europe.
This eighth edition of our report reviews the effects of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the coverage of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar in European media, and how anti-Muslim legislation and measures in states like Austria and France have developed and have been fought by civil society. The 23 country reports demonstrate how governments, political parties, and media participate and counteract in reproducing discourses that put the fundamental rights of European citizens in jeopardy.
This compendium of useful insights and data aims to provide European policymakers, institutions, and NGOs with recommendations on how to tackle anti-Muslim racism in Europe both effectively and systematically.
Conference Presentations by Maja Pucelj
Book of proceedings, 2024
International Scientific Conference »HEARD - The impact of COVID-19 crisis on diverse democrati... more International Scientific Conference »HEARD - The impact of COVID-19 crisis on diverse democratic perspectives through gender perspective«
Papers by Maja Pucelj
This paper aims to provide an elucidative and explanatory overview of decision-making theory that human resource management and development (HR) researchers and practitioners can use to explore the impact of heuristics and biases on organizational decisions, particularly within HR contexts.
This paper draws upon three theoretical resources anchored in decision-making research: the theory of bounded rationality, the heuristics and biases program, and cognitive-experiential self-theory (CEST). A selective narrative review approach was adopted to identify, translate, and contextualize research findings that provide immense applicability, connection, and significance to the field and study of HR.
The authors extract key insights from the theoretical resources surveyed and illustrate the linkages between HR and decision-making research, presenting a theoretical framework to guide future research endeavors.
Practical implications
Decades of decision-making research have been distilled into a digestible and accessible framework that offers both theoretical and practical implications.
Heuristics are mental shortcuts that facilitate quick decisions by simplifying complexity and reducing effort needed to solve problems. Heuristic strategies can yield favorable outcomes, especially amid time and information constraints. However, heuristics can also introduce systematic judgment errors known as biases. Biases are pervasive within organizational settings and can lead to disastrous decisions. This paper provides HR scholars and professionals with a balanced, nuanced, and integrative framework to better understand heuristics and biases and explore their organizational impact. To that end, a forward-looking and direction-setting research agenda is presented.
Books by Maja Pucelj
The present report investigates in detail the underlying dynamics that directly or indirectly contribute to the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe. This extends from Islamophobic statements spread in national media to laws and policies that restrain the fundamental rights of European Muslim citizens and ultimately threaten society as a whole. As a result, the European Islamophobia Report 2022 discusses the impact of anti-Muslim racism on human rights such as freedom of association, freedom of speech, and religious freedom, and the state of law in Europe.
This eighth edition of our report reviews the effects of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the coverage of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar in European media, and how anti-Muslim legislation and measures in states like Austria and France have developed and have been fought by civil society. The 23 country reports demonstrate how governments, political parties, and media participate and counteract in reproducing discourses that put the fundamental rights of European citizens in jeopardy.
This compendium of useful insights and data aims to provide European policymakers, institutions, and NGOs with recommendations on how to tackle anti-Muslim racism in Europe both effectively and systematically.
Conference Presentations by Maja Pucelj
This paper aims to provide an elucidative and explanatory overview of decision-making theory that human resource management and development (HR) researchers and practitioners can use to explore the impact of heuristics and biases on organizational decisions, particularly within HR contexts.
This paper draws upon three theoretical resources anchored in decision-making research: the theory of bounded rationality, the heuristics and biases program, and cognitive-experiential self-theory (CEST). A selective narrative review approach was adopted to identify, translate, and contextualize research findings that provide immense applicability, connection, and significance to the field and study of HR.
The authors extract key insights from the theoretical resources surveyed and illustrate the linkages between HR and decision-making research, presenting a theoretical framework to guide future research endeavors.
Practical implications
Decades of decision-making research have been distilled into a digestible and accessible framework that offers both theoretical and practical implications.
Heuristics are mental shortcuts that facilitate quick decisions by simplifying complexity and reducing effort needed to solve problems. Heuristic strategies can yield favorable outcomes, especially amid time and information constraints. However, heuristics can also introduce systematic judgment errors known as biases. Biases are pervasive within organizational settings and can lead to disastrous decisions. This paper provides HR scholars and professionals with a balanced, nuanced, and integrative framework to better understand heuristics and biases and explore their organizational impact. To that end, a forward-looking and direction-setting research agenda is presented.
The present report investigates in detail the underlying dynamics that directly or indirectly contribute to the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe. This extends from Islamophobic statements spread in national media to laws and policies that restrain the fundamental rights of European Muslim citizens and ultimately threaten society as a whole. As a result, the European Islamophobia Report 2022 discusses the impact of anti-Muslim racism on human rights such as freedom of association, freedom of speech, and religious freedom, and the state of law in Europe.
This eighth edition of our report reviews the effects of the ongoing war in Ukraine, the coverage of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar in European media, and how anti-Muslim legislation and measures in states like Austria and France have developed and have been fought by civil society. The 23 country reports demonstrate how governments, political parties, and media participate and counteract in reproducing discourses that put the fundamental rights of European citizens in jeopardy.
This compendium of useful insights and data aims to provide European policymakers, institutions, and NGOs with recommendations on how to tackle anti-Muslim racism in Europe both effectively and systematically.