Papers by Maitree INPRASITHA

Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities
This study aimed to investigate the cognitive aspects of the mathematical reasoning habits of 3rd... more This study aimed to investigate the cognitive aspects of the mathematical reasoning habits of 3rd Grade students by utilizing Lesson Study (LS) and Open Approach (OA) in teaching mathematics. The cognitive aspects of mathematical reasoning habits are a powerful complement to teaching mathematics because they are particularly focused on skills and procedures. However, the major problem with teaching mathematical reasoning is that teachers cannot teach mathematical reasoning habits directly but can set up tasks that encourage reasoning. A total of eight students were purposively selected as they have been taught using OA treatment in the LS process for two years, from 2016 to 2018. Four study instruments were used: lesson plans, activity worksheets, field notes, and an interview protocol. In addition, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) (2009) framework, consisting of four cognitive aspects of mathematical reasoning habits, namely (i) analyzing a problem; (ii) imple...

International Journal for Lesson & Learning Studies, 2022
PurposeThis research explores the “transformation” ideas of Japanese Lesson Study (LS) and Open A... more PurposeThis research explores the “transformation” ideas of Japanese Lesson Study (LS) and Open Approach (OA) to create and sustain a Thailand LS incorporated OA (TLSOA) model to successfully adapt to the local contexts. Although LS is spreading globally, previous studies have identified several challenges to its implementation.Design/methodology/approachThe researcher employed a longitudinal research design that involved repeated investigations of a group of participants: from their fourth year as bachelor's degree students until they became eligible coordinators to practice the TLSOA model for teachers' professional development (PD). Data were collected using reflective journals, two types of survey questionnaires, and records of periodical reflective meetings over three cohorts.FindingsAs results reveal, the participating teachers' active engagement in the TLSOA model has made a positive impact on their teaching practices, collegiality, and professional self-identific...
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM 2018), 2019

International Educational Research, 2021
The purpose of this research was planned to explore graduate students’ core values in the context... more The purpose of this research was planned to explore graduate students’ core values in the context of the Lesson Study process. The selected research institute is a Faculty of Education of a public university in Khon Kaen province, Thailand. A total of 59 samples were purposively selected to participate in a survey. The target group was selected based on the condition that they are studying Mathematics Education Graduate Program for not less than one year and have practiced several cycles of the Lesson Study process during their studies. The target group consisted of 40 and 19 samples who are currently doing their master’s and doctoral studies, respectively. This research utilized the Thailand Lesson Study Model (Inprasitha, 2010) consisting of three steps, namely (i) collaboratively design a research lesson (Plan); (ii) collaboratively observe the research lesson (Do), and (iii) collaboratively discuss and reflect on the research lesson (See) in terms of the four core values, namely...

The aim of this study was to explore teachers` values about teaching mathematics in the classroom... more The aim of this study was to explore teachers` values about teaching mathematics in the classrooms which implemented Lesson Study and Open Approach as a teaching approach. The targeted group was 83 school teachers from 4 schools participating in a teacher professional development project. The data was gathered through teacher questionnaires, lesson observations and interviews. Data analysis is based on Bishop`s (1988; 2003; 2007) and Komin`s (1990) frameworks. The results from the implementation of Lesson Study and Open Approach in Thai classroom found the different of the roles and behaviors of teachers and students in classroom. The results revealed 3 kinds of values about teaching: Mathematical values, General educational values, Mathematics educational values and also found that most of the teachers valued problem solving as an innovative teaching approach as against traditional ap-proaches they were familiar with.

Before entering the 21st century, most of affluent countries have been preparing new skills for t... more Before entering the 21st century, most of affluent countries have been preparing new skills for their children while most of non-affluent countries do not recognize this shift. Report on TIMSS and PISA is a good evidence for the difference. However, during the last decade before entering the 21st century, all of the countries across the world have become recognized the necessity of 21st century skills and attempting to improve their school education to serve these skill demand for their citizen. If taking Thailand as a case, it has been undergoing an educational reform movement since 1999, after the first Educational Act was launched. A number of educational institutions have been attempting to respond to the national agenda, to reform learning process, and respond to the new demand of 2001 curriculum which emphasis on the integration of three major components of the curriculum: subject matters, skills and learning processes, and desirable characters. This paper describes a decade o...

Creative Education, 2019
The purpose of this research was to investigate students' speaking skills in mathematics classroo... more The purpose of this research was to investigate students' speaking skills in mathematics classroom using Lesson Study and Open Approach. The target group comprised twenty-nine students in a first-grade mathematics classroom using open approach as a teaching approach. During the 2018 schoolyear, data was collected used a questionnaire based on framework of Isoda, Morita, and Nobuchi (2009 cited in Inprasitha, 2014) and classroom observation in the context of classroom using lesson study and open approach based on Inprasitha (2010, 2011). Research found that students' speaking skills in mathematics classroom using open approach at the following levels: level one included students who spoke with a clear voice (17.24%); level two included students who presented their ideas step by step (51.72%); level three included students who complemented their speech with pictures or tables to explain their reason (24.13%); level four included students who spoke connections their reasoning and the subject of what they previously learned (3.45%); and level five included students who provided explanations with useful information that was easy to understand, observing the condition of their peers when they spoke (3.45%).

Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 2021
The qualitative educational research synthesis of this paper is the incorporation of existing kno... more The qualitative educational research synthesis of this paper is the incorporation of existing knowledge and the research results using Lesson Study and Open Approach innovations that relevant to the concern of students’ mathematical thinking development. The purpose of synthesis is to upsurge the generalization and pertinency of new knowledge development based on the results in incorporation the two innovations. Researchers employed document analysis to analyze the evidence of 266 postgraduate studies from the academic year 2003 to 2020. The research procedure consists of three stages. The results from the first stage showed that there are six research classifications identified, namely teacher and teaching, students and learning, assessment, classroom innovations, curriculum development, and educational policy. The research findings of the second phase indicated that there was a total of 210 studies (78.95%) were employing Open Approach incorporated in the Lesson Study process. Mor...

Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal, 2021
The research was aimed to investigate six-lesson study team members in designing mathematical ac... more The research was aimed to investigate six-lesson study team members in designing mathematical activities to develop students’ mathematization using Open Approach in the second step of the Lesson Study process in teaching decimal numbers. A total of 16 Grade 4 students participated as the target group. Three instruments were used namely lesson plans, student worksheets, and observation field notes. Researchers employed ethnographic research design to study how the mathematical activities could assist students to develop their mathematical ideas from the real world to the mathematical world through a flow of lessons over the four stages of the Open Approach along with the Lesson Study process. The research results revealed that a series of five research lesson plans encompassing various mathematical activities were successfully encouraging students to elaborate their ideas and transmitting their ideas from the real-world to the mathematical world using semi-concrete aids. Moreover, ...

Psychology, 2018
The objective of this study is to analyze what characteristics are of early grade students' algeb... more The objective of this study is to analyze what characteristics are of early grade students' algebraic reasoning in context of open approach and lesson study. Ethnographic study was employed to conduct in this qualitative study. The study was carried out in one mathematics classroom which is a case study of this study and it is the case of classroom which has been using open approach and lesson study since 2006. The 3 teachers are as a member of school lesson study team participated the study as informant and so were 10 students from the class. The data were collected through 9 consecutive lessons by observation with audio-video tape recording, interview, students' written works and daily field notes. The lessons were designed by carrying into 4 steps of open approach: posing problem, students' self-learning, whole class discussion and comparison, and summing-up by connecting students' emergent mathematical ideas. All activities were guided by Thai version of 1 st grade Japan mathematics textbook. The results showed that characteristics of first grade students' algebraic reasoning are as follows: 1) using algebraic expressions to represent addition situation and posing situation to represent given expressions, 2) constructing and using a tool to find problem results more easily, 3) extending solutions to another domain of number, 4) using various representations to justify their ways of thinking, and 5) reasoning about relations among numbers. The algebraic reasoning occurred under the condition that teachers and students had connected among 3 worlds oriented to Inprasitha's approach: real world, semi-concrete world, and mathematics world.

Psychology, 2019
This research aims to analyze how and what teachers learn in community of implementing mathematic... more This research aims to analyze how and what teachers learn in community of implementing mathematics textbooks with Lesson Study and Open Approach about addition in number and operations for first grade. The participants were 2 teachers who use the textbook in the classroom using Lesson Study and Open Approach. The mathematics textbooks for this study were Japanese mathematics textbooks (Thai version), and consist of mathematics activities, flow of lesson, and students' mathematical ideas (Inprasitha, 2015b). The data were collected in October 2015 by interview and classroom observation with video recording. The data were analyzed based on communities of practice (CoP) from Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder (2002), and Shulman & Shulman (2004). The result of this research found that how and what teachers learned in community of implementing mathematics textbooks with Lesson Study and Open Approach, are 2 aspects: 1) teachers learned about the content of mathematics from their sharing on the textbook and students' ideas together, and 2) teachers learned how to teach the content, through using the textbook for sharing anticipating students' ideas, observing students' ideas, and reflecting by using evidence from students' ideas that appeared in classroom.

Creative Education, 2019
This study aimed to analyze boundaries of the community of teachers' implementing the mathematics... more This study aimed to analyze boundaries of the community of teachers' implementing the mathematics textbooks with Lesson Study and Open Approach. For this study, Mathematics textbooks were Japanese mathematics textbooks (Thai version), consisting of mathematics problems, flow of lesson, and students' mathematical ideas. The participants were 2 expert teachers who use the textbooks in the classroom using Lesson Study and Open Approach since 2013. The data were collected in 2017 school year by using interview and classroom observation with video recording. The data were analyzed based on Wenger, McDermott, & Snyder (2002)'s framework of community of practice. The results showed that the teachers practiced in 3 boundaries of the community: 1) within school-every week, they use the textbooks to design mathematical problems and anticipating students' ideas with their school team, then they teach the lesson and observe students' ideas in the classroom, and they reflect on students' ideas that occurred in their classroom, 2) across schools-every semester, they form team with teachers who work in different schools of the project to design/observe/reflect a classroom by using the textbooks in school open class activity, and 3) across organization boundaries-every year, they and their school network participated in the activities, the national open class, the workshop for school teachers, the national and international conference, that help them to understand students' ideas via classroom by using the textbooks and sharing with their school teachers and university experts.
Creative Education, 2019
This study aimed to investigate how pre-service teachers work as a part of the lesson study team.... more This study aimed to investigate how pre-service teachers work as a part of the lesson study team. Participants were the first grade lesson study team which consisted of one teacher, two graduate students, two university professors, and two pre-service teachers (2017-2018 academic year) in Mathematics Education Program,
Psychology, 2019
Developing innovations in teaching and learning mathematics by focusing on the process of develop... more Developing innovations in teaching and learning mathematics by focusing on the process of developing and sharing good practices was more important than importing good practice from other places (Inprasitha, Isoda, Wang-Iverson, & Yeap, 2015b). Similarly, the Lesson Study project in Khon Kaen University and the (CO) 2 MP Elementary project in the United States seek to engage practicing teachers in developing their instruction of mathematics through Lesson Study incorporating Open Approach (Inprasitha, 2010) rather than giving them prescribed sets of curriculum to teach. The study examines the teaching practices and learning of teachers in Thailand and the United States as they participated in a modify Lesson Study within their respective schools.

Psychology, 2019
This study was aimed to analyze how students' mathematical ideas emerged through a flow of lesson... more This study was aimed to analyze how students' mathematical ideas emerged through a flow of lesson in mathematics classroom using Lesson Study and Open Approach. A context of the study was the Open Approach as a teaching approach and the Lesson Study as a way to improve the quality of teaching (Inprasitha, 2015a). The flow of lesson, likewise, is considered to be a tool for accessing to students' ideas when the students are involved in problem solving and connection between students' real world and mathematical world (Inprasitha, 2017b). Ethnographic study was employed as a research methodology in this qualitative study by using a participative research design to form a lesson study team for collaborative designing of lesson plans guided by Thai version of Japanese mathematics textbooks. Research results were shown that the students' mathematical ideas emerged, through the flow of lesson, when the students' ideas of a problem solving were mathematized as follows: 1) the mathematical ideas were extended through representations of real world, 2) the mathematical ideas were extended and generalized through semi-concrete aids, and 3) the mathematical ideas were generalized through representations of mathematical world. The processes of mathematization (Isoda & Katagiri, 2012), furthermore, were accomplished when the students' mathematical ideas become "how to" or tools for learning for the next lessons.
Creative Education, 2015
This research was aimed at investigating the process of designing mathematical tasks on addition ... more This research was aimed at investigating the process of designing mathematical tasks on addition of teachers using lesson study. It employed the qualitative research method. An analysis was performed on data obtained from discussion protocols of the Lesson Study team during the development of lesson plan of Unit 8: Addition (2) and questionnaire on the designing of mathematical tasks. Results of the research indicated that the lesson study team utilized the following processes for designing mathematical tasks: 1) determining the lesson goal; 2) interpreting the mathematical tasks; 3) identifying the use of mathematical tasks; and 4) anticipating students' approaches.

This case study was conducted by qualitative research design consisting ethnographic approach, te... more This case study was conducted by qualitative research design consisting ethnographic approach, teaching experiment, protocol analysis and analytic description. The objective of the study was to analyze cognitive aspect and emotional aspect in students' mathematical communication in teacher professional development innovates by lesson study and open approach. The targeted group was 23 first graders at Ban Bungniambungkrinoon School, Khon Kaen Province. Three Problem situations; school bus problem (6+3+4), playing sand in playground (7+5-8) and eating apples(13-4-2) was used as learning activity in this teaching experiment. The data from classroom teaching episodes was analyzed by protocol analysis according to characteristics of mathematical communication as an cognitive aspect proposed by Emori (2005), then analyzed emotional experience as an emotional aspect proposed by Inprasitha (2001). Research findings revealed that mathematics classroom taught by open approach through 4 steps; posing open-ended problem situation, student's self learning, whole class discussion and summary through connection; three characteristics of mathematical communication in view of cognitive aspect found in classroom were rigorousness, economy and freedom. Moreover, in view of emotional aspect we found that student have emotional experience in every step of teaching. Emotional experience that often occurred were self confidence, excitement and enjoyment, introspectiveness, paying attention, accepting other ideas, awaiting answers and amazing respectively. From the findings of this research, not only the cognitive aspect could be evaluating mathematical communication in classroom, but also emotional aspect can help teacher to understand students' mathematical concept and develop them.

Psychology, 2012
The objective of mathematics learning and teaching was to develop students' concept in content so... more The objective of mathematics learning and teaching was to develop students' concept in content so that the persons as teachers, educators, and researchers would try to search for instruments, and know for comprehending the students' existing concepts. The study abstraction process based on compression into thinkable concept was to be a major guideline in considering and findings answer in order to understand the students' concept (Gray & Tall, 2007). In Thai classroom using Lesson Study and Open Approach produced the students' mathematical thinking by using open-ended problems with designed material for supporting interaction of students and their problem solving arithmetic (Inprasitha, 1997). According to view of Tall (2007a) suggested a parallel construction of compression in the symbolism and embodiment to thinkable concept. This paper aim to analyze the students' abstraction process based on compression into thinkable concept from blending embodiment and symbolism. The four first grader as targeted group at Kookham Pittayasan School, a project school with supported by CRME, Faculty of Education, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. For research design used ethnographic study and teaching experiment. The collected data were used video analysis, interviewing, and students' task analysis. The research revealed that, the students' thinking shift steadily from performing sequence of parallel compression from actions being linked together in increasingly sophisticated ways to thinkable concept in embodiment and symbolism. This research revealed that Lesson Study incorporated Open Approach as teaching approach provided to students' abstraction process from considering that they manipulated with designed materials for supporting and checking their various symbolic thinking before into same effect on arithmetic operation.

Psychology, 2012
This research was aimed to analyze and develop Small-group Mathematical Communication (SMC) as Ma... more This research was aimed to analyze and develop Small-group Mathematical Communication (SMC) as Mathematical Learning Process (MLP) of the seventh grade students in Ban-beung-neam-beung-krainoon school for the school year 2008-2010 by adapting the Lesson Study and Open Approach which were innovations from Japan in order to be a context as well as guidelines for practice enhancing the students' MLP. The teaching experiment (Steffe & Thomson, 2000) as a research methodology was used in designing the lesson plan, and studying students' MLP. The data were collected by using the video-audio recordings in classroom activities, video-stimulated interviewing the students, and interviewing the teacher. Data were also analyzed utilizing a video and protocol analysis. The research findings found that the students had SMC in mathematics classroom adapting Lesson Study and Open Approach. The students learned mathematics more meaningfully by themselves based on sharing mathematical ideas in order to create the shared meaning and leading to shared goal. They participated in SMC regularly. As a result, they developed a "habit of mind" which was led to a sustainable Mathematical Learning Process.
Creative Education, 2014
This study aims to investigate language and symbol students use in Thai mathematical classroom in... more This study aims to investigate language and symbol students use in Thai mathematical classroom in the context of Lesson Study and Open Approach. The results reveal that the students use language and symbol in three characteristics. Firstly, the students use mathematical symbols to represent mathematical operations. Secondly, the students use oral words to communicate their ideas of mathematical operations. Thirdly, the students draw figures and use diagrams to communicate their ideas of mathematical operations.
Papers by Maitree INPRASITHA