Papers by Maite Aurrekoetxea Casaus
Applied sciences, May 22, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Education sciences, Apr 23, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Sports, Mar 31, 2024
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Deleted Journal, Feb 7, 2024

Journal of International Migration and Integration, Oct 10, 2023
This research aimed to describe the use and functionality that migrant women provide to social ne... more This research aimed to describe the use and functionality that migrant women provide to social networks and the role they play in the social integration of migrant women. Using a qualitative methodology design, a virtual ethnography approach, and with the support of ATLAS, this research analyses 863 discursive threads of a WhatsApp group comprised of 123 migrant women belonging to an association related to the social and labour integration of the migrant population. The results indicate that the WhatsApp group is a reliable source of information as well as spaces of solidarity and emotional support among women who experience similar situations during the migration process. The originality of these results is that they provide insight into the uses of social networks by migrant women, on which there is little research, through observations in a WhatsApp group. Organisations working with migrant women should rethink the functionalities of these social networks and the importance of these tools in improving the social and labour integration of migrant women.
Evaluación de la calidad de vida percibida con perspectiva de género: el caso de la ciudad de Bilbao

The mobilization for the Women’s Day in Bilbao, 2019, received unprecedented support among the de... more The mobilization for the Women’s Day in Bilbao, 2019, received unprecedented support among the demonstrations called by feminist organizations to date. In this context, this research aimed to analyze the slogans of the banners carried by those women who joined the march individually but not belonged to the Feminist Movement. Using a qualitative methodology and critical discourse analysis, a sample of 154 slogans was analyzed. The results revealed a discursive focus on violence, equality and struggle that challenged society, while individualistic voices were detected that valued free choice and individual empowerment over collective values of solidarity. The analysis shows how the feminist struggle is far from being homogeneous, allowing for diverse, sometimes divergent and even contested voices, which show multiple ways of understanding feminism as a dynamic and fluid polyphonic movement.
Avances en Ciencias de la Educación y Aplicaciones en otra áreas. Volumen I.

La finalidad de la investigacion que presentamos es analizar los cambios acaecidos en el Area Met... more La finalidad de la investigacion que presentamos es analizar los cambios acaecidos en el Area Metropolitana de Bilbao tratando de detectar cuales han sido las principales transformaciones socioespaciales que se han producido durante el periodo 1991-2001 a fin de conocer los ejes sobre los cuales ha pivotado la politica de regeneracion urbanistica llevada a cabo y que ha supuesto un hito historico en la politica urbanistica metropolitana. Partimos por tanto de la hipotesis de que los cambios producidos por los grandes proyectos urbanisticos y de revitalizacion urbana en el Area metropolitana bilbaina durante este periodo han supuesto una modificacion de las pautas de localizacion residencial sentando las bases de una nueva forma de configuracion residencial en la que la expansion del tejido residencial hacia municipios menos poblados ha sido determinante, apoyada en una profunda transformacion del esquema de comunicaciones. En un primer momento, y en consonancia con la propuesta, pre...

The present paper proposes the use of the Correspondence Analysis statistical method as a complem... more The present paper proposes the use of the Correspondence Analysis statistical method as a complementary statistical analysis technique to establish how gender typologies are related to vulnerability indicator variables. The research also explores the differences between both sexes within vulnerable communities in Bilbao. The starting point lies in the lack of differences between women and men’s quality of life perceived according to the Bilbao City Council’s website publications. In order to confirm this assessment, the research analyses 1200 surveys conducted by the Bilbao City Council’s Urban Observatory. The study seeks to identify Bilbao’s gender pattern through correspondence analysis computed upon variables of sex, age, district, occupation, level of studies completed, residential satisfaction, perception of delinquency, drugs and physical barriers. The results indicate that being a woman and living in a vulnerable community are constants in the typologies that relate to indic...

Frontiers in Education
This paper analyzes the leadership learning model used by Spanish military commanders from the li... more This paper analyzes the leadership learning model used by Spanish military commanders from the lifelong learning methodology. The lifelong learning approach consists of three main perspectives: a personal and professional context and how to achieve self-motivation and remain over time; the formal and informal learning sources, and how all this occurs throughout the individual life. Leadership is a fundamental military trait and should be treated as an ongoing process. This study examines how influences the lifelong learning of the Spanish military leaders from the Army, Navy, and Air Force in their leadership style. The methodology resource used is an online Delphi technique through in-depth interviews as well as the Qualitative Data Analysis & Research Software This research shows that from a lifelong learning perspective, military leadership is built continuously throughout life and is supported by more informal than formal learning systems. The key findings of this rese...

Migraciones. Publicación del Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones
La mayor parte de las investigaciones sobre los/as adolescentes y jóvenes que migran solos/as se ... more La mayor parte de las investigaciones sobre los/as adolescentes y jóvenes que migran solos/as se focalizan en las causas y condiciones de su viaje migratorio y su asentamiento en las sociedades de destino. Sin embargo, hay pocos trabajos que aborden sus expectativas de futuro y, especialmente, las emociones que suscitan sus proyectos venideros. El objetivo de la investigación es identificar sus expectativas y analizar las emociones que estas provocan. La metodología consiste en el análisis cualitativo de 118 entrevistas realizadas en siete CC. AA. del Estado español a partir de categorías de análisis tales como expectativas de la migración, proyectos de futuro y emociones experimentadas. Los resultados señalan la existencia de tres conjuntos de expectativas: materiales-funcionales, simbólicas-ideales y afectivas-territoriales. Así mismo, el estudio señala que, a pesar de la emergencia de un amplio espectro de emociones, las más recurrentes son el sufrimiento, la incertidumbre y el s...
Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning, 2023
Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning, 2023
Frontiers in political science, Dec 14, 2022
Contribution: This study is a clear contribution to the debate on the impact of "medicalization" ... more Contribution: This study is a clear contribution to the debate on the impact of "medicalization" on women regarding assisted reproduction, showing the persistence of motherhood as a gender mandate.
Innovación e investigación educativa para la formación docente.
Revista española de drogodependencias, 2020

Ecosistema de una pandemia: COVID 19, la transformación mundial, 2021, ISBN 9788413773285, págs. 1727-1751, 2021
El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido describir la inteligencia emocional y la gestió... more El objetivo principal de la investigación ha sido describir la inteligencia emocional y la gestión emocional de una muestra de alumnado que cursaba en modalidad híbrida, la docencia en tiempos de la COVID 19. Para ello, se ha analizado una muestra de 163 estudiantes que cursan sus estudios en la Universidad de Deusto en modalidad híbrida (presencial y remoto), durante el primer cuatrimestre del curso 2020-21. Para el desarrollo de la investigación se utilizó el Cuestionario de Inteligencia Emocional Rasgo (versión corta) TEIQue-SF [Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Short Form], validado, traducido y adaptado a diferentes idiomas (Cooper y Petrides, 2010; Petrides, 2009). Se recogieron también variables sociodemográficas y ambientales mediante un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados apuntan hacia la necesidad de metodologías activas en la docencia en remoto que promuevan las relaciones interpersonales y la motivación en el alumnado. Queda patente la relación entre la gestión emocional y el aprendizaje, y la vivencia del alumnado en cuanto al aburrimiento y desconexión en la docencia en remoto y el anhelo de contacto entre los/as estudiantes, y con el profesorado que les propicie motivación y cree un espacio de relación cercano. Las relaciones interpersonales se ven afectadas, se echan de menos, sobre todo la falta de contacto.
Valores para una pandemia: la fuerza de los vínculos : Quinta Encuesta Europea de Valores en su aplicación a Euskadi, 2021, ISBN 9788413571355, págs. 129-147, 2021
Papers by Maite Aurrekoetxea Casaus