Papers by Mahmoud GhaziTabatabaei

Journal of Public Health, 2015
ABSTRACT Aim This study is designed to explore how childbirth setting (homebirth or hospital birt... more ABSTRACT Aim This study is designed to explore how childbirth setting (homebirth or hospital birth) can be predicted by independent variables. Subjects and methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among 380 mothers who had planned home or hospital births within the past 6 months in Zahedan city in the southeast of Iran. Logistic regression analysis was performed on the data, which were collected by an interview-led questionnaire. Results Bivariate analysis showed that men’s occupation, health insurance coverage, affordability of the hospital costs, the number of living children, a previous history of homebirth, social adherence, belief in medical care, and final score of preference for hospital, including opposition to hospital and a preference for home or opposition to home, appear as significant factors in decision making regarding the (home or hospital) childbirth setting. Conclusion Decision making about childbirth setting among women depends on their socio-economic status and perceived quality of care. Overall, suitable and available childbirth services with the women’s perceived quality of care and a comprehensive understanding of how to decide about childbirth setting, which is made at a local level, can lead to more appropriate services and utilization of available childbirth services.
Aim To describe the development of an instrument for measuring women's expectations of different ... more Aim To describe the development of an instrument for measuring women's expectations of different aspects of childbirth care services in Zahedan, Iran. Subjects and methods Qualitative research was conducted with 24 mothers, 21 of whom gave birth at home and 4 of whom gave birth in the hospital, to identify women's expectations of childbirth care services. Four scales, preference for and opposition to the hospital and home, were designed. The questionnaires were administered to a representative sample of mothers who had planned home or hospital births within the past 6 months. Then, psychometric analyses were used to assess the validity and reliability of the scales. Results The reliability analysis of the scales showed satisfactory results (Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.91 to 0.97). The results of the scale content validity index (S-CVI) suggested Z. Moudi
Iranian Rehabilitation Journal
Objectives: Health refers to the condition of perfect physical, mental and social well-being. The... more Objectives: Health refers to the condition of perfect physical, mental and social well-being. The appropriate social well-being is the opposite of loneliness and depression. Social wellbeing is a psychosocial concept that is affected by many factors. This study determined the relationship between social function and social well-being in older adults.
Ageing International, 2011
Abstract This study explores the effect of sociological and demographic factors on the intergener... more Abstract This study explores the effect of sociological and demographic factors on the intergenerational support system between adult children and their parents. More specifically it attempts to assess the impact of structural and socio-demographic factors, such as living ...
Ageing International, 2011
Abstract This study explores the effect of sociological and demographic factors on the intergener... more Abstract This study explores the effect of sociological and demographic factors on the intergenerational support system between adult children and their parents. More specifically it attempts to assess the impact of structural and socio-demographic factors, such as living ...

Globalization and Health, 2015
Background: Although most of maternal deaths are preventable, maternal mortality reduction progra... more Background: Although most of maternal deaths are preventable, maternal mortality reduction programs have not been completely successful. As targeting individuals alone does not seem to be an effective strategy to reduce maternal mortality (Millennium Development Goal 5), the present study sought to reveal the role of many distant macrostructural factors affecting maternal mortality at the global level. Methods: After preparing a global dataset, 439 indicators were selected from nearly 1800 indicators based on their relevance and the application of proper inclusion and exclusion criteria. Then Pearson correlation coefficients were computed to assess the relationship between these indicators and maternal mortality. Only indicators with statistically significant correlation more than 0.2, and missing values less than 20% were maintained. Due to the high multicollinearity among the remaining indicators, after missing values analysis and imputation, factor analysis was performed with principal component analysis as the method of extraction. Ten factors were finally extracted and entered into a multiple regression analysis.

Archives Des Sciences Journal, Aug 1, 2012
Sacred places include holey temple, village shrine, cemetery, grave, river, lake, mountain peak, ... more Sacred places include holey temple, village shrine, cemetery, grave, river, lake, mountain peak, and other rare phenomena like trees in an area which respected by local people. These phenomena distinguished with different characteristics from the other usual kind. In addition to their role in ensuring spiritual desires of local people, they have an important role in conservation of biodiversity, gene pool, minority's culture; meet the subsistence economy of local people, religious tourism, environmental amenity, reducing soil erosion, and control run off which emphasized by different researchers. These phenomena rooted in prehistoric traditions, however given the antiquity of Iran and Persian civilization there are a few publishing related with various aspects of them. This paper examined the socio ecological role of sacred place of Sutak village in the lowland of Caspian forests, northern Iran. Local people have respected the area as place for pilgrimage and spiritual desires. Cutting the trees and encroachment of land have been forbidden by traditional customs. This site conserve retain of boxwood forests of Caspian plain. So that 18 woody species were identified in 6821 square meter area of village shrine. the Most thickest trees in this area is a hornbeam with a diameter of 122 cm in height of breast and the Most thickest boxwood in this area has 35.7 diameter in the height of breast. This study demonstrates the power of traditional and religious institutions in the protection of local environment and natural heritage and interconnected aspects of human and natural environmental phenomena.
Journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, 2013
Background and purpose: perceived value is defined as customer's overall assessment of the utilit... more Background and purpose: perceived value is defined as customer's overall assessment of the utility of a product or service based on perceptions of what is received and what is given. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between service quality and perceived value by patients in private hospitals of Tehran.
Iss Working Paper Series General Series, Aug 29, 2013
This paper uses the Time Use Survey of Iran of 2008 and 2009 to estimate the monetary value of un... more This paper uses the Time Use Survey of Iran of 2008 and 2009 to estimate the monetary value of unpaid domestic work of urban housewives. The surveys recorded domestic work activities such as cooking and cleaning and general care of household members as well as care of children and their education. Using the market-based approach to estimate the monetary value of unpaid domestic work we collected data on the cost of buying in services for domestic work and for education of children from 'nursing agencies' and private education colleges in main cities of Iran in the summer of 2011 that were adjusted to obtain the 2008 and 2009 prices.

Conventional cytogenetic is the standard technique for detection of Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome ... more Conventional cytogenetic is the standard technique for detection of Philadelphia (Ph) chromosome in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). Evaluation of abelson murine leukemia/breakpoint cluster region (abl/bcr) fusion using dual-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (D-FISH) is an alternative approach allowing rapid and reliable detection of the disease. We employed the technique of interphase D-FISH to detect the abl/bcr fusion in 21 patients and the results were compared to those of conventional cytogenetic analysis. A significant agreement was observed between the results, indicating the accuracy of interphase D-FISH. The technique can overcome the disadvantage of conventional cytogenetic methods, which depends on cell culture and analysis of banded chromosomes, since the analysis is performed by signal counting on uncultured target cells. Furthermore D-FISH provides a more reliable method for evaluating the degree of clone remission to patients with CML after therapy compared to ...

Iranian Journal of Psychiatry, Apr 1, 2013
Objective: Inventory Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS) is a universal instrument used to determine hi... more Objective: Inventory Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS) is a universal instrument used to determine high-risk situations resulting in drug abuse. The aim of this study was to translate this questionnaire to Farsi, and to assess its validity and reliability by applying it to Iranian drug users. Methods: As a psychometric study, 300 drug users participated in a treatment program in National Center of Addiction Studies filled in a version of Inventory of Drug Taking Situations. We assessed face and content validity, internal consistency, and reliability based on the completed questionnaires, using test-retest method and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: Internal consistency analysis confirmed that all subscales of IDTS were reliable (Cronbach alpha was ranging from 0.7 to 0.81). Analyses indicated that each of the subscales was unifactorial; however, unpleasant emotions had a second eigenvalue that was nearly large enough to be a second factor. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the fit of the data to the original version of IDTS. Based on goodness of fit indices, we found that all factors were fitted (χ2/df=1.43, GFI=0.98, RMSEA=0.038). The test-retest reliability was satisfactory(r>0.6). Conclusion: The Farsi version of Inventory of Drug Taking Situations was shown to be a valid and reliable instrument to apply in clinical and research settings in Iran.
Quarterly Journal of Research and Planning in Higher Education, Jul 15, 2010

Journal of Fashion Technology & Textile Engineering, 2014
ABSTRACT In this study, the main purpose is to predict the performance properties of woolen hand-... more ABSTRACT In this study, the main purpose is to predict the performance properties of woolen hand-knotted carpets using response surface methodology (RSM). We have considered the thickness loss of surface pile yarns (TL) and compression toughness index (TI) as representative of the compression properties, and color difference index of pile yarns (ΔE), tuft size index (TS) and evenness of texture index (ET) as representative of the appearance characteristics. Eighteen woolen hand-knotted carpet samples with different structural specifications were produced. The carpet samples were subjected to 4000, 8000 and 12000 drum revolutions (wear factor) using a Hexapod tumbler tester. Meanwhile, performance properties of samples were investigated in original and worn out carpet samples. Factorial experimental design and response surface method were applied for modeling of each performance property. To optimize some initial models, the Box-Cox transformation was used. In addition, contribution of different variables was determined. The models showed a desirable fit and high adjusted R2 values were resulted. The ANOVA test showed that the obtained models are valid at 5% significant level.

Fibers and Polymers, 2014
ABSTRACT The most performance quality of cut-pile carpets is related to mechanical behavior of su... more ABSTRACT The most performance quality of cut-pile carpets is related to mechanical behavior of surface piles under compression loading in use. In this study, main purpose was to achieve the predictive models of the functional compression properties of carpet including work of compression (WC), compressional resilience (RC), linearity of compression-thickness curve (LC), and thickness loss (TL) after recovery on hand-knotted carpets with symmetric (Turkish) knot. Eighteen hand knotted carpet samples with different structural specifications were produced. Meanwhile, compression properties were investigated in new and worn out carpet samples by a Hexapod tumbler tester in 4000 and 12000 revolutions. Factorial experimental design and response surface method were applied for modeling of each compression properties. To optimize the initial models the Box-Cox transformation was used. In the final models, contribution of different variables was also determined. The models showed a desirable fit and high adjusted R2 values were observed. The ANOVA test showed that the obtained models are valid at 5 % level significant.

Iranian journal of psychiatry, 2013
Inventory Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS) is a universal instrument used to determine high-risk sit... more Inventory Drug-Taking Situations (IDTS) is a universal instrument used to determine high-risk situations resulting in drug abuse. The aim of this study was to translate this questionnaire to Farsi, and to assess its validity and reliability by applying it to Iranian drug users. As a psychometric study, 300 drug users participated in a treatment program in National Center of Addiction Studies filled in a version of Inventory of Drug Taking Situations. We assessed face and content validity, internal consistency, and reliability based on the completed questionnaires, using test-retest method and confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency analysis confirmed that all subscales of IDTS were reliable (Cronbach alpha was ranging from 0.7 to 0.81). Analyses indicated that each of the subscales was unifactorial; however, unpleasant emotions had a second eigenvalue that was nearly large enough to be a second factor. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the fit of the data to t...

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011
ABSTRACT researches demonstrate emotion disturbances in schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum ... more ABSTRACT researches demonstrate emotion disturbances in schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders including deficits in emotional expression and recognition. Schizophrenia and schizophrenia spectrum disorders is typically regarded as a neurocognitive disorder, which suggests that emotional disturbances reflect abnormalities in brain areas important for emotion processing. The aim of this research was to investigate factor structure of alexithymia in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The research sample consisted of 180 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders from inpatients and outpatients of Mostafa Khomeini and Hazrat Rasoul hospitals. Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20) was used for collecting of data. Confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model confirmed that alexuthymia has three different components in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. The results suggest that this instrument has acceptable construct validity in the diagnosis and clinical research for patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance.

Globalization and Health, 2015
Background: Although most of maternal deaths are preventable, maternal mortality reduction progra... more Background: Although most of maternal deaths are preventable, maternal mortality reduction programs have not been completely successful. As targeting individuals alone does not seem to be an effective strategy to reduce maternal mortality (Millennium Development Goal 5), the present study sought to reveal the role of many distant macrostructural factors affecting maternal mortality at the global level. Methods: After preparing a global dataset, 439 indicators were selected from nearly 1800 indicators based on their relevance and the application of proper inclusion and exclusion criteria. Then Pearson correlation coefficients were computed to assess the relationship between these indicators and maternal mortality. Only indicators with statistically significant correlation more than 0.2, and missing values less than 20% were maintained. Due to the high multicollinearity among the remaining indicators, after missing values analysis and imputation, factor analysis was performed with principal component analysis as the method of extraction. Ten factors were finally extracted and entered into a multiple regression analysis.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011

Journal of Health Organization and Management, 2014
Purpose -In the ever-increasing competitive market of private hospital industry, creating a stron... more Purpose -In the ever-increasing competitive market of private hospital industry, creating a strong relationship with the customers that shapes patients' loyalty has been considered a key factor in obtaining market share. The purpose of this paper is to test a model of customer loyalty among patients of private hospitals in Iran. Design/methodology/approach -This cross-sectional study was carried out in Tehran, the capital of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 2010. The study samples composed of 969 patients who were consecutively selected from eight private hospitals. The survey instrument was designed based on a review of the related literature and included 36 items. Data analysis was performed using structural equation modeling. Findings -For the service quality construct, three dimensions extracted: Process, interaction, and environment. Both process and interaction quality had significant effects on perceived value. Perceived value along with the process and interaction quality were the most important antecedents of patient overall satisfaction. The direct effect of the process and interaction quality on behavioral intentions was insignificant. Perceived value and patient overall satisfaction were the direct antecedents of patient behavioral intentions and the mediators between service quality and behavioral intentions. Environment quality of service delivery had no significant effect on perceived value, overall satisfaction, and behavioral intentions.
BMC Health Services Research, 2012
Background: Highly competitive market in the private hospital industry has caused increasing pres... more Background: Highly competitive market in the private hospital industry has caused increasing pressure on them to provide services with higher quality. The aim of this study was to determine the different dimensions of the service quality in the private hospitals of Iran and evaluating the service quality from the patients' perspective.
Papers by Mahmoud GhaziTabatabaei