Wind generation connection to power system affects steady state and transient stability. Furtherm... more Wind generation connection to power system affects steady state and transient stability. Furthermore, this effect increases with the increase of wind penetration in generation capacity. In this paper optimal location of FACTS devices is carried out to solve the steady state problems of wind penetration. Two case studies are carried out on modified IEEE39 bus system one with wind reduction to 20% and the second with wind penetration increase by 50% in the two cases system suffer from outage of one generator with load at bus 39 decreases from 1104 MW to 900 MW. The system suffers from min voltage reduction, total loss increases and violated of power and power angle limits. This paper found that series FACTS devices in certain range are the best type to solve these problems associated with wind penetration in power systems.
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering, Aug 1, 2019
This paper studied the reactive power control of the voltage source converters based high-voltage... more This paper studied the reactive power control of the voltage source converters based high-voltage direct current system (VSC-HVDC). PI (proportional & integration) controller was used in this work to enhance the dynamic response of the system. Gravitational search algorithm (GSA) and sine cosine algorithm (SCA) are used to get optimal parameters of the PI controller. GSA algorithm is based on the gravity law for Newton while SCA depends on mathematical model based on cosine and sine functions. These algorithms have an efficient global Search capability. The VSC-HVDC is exposed to different disturbances for checking the controller robustness. First disturbance was applying three phase faults on the system. While the second one was applying a step change in AC voltage. Finally, Applying step change in regulators reference values. Simulation results proved the controller superiority also verified the enhancement of the system dynamic response.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 1, 2019
This paper discussed how wind farm disturbance, especially wind speed variability, can affect the... more This paper discussed how wind farm disturbance, especially wind speed variability, can affect the performance of the power system. Also, it discussed how blades angels of wind turbine can be controlled to increase the energy efficacy of the power system. It showed that the optimized pitch angel controller using harmony search algorithm could enhance blades angels' adjustments performance. First part, the paper explained the advantages of doubly fed induction generator in wind turbine system. Paper also enumerated the most probable ways to tame the wind speed variability challenge focusing on the pitch angle controller technique. After that, paper compared the system parameter`s result before optimization with values after optimized pitch angle controller gain (Kp). This comparison would be held in three cases, case of variable wind speed with normal operation condition, constant wind speed with line to ground fault condition and variable wind speed with line to ground fault condition. Finally, It demonstrated the MATLAB/SIMULINK model used illustrating results appeared and conclusion.
Voltage regulation is a crucial task for electrical grids in the presence of high penetration lev... more Voltage regulation is a crucial task for electrical grids in the presence of high penetration levels of renewable energies. The regulation of generator excitation improves the stability of the power system. An essential tool for controlling the excitation of generators is the automatic voltage regulator (AVR). It is advised to use a controller to increase the reliability of an AVR. A survey about different types of controllers is proposed in this paper. Then, a novel optimized PID-Based model reference fractional adaptive controller is proposed, with detailed mathematical modeling. The novel controller was compared to the controllers in the survey. The novel proposed controller proved its superiority over the other controllers through its fast response and low rising and settling times. Moreover, the proposed controller smoothly and instantaneously tracked dynamic reference changes.
There is no doubt that Distributed Generation (DG) has proved to be an effective solution for sat... more There is no doubt that Distributed Generation (DG) has proved to be an effective solution for satisfying the growing demand within a fleeting period and improving system performance, voltage profile, and power quality, especially on the end user’s side. Thus, in modern distribution systems, DG is preferable to be installed in the vicinity of the end user to enhance the system performance, reduce power losses, and improve grid voltage. In this paper, hybrid static and dynamic load types (100% static, 50% static and 50% dynamic, and 100% dynamic loads) at different overloading conditions, for the standard IEEE 33-bus system, are considered, and power system performance is recorded. Moreover, to improve the power system performance, Distributed Generations (DGs) are optimally sized and allocated in the IEEE 33-bus system using the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), and two analytical approaches, respectively, and compared to other reported optimization methods. The results show that, at 1...
The wide use of communication layers in DC microgrids to transmit voltage and current measurement... more The wide use of communication layers in DC microgrids to transmit voltage and current measurements of each distributed generator unit (DGU) increases the possibility of exposure to cyber-attacks. Cyber-attackers can manipulate the measured data to distort the control system of microgrids, which may lead to a shutdown. This paper proposes distributed mitigation layers for the false data injection attacks (FDIA) on voltages and currents of DGUs in meshed DC microgrids. The proposed control strategy is based on integrating two layers for cyber-attack detection and mitigation to immune the primary and the secondary control loops of each DGU. The first layer is assigned to mitigate FDIAs on the voltage measurements needed for the voltage regulation task of the primary control loop. The second layer is devoted to the mitigation of FDIAs on the DGU current measurements, which are crucial for the secondary control level to guarantee the proper current sharing of each DGU. Artificial neural ...
Researchers recently came up with innovative ways to generate enough electricity to meet the risi... more Researchers recently came up with innovative ways to generate enough electricity to meet the rising demand through establishing an electricity distribution system and enhancing power quality on the customer side. One of these innovative ways is the installation of distributed generation (DG). DG is widely used in modern networks due to its great benefits of improving the voltage profile and the system’s power quality. Additionally, DGs are ideally placed near the end user in distribution systems to improve the system’s performance while minimizing power losses and enhancing voltage profile in the grid. DG recently grew in importance, and its penetration increased in most distribution systems. Due to the spreading of DG in the power system, the dynamic performance of the system is affected. This paper studies the system’s performance and behavior under condition of DG outage from the system. The model of DGs in this study assumes two cases of the power provided to the network; the fi...
The rising use of renewable energy sources, particularly those that are weather-dependent like wi... more The rising use of renewable energy sources, particularly those that are weather-dependent like wind and solar energy, has increased the uncertainty of supply in these power systems. In order to obtain considerably more accurate results in the analysis of power systems, such as in the planning and operation, it is necessary to tackle the stochastic nature of these sources. Operators require adequate techniques and procedures to mitigate the negative consequences of the stochastic behavior of renewable energy generators. Thus, this paper presents a modification of the original probability distribution functions (PDFs) where the original PDFs are insufficient for wind speed and solar irradiance modeling because they have a significant error between the real data frequency distribution and the estimated distribution curve. This modification is using a mixture of probability distributions, which can improve the fitting of data and reduce this error. The main aim of this paper is to model...
One of the most crucial control aspects in electric power networks is ensuring constant voltage l... more One of the most crucial control aspects in electric power networks is ensuring constant voltage levels throughout different circumstances. To overcome this problem, an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is installed in the electrical power networks to preserve the voltage at its allowable range. In this paper, a fuzzy-based PID controller was used to enhance the AVR dynamic performance under several operating conditions. Moreover, an Equilibrium Optimizer (EO) algorithm was used to initialize the controller gains. The validation of the proposed controller was proven through three different systems. The first was a simple AVR system under fixed and dynamic references. The proposed fuzzy EO PID controller proved its superiority in this case through the reduction of voltage overshoot by around 3–28% compared with the reported methods in the literature. Then, the fault-ride through capability of the proposed controller was proven through the second system, which was the Kundur two-area s...
One of the challenges of inverter-based distributed generators (DGs) is to keep the voltage and f... more One of the challenges of inverter-based distributed generators (DGs) is to keep the voltage and frequency at their specified limits during transitions between grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. This paper presents an integrated seamless control strategy for inverter-based DGs to ensure smooth transitions between the different modes of operation. The proposed strategy is based on a deep learning neural network (DL-ANN) Proportional-Integral- Derivative (PID) controller to regulate the terminal voltage of the DG interface system. A feed-forward loop is integrated with the proposed strategy to mitigate grid harmonics by controlling the DG inverter to feed the harmonics components of non-linear loads without exceeding its capacity. Results are provided to evaluate the dynamic performance of the proposed unified control strategy under different disturbances. Finally, to demonstrate the superiority of the DL-ANN controller, a comparison is carried out with the conventional Pr...
Owing to the various sources of complexity in the electrical power system, such as integrating in... more Owing to the various sources of complexity in the electrical power system, such as integrating intermittent renewable energy resources and widely spread nonlinear power system components, which result in sudden changes in the power system operating conditions, the conventional PID controller fails to track such dynamic challenges to mitigate the frequency deviation problem. Thus, in this paper, a fuzzy PI controller is proposed to enhance the automatic generation control system (AGC) against step disturbance, dynamic disturbance, and wind energy disturbance in a single area system. The proposed controller is initialized by using Equilibrium Optimization and proved its superiority through comparison with a classical PI optimized base. Results show that the fuzzy PI controller can reduce the peak-to-peak deviation in the frequency by 30–59% under wind disturbance, compared to a classical PI optimized base. Moreover, a fuzzy PID controller is also proposed and EO initialized in this pa...
The quality of the photovoltaic (PV) cell model impacts many simulation studies for PV systems, s... more The quality of the photovoltaic (PV) cell model impacts many simulation studies for PV systems, such as maximum power point tracking and other assessments. Moreover, due to limited information found in the datasheets of the PV cells, several parameters of the model are unavailable. Thus, this paper introduces a novel approach using a hybrid Particle Swarm and Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm to figure out these parameters under different environmental conditions. The proposed algorithm is used with two types of PV cells–Kyocera KC200GT and Canadian solar cell CS6K-280M–and can be used with any commercial type of PV module needing only parameters in the datasheet. The absolute error of the model’s simulation results is compared to the actual results collected from sites in Egypt, in an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of the suggested approach.
This paper proposes a relatively new optimization algorithm namely the Turbulent Flow Water-Based... more This paper proposes a relatively new optimization algorithm namely the Turbulent Flow Water-Based Optimization (TFWO) to find the optimal size of a hybrid isolated microgrid generation. Moreover, validation of the proposed algorithm is proved through a comprehensive comparison with three robust performance and fast convergence algorithms which are the Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Jellyfish Search Optimizer (JSO). Two topologies with different renewable sources were considered in studying which are based on the meteorological data of the Zafarana area, a site located on the eastern coast of Egypt. The study minimizes the annual system cost (ASC) and CO 2 emissions of the proposed hybrid system while considering the following constraints: Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP), Fraction Renewable (FR) and System Excess Energy Ratio (EER). Violation of constraints is penalized by including a penalty factor into the objective function that varies according to the amount of the violation. Moreover, a sensitivity study is presented at the end of the paper through Load variation, irradiance variation, wind speed variation, and diesel generator efficiency decreasing. Results show not only the robustness and the fast convergence of the TFWO algorithm but also its ability to minimize the annual system cost and emission costs to values better than the aforementioned optimization techniques.
The frequency of power systems is very sensitive to load variations. Additionally, with the incre... more The frequency of power systems is very sensitive to load variations. Additionally, with the increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electrical grids, stabilizing the system frequency becomes more challenging. Therefore, Load Frequency Control (LFC) is used to keep the frequency within its acceptable limits. In this paper, an adaptive controller is proposed to enhance the system performance under load variations. Moreover, the proposed controller overcomes the disturbances resulting from the natural operation of the renewable energy sources such as Wave Energy Conversion System (WECS) and Photovoltaic (PV) system. The superiority of the proposed controller compared to the classical LFC schemes is that it has auto tuned parameters. The validation of the proposed controller is carried out through four case studies. The first case study is dedicated to a two-area LFC system under load variations. The WECS is considered as a disturbance for the second case study. Moreover, t...
The electrical energy one of most important basics of modern lifeand the demand on this energy in... more The electrical energy one of most important basics of modern lifeand the demand on this energy increase consciously. Which make some challenges to operators to increase the generation to feed the growing demand. This growth lead to extend the centralized plant to provide distribution network by required energy also lead them to develop transmission system. This method is so costly where it is required money to extend the power system. An appearance of distributed generation DG is considered a solution for these problems and can reduce the cost where it provides the load by electricity in customer side without passing through transmission system. While the aim target from DG is supporting the grid and improve power quality, voltage profile, reduction of power losses and reliability. In this paper will discuss sizing and siting the distributed generation in the grid. In this work introduced hybrid method where it is used 2/3 rule and harmony search algorithm to find optimum location a...
Wind energy is considered one of the most important alternative energy sources for generating ele... more Wind energy is considered one of the most important alternative energy sources for generating electricity. But the stochastic nature of wind, leads to use the distribution function to present the wind system. The two-parameter Weibull distribution is often used in the wind speed presentation. The two-parameter Weibull distribution has scale and shape parameters that are important in wind energy applications, thus selecting the optimum method for estimation them is important. The unpredictability in wind speed leads to uncertainty in devolved power which leads to difficult system operation. In this study, two novel artificial intelligence (AI) methods called Mayfly algorithm (MA) and Aquila Optimizer (AO) are used for calculating the Weibull distribution parameters. Results are compared with four classical numerical methods called the Maximum likelihood approach, Energy pattern factor method, Graphical method, and Empirical method. The two AI methods prove superiority and robustness for evaluating two-parameter of Weibull distribution as they give lower errors and higher correlation coefficients. Moreover, to prove the accuracy of the MA method in solving the optimal power flow (OPF) problem, single and multi-objective OPF is applied on a standard IEEE-30 bus system to minimize fuel cost, power loss, thermal unit emissions, and voltage security index (VSI), and results are compared with other metaheuristic methods. The results prove the validity and robustness of the MA method in solving the OPF problem. Then, single and multi-objective stochastic optimal power flow (SCOPF) is applied to modified IEEE-30 which contains two wind farms to minimize total generation cost, power loss, thermal unit emission, and VSI. The fuzzy-based Pareto front technique is utilized in multi-objective optimization (MOO) to obtain the best compromise point solution. The objective function of SCOPF considers reserve cost for overestimation and penalty cost for underestimation of wind energy. Finally, this paper studies the effect of changing Weibull parameters, penalty cost coefficient, and reverse cost coefficient in wind energy generation cost. The proposed MA method could be valuable to system operators as a decision-making aid when dealing with hybrid power systems. INDEX TERMS Aquila optimizer, mayfly algorithm, Weibull distribution, optimal power flow, multiobjective optimization, stochastic optimal power flow, wind energy. Artificial intelligence. MA Mayfly algorithm. AO Aquila Optimizer. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was S. Ali Arefifar . Optimal power flow. SCOPF Stochastic optimal power flow. MOO Multi-objective optimization. MO-OPF Multi-objective optimal power flow. MO-SCOPF Multi-objective stochastic optimal power flow. VSI Voltage security index.
Power quality can have a large detrimental effect on industrial processes and the commercial sect... more Power quality can have a large detrimental effect on industrial processes and the commercial sector. Thus, this paper proposes a new technique to improve the power quality of electric power systems. This technique relies on auto-adjusting of the blade angle to mitigate the harmonics in wind generator active power. A new adaptive PI blade-angle controller is applied in this technique to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output power. The parameters of the adaptive PI controller are initialized by using the Harmony Search algorithm (HSA), hybrid Harmony Search optimization and Equilibrium optimization (EO), and hybrid Harmony Search optimization and Teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO). The execution of the optimization algorithms relies mainly on the optimization objective function. Two optimization objective functions are mathematically modeled and compared to enhance the power quality. The first one is to minimize the sum square of error, while the second obj...
During the day, photovoltaic (PV) systems are exposed to different sunlight conditions in additio... more During the day, photovoltaic (PV) systems are exposed to different sunlight conditions in addition to partial shading (PS). Accordingly, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques have become essential for PV systems to secure harvesting the maximum possible power from the PV modules. In this paper, optimized control is performed through the application of relatively newly developed optimization algorithms to PV systems under Partial Shading (PS) conditions. The initial value of the duty cycle of the boost converter is optimized for maximizing the amount of power extracted from the PV arrays. The emperor penguin optimizer (EPO) is proposed not only to optimize the initial setting of duty cycle but to tune the gains of controllers used for the boost converter and the grid-connected inverter of the PV system. In addition, the performance of the proposed system based on the EPO algorithm is compared with another newly developed optimization technique based on the cuttlefish algorit...
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2016
This paper presents an application of the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) to optimally obtai... more This paper presents an application of the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) to optimally obtain the location of thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) devices to enhance the power system performance involving wave generators. Archimedes wave swing based wave energy conversion systems are used through this study, where linear permanent magnet synchronous generators are used. To examine the validation of the presented optimization method, three case studies are carried out on the IEEE 39 bus, IEEE 57 bus, and IEEE 118 bus systems. This validity is verified by the simulation results, which are performed using MATLAB program. Also a comparison is made between the GSA-based system results and that of using genetic algorithm (GA). The system performance using the GSA algorithm is better than that of using the GA.
Wind generation connection to power system affects steady state and transient stability. Furtherm... more Wind generation connection to power system affects steady state and transient stability. Furthermore, this effect increases with the increase of wind penetration in generation capacity. In this paper optimal location of FACTS devices is carried out to solve the steady state problems of wind penetration. Two case studies are carried out on modified IEEE39 bus system one with wind reduction to 20% and the second with wind penetration increase by 50% in the two cases system suffer from outage of one generator with load at bus 39 decreases from 1104 MW to 900 MW. The system suffers from min voltage reduction, total loss increases and violated of power and power angle limits. This paper found that series FACTS devices in certain range are the best type to solve these problems associated with wind penetration in power systems.
International Journal of Applied Power Engineering, Aug 1, 2019
This paper studied the reactive power control of the voltage source converters based high-voltage... more This paper studied the reactive power control of the voltage source converters based high-voltage direct current system (VSC-HVDC). PI (proportional & integration) controller was used in this work to enhance the dynamic response of the system. Gravitational search algorithm (GSA) and sine cosine algorithm (SCA) are used to get optimal parameters of the PI controller. GSA algorithm is based on the gravity law for Newton while SCA depends on mathematical model based on cosine and sine functions. These algorithms have an efficient global Search capability. The VSC-HVDC is exposed to different disturbances for checking the controller robustness. First disturbance was applying three phase faults on the system. While the second one was applying a step change in AC voltage. Finally, Applying step change in regulators reference values. Simulation results proved the controller superiority also verified the enhancement of the system dynamic response.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 1, 2019
This paper discussed how wind farm disturbance, especially wind speed variability, can affect the... more This paper discussed how wind farm disturbance, especially wind speed variability, can affect the performance of the power system. Also, it discussed how blades angels of wind turbine can be controlled to increase the energy efficacy of the power system. It showed that the optimized pitch angel controller using harmony search algorithm could enhance blades angels' adjustments performance. First part, the paper explained the advantages of doubly fed induction generator in wind turbine system. Paper also enumerated the most probable ways to tame the wind speed variability challenge focusing on the pitch angle controller technique. After that, paper compared the system parameter`s result before optimization with values after optimized pitch angle controller gain (Kp). This comparison would be held in three cases, case of variable wind speed with normal operation condition, constant wind speed with line to ground fault condition and variable wind speed with line to ground fault condition. Finally, It demonstrated the MATLAB/SIMULINK model used illustrating results appeared and conclusion.
Voltage regulation is a crucial task for electrical grids in the presence of high penetration lev... more Voltage regulation is a crucial task for electrical grids in the presence of high penetration levels of renewable energies. The regulation of generator excitation improves the stability of the power system. An essential tool for controlling the excitation of generators is the automatic voltage regulator (AVR). It is advised to use a controller to increase the reliability of an AVR. A survey about different types of controllers is proposed in this paper. Then, a novel optimized PID-Based model reference fractional adaptive controller is proposed, with detailed mathematical modeling. The novel controller was compared to the controllers in the survey. The novel proposed controller proved its superiority over the other controllers through its fast response and low rising and settling times. Moreover, the proposed controller smoothly and instantaneously tracked dynamic reference changes.
There is no doubt that Distributed Generation (DG) has proved to be an effective solution for sat... more There is no doubt that Distributed Generation (DG) has proved to be an effective solution for satisfying the growing demand within a fleeting period and improving system performance, voltage profile, and power quality, especially on the end user’s side. Thus, in modern distribution systems, DG is preferable to be installed in the vicinity of the end user to enhance the system performance, reduce power losses, and improve grid voltage. In this paper, hybrid static and dynamic load types (100% static, 50% static and 50% dynamic, and 100% dynamic loads) at different overloading conditions, for the standard IEEE 33-bus system, are considered, and power system performance is recorded. Moreover, to improve the power system performance, Distributed Generations (DGs) are optimally sized and allocated in the IEEE 33-bus system using the Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA), and two analytical approaches, respectively, and compared to other reported optimization methods. The results show that, at 1...
The wide use of communication layers in DC microgrids to transmit voltage and current measurement... more The wide use of communication layers in DC microgrids to transmit voltage and current measurements of each distributed generator unit (DGU) increases the possibility of exposure to cyber-attacks. Cyber-attackers can manipulate the measured data to distort the control system of microgrids, which may lead to a shutdown. This paper proposes distributed mitigation layers for the false data injection attacks (FDIA) on voltages and currents of DGUs in meshed DC microgrids. The proposed control strategy is based on integrating two layers for cyber-attack detection and mitigation to immune the primary and the secondary control loops of each DGU. The first layer is assigned to mitigate FDIAs on the voltage measurements needed for the voltage regulation task of the primary control loop. The second layer is devoted to the mitigation of FDIAs on the DGU current measurements, which are crucial for the secondary control level to guarantee the proper current sharing of each DGU. Artificial neural ...
Researchers recently came up with innovative ways to generate enough electricity to meet the risi... more Researchers recently came up with innovative ways to generate enough electricity to meet the rising demand through establishing an electricity distribution system and enhancing power quality on the customer side. One of these innovative ways is the installation of distributed generation (DG). DG is widely used in modern networks due to its great benefits of improving the voltage profile and the system’s power quality. Additionally, DGs are ideally placed near the end user in distribution systems to improve the system’s performance while minimizing power losses and enhancing voltage profile in the grid. DG recently grew in importance, and its penetration increased in most distribution systems. Due to the spreading of DG in the power system, the dynamic performance of the system is affected. This paper studies the system’s performance and behavior under condition of DG outage from the system. The model of DGs in this study assumes two cases of the power provided to the network; the fi...
The rising use of renewable energy sources, particularly those that are weather-dependent like wi... more The rising use of renewable energy sources, particularly those that are weather-dependent like wind and solar energy, has increased the uncertainty of supply in these power systems. In order to obtain considerably more accurate results in the analysis of power systems, such as in the planning and operation, it is necessary to tackle the stochastic nature of these sources. Operators require adequate techniques and procedures to mitigate the negative consequences of the stochastic behavior of renewable energy generators. Thus, this paper presents a modification of the original probability distribution functions (PDFs) where the original PDFs are insufficient for wind speed and solar irradiance modeling because they have a significant error between the real data frequency distribution and the estimated distribution curve. This modification is using a mixture of probability distributions, which can improve the fitting of data and reduce this error. The main aim of this paper is to model...
One of the most crucial control aspects in electric power networks is ensuring constant voltage l... more One of the most crucial control aspects in electric power networks is ensuring constant voltage levels throughout different circumstances. To overcome this problem, an automatic voltage regulator (AVR) is installed in the electrical power networks to preserve the voltage at its allowable range. In this paper, a fuzzy-based PID controller was used to enhance the AVR dynamic performance under several operating conditions. Moreover, an Equilibrium Optimizer (EO) algorithm was used to initialize the controller gains. The validation of the proposed controller was proven through three different systems. The first was a simple AVR system under fixed and dynamic references. The proposed fuzzy EO PID controller proved its superiority in this case through the reduction of voltage overshoot by around 3–28% compared with the reported methods in the literature. Then, the fault-ride through capability of the proposed controller was proven through the second system, which was the Kundur two-area s...
One of the challenges of inverter-based distributed generators (DGs) is to keep the voltage and f... more One of the challenges of inverter-based distributed generators (DGs) is to keep the voltage and frequency at their specified limits during transitions between grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. This paper presents an integrated seamless control strategy for inverter-based DGs to ensure smooth transitions between the different modes of operation. The proposed strategy is based on a deep learning neural network (DL-ANN) Proportional-Integral- Derivative (PID) controller to regulate the terminal voltage of the DG interface system. A feed-forward loop is integrated with the proposed strategy to mitigate grid harmonics by controlling the DG inverter to feed the harmonics components of non-linear loads without exceeding its capacity. Results are provided to evaluate the dynamic performance of the proposed unified control strategy under different disturbances. Finally, to demonstrate the superiority of the DL-ANN controller, a comparison is carried out with the conventional Pr...
Owing to the various sources of complexity in the electrical power system, such as integrating in... more Owing to the various sources of complexity in the electrical power system, such as integrating intermittent renewable energy resources and widely spread nonlinear power system components, which result in sudden changes in the power system operating conditions, the conventional PID controller fails to track such dynamic challenges to mitigate the frequency deviation problem. Thus, in this paper, a fuzzy PI controller is proposed to enhance the automatic generation control system (AGC) against step disturbance, dynamic disturbance, and wind energy disturbance in a single area system. The proposed controller is initialized by using Equilibrium Optimization and proved its superiority through comparison with a classical PI optimized base. Results show that the fuzzy PI controller can reduce the peak-to-peak deviation in the frequency by 30–59% under wind disturbance, compared to a classical PI optimized base. Moreover, a fuzzy PID controller is also proposed and EO initialized in this pa...
The quality of the photovoltaic (PV) cell model impacts many simulation studies for PV systems, s... more The quality of the photovoltaic (PV) cell model impacts many simulation studies for PV systems, such as maximum power point tracking and other assessments. Moreover, due to limited information found in the datasheets of the PV cells, several parameters of the model are unavailable. Thus, this paper introduces a novel approach using a hybrid Particle Swarm and Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm to figure out these parameters under different environmental conditions. The proposed algorithm is used with two types of PV cells–Kyocera KC200GT and Canadian solar cell CS6K-280M–and can be used with any commercial type of PV module needing only parameters in the datasheet. The absolute error of the model’s simulation results is compared to the actual results collected from sites in Egypt, in an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of the suggested approach.
This paper proposes a relatively new optimization algorithm namely the Turbulent Flow Water-Based... more This paper proposes a relatively new optimization algorithm namely the Turbulent Flow Water-Based Optimization (TFWO) to find the optimal size of a hybrid isolated microgrid generation. Moreover, validation of the proposed algorithm is proved through a comprehensive comparison with three robust performance and fast convergence algorithms which are the Harris Hawks Optimization (HHO), Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Jellyfish Search Optimizer (JSO). Two topologies with different renewable sources were considered in studying which are based on the meteorological data of the Zafarana area, a site located on the eastern coast of Egypt. The study minimizes the annual system cost (ASC) and CO 2 emissions of the proposed hybrid system while considering the following constraints: Loss of Power Supply Probability (LPSP), Fraction Renewable (FR) and System Excess Energy Ratio (EER). Violation of constraints is penalized by including a penalty factor into the objective function that varies according to the amount of the violation. Moreover, a sensitivity study is presented at the end of the paper through Load variation, irradiance variation, wind speed variation, and diesel generator efficiency decreasing. Results show not only the robustness and the fast convergence of the TFWO algorithm but also its ability to minimize the annual system cost and emission costs to values better than the aforementioned optimization techniques.
The frequency of power systems is very sensitive to load variations. Additionally, with the incre... more The frequency of power systems is very sensitive to load variations. Additionally, with the increased penetration of renewable energy sources in electrical grids, stabilizing the system frequency becomes more challenging. Therefore, Load Frequency Control (LFC) is used to keep the frequency within its acceptable limits. In this paper, an adaptive controller is proposed to enhance the system performance under load variations. Moreover, the proposed controller overcomes the disturbances resulting from the natural operation of the renewable energy sources such as Wave Energy Conversion System (WECS) and Photovoltaic (PV) system. The superiority of the proposed controller compared to the classical LFC schemes is that it has auto tuned parameters. The validation of the proposed controller is carried out through four case studies. The first case study is dedicated to a two-area LFC system under load variations. The WECS is considered as a disturbance for the second case study. Moreover, t...
The electrical energy one of most important basics of modern lifeand the demand on this energy in... more The electrical energy one of most important basics of modern lifeand the demand on this energy increase consciously. Which make some challenges to operators to increase the generation to feed the growing demand. This growth lead to extend the centralized plant to provide distribution network by required energy also lead them to develop transmission system. This method is so costly where it is required money to extend the power system. An appearance of distributed generation DG is considered a solution for these problems and can reduce the cost where it provides the load by electricity in customer side without passing through transmission system. While the aim target from DG is supporting the grid and improve power quality, voltage profile, reduction of power losses and reliability. In this paper will discuss sizing and siting the distributed generation in the grid. In this work introduced hybrid method where it is used 2/3 rule and harmony search algorithm to find optimum location a...
Wind energy is considered one of the most important alternative energy sources for generating ele... more Wind energy is considered one of the most important alternative energy sources for generating electricity. But the stochastic nature of wind, leads to use the distribution function to present the wind system. The two-parameter Weibull distribution is often used in the wind speed presentation. The two-parameter Weibull distribution has scale and shape parameters that are important in wind energy applications, thus selecting the optimum method for estimation them is important. The unpredictability in wind speed leads to uncertainty in devolved power which leads to difficult system operation. In this study, two novel artificial intelligence (AI) methods called Mayfly algorithm (MA) and Aquila Optimizer (AO) are used for calculating the Weibull distribution parameters. Results are compared with four classical numerical methods called the Maximum likelihood approach, Energy pattern factor method, Graphical method, and Empirical method. The two AI methods prove superiority and robustness for evaluating two-parameter of Weibull distribution as they give lower errors and higher correlation coefficients. Moreover, to prove the accuracy of the MA method in solving the optimal power flow (OPF) problem, single and multi-objective OPF is applied on a standard IEEE-30 bus system to minimize fuel cost, power loss, thermal unit emissions, and voltage security index (VSI), and results are compared with other metaheuristic methods. The results prove the validity and robustness of the MA method in solving the OPF problem. Then, single and multi-objective stochastic optimal power flow (SCOPF) is applied to modified IEEE-30 which contains two wind farms to minimize total generation cost, power loss, thermal unit emission, and VSI. The fuzzy-based Pareto front technique is utilized in multi-objective optimization (MOO) to obtain the best compromise point solution. The objective function of SCOPF considers reserve cost for overestimation and penalty cost for underestimation of wind energy. Finally, this paper studies the effect of changing Weibull parameters, penalty cost coefficient, and reverse cost coefficient in wind energy generation cost. The proposed MA method could be valuable to system operators as a decision-making aid when dealing with hybrid power systems. INDEX TERMS Aquila optimizer, mayfly algorithm, Weibull distribution, optimal power flow, multiobjective optimization, stochastic optimal power flow, wind energy. Artificial intelligence. MA Mayfly algorithm. AO Aquila Optimizer. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was S. Ali Arefifar . Optimal power flow. SCOPF Stochastic optimal power flow. MOO Multi-objective optimization. MO-OPF Multi-objective optimal power flow. MO-SCOPF Multi-objective stochastic optimal power flow. VSI Voltage security index.
Power quality can have a large detrimental effect on industrial processes and the commercial sect... more Power quality can have a large detrimental effect on industrial processes and the commercial sector. Thus, this paper proposes a new technique to improve the power quality of electric power systems. This technique relies on auto-adjusting of the blade angle to mitigate the harmonics in wind generator active power. A new adaptive PI blade-angle controller is applied in this technique to reduce the total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output power. The parameters of the adaptive PI controller are initialized by using the Harmony Search algorithm (HSA), hybrid Harmony Search optimization and Equilibrium optimization (EO), and hybrid Harmony Search optimization and Teaching learning-based optimization (TLBO). The execution of the optimization algorithms relies mainly on the optimization objective function. Two optimization objective functions are mathematically modeled and compared to enhance the power quality. The first one is to minimize the sum square of error, while the second obj...
During the day, photovoltaic (PV) systems are exposed to different sunlight conditions in additio... more During the day, photovoltaic (PV) systems are exposed to different sunlight conditions in addition to partial shading (PS). Accordingly, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques have become essential for PV systems to secure harvesting the maximum possible power from the PV modules. In this paper, optimized control is performed through the application of relatively newly developed optimization algorithms to PV systems under Partial Shading (PS) conditions. The initial value of the duty cycle of the boost converter is optimized for maximizing the amount of power extracted from the PV arrays. The emperor penguin optimizer (EPO) is proposed not only to optimize the initial setting of duty cycle but to tune the gains of controllers used for the boost converter and the grid-connected inverter of the PV system. In addition, the performance of the proposed system based on the EPO algorithm is compared with another newly developed optimization technique based on the cuttlefish algorit...
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2016
This paper presents an application of the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) to optimally obtai... more This paper presents an application of the gravitational search algorithm (GSA) to optimally obtain the location of thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC) devices to enhance the power system performance involving wave generators. Archimedes wave swing based wave energy conversion systems are used through this study, where linear permanent magnet synchronous generators are used. To examine the validation of the presented optimization method, three case studies are carried out on the IEEE 39 bus, IEEE 57 bus, and IEEE 118 bus systems. This validity is verified by the simulation results, which are performed using MATLAB program. Also a comparison is made between the GSA-based system results and that of using genetic algorithm (GA). The system performance using the GSA algorithm is better than that of using the GA.
Papers by Mahmoud Attia