Papers by Mahfudlah Fajrie

Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin
Program pengabdian berbasis kemitraan yang dilaksanakan oleh tim pengabdian Unisnu Jepara bekerja... more Program pengabdian berbasis kemitraan yang dilaksanakan oleh tim pengabdian Unisnu Jepara bekerjasama dengan mitra produktif yaitu UMKM Cemara Café BUMDES di Desa Dongos. Usaha tersebut dipimpin oleh Bapak Arif. Adanya usaha UMKM Cemara Café BUMDES Dongos ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pelatihan dan pengembangan oleh generasi muda untuk menciptakan inovasi-inovasi dari usaha dibidang makanan serta dapat membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagi pengangguran. Usaha UMKM Cemara Café BUMDES Dongos telah membuat usaha produksi makanan dan menampung beberapa usaha makanan dari UMKM sekitar. Adapun beberapa masalah yang kami temukan saat observasi dan wawancara di desa tersebut, yaitu pertama: belum memiliki sistem manajemen keuangan yang bagus; kedua belum ada pamlet atau banner untuk menu dan tanda pengenal cafe; ketiga kurangnya penghijauan sehingga udara terasa panas dan gersang; keempat kurangnya sumber daya manusia untuk tenaga pekerjanya; kelima kurangnya promosi pada sosial media dan belum ...

Journal of Dedicators Community
Tujuan pengabdian ini sebagai upaya untuk memberikan pengetahuan keterampilan Pembuatan Pembuatan... more Tujuan pengabdian ini sebagai upaya untuk memberikan pengetahuan keterampilan Pembuatan Pembuatan Kerajinan yang Fungsional Dan Bernilai Estetik Dengan Memanfaatkan Limbah Kayu Di Desa Bugel. Pengetahuan keterampilan sebagai upaya peningkatan kompetensi masyarakat desa dalam memamfaatkan limbah kayu serta pengetahuan penanganan covid 19 dimasa pandemi. Kelompok sasaran kegiatan adalah masyarakat di Di Desa Bugel Kecamatan Kedung. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan adalah metode workshop, dimana peserta kegiatan program pelatihan akan dituntun step by step oleh pemateri. Target luaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah 1) Meningkatkan potensi masyarakat dalam kerajinan yang fungsional dan bernilai estetik dengan memanfaatkan limbah kayu menjadi produk yang berdayaguna. 2) Menumbuhkan pengetahuan keterampilan dalam memanfaatkan limbah kayu. 3) Membekali masyarakat dengan pengetahuan keterampilan serta pengetahuan penanganan Covid-19 secara mandiri. Sehingga terjadi peningkata...
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, Mar 31, 2023
Jurnal Komunikasi Nusantara (JKN), Dec 5, 2022

Islamic Communication Journal, 2016
This study aims to determine whether there is any relationship between the credibility of the pre... more This study aims to determine whether there is any relationship between the credibility of the preachers, the quality of program content either partially or simultaneously to the satisfaction of event listeners propaganda on the radio Kartini FM Jepara. The population in this study is an event listener Serambi Taukhid radio Kartini FM Jepara regency. The population numbers are not infinite, so that in the determination of the sample using the help table of Isaac and Michael. According to the table Isaac and Michael for the number of unknown population with a 5% error level is 349, so in this study sample is rounded to 350. Based on the results of the calculation of estimated regression adjusted coefficient of determination (adjusted R2) is a means 73.1% of the variation of all independent variables (credibility dai and quality of the content of the program) can explain the dependent variable (satisfaction listeners), while the remaining 26.9% is explained by other variables th...

This study aims to find out the style of language and communication used by the Samin Karangrowo ... more This study aims to find out the style of language and communication used by the Samin Karangrowo community with their fellows and others outside the community. The Samin community, located in Karangrowo Village, Undaan District, Kudus Regency, is assumed to have unique style of language and communication due to their different attitude, behavior, and social conditions compared to others in Kudus Regency. Qualitative method with ethnographic approach is used in this study. This study then reveals that Samin Javanese language is mostly used in the Samin Karangrowo community. This study also finds out that Jawa ngoko and krama inggil are mostly used by the Samin people to communicate with others outside their community. Besides, the results of this study indicate that equalitarian style is frequently used by the Samin Karangrowo community as their communication style with their fellows since it is considered to be very effective for them in making decisions wisely as well as in solving...

An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam
This study aims to determine the effect of the class discussion method on the communication skill... more This study aims to determine the effect of the class discussion method on the communication skills of students of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication at UNISNU Jepara. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is an effect of the class discussion method on the communication skills of students of the Da'wah and Communication Faculty, especially in the Islamic Communication and Broadcasting study program. The subjects in this study were all active students from the 2017-2020 class. The total number of students is 92 people consisting of 40 males and 52 females. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling with saturated sampling type. Data collection methods consist of observation, interviews and questionnaires. The data were analyzed using the IMB SPSS Statistics 25 application. The results of the correlation test using the product moment correlation analysis between the discussion method and communication skills were 0.634 with a significant product ...

Islamic Review: Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Keislaman, 2013
The present culture in the western world continues to hit the Islamic world through their modern ... more The present culture in the western world continues to hit the Islamic world through their modern and sophisticated information technology. On the other hand, Islam still stuck to its ethics in propagation activity that refers to the western civilization. The problems of propagation models actually give serious influence to either Islam or the West in particular. Therefore, through this study, it is important for Muslims to determine the strategies, methods and mission plan to anticipate the future globalization challenges. The explanation of this article is supported by propagation model approach used by both the civilizations. The ways for developing missions of propagation in the globalization era, an in-depth and comprehensive concepts and strategies are required. This is through observations based on the needs and conditions of the present societies, establishment of the Khilafah organizations, propagation by revealing the true nature of Islam, re-evaluation of the propagation activities, translating the western works to expand the knowledge and learn the history of Islam as reference material of propagation. Propagation can be used as the system changes of people's lives, politics, economics, culture and law that exist in a society. It also can be used as guidance of life so that people do not lose their idealism.

The intercultural life of female students at the Darul Falah Amtsilati Bangsri Islamic Boarding S... more The intercultural life of female students at the Darul Falah Amtsilati Bangsri Islamic Boarding School in Jepara occurs almost every day, cultural differences in them lead to differences in social interaction and communication. With a research focus on Javanese and Madurese female students, this study uses qualitative methods, data collection by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis with interactive Miles Huberman. The results obtained in this study are that the intercultural communication behavior of female students in Islamic boarding schools in communicating using verbal (Indonesian) and non-verbal language (facial expressions, gestures). Mutual openness, understanding in the process of social interaction between Javanese and Madurese santri does not show discrimination, prejudice, or ethnocentrism. So, communication behavior and social interaction in intercultural communication are interrelated, both of which become a glue tool for students including caregive...

Al-Mishbah: Jurnal Ilmu Dakwah dan Komunikasi, 2018
Each region has a unique society that lies behind the existence of habits, language, communicatio... more Each region has a unique society that lies behind the existence of habits, language, communication models, and diverse worldviews. The interaction between two communities that have cultural distinctiveness is a multicultural phenomenon. One area representing the phenomenon is Buko Wedung Village, Demak Regency, where Javanese people as natives interact with Madurese immigrant communities. This study aims to find a multicultural communication model of the coastal communities of Java and Madura with Buko Village. This type of research is included in the field research with an ethnographic approach. Determination of informants is done by purposive sampling technique, while data collection is applied by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data were analyzed by a comparative approach, while the data validation process used triangulation techniques. Based on the results of research and data analysis, it was concluded that the multicultural communication model between the Javanese ...

Wahana Akademika: Jurnal Studi Islam dan Sosial, 2016
Jepara e diversity of the existing cultures in an area emerged the diff erences of communication ... more Jepara e diversity of the existing cultures in an area emerged the diff erences of communication cultures as well. e communication cultures of Madura's people with especially Javanese in Jepara are certainly diff erent. e formulations of the problem in this study are (1) how are the communication cultures in aspect of language use conducted by Madura's people who worked as the barber in Tahunan Jepara regency? (2) How are the symbols in the communication process conducted by Madura's people in Tahunan Jepara regency?. is research used fi eld research method and ethnograpy approach. e data in this research were gained through observation, interview, and documentation. e data analysis used cultural theme analysis. e data validity in this research used the triangulation technique of data (source). e results of this research are: (1) the communication cultures of Madura's people who worked as the barbers in Tahunan Jepara are loudly and clearly intonation in communication. In addition, they directly express the intention and purpose of their speaking. Languages used by the barbers from Madura with the customers are Javanese and Indonesia language. However, they use Madura language to communicate with their fellows. (2) e symbols used by the Madura's barbers in communicating are verbal symbol called oral communication and non-verbal symbol called body language. e symbol of body language is the shaking of the head as the sign that they do not understand what the customers mean. e other way, the body language by pitching of the head is as the sign of agreement and understanding of communication purpose.

Journal of Dedicators Community, 2019
The journalistic school service activities were carried out at MA NU Tengguli. This school has st... more The journalistic school service activities were carried out at MA NU Tengguli. This school has students who have the potential to write, both writing short stories, poetry, and poetry but are not structured and do not meet the standard rules of writing. Besides the ability to write news or opinions and articles not yet seen. The aim of this services is to increase the journalism skill of the students there. Based on the analysis, the activities carried out are 1) News writing training; 2) Training on making press releases; 3) Training on layout and editing of scripts. The results obtained are 1) Students are able to arrange interview questions and write in the form of reportage; 2) students are able to make news; 3) students are able to make press releases and understand the functions of public relations; 4) students are able to make simple layouts for wall magazines and do editing of scripts.

Divorce cases gave effects to the psychological condition of the children. It was one of the caus... more Divorce cases gave effects to the psychological condition of the children. It was one of the causes of school dropouts in terms of family. The purpose of this was to empirically describe the factors that caused dropouts and dropouts impact on social life in Blokagung Karangdoro Tegalsari Banyuwangi. This research method used a qualitative descriptive by using Miles Huberman interactive data analysis model. The number of informants was determined using the snowball technique by using interviews and participant observation as the data collecting method. The results of this study were (1) psychologically, school dropouts due to divorce impaired in the soul development, this was indicated by the child had difficulty in communicating intrapersonal and interpersonal. Sociologically, children who drop out of school due to divorce had difficulty in adjusting to the environment. (2) Divorce could make negative impacts on children's daily behavior so it could trigger the delinquency if th...

There are several theories of mass communication, one that needs to be developed in the process ... more There are several theories of mass communication, one that needs to be developed in the process of propaganda are the uses and gratification theory (usability and satisfaction). Uses and gratification theory in mass communication is no longer look at the influence of the media on audiences, but what the audience of the media, this theory explains how individuals use mass communication to meet their needs. So audiences active against the media because of necessity. Audiences use media to fulfill expectations, and active audiences to select media and media content to satisfy his needs. So a good strategy and effective propaganda is to determine the use and selection of media to be used as well as propaganda material appropriate suit the needs of the community because the community uses and gratification theory or audiences which will determine the positive or not the propagation is done.

The service activity about institutional strengthening conducted at Madrasah Diniyyah “Al-Ikhla... more The service activity about institutional strengthening conducted at Madrasah Diniyyah “Al-Ikhlasâ€, Karanggondang village is a collaboration program between PKM UNISNU Jepara especially the dedicators of Da’wah and Communication faculty with educational institution named madrasah diniyyah Al- Ikhlas at Karanggondang village. This partnership program is motivated by the need for the importance of understanding about madrasah-based management among principals and teachers in the Madrasah Diniyyah “Al-Ikhlasâ€, Karanggondang village. The method used for the first time is initial socialization. Second method is carrying out trainings included; leadership management training, IT training for teachers, and training about madrasah administration orderly.  Keywords: Strengthening, Management, Madrasah  ABSTRAK Kegiatan pengabdian tentang penguatan kelembagaan yang dilakukan pada madrasah diniyah “ Al-Ikhlas â€, Desa Karanggondang merupakan kegiatan kerjasama antara PKM UNISNU...

Since the Muhammadiyah proselytizing reform era in Demak began to receive positive response. To i... more Since the Muhammadiyah proselytizing reform era in Demak began to receive positive response. To improve the proselytizing activities, it needed strategy, management and good proselytizing management in order to make it succeed and the message was received by the public. The purpose of this study was to determine the methods and strategies of Muhammadiyah proselytizing in Demak in 2006-2011. This study used a qualitative approach which the data collection methods were observation, interview and documentation. Data analysis in this study used descriptive qualitative method by using sociological approach technique. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the method of Muhammadiyah proselytizing in Demak included bi al-ḥikmah (way of wisdom), al-mau’iẓah al-ḥasanah (giving good advice) and al-mujādalah bi al-latī hiya aḥsan (having good dialogue). Muhammadiyah proselytizing strategies in Demak was to promote the Islamic teaching in accordance with the shari'ah, established...

ABSTRAK: E-Learning adalah aplikasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi telekomunikasi untuk mengirimkan ... more ABSTRAK: E-Learning adalah aplikasi yang memanfaatkan teknologi telekomunikasi untuk mengirimkan informasi untuk pelajaran dan pelatihan. Dengan laju perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, e-learning menjadi sebuah paradigma pendidikan modern salah satunya di perguruan tinggi. Sebagai sebuah inovasi e-learning juga menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerapan e-learning dan respon atau tanggapan mahasiswa terhadap penerapan e-learning dalam pembelajaran di Program Pasca Sarjana IAIN Walisongo Semarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data berasal dari wawancara kepada dosen yang mengajar di semester IV tahun 2012 dan mahasiswa semester IV angkatan 2010 konsentrasi Islamic Studies dan tenaga teknis di Program Pasca Sarjana IAIN Walisongo Semarang. Selain itu data diperoleh juga dari observasi dan studi literatur. Proses analisa data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan in...

This study to discuss the influence of WhatsApp application towards the communication ethics betw... more This study to discuss the influence of WhatsApp application towards the communication ethics between lecture and students. The use of greetings, polite words and the right time to communicate sometimes are still not noticed by students when communicating with their lecturers. The approach used is quantitative with survey methods, data collection techniques consisting of questionnaires, interviews, and documentation with a sample of 84 people. The independent variable (X) uses WhatsApp and variable dependent (Y) is communication ethics. Indicators are taken from CMC theory and communication principles theory. The correlation test results show there is a significant and positive influence on the use of WhatsApp application towards the communication ethics between lecturers and students. Whatsapp is an important application for students and lecturers because it is considered to be very easy, fast, and cost-effective.
An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam, 2019
This research aimed the influenceof using facebook toward cyberbullying behavior. The hypothesis ... more This research aimed the influenceof using facebook toward cyberbullying behavior. The hypothesis in this research wasthere was an influenceof using facebook toward cyberbullying behavior among village adolescentsMantingan. Subject in this research were 61 adolescents in aged range 15-17 years old consist of 30 boys adolescents and 31 girls adolescents. The sampling technique used was proportional sampling. Method of collecting data consist of observation, interview, and questionnaire. The data was analyzed using aplikation IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Result of test correlation using correlation product moment between using facebook with cyberbullying behavior was 0,964 with value significant 0,000, which means there was a significant positive between using facebook toward cyberbullying behavior among village adolescents Mantingan.

This research was conducted to know the objectivity of Suara Merdeka newspaper on the news relate... more This research was conducted to know the objectivity of Suara Merdeka newspaper on the news related to conflict of demolition of karaoke building and culinary business in Pungkruk area Mororejo village, Mlonggo sub-district, Jepara regency. The research method used is qualitative by using Robert framing approach. N. Entman. Sources of data in this study are primary data, data obtained from the Suara Merdeka reporting from 3 August to 16 October 2016 edition, and secondary data in the form of papers on Suara Merdeka and books related to Robert's framing analysis. N. Entman. The results of his research are 1) framing conducted by journalists Suara Merdeka in news texts written tend to use a single point of view in defining the problem. This is done by reporters by giving more space to the Jepara regency statements in written texts than with statements from entrepreneurs Pungkruk and society; The dominant figure in the reporting texts written by journalists is Jepara Pemkab while Pu...
Papers by Mahfudlah Fajrie