Papers by Maggie (MME) Holtzhausen

Journal of Management Development, 2019
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present an innovative leadership development program, whic... more PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to present an innovative leadership development program, which forms part of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) outreach. The program aims to develop the leadership of school principals in under-resourced communities in South Africa, while simultaneously developing the business partners paired with these principals. Through creatively combining various leadership development interventions, the human and social capital of the school principals and collaborating leaders are expanded to prepare them for an uncertain, volatile environment. This paper focuses on the learning experiences of the business partners. The program exposes business leaders to scenarios that develop unique leadership skills.Design/methodology/approachAn empirical study was conducted with a purposive sample of 73 business leaders who completed the 12-month leadership development program. A qualitative approach was followed, consisting of an online survey that predominantly ...

for always believing in me, my eternal gratitude. My family and friends for their encouragement, ... more for always believing in me, my eternal gratitude. My family and friends for their encouragement, support and belief in my abilities. A special word of thank you to my mom (and, in memory, my dad) for instilling in me the belief in, and the need to develop my talents. My colleagues at Unisa, for their support. The Centre for Business Management at Unisa, for their financial support. Moya Joubert, for her professional assistance in language editing. The management of the bargaining councils, employers' organisations and trade unions in the building, chemical, clothing, metal and engineering and motor industries, for giving me your time, and access to the information I needed for this research. Finally, my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my supervisors, Prof Johann Maree and Mr Shane Godfrey, for their guidance, assistance, reassurance and encouragement, which have enabled me to achieve this milestone in my academic career.

This article deliberates the current state of trade unionism in South Africa. Firstly, it conside... more This article deliberates the current state of trade unionism in South Africa. Firstly, it considers the outcomes of research that was conducted in 2011. The objective of the study was to reflect on the viewpoints of South African trade union leaders on factors influencing the future of trade unions as organisations. An empirical study was conducted with a purposive, voluntary non-probability sample (N = 10) of trade union officials in managerial positions in registered trade unions in South Africa. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews. Data analysis was conducted through structural coding. The results indicated that a varied number of factors might influence the future of these dynamic organisations in the South African labour relations context. Secondly, a synopsis is given of academic literature that was scrutinised to determine aspects which have affected trade unionism in South Africa over the past five years. Finally, the article concludes by deliberating o...

University of Pretoria, 2017
This article considers the potential shared value creation of corporate social responsibility ini... more This article considers the potential shared value creation of corporate social responsibility initiatives when focusing on the development of leadership capability. It is based on the outcomes of the first of a three-phase ongoing research project, concluded in 2017. The study investigated the perspectives of South African business leaders on the effectiveness of a leadership development programme that formed part of their respective organisations' social responsibility initiatives. An empirical study was conducted with a purposive, convenient sample (N = 73) of business leaders who finished the 12-month partnership programme. Phase 1 followed a qualitative approach that consisted of a short self-report online survey containing questions that required participants to provide a narrative description of their experience.. The qualitative data was analysed through a process of thematic analysis to determine themes or patterns within the data. The results indicated that the distinctive design of the programme not only adds considerably to its achievements as a social responsibility programme, but also results in a leadership development programme that benefits the business leader and its organisation, thus creating shared value and responsible leadership. Key phrases corporate social responsibility, leadership development, responsible leadership, shared value creation, underresourced communities MME HOLTZHAUSEN Creating shared value through a corporate social responsibility initiative focusing on leadership development
The way collective bargaining is conducted globally, changes over time. Internationally, collecti... more The way collective bargaining is conducted globally, changes over time. Internationally, collective bargaining is becoming more and more decentralised, with a decline in membership numbers and ensuing power of the primary parties involved in the process. Subsequently, the question is asked whether these trends are also evident in South Africa. The research focused on centralised collective bargaining in the private sector through the bargaining council system over the period 1995-2010. The intent of the research was to identify trends, but more importantly to establish why these trends had developed, and what the possible effects thereof are on the council system. The research provided insight into private sector centralised collective bargaining in South Africa from a broader perspective, thus making a comparison with various international trends possible.
The way collective bargaining is conducted globally, changes over time. Internationally, collecti... more The way collective bargaining is conducted globally, changes over time. Internationally, collective bargaining is becoming more and more decentralised, with a decline in membership numbers and ensuing power of the primary parties involved in the process. Subsequently, the question is asked whether these trends are also evident in South Africa. The research focused on centralised collective bargaining in the private sector through the bargaining council system over the period 1995-2010. The intent of the research was to identify trends, but more importantly to establish why these trends had developed, and what the possible effects thereof are on the council system. The research provided insight into private sector centralised collective bargaining in South Africa from a broader perspective, thus making a comparison with various international trends possible. Maggie Holtzhausen 2012

African Journal of Employee Relations (Formerly South African Journal of Labour Relations)
The legislative requirement of representivity of parties to bargaining councils remains one of th... more The legislative requirement of representivity of parties to bargaining councils remains one of the main challenges these institutions face. When trade unions and/or employers’ organisations are deemed to be unrepresentative, this could lead to the ultimate collapse of the council, or result in collective agreements not being extended to non-parties – thereby defeating the purpose of centralised collective bargaining. This research has thrown light on representation levels by demonstrating that they are not stagnant, but change constantly. The research indicates that today private sector councils especially are often faced with unrepresentative parties, mainly because of economic and political challenges and significant changes in the world of work. Examples are given of how councils deal with these challenges, if at all. The research indicates that even though representivity remains a huge challenge for councils, collective agreements are still in the main extended to non-partie...

South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Background: The trust relationship between employees and their supervisors (called supervisory tr... more Background: The trust relationship between employees and their supervisors (called supervisory trust) has a definite impact on employee behaviour and attitudes. Furthermore, various studies found that ethical leadership impacts on supervisory trust, but in different contexts, and often with homogeneous or limited samples. The interactionist construct of person-organisational fit (P-O fit), consisting of a combination of supplementary fit (indirect fit or value congruence) and complementary fit (direct or person-job fit, as well as needs-supply fit), may however impact on the relationship between ethical leadership and supervisory trust. The unique permutations of these relationships are important not only for conceptualisation purposes, but also for intervention design to enhance the employees’ trust in their supervisors;this would contribute to positive employee behaviour and attitudes. Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between ethical le...

South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences
Background: The trust relationship between employees and their supervisors (called supervisory tr... more Background: The trust relationship between employees and their supervisors (called supervisory trust) has a definite impact on employee behaviour and attitudes. Furthermore, various studies found that ethical leadership impacts on supervisory trust, but in different contexts, and often with homogeneous or limited samples. The interactionist construct of person-organisational fit (P-O fit), consisting of a combination of supplementary fit (indirect fit or value congruence) and complementary fit (direct or person-job fit, as well as needs-supply fit), may however impact on the relationship between ethical leadership and supervisory trust. The unique permutations of these relationships are important not only for conceptualisation purposes, but also for intervention design to enhance the employees’ trust in their supervisors;this would contribute to positive employee behaviour and attitudes. Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine whether a relationship exists between ethical le...
Papers by Maggie (MME) Holtzhausen