Papers by Magdalena Dlugosz-lisiecka
Chemosphere, Dec 1, 2021
In this study, several natural radionuclides (40K, 238U, 235U, 228Ac) and their decay product wer... more In this study, several natural radionuclides (40K, 238U, 235U, 228Ac) and their decay product were investigated in various invertebrate and vertebrate fossils. In the high radioactivity group of fossils, 238U and 235U concentrations increased from 141 to 3621 Bq/kg and from 5.4 to 167 Bq/kg, respectively. In the low radioactivity group of fossils, concentrations of both U isotopes increased from 4.6 to 51 Bq/kg and from 0.18 to 2.3 Bq/kg, respectively. High radioactivity has been linked to the phosphatization process that affected the uranium sorption. Scanning of electron microscope images and X-ray fluorescence analysis were used to confirm the mode of preservation of studied fossils and the presence of a correlation between the phosphorus content and uranium elements in fossil specimens.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, May 1, 2019
• 107 Cd isotope has been noticed as a significant radioactive contamination of FDG. • ∼300 kBq/p... more • 107 Cd isotope has been noticed as a significant radioactive contamination of FDG. • ∼300 kBq/per session of the 107 Cd radionuclide was generated. • Used filter set prevent inadvertent injection into patients. • Due to the hightoxicity 107 Cd isotope should be better controlled.
Molecules, Apr 14, 2023
Comparison of Radionuclide Impurities Activated during Irradiation of 18 O-Enriched Water in Tant... more Comparison of Radionuclide Impurities Activated during Irradiation of 18 O-Enriched Water in Tantalum and Silver Targets during the Production of 18 F in a Cyclotron.
Minerals, Dec 1, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Radiation Physics and Chemistry

In this study, low-background gamma spectrometry was used to confirm the identity of a set of ord... more In this study, low-background gamma spectrometry was used to confirm the identity of a set of ordinary chondrites found in 2018 and 2019, by different expeditions, in a part of the Al-Hamada al-Hamra desert, in the region of Al-Dżabal al-Gharbi, in Libya. Ten specimens of ordinary chondrites from two different campaigns were investigated. An analysis was carried out using a unique gamma spectrometry system to obtain the optimal measurement conditions for the quantitative identification of the radioactive isotopes. Chondrite radiometric studies enabled a detailed analysis of the activities of radioactive isotopes—the short-lived 22Na, 54Mn, 60Co, and long-lived 26Al, 40K. For most isotopes, the activities are expected to be similar for ordinary chondrites with the same irradiation history. Short-lived radionuclide concentrations can be considered, as a specific fingerprint of the chondrite terrestrial age, to confirm whether meteorites originate from a single fall. The HaH 346 group ...

Heritage Science
The proposed method has been applied to a multi-phased settlement complex and pottery manufacturi... more The proposed method has been applied to a multi-phased settlement complex and pottery manufacturing centre in Ostrowite in northern Poland. In this study the radioactive isotope ratios method has been applied to a set of ceramic pottery specimens from the same multi-layered archaeological site and probably produced from local raw material. The pilot radiometric research was based on: 24 Neolithic (5200–5000 BCE), 21 Early Iron Age (800–600 BCE), 4 Roman Period (100–400 CE), and 13 Middle Ages (1030–1320 CE) pottery fragments, and also 8 samples of local clay (glacial till) and 3 burned clay samples. The method shows the similarities within the ceramic material used to manufacture the pottery. The variations in the quantitative and qualitative compositions of the basic products (clay, silt, loam, sand, ash and organic admixtures) used in the preparation of the ceramic paste change the isotopic composition and activity ratios. Pottery from each ceramic manufacturing centre, based on t...

SSRN Electronic Journal, 2021
The radioactive isotope content of any geological sample (lithic rock, sand, silt or clay) is cha... more The radioactive isotope content of any geological sample (lithic rock, sand, silt or clay) is characteristic for a specific type of geological material. The use of the isotope ratio method allows each sample to be distinguished in terms of source. In this study the radioactive isotope ratio method has been applied to a set of ceramic pottery specimens from the same multi-layered archaeological site and probably produced from local raw material. The method shows the similarities within the ceramic material used to manufacture the pottery. The variations in the quantitative and qualitative compositions of the basic products (clay, silt, loam, sand, ash and organic admixtures) used in the preparation of the ceramic paste change the isotopic composition and activity ratios. Pottery from each ceramic manufacturing centre, based on the specific composition of the raw materials, have characteristic isotope ratios. Radioactive isotope ratios as fingerprints of ancient ceramic manufacturing centres have not yet been applied as an archaeometric method. The proposed method has been applied to a Striatemulti-phased settlement complex and pottery manufacturing centre in Ostrowite in northern Poland. The earliest pottery to be manufactured in Ostrowite dates to5200-5000 BC, during the existence of the Early Neolithic settlement. Subsequent settlement phases and pottery production horizons are dated to the early Iron Age (approx.800-600 BC), the Roman period (1st to 4th centuries AD) and the Middle Ages (11th to14th centuriesAD). The site has a long tradition and experience in ceramic production.In this study two isotope ratios were applied: 40K/ 228Ac and 226Ra/ 208Tl. The proposed non-destructive archaeometric method allows the analysis of vessel fragments. This study analysed 11 fragments of Neolithic pottery,3 fragments from the early Iron Age, 5fragments from the Roman period, 5 specimens from the medieval period, 3 burned clay samples and 8 raw material samples, all collected from the Ostrowite complex.This pilot study confirm the grouping of the isotope ratio results for each type of the samples, even in terms of similarities with the base clay material collected in this region.
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 2017
The radon exhaled from radioactive mineral collections exhibited in five Polish geological museum... more The radon exhaled from radioactive mineral collections exhibited in five Polish geological museums may influence its total indoor concentration. Radon concentrations measured in the exhibition halls do not pose a risk for visitors or museum staff. However, air exceeding the ICRP (2007) action limit for workers (equal to 300 Bq/m 3) was noted in the storage rooms of two museums. Significant 222 Rn activity concentrations equal to more than ~300 kBq/m 3 were measured inside lead containers where radioactive minerals were stored.
Podsumowanie Zgodnie z oczekiwaniami, zmodyfikowany kolagen przyczynił się pozytywnie do zwiększe... more Podsumowanie Zgodnie z oczekiwaniami, zmodyfikowany kolagen przyczynił się pozytywnie do zwiększenia podatności na biorozkład filmów lateksowych. Dodatek adduktu wpływa także na wzrost elastyczności oraz będzie prawdopodobnie stanowił ochronę przed promieniowaniem ultrafioletowym. Ponadto uzyskano dobre wyniki dla kompozycji zawierających poli(alkohol winylowy), którego aplikacja wpływa na polepszenie właściwości mechanicznych błon oraz zwiększenie ich podatności do biorozkładu. Literatura

Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Geographica Physica, 2021
This study presents the results of dosimetry radiation measurement performed in the Antarctic reg... more This study presents the results of dosimetry radiation measurement performed in the Antarctic region at the surface of the sea which was conducted between January and March 2018. Over 2 200 records were collected using a portable Gamma Scout Online radiometer during a 72-day voyage circumnavigating the continent of Antarctica. The mean average of the measured radiation dose rate was 0.091 μSvh-1 and varied from 0.052 to 0.193 μSvh-1. These result are above global average dose rate of radiation at sea level (0.031 μSvh-1) and often higher than those recorded on the Antarctic continent. Yet generally our records fall within well recognized latitudinal trend of radiation being higher toward poles. This is results of troposphere begins at lower altitude in Antarctic in comparison to lower latitudes. The origin of this radiation is natural and results from the presence of higher cosmic rays and secondary radiation induced in the atmosphere. The presence of terrestrial radionuclides in th...
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2016
The two counting modes: a normal with a single HPGE detector and second with the additional anti-... more The two counting modes: a normal with a single HPGE detector and second with the additional anti-Compton shield of the annular NaI(Tl) detector have been compared for fast determination of the activity concentration of thorium 232 Th in the building materials. The 232 Th activity concentration was calculated by measurement of its decay products: 212 Pb, 212 Bi and 208 Tl as well 228 Ac content. Although the Compton suppression mode applied in gamma spectrometry systems in general increase sensitivity of the analysis, but in case of 583 keV the most abundant 208 Tl c-line, the significant reduction of photon counting rate was observed.
Environment International, 2016
The origin of 210 Po activity and its fluctuations in the air are discussed in this paper. In the... more The origin of 210 Po activity and its fluctuations in the air are discussed in this paper. In the case of atmospheric aerosol samples, a comparison of the 210 Po/ 210 Pb and 210 Bi/ 210 Pb activity ratios makes it possible not only to determine aerosol residence times but also to appraise the contribution of the unsupported 210 Po coming from other sources than 222 Rn decay, such as human industrial activities, especially coal combustion. A simple mathematical method makes it possible to observe the seasonal fluctuations of the anthropogenic excess of 210 Po in the urban air. The average doses of 210 Po intake with food (including drinking water) and inhalation of urban aerosols are usually lower than those from 210 Po intake by cigarette smokers and negligible in comparison to total natural radiation exposure.
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2012
The significant differences in the activities of 210 Pb, 210 Bi, 210 Po and cosmogenic 7 Be and 2... more The significant differences in the activities of 210 Pb, 210 Bi, 210 Po and cosmogenic 7 Be and 22 Na radionuclides in the urban aerosol samples collected in the summers 2010 and 2011 in the Lodz city of Poland were observed. Simultaneous measurement of these radionuclides, after a simple modification of the one compartment model, allows us to calculate both: the corrected aerosol residence times in the troposphere (1 7 25 days) and in the lower stratosphere (103 7 205 days). The relative input of the additional sources (beside of the 222 Rn decay in the air) to the total activity concentrations of 210 Pb, 210 Bi and 210 Po radionuclides in the urban air, plays a substantial role (up to 97% of the total activity) only in the case of 210 Po.

Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2012
The first detectable activities of radioiodine (131)I, and radiocaesium (134)Cs and (137)Cs in th... more The first detectable activities of radioiodine (131)I, and radiocaesium (134)Cs and (137)Cs in the air over Central Poland were measured in dust samples collected by the ASS-500 station in the period of 21(st) to 24(th) of March, 2011. However, the highest activity of both fission products, (131)I and (137)Cs: 8.3 mBq m(-3) and 0.75 mBq m(-3), respectively, were obtained in the samples collected on 30(th) March, i.e.∼18 days after the beginning of the fission products' discharge from the damaged units of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. The simultaneously determined corrected aerosol residence time for the same samples by (210)Pb/(210)Bi and (210)Pb/(210)Po methods was equal to 10 days. Additionally, on the basis of the activity ratio of two other natural cosmogenic radionuclides, (7)Be and (22)Na in these aerosol samples, it was possible to estimate the aerosol residence time at ∼150 days for the solid particles coming from the stratospheric fallout. These data, as well as the differences in the activity size distribution of (7)Be and (131)I in the air particulate matter, show, in contrast to the Chernobyl discharge, a negligible input of stratospheric transport of Fukushima-released fission products.

Environmental Science & Technology, 2013
Segregation and radioactive analysis of aerosols according to their aerodynamic size were perform... more Segregation and radioactive analysis of aerosols according to their aerodynamic size were performed in France, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Greece after the arrival of contaminated air masses following the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in March 2011. On the whole and regardless of the location, the highest activity levels correspond either to the finest particle fraction or to the upper size class. Regarding anthropogenic radionuclides, the activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) ranged between 0.25 and 0.71 μm for 137 Cs, from 0.17 to 0.69 μm for 134 Cs, and from 0.30 to 0.53 μm for 131 I, thus in the "accumulation mode" of the ambient aerosol (0.1−1 μm). AMAD obtained for the naturally occurring radionuclides 7 Be and 210 Pb ranged from 0.20 to 0.53 μm and 0.29 to 0.52 μm, respectively. Regarding spatial variations, AMADs did not show large differences from place to place compared with what was observed concerning bulk airborne levels registered on the European scale. When air masses arrived in Europe, AMADs for 131 I were about half those for cesium isotopes. Higher AMAD for cesium probably results from higher AMAD observed at the early stage of the accident in Japan. Lower AMAD for 131 I can be explained by the adsorption of gaseous iodine on particles of all sizes met during transport, especially for small particles. Additionally, weathering conditions (rain) encountered during transport and in Europe in March and April contributed to the equilibrium of the gaseous to total 131 I ratio. AMAD slightly increased with time for 131 I whereas a clear decreasing trend was observed with the AMADs for 137 Cs and 134 Cs. On average, the associated geometric standard deviation (GSD) appeared to be higher for iodine than for cesium isotopes. These statements also bear out a gaseous 131 I transfer on ambient particles of a broad size range during transport. Highest weighted activity levels were found on the 0.49−0.95 μm and on the 0.18−0.36 μm size ranges in France and in Poland, respectively. The contribution from resuspension of old deposited 137 Cs was assessed for the coarse particle fractions only for the first sampling week.

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 2013
Low-energy X and c radiations (for example of 210 Pb: E c = 46.5 keV) are effectively self-absorb... more Low-energy X and c radiations (for example of 210 Pb: E c = 46.5 keV) are effectively self-absorbed even in thin environmental samples, including air filters with captured dust or contaminated soil, as well as in bottom sediment matrixes with limited quantities of the samples. In this paper, a simple method for the direct analysis of 210 Pb (T 1/2 = 22.3 years) by gamma-ray spectrometry in environmental samples with self-absorption correction is described. The method is based on the comparison of two c peak activities coming from other natural radionuclides, usually present in environmental samples. We have analyzed the dependence of the self-absorption correction factor for the 210 Pb activity on the activity ratios of 911 and 209 keV peaks and 609 and 295 keV peaks coming from nuclides of 238 U or 232 Th rows, present in typical environmental samples.

Environmental Science & Technology, 2013
Segregation and radioactive analysis of aerosols according to their aerodynamic size were perform... more Segregation and radioactive analysis of aerosols according to their aerodynamic size were performed in France, Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, and Greece after the arrival of contaminated air masses following the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in March 2011. On the whole and regardless of the location, the highest activity levels correspond either to the finest particle fraction or to the upper size class. Regarding anthropogenic radionuclides, the activity median aerodynamic diameter (AMAD) ranged between 0.25 and 0.71 μm for (137)Cs, from 0.17 to 0.69 μm for (134)Cs, and from 0.30 to 0.53 μm for (131)I, thus in the "accumulation mode" of the ambient aerosol (0.1-1 μm). AMAD obtained for the naturally occurring radionuclides (7)Be and (210)Pb ranged from 0.20 to 0.53 μm and 0.29 to 0.52 μm, respectively. Regarding spatial variations, AMADs did not show large differences from place to place compared with what was observed concerning bulk airborne levels registered on the European scale. When air masses arrived in Europe, AMADs for (131)I were about half those for cesium isotopes. Higher AMAD for cesium probably results from higher AMAD observed at the early stage of the accident in Japan. Lower AMAD for (131)I can be explained by the adsorption of gaseous iodine on particles of all sizes met during transport, especially for small particles. Additionally, weathering conditions (rain) encountered during transport and in Europe in March and April contributed to the equilibrium of the gaseous to total (131)I ratio. AMAD slightly increased with time for (131)I whereas a clear decreasing trend was observed with the AMADs for (137)Cs and (134)Cs. On average, the associated geometric standard deviation (GSD) appeared to be higher for iodine than for cesium isotopes. These statements also bear out a gaseous (131)I transfer on ambient particles of a broad size range during transport. Highest weighted activity levels were found on the 0.49-0.95 μm and on the 0.18-0.36 μm size ranges in France and in Poland, respectively. The contribution from resuspension of old deposited (137)Cs was assessed for the coarse particle fractions only for the first sampling week.
Papers by Magdalena Dlugosz-lisiecka