Papers by Madeleine Bonow

RIG - Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, Oct 26, 2015
En(och(annan(har(säkert(frågat(sig(varför(buss(44:s(ändhållplats(på(Östermalm(i(Stockholm(bär(nam... more En(och(annan(har(säkert(frågat(sig(varför(buss(44:s(ändhållplats(på(Östermalm(i(Stockholm(bär(namnet(Ruddammen.(KvartersE(och(gatuE namn(som(alluderar(på(rudor(och(ruddammar(återfinns(även(i(andra(städer.(I(centrala(Uppsala(ligger(invid(Fyrisån(kvarteret(Rudan,(prydligt(utmärkt(med(en(skylt(på(husväggen(i(hörnet(av(Sankt(Olofsgatan(och(Sysslomansgatan.(Även(i(Gävle(hittar(vi(en(Ruddammsgränd(i(stadens(äldre(kvarter.(GatuE(och(kvartersE namn(i(Eskilstuna,(Lindesberg,(Linköping,(Mariefred,(Norrköping(och(Skänninge(vittnar(också(fortfarande(om(historiska(ruddammar(som(nu(är(försvunna.(Rudan((Carassius(carassius)(är(en(karpfisk(som(förr(odlades(i(dammar(i(Sverige.(Den(är(anspråkslös(och(har(en(god(reproduktionsE(och(överlevnadsförmåga.(Eftersom(rudan(även(kan(uthärda(vintern(i(bottenfrusna(dammar(har(den(befunnits(särskilt(lämplig(för(akvakulE tur(i(nordliga(områden(där(klimatet(kan(vara(bistert.(Denna(förmåga(att(klara(infrysning(under(anoxiska(förhållanden(producerar(alkoE hol,(vilket(förhindrar(att(vävnaderna(i(kropE pen(fryser(sönder((Holopainen,(Hyvärinen(&(Normalt(förknippas(ruddammar(med(mer(rurala(omgivningar(än(vad(exemplen(från(Gävle,(Stockholm(och(Uppsala(ger(prov(på.(Men(namnskyltarna(i(dessa(städer(indikerar(att(faktiskt(legat(dammar(där(man(odlade(rudor.(Vattenbruk(med(fiskodling(tillhör(en(i(det(närE maste(obeaktad(del(av(städernas(historiska(

Ichthyological Research
The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) is a cyprinid fish with its natural distribution in Europe... more The crucian carp (Carassius carassius) is a cyprinid fish with its natural distribution in Europe and the western part of Asia. Due to its hardiness and unique ability to survive winter anoxia, it has been translocated to small lakes and ponds, and in Northern Europe since medieval times has been used as a food source. Crucian carp was the only fish in the pond that survived anoxia. Small lakes and ponds with winter anoxia result in dense populations of stunted and slender fish. In lakes with other fish species present, the crucians’ numbers and densities are low and they grow to large sizes. In the presence of piscivores such as pike, crucians are deep bodied. The presence of pike-eating crucians, or the pike odors, induce a change in the body form of crucians. The change in body form makes it more difficult for pikes to swallow crucians and the handling time increases. Closely related invasive Carassius species have become a serious threat to crucian carp populations in Central-Ea...

Kulturella Perspektiv – Svensk etnologisk tidskrift, 2022
I och med att hästen tar allt större plats i det peri-urbana landskapet sker det en omstruktureri... more I och med att hästen tar allt större plats i det peri-urbana landskapet sker det en omstrukturering av både det sociala och det fysiska landskapet. Denna ”hästifiering” omfattar ofta en typ av livsstilsmigration, där den peri-urbana landsbygdens nya invånare och inpendlare (hästägarna) omvandlar miljön. Hästarnas ökade närvaro påverkar nämligen både det privata och det offentliga rummet. Med stöd i över 30 intervjuer konstaterar studien att denna omstrukturering av det peri-urbana landskapet skapar konflikter mellan ”nya” (livsstilsmigranter, hästägare) och de ”gamla” som bott där sedan tidigare (jordbrukare och markägare), vilket kan tolkas som motsättningar mellan grupper med olika ideologier och värderingar där rurala förhållningssätt utmanas av en urban norm. En central aspekt av dessa ”kulturkrockar” är att en urban norm om landskapet som yta för konsumtion och rekreation ofta står i motsatsställning till rurala värderingar och praktiker där landskapet i högre grad utgör en käl...
Forskning om genus och foretagande/entreprenorskap, ar ett brett forskningsfalt som utvecklades i... more Forskning om genus och foretagande/entreprenorskap, ar ett brett forskningsfalt som utvecklades i skarningspunkten mellan a ena sidan teorier om entreprenorskap och a andra sidan genus och feminist ...

Fisheries, Quota Management and Quota Transfer, 2017
In recent years, Sweden has managed its fisheries in line with the analysis made by the European ... more In recent years, Sweden has managed its fisheries in line with the analysis made by the European Commission: overcapacity is persistent and only a few fleet segments have a level of income that can provide acceptable wages and scope for investment. An ITQ system was put in place in pelagic fisheries in the autumn of 2009. The chapter analyses the effects of the introduction of ITQ in Sweden. The introduction of the ITQs in the pelagic fishery led to a rationalization of the fleet, which, at first glance, has meant a more profitable pelagic fishery, with less black money (Wramner, Professor emeritus environmental science and former director of the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management. Interview, 2013 09 02, 2013) in the fishery. However, not all of the catch fisheries have been placed under ITQ, and this has produced unintended effects. First mover advantages and forms of concentration and expansion have been stimulated in a skewed fashion. The system is inflexible when it comes to making markets for by-catch, and hinders the recruitment of young fishers into the industry. It has also led to displacement of Swedish pelagic fishers into coastal demersal fishing or overseas fisheries, and to the sale of boats to owners who are now active in cod fishing or in the shrimp fishery. As a result, there is now overcapacity, poor profitability, and catch dumping in the Swedish shrimp fisheries and perhaps in Sweden’s Baltic Sea cod fishery.
Baltic Worlds, 2013
In response to the contemporary globalization ofthe economy, food markets are shifting toward dif... more In response to the contemporary globalization ofthe economy, food markets are shifting toward differentiation of services and products based on theunique qualities and attributes of the products. A ...
Sormlandsbygden Sodermanlands Hembygdsforbunds Arsbok, 2003
"Den enes dod den andras brod" : Sorunda sockens formaga att forsorja sin befolkning 16... more "Den enes dod den andras brod" : Sorunda sockens formaga att forsorja sin befolkning 1600-1860
Strategies to promote local food production and rural development : the case of Jamtland cheese
Geografiska Notiser, 2007
This is the accepted version of a paper published in Geografiska Notiser. This paper has been pee... more This is the accepted version of a paper published in Geografiska Notiser. This paper has been peerreviewed but does not include the final publisher proof-corrections or journal pagination.
Spanish Journal of Rural Development, 2013
The use and implementation of Geographical Indications (GI) is a wellestablished practice in most... more The use and implementation of Geographical Indications (GI) is a wellestablished practice in most EU countries. Previous studies show thatthe use of PDOs and PGIs is directly related to previous ex ...
Journal of Baltic Studies, 2013
The family farm has symbolic significance in many parts of the world. In this paper we argue that... more The family farm has symbolic significance in many parts of the world. In this paper we argue that the “rooted” identity of the farmer emerged as a reaction to rapid modernization in society and that, in actual fact, the nineteenth century rural communities were both geographically and socially mobile. We examine how kinship ties were expressed in spatial terms with the help of two examples from Harjumaa in north Estonia and Västergötland in south Sweden. These micro-histories are taken both to illuminate and subvert some of the key ideas about identity, belonging, and mobility of the nineteenth-century farmer.
Equine Cultures in Transition, 2019
For 150 ar sedan bodde storre delen av Sveriges befolkning pa landsbygden och var sysselsatta i p... more For 150 ar sedan bodde storre delen av Sveriges befolkning pa landsbygden och var sysselsatta i primarnaringarna, men under de senaste 120 aren har den svenska landsbygden genomgatt en kraftfull st ...

Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift - Norwegian Journal of Geography, 2017
ABSTRACT The authors analyze sustainable cultural landscapes through the lens of ecosystem servic... more ABSTRACT The authors analyze sustainable cultural landscapes through the lens of ecosystem services. Their case study focuses on transformation of the peri-urban landscape of the Stockholm region, Sweden. Peri-urban landscapes are characterized by diversified and fragmented land uses that are strongly related to urban lifestyles. The rapidly increasing trend for recreational horse keeping is replacing traditional agriculture. Horse keepers’ and local government perspectives on horse keeping are examined, as well as the related demand for ecosystem services, which affects the landscape. The article is based on government documents, interviews with local government officials, and field visits to 16 horse-keeping facilities in two municipalities. Horse keeping was found important for sustaining cultural ecosystem services related to a rural cultural landscape and for maintaining traditional agriculture that provides provisioning ecosystem services. However, several differences between traditional agriculture and horse keeping that affect the demand for ecosystem services related to land use were found to shift the focus from provisioning services to recreational services. The authors conclude that horse keeping, as an emerging crosscutting issue in peri-urban landscapes, needs new more integrative planning processes that account for the full range of ecosystem services and links between cultural services and ecosystem functioning.
Papers by Madeleine Bonow