Papers by Maciej Dąbrowski

Applied Physics Reviews
We report a transient plasmonic spin skyrmion topological quasiparticle within surface plasmon po... more We report a transient plasmonic spin skyrmion topological quasiparticle within surface plasmon polariton vortices, which is described by analytical modeling and imaging of its formation by ultrafast interferometric time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy. Our model finds a twisted skyrmion spin texture on the vacuum side of a metal/vacuum interface and its integral opposite counterpart in the metal side. The skyrmion pair forming a hedgehog texture is associated with co-gyrating anti-parallel electric and magnetic fields, which form intense pseudoscalar E·B focus that breaks the local time-reversal symmetry and can drive magnetoelectric responses of interest to the axion physics. Through nonlinear two-photon photoemission, we record attosecond precision images of the plasmonic vectorial vortex field evolution with nanometer spatial and femtosecond temporal (nanofemto) resolution, from which we derive the twisted plasmonic spin skyrmion topological textures, their boundary, a...

New Journal of Physics
Non-collinear spin structures in materials that combine perpendicular and in-plane magnetic aniso... more Non-collinear spin structures in materials that combine perpendicular and in-plane magnetic anisotropies are of great technological interest for microwave and spin wave-assisted magnetization switching. [Co/Pt] multilayers are well-known perpendicular anisotropy materials that have the potential to pin the magnetization of a soft magnetic layer, such as permalloy (Py), that has in-plane anisotropy, thereby forming a magnetic exchange spring. Here we report on multilayered [Co/Pt]/Pt/Py films, where an additional ultrathin Pt spacer has been included to control the coupling between the sub-units with in-plane and perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Vector network analyser (VNA)-ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements were made to obtain a complete picture of the resonant conditions, while the dynamical response of the sub-units was probed by synchrotron-based element- and phase selective x-ray detected FMR (XFMR). For all samples, only slight pinning of the dynamic magnetization of...

Physical Review Letters
Insulating antiferromagnets are efficient and robust conductors of spin current. To realise the f... more Insulating antiferromagnets are efficient and robust conductors of spin current. To realise the full potential of these materials within spintronics, the outstanding challenges are to demonstrate scalability down to nanometric lengthscales and the transmission of coherent spin currents. Here, we report the coherent transfer of spin angular momentum by excitation of evanescent spin waves of GHz frequency within antiferromagnetic NiO at room temperature. Using element-specific and phase-resolved x-ray ferromagnetic resonance, we probe the injection and transmission of ac spin current, and demonstrate that insertion of a few nanometre thick epitaxial NiO(001) layer between a ferromagnet and non-magnet can even enhance the flow of spin current. Our results pave the way towards coherent control of the phase and amplitude of spin currents at the nanoscale, and enable the realization of spin-logic devices and spin current amplifiers that operate at GHz and THz frequencies.

The Journal of Chemical Physics
Nanoscale plasmonic field enhancement at sub-wavelength metallic particles is crucial for surface... more Nanoscale plasmonic field enhancement at sub-wavelength metallic particles is crucial for surface sensitive spectroscopy, ultrafast microscopy, and nanoscale energy transduction. Here, we demonstrate control of the spatial distribution of localized surface plasmon modes at sub-optical-wavelength crystalline silver (Ag) micropyramids grown on a Si(001) surface. We employ multiphoton photoemission electron microscopy (mP-PEEM) to image how the plasmonic field distributions vary with the photon energy, light polarization, and phase in coherent two-pulse excitation. For photon energy hυ > 2.0 eV, the mP-PEEM images show single photoemission locus, which splits into a dipolar pattern that straddles the Ag crystal at a lower energy. We attribute the variation to the migration of plasmon resonances from the Ag/vacuum to the Ag/Si interfaces by choice of the photon energy. Furthermore, the dipolar response of the Ag/Si interface follows the polarization state of light: for linearly polarized excitations, the plasmon dipole follows the in-plane electric field vector, while for circularly polarized excitations, it tilts in the direction of the handedness due to the conversion of spin angular momentum of light into orbital angular momentum of the plasmons excited in the sample. Finally, we show the coherent control of the spatial plasmon distribution by exciting the sample with two identical circularly polarized light pulses with delay defined with attosecond precision. The near field distribution wobbles at the pyramid base as the pump-probe delay is advanced due to interferences among the contributing fields. We illustrate how the frequency, polarization, and pulse structure can be used to design and control plasmon fields on the nanofemto scale for applications in chemistry and physics.

ACS nano, Jan 26, 2018
Using two-photon photoemission electron microscopy (2P-PEEM) we image the polarization dependence... more Using two-photon photoemission electron microscopy (2P-PEEM) we image the polarization dependence of coupling and propagation of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) launched from edges of a triangular, micrometer size, single-crystalline Ag crystal by linearly or circularly polarized light. 2P-PEEM records interferences between the optical excitation field and SPPs it creates with nanofemto space-time resolution. Both the linearly and circularly polarized femtosecond light pulses excite spatially asymmetric 2PP yield distributions, which are imaged. We attribute the asymmetry for linearly polarized light to the relative alignments of the laser polarization and triangle edges, which affect the efficiency of excitation of the longitudinal component of the SPP field. For circular polarization, the asymmetry is caused by matching of the spin angular momenta (SAM) of light and the transverse SAM of SPPs. Moreover, we show that the interference patterns recorded in the 2P-PEEM images are ca...
Physical Review B, 2013
ABSTRACT We report on the local magnetic properties of ultrathin bcc Fe films grown on a Ag(1,1,6... more ABSTRACT We report on the local magnetic properties of ultrathin bcc Fe films grown on a Ag(1,1,6) stepped surface and covered by a Au layer. We determined the structure of the multilayer stack and the depth-resolved magnetic profile for 5.9 and 13.5 monolayer (ML) thick films. The experiments were carried out on magnetically saturated samples by soft x-ray resonant magnetic reflectivity using both circularly and linearly polarized x rays and two different acquisition configurations. Our results indicate a 20% enhancement of the magnetic moment in the first 2–3 ML of Fe at both interfaces. A comparison of the magnetization profile for Fe films grown on a flat Ag(001) surface indicates a very similar effect and does not reveal any difference regarding the method's accuracy.
Papers by Maciej Dąbrowski