Mac Hsun
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Papers by Mac Hsun
Perpustakaan membutuhkan seorang pemimpin yang mempunyai integritas tinggi untuk mengembangkan perpustakaan seiring perkembangan jaman. Salah satu gaya kepemimpinan yang dapat diterapkan di perpustakaan adalah kepemimpinan profetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana konsep kepemimpinan profetik dalam manajemen sumberdaya manusia di perpustakaan dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur. Kepemimpinan profetik dirasa cocok dan dapat diterapkan di perpustakaan karena seorang pemimpin yang mempunyai gaya kepemimpinan profetik mempunyai integritas yang tinggi (As Sidq), dapat dipercaya (Al Amanah) berarti pemimpin perpustakaan harus membuktikan bentuk kerja yang nyata, At-Tabligh berarti pemimpin perpustakaan harus mau menerima masukan konstruktif, dan Al Fatanah, pemimpin perpustakaan harus membuat dirinya mampu bekerja dengan cerdas dan tegas dengan memadukan kecerdasan intelektual (IQ), kecerdasan emosional (EQ), dan kecerdasan spiritual (SQ). Pemimpin perpustakaan yang berkualitas akan melahirkan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas pula, oleh sebab itu peran pemimpin perpustakaan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia sangat penting untuk mewujudkan sumberdaya manusia yang profesional dan berkompeten di perpustakaan. Kata Kunci: kepemimpinan profetik, gaya kepemimpinan, MSDM
Library need a leader who has high integrity to develop library along current times. One leadership style that can be applied in library is prophetic leadership. This research aims to explain about concept of prophetic leadership in management of human resources in library by study of literature method. Prophetic leadership appropriate and can applied in library because a leader who has a prophetic leadership style has a high integrity (As Sidq), reliable (Al Amanah) means the leader of library forms should prove a real job, At-Talbligh mean the leader of the library must be willing to receive constructive feedback, and Al Fatanah, leader of the library should make him able to work intelligently and decisively by combining intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Library leaders which good quality will deliver high quality human resources, therefore the role of head library in management of human resources is crucial to realize the human resources professional and competent in the library.
instrument of evidence based on Undang-Undang No. 11 pasal 5 (1) 2008. Information
technology progression requires the archive being processed electronically. The purpose of article
to explain about what and how to manage archive electronic. This article was compiled based on
the study of literature. The tools used to manage the electronic archives are hardware
(computers, print scanner, and media storage) and software. Electronic archive different with
print archive. Electronic archive has four cycles of creation and management of storage,
distribution and use, maintenance, and disposition. Removal print archive into electronic
archives can be done by way of scanning, conversion, Importing. Electronic archive storage can
be done online, offline or nearline
Perpustakaan membutuhkan seorang pemimpin yang mempunyai integritas tinggi untuk mengembangkan perpustakaan seiring perkembangan jaman. Salah satu gaya kepemimpinan yang dapat diterapkan di perpustakaan adalah kepemimpinan profetik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana konsep kepemimpinan profetik dalam manajemen sumberdaya manusia di perpustakaan dengan menggunakan metode studi literatur. Kepemimpinan profetik dirasa cocok dan dapat diterapkan di perpustakaan karena seorang pemimpin yang mempunyai gaya kepemimpinan profetik mempunyai integritas yang tinggi (As Sidq), dapat dipercaya (Al Amanah) berarti pemimpin perpustakaan harus membuktikan bentuk kerja yang nyata, At-Tabligh berarti pemimpin perpustakaan harus mau menerima masukan konstruktif, dan Al Fatanah, pemimpin perpustakaan harus membuat dirinya mampu bekerja dengan cerdas dan tegas dengan memadukan kecerdasan intelektual (IQ), kecerdasan emosional (EQ), dan kecerdasan spiritual (SQ). Pemimpin perpustakaan yang berkualitas akan melahirkan sumberdaya manusia yang berkualitas pula, oleh sebab itu peran pemimpin perpustakaan dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia sangat penting untuk mewujudkan sumberdaya manusia yang profesional dan berkompeten di perpustakaan. Kata Kunci: kepemimpinan profetik, gaya kepemimpinan, MSDM
Library need a leader who has high integrity to develop library along current times. One leadership style that can be applied in library is prophetic leadership. This research aims to explain about concept of prophetic leadership in management of human resources in library by study of literature method. Prophetic leadership appropriate and can applied in library because a leader who has a prophetic leadership style has a high integrity (As Sidq), reliable (Al Amanah) means the leader of library forms should prove a real job, At-Talbligh mean the leader of the library must be willing to receive constructive feedback, and Al Fatanah, leader of the library should make him able to work intelligently and decisively by combining intellectual intelligence (IQ), emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ). Library leaders which good quality will deliver high quality human resources, therefore the role of head library in management of human resources is crucial to realize the human resources professional and competent in the library.
instrument of evidence based on Undang-Undang No. 11 pasal 5 (1) 2008. Information
technology progression requires the archive being processed electronically. The purpose of article
to explain about what and how to manage archive electronic. This article was compiled based on
the study of literature. The tools used to manage the electronic archives are hardware
(computers, print scanner, and media storage) and software. Electronic archive different with
print archive. Electronic archive has four cycles of creation and management of storage,
distribution and use, maintenance, and disposition. Removal print archive into electronic
archives can be done by way of scanning, conversion, Importing. Electronic archive storage can
be done online, offline or nearline